2019 documentarybirth

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L AW R E N R O S E photography









I was an artist before I was a Mom. Throughout middle school and high school, I lived and breathed art. When it was time to go to college and pick your majoring subject, I first chose computer science because...

what the hell do you do with an art degree? I didn’t want to be a “starving artist” like everyone said the art majors would become. I set myself up well by being a part of a research group, taking on jobs where I helped new students learning computer science, and I even did grading for a couple of the professors. But after a year and a half in, I broke down. This was not where I was meant to be! I went against what everyone was telling me and switched back to art. After all... a job wasn’t really a “job” if you loved it, right? My calling was in drawing and painting. I eventually took other classes such as ceramics, printmaking, and sculpture. It wasn’t until the very end of my college career that I took photography classes. I had to face a lot of fears when working with film... using scissors to cut the ends of your roll in pitch black darkness was kind of creepy! Not to mention the horrible feeling of feeling like you’re in a scary movie. Hey... I’m not afraid of the dark.. I’m afraid of what’s in the dark. Between 2011 and 2016 I did side jobs here and there taking pictures for families and couples. I sort of tried starting my own business, but didn’t really have the passion

that was required to jump in and do it. I’m a major introvert! I didn’t consider myself a people-person and had a very hard time asking people to pose, hug, or kiss. You think it’s awkward for you? Pshh! Try being the person bossing you around demanding you to kiss! ha! In 2016 is where I had my epiphany. My daughter was 5 months old and a work-at-home-mom who made cloth diapers was doing a brand rep contest. The requirements: have a cute baby who wore her diapers, have a camera that wasn’t an iphone.

I did everything I could to win that spot! I really missed my art classes (still do today) so I jumped online and found different photography classes and ran into something called “family photojournalism�. I dug in and learned that there really was a way to be a good photographer and not have to awkwardly pose families! Kirsten Lewis, the photographer who started the genre also offered classes online and held in-person retreats with her friend Jenna Shouldice. I invested in myself by taking her online classes and attending a 3 day intensive retreat in Austin, Texas. There was an entire day dedicated to them working with us in-the-field and talking to us in our ears as we photographed families. Some of the things they told me continues to resonate with me today as I go into birth spaces and set up my compositions.

How did I get into Birth Photography? We were one of the rare few who hired a birth photographer for their first births. I had photographed 3 births before I had my own baby (for my sister, cousin, and friend) and I knew it was a thing... so when I found out I was pregnant I searched around to find someone who photographed births professionally. I got to witness first hand how a photographer approaches a birth space and how the images afterwards made me feel. It was utterly and completely amazing. I also became very passionate about the entire birth process and saw the importance of the mother being treated with respect. I started out seeing a traditional OB/GYN that I

always saw for check-ups. I mean... who else do you call when you find out your pregnant? We got to around 20 weeks when I finally worked up the courage to submit a request to switch providers in the same practice. The doctor I had harassed me multiple times, used scare tactics into getting me to do things I didn’t want to do, and would walk out of our appointments without even saying bye. She denied my request to switch providers, by the way. I said “So I am being forced to staying with a doctor who I don’t feel comfortable with and can’t ask basic questions to?” and they said “Where would you like your records transferred?” I had watched The Business of Being Born multiple times before this, so I knew what could go wrong with the wrong provider. I was also blessed with a very wonderful Humana nurse (a nurse through our insurance provider) who helped me make the switch to the local birth center. I was immediately treated with respect. Our appointments were an hour long and I got to choose which midwives I wanted on my team. I was definitely nervous about going a route where an epidural wasn’t an option, but the birth team I built around me helped me every step of the way. My trust in them helped me surrender to each contraction, which in return gave me a 5.5 hour labor!

Since starting my business, I have attended mostly natural births that take place outside of the hospital. There’s a reason it has happened that way! Not only have I grown

close with a local home birth midwife, I also have a huge heart for all mothers who fight for their rights in how they birth their babies. It doesn’t matter how you choose to do it, all that matters is that you were treated with respect. You deserve to have informed consent. You deserve to have the knowledge and education about your body and your baby. You shouldn’t be treated like just a number... because you aren’t just a number! When I say your birth space is a sacred place, I truly believe that. Anyone who has negative energy or bad intentions should not be allowed into your birthing space.








Your birth space is a sacred place. I 100% truly believe this statement and I say it often. Since I’ve had my own natural birth experience, I recognize and acknowledge how special it is to be in a woman’s birthing space. Any amount of negative thoughts, emotions, or energy can have an enormous impact on the outcomes of your birth. Because of this, I require an in-person meeting so I can get to know you, feel your energy and vibe, and then document your birth story that most represents you.

What words would you use to describe my presence in your birth space? “Like a shy house cat. In a good way.” - Catherine M.


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First Meeting! It’s very important that we meet face-to-face at least once before your birthing day. I have a questionnaire I fill out so I can take notes and learn about what’s important to you. The goal for the first meeting is just to get to know you and feel your energy and vibe, which I carry with me once I am invited into your birth space. I have a maximum amount of births I can take each month, so a $500 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your estimated due date. I am very close with a local home birth midwife and she has a package that includes my services. Because of this, I book up pretty fast. As you near the end of your pregnancy, you may have what’s called a birth team meeting. If you do, that will allow me to meet the rest of your birth team and listen in on the hopes and dreams for your birth plan. Plus, it’s a great excuse for me to see you again! The remaining balance is due when I go on call for you at 37 weeks. Being on-call for you means I am available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on weekends and holidays. If you go into labor early, I will definitely still make every effort to be there! The only reason I have the on-call timeframe is to allow myself to have somewhat of a normal life! Such as: drinking more wine than usual, planning a trip that’s hours away, etc.

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You will probably be instructed to contact your doula and/or OB/Midwife when you start to have signs that labor is near. This is the time I suggest sending a group text to your birth team and including me in it, that way you don’t have to work extra hard to keep me in the loop. The more informed I am, the better I can prepare my family and arrange childcare for me to head to your birth. I like to arrive when you are in or close to active labor, and how that is defined is different for everyone. I usually don’t care so much about timing of contractions and numbers... what I care about the most is how you are handling each contraction and if my presence is going to slow them down. The closer you are into labor land, the easier it is for me to step into your birth space with no interruptions. Usually the time you need your doula, it’s time for me to arrive to document your story. I arrive to your birthing location and try to feel out the energy of your birth space. I listen closely and study your body language and determine if it’s okay to take pictures or if I should step out for a few minutes. Once you are in transition and your baby is getting ready to come earth-side, I position myself and get ready to capture this incredible moment the way you want it captured! I continue to stay close by to you or the next hour or so trying to capture all these special details that will quickly be forgotten. Documentation usually ends about 2-3 hours after your baby is born. Depending which package you chose, you may or may not receive sneak peek photos within 24 hours. Your full gallery of images takes between 2-4 weeks to complete. If you chose the video option and are wanting the shortened PG version, you can expect that within 4-6 weeks. The full video takes a bit more time as some can be up to 20 minutes long. You can expect the full video to be completed in about 3 months.

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU, THE CLIENT As your due date approaches, you will experience different signs that your body is preparing for labor. I would love to receive text message updates as things start to happen so I can prepare the best that I can. I am a very talkative and open person, so please don't hesitate to text me often! What I expect from you or any other birthing client is frequent updates as you show signs of labor. This could be your water breaking, contractions are consistent, cramping, bloody show, etc. I fully expect to be called and woken up in the middle of the night, so please do that! The more informed I am, the quicker I can arrange child-care, and the quicker I can leave to get to you. I have missed 2 births due to the family not contacting me. If you are ever wondering if you should be contacting me (or a member of your birth team) the answer is yes!

I’M CONCERNED ABOUT MODESTY During our first meeting, I will bring a questionnaire with me and fill it out as we talk. In here we will go over your birth plan and preferences. Most of my clients let me have free range over my creative process, and once they receive their final images they write down in their model release which photos they don’t want shared publicly. I don’t share any of your photos without you saying it is okay to do so.

WHAT DO I WEAR? Since I am a documentary photographer, I don’t like to direct in any way or change anything about the environment. However, I have been asked this question enough times that I should probably give the answer anyway! Honestly, wear what makes you comfortable. If you are worried about photographs, play it safe and do solids. Laboring Moms, you can wear whatever your heart desires!

WILL YOU USE LIGHTING EQUIPMENT OR A FLASH? Nope. No. No way. Okay, that is my first response! Having trained with one of the top family photojournalists in the world, I definitely do not prefer to use flash in your birth space. I want to show your story in my photos, so if the room you’re in is dark, my photos will also be dark and reflect the scene. If for some reason the quality of the photos are suffering due to the lack of light, I will try to open window blinds or turn on a light in a nearby room. If I still find that I can’t do my job, then I will resort to using my flash. When I use it, I put it up towards the ceiling or behind me and never pointing directly at you. Using flash is my absolute last resort, and I have yet to have to use it.

WHATS BETTER, HAVING PHOTOS OR VIDEO OF MY BIRTH? There really is not one that is better than the other, and it just depends on how you want to relive your birth experience. There are some moments that are best shown in photos, and there are some moments that are best shown in video and audio. Video is essential a motion picture with sound, so if you know in advance that you’ll be singing, humming, dancing, or swaying in labor, I usually suggest videography as a way to capture your story. I have been to births where husband and wife joked around in between contractions, and where the husband said the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard to his wife in labor... those I wish would have been video. And then I’ve also had video where a still photograph would have be just perfect. But remember, no matter which one you choose, you will not have regrets! They are both equally amazing!

WHAT IF YOU MISS THE BIRTH? If you keep me as updated as possible, the likelihood if me not making it is extremely low. Of course, there is always a risk! It’s birth, and birth is unpredictable. If you’ve contacted me and I’ve already left, but was only minutes late because your labor went lightening fast... we embrace that part of your story and I continue to document what I can through the golden hour and postpartum period. In the past I have stayed about 6 hours in total as the family set up an herbal bath. If you call me and I can’t make it that day for any reason, I have 3 other back up birth photographers on standby ready to replace me.








Your life is unique and authentic. No one lives their lives exactly like you, whether its your interests and hobbies, your relationship with your partner and children, or the house you live in, or the style of your furniture and decor. You are uniquely you! So why have a family session that requires you to awkwardly pose in an unnatural way? You deserve more than that! Your family deserves more than that! Toss aside those cookie cutter poses that makes you look just like the other families and embrace your true beauty with documentary photography!

“She is genuine in her work as she is herself. She captured moments in our daily lives that we often overlook- I will cherish my photos always..� - Desiree R.




Many people get documentary photography confused with lifestyle photography, a style that is becoming popular. Sometimes the photos you get can look very similar, but the approach to getting those photos are on opposite ends of the world. The approach I take for all my sessions (birth, maternity, newborn, etc.) is the same as a family photojournalist would... and since there are rules to photojournalism, I think it’s important you know what they are so you know what to expect when hiring me.




When I am photographing you for your family session, I do not change anything at all. This includes: what you’re wearing, what’s in your house, the location in which you are standing/sitting, the lighting in the room, etc. I move myself around in order to get the picture I’m wanting, so I make zero requests from you. I also won’t ask you to repeat a moment again. If I miss it, I miss it... I will wait for it to happen again.

While I’m watching you through my lens, I make sure everything in the frame is exactly the way I want the finished image to be. When it comes time to sit down and edit your photos, I won’t crop the photos to make them anything it wasn’t originally intended to be. I also don’t heavily edit to make the scene look like something it wasn’t or to remove something distracting. The photos you receive are real and raw, and truly of your life.

When you look at my photos years from now, I want it to feel like you were there. In order for it to feel like you’re right there, I have to actually be right there next to you taking the photo. For the duration of your session, I will become a part of your family and get close from time to time. If you’re going swimming, I’m going swimming too! If you’re cuddling in bed with your children, I just may be on your bed too!




Sometimes planning activities is the best way to get you and your family to relax! If you are focused on something else, then you may forget my camera is around. Here’s a short list of activities you can do! Keep in mind to not pick too many activities for 1 session and to make sure some are at least a part of your normal routine. The more out-of-the-ordinary your session is, the more your kids might act a little cray-cray!

Flying Kites Pinwheels Frisbee Bubbles Water Balloons/Guns Swimming Playing in Sprinklers Football Basketball Jump Rope Hoola-hoop Fishing Roller Skating Sidewalk Chalk Silly String Finger/Face Painting Hopscotch Riding Bikes/Skateboards Reading Books Eating Popsicles, Ice Cream, or Frozen Yogurt

Family Game Night Tug of War Apple Picking Pumpkin Patch Picnic in the Park Beach or lake Local Festival or Carnival Amusement Park Gymnastics Class Baking or Cooking PB & J Sandwiches Food Fight Drinking Hot Cocoa Camping Building a Snowman Snowball Fight Christmas Tree Cutting Cooking Decorating Pumpkin Carving Trick-or-treating

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER CLIENT IN LABOR? It doesn’t happen often, but when I have another client who’s hired me for a birth session go into labor, they take priority over your family session. In the event I have a client go into labor, I will give you advanced notification of the possibility of it happening so we can reschedule our session. If this happens and you can’t change the date of your session, I have 2 back up documentary photographers who can replace me, both of which have mentored and trained with the same documentary photographer that I have. If you booked a longer session (12 hours or more) before I had any births booked, then your session would get priority. However, since I live most of my like being on call 24/7, I would still have to tend to my phone if I have a client in labor to make sure one of my back up birth photographers can make it in time.

HOW FAR DO YOU TRAVEL? I travel for free anywhere within a 50 mile radius of my Plano, Texas home. If you live further than 50 miles from me, a travel fee of $0.50 a mile will incur, both ways of travel. Sometimes I already make travel plans to San Antonio to visit family, if your session is far and happens to be around travel time, then the travel fee would be adjusted.

DO WE FEED YOU DURING OUR SESSION? Since my sessions are very involved (I become a part of your family) I expect to be treated like family. When you hire me to document your family for more than 4 hours at a time, I come in with anticipation that I’ll be working through a major meal in your household and therefore would also be eating what you are eating.





DEPOSIT & SESSION FEE $500 A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your estimated due month. The deposit includes: initial consultation, attendance to birth team meeting, on-call availability 24/7 starting at 37 weeks, documentation of your labor, birth, and 2-3 hours post-birth (no time-cap), and a back-up professional birth photographer available if necessary. No images or video clips are included in the deposit/session fee. The $500 deposit is required to attend your birth.

After you pay your deposit, select one of the following. No-interest payment plan available for all collections.

SOCIAL MEDIA $890 + TAX - Online gallery with 75 - 300 digital images watermarked and formatted for web use and social media sharing only. -1 image (edited and designed with birth stats) within 24 hours to use as social media announcement.

JUST DIGITALS $1290 + TAX - Online gallery with 75 - 300 High-Resolution digital images. - 5-10 web-sized sneak peek photos within 24 hours. - Custom Crystal USB drive engraved with your baby’s name and date of birth. - Print release for all your photos

DIGITALS AND ALBUM $1590 + TAX - Everything from Just Digitals Collection plus: A 10 x 10 signature photo album with 10 spreads, your choice of linen or leather, color option, embossed personalization on the front cover, and of 35-40 images in your album.


- Full length film of your labor and postpartum period, between 13 and 19 minutes long. Final video is put together in a cinematic style layered with licensed music and audio from the scene. - Shorter PG version of the video to share on social media (optional) - Custom crystal USB engraved with your baby’s name and date of birth.


- Online Gallery with 75-300 edited High-Resolution digital images. - Slideshow with photos taken from your birth story along with 5 to 7 video/audio clips from the scene. Final slideshow is around 8 to 11 minutes long and synced to licensed music only. - Print release for all your photos.


- Full length film of your labor and postpartum period, between 13 and 19 minutes long. Final video is put together in a cinematic style layered with licensed music and audio from the scene. - You choose either video or photos for the moment of birth. - Shorter PG version of the video to share on social media (optional) - Custom crystal USB engraved with your baby’s name and date of birth. - Online gallery with 50-250 edited High-Resolution digital images. - Print release for all your photos.

DOCUMENTING YOUR FAMILY Unlike typical posed family sessions where you just show up to a location lookin’ pretty, you get to choose the length of your documentary family session here. The longer the session, the more real and raw moments you’ll get of your family. The longer I am with you, the more comfortable you will be with me being there with my camera. The location of your session can be wherever you want, although I highly recommend it be a location you go to often, or one that is a part of a normal routine.

If you are interested in a full day session (starting from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to sleep) please email me to request more information.

3 HOURS $690 + TAX

6 HOURS $1090 + TAX

12 HOURS $1990 + TAX

Each session includes: - An in-personal consultation if requested. - Photographic coverage for the length of time you choose. - Around 75-250 web-sized and high-resolution digital files per 3 hours. - In-person print and product ordering meeting if necessary.

$200 non-refundable deposit required to hold your date. 10% off when booking multiple sessions.

SIGNATURE PHOTO ALBUM These are not your typical photo albums where you insert your 4 x 6 photos from your childhood... these are high quality panorama photo albums with thick lay-flat pages. Images can print across the center with a seamless appearance. Customization options are endless! You can choose between 18 different leather cover options, 16 linen cover options, and even acrylic, wood, or metal cover. Other customizations include etched leather patterns, front cover cameo cut-outs, debossing or foil-stamping personalization, and simply adding additional spreads. These signature photo albums are perfect for showing your full story since you don’t have to pick just 1 or 2 photos to print. You can use them for maternity, birth, newborn, a fun family day, or all of the above!

SIZE & PRICE The price of each album includes 10 spreads (20 pages) and all customization options except for acrylic, wood, or metal cover and adding additional spreads. 9 X 6......$445 + TAX 8 X 8......$475 + TAX 10 X 10....$595 + TAX


The best quality printing on high-quality lustre photographic paper. I’ve ordered prints for a variety of companies and found one I feel is far superior than all the others.


Each print is mounted on acid-free white mat board with foam board backing, ready to frame! FITS A 12 X 16 FRAME...$40 + TAX PACK OF 3........$96 + TAX FITS A 16 X 20 FRAME...$55 + TAX PACK OF 3........$132 + TAX

SIZE & PRICE High Quality Prints of your choice on lustre photo paper, all printed with a 1/4 white border. 4 4 5 5


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(50)......$45 (100).....$80 (30)......$40 (50)......$60

+ + + +





beautiful -Lawren


All Rights Reserved. © Lawren Rose Photography 2017 Serving Dallas/Fort Worth and Surrounding Areas www.lawrenrosephotography.com



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