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NT Young Lawyers News and updates
from Balance 2-21
NTYL.Committee@gmail.com @NTYLpage
Another fantastic International Women’s Day was celebrated at the Hilton Hotel in Darwin on Thursday 11 March 2021, and with an evening at yet another great Law ‘n’ Bowls event in Alice Springs on Friday 5 March 2021. I have had the benefit of reading Traci’s article and will not repeat her fabulous report of both events, save that the NTYL supports Traci’s account of these and would like to echo her thanks to the speakers, working group members and our respective committees. It was an event well received by all in attendance and I look forward to collaborating with NTWLA again.
Approaching the Bar CPD
William Forster Chambers hosted NTYL for a panel discussion with Duncan McConnel, Matthew Littlejohn and Fiona Cameron. Our speakers discussed with participants the steps solicitors can take to prepare for the bar and a long list of benefits that life at the bar can provide. As per most of NTYL’s CPDs in recent times, this discussion was streamed to regional members via Zoom.
Without making it seem like a sales pitch (it was a sales pitch), the panellists spoke about the joys of the intellectual challenge, thrill of advocacy, self-direction, flexibility and collegiality found at the bar. The only regret it seems from the panellists was resounding and universal in that in hindsight, they each could have taken the jump earlier.
Thank you to William Forster Chambers for the drinks and nibbles, and to the panellists for such an insightful evening. NTYL looks forward to similar CPDs continuing in the years to come.

The Great Debate – 17 May 2021

A perfect mix of key benefits to working from home, with dedications to Kentucky Fried Chicken, self-deprecation towards lawyers and unforgettable pandemic moments such as the Texan Attorney who could not turn off the sad cat filter whilst appearing online before the District Court. The debate was held in the Darwin Supreme Court Building and streamed by AVL to the Alice Springs Supreme Court.
Junior team for the affirmative: Michael Halkitis, Gigi Dadds, and Harvie Stiller.
[Very young] senior team for the negative: Cassandra Ellis, Trevor Moses, and Hugh Bond.
The seniors took out the people’s choice and more importantly, crowned as the champions by adjudicator, Chief Justice Michael Grant. Thank you to Chief Justice Grant for hosting us once more and bringing just as many (more) laughs. NTYL also thanks everyone who participated and attended this event with particular thanks going to our major sponsor, Piper Ellis Lawyers.

Committee update
NTYL welcomes Karla Goodman as the new Vice-President Regional in Alice Springs. Karla has taken over from the outgoing regional Vice-President Sara Dobbyn, who has left the red dirt of Alice Springs for greener pastures in South Australia. NTYL thanks Sara for all her hard work throughout her time on the executive committee, particularly with her very successful Alice Springs International Women’s Day Law ‘n’ Bowls event.
Keep up to date
Please make sure you have ticked that you meet the eligibility (if you meet the eligibility) to be a young lawyer on your practising certificate renewal and otherwise, like our Facebook page for direct updates. Details for the Darwin dry season event will be announced shortly and the Golden Gavel will be hosted in August.

Finally, please get in contact with me directly or any one of the other committee members if you feel that there are issues that the committee could or should be advocating for on behalf of young lawyers. Alternatively, we are always happy to receive assistance from anyone willing to lend a hand, so please reach out if you think you can assist us in any of our events.
NTYL membership

The Federal Court of Australia invites practitioners and academics to attend:
WA Federal Jurisdiction CPD Seminars
Session one: 2.5 CPD points Tuesday 29 June 2021, 2.30-4.50 (AWST)
Chair: Justice McKerracher Speakers: Chief Justice Allsop AO, Justice McKerracher, Justice McKerracher
Session two: 1.5 CPD points Tuesday 13 July 2021, 5.00-6.30pm (AWST)
Chair: Justice Banks-Smith Speakers: Justice Colvin and Justice Jackson
Session three: 1.5 CPD points Thursday 22 July 2021, 5.00-6.30pm (AWST)
Chair: Justice Banks-Smith Speakers: Registrars Daniel and McGregor
Session four: 1.5 CPD points Tuesday 27 July 2021, 5.00-6.30pm (AWST)
Chair: Justice Jackson Speakers: Justice Colvin and Registrar Haag
Sessions accrue CPD points in substantive law and will be held in Courtroom 1, Level 7, Federal Court of Australia, 1 Victoria Avenue, Perth.
The seminars will also be live‑streamed to registered participants. Joining instructions will be provided by email to those who RSVP.
RSVP: walistingsandevents@fedcourt.gov.au with payment by Monday 21 June 2021. A tax receipt will be issued via email.
Registration fee: $30 per session or $100 for all four sessions to be deposited: BSB 092-002 A/C 110246 Please quote this reference: WAS [insert your name]