4 minute read
Dialogue – By Rosemary Pridmore
A roundup of recent Society meetings & conferences
25 March 2021 South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS)
President, Bec Sandford and the Society’s Policy Coordinator, Nathan Ramos met with Ross Womersley, CEO and Catherine Earl, Policy Director of SACOSS to discuss and share information about the work being done by the Society and SACOSS on various matters including advocacy for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 14 years.
4 May 2021 Meeting with the Equal Opportunity Commissioner
Bec Sandford met with the Equal Opportunity Commissioner (EOC), Ms Jodeen Carney. Matters discussed included the EOC’s work in preparing a ‘placemat’ flyer to direct people in the profession to appropriate complaint bodies and support services relating to sexual harassment; the work of the Courts Administration Authority’s Respectful Behaviours Working Group; and the EOC’s intention to focus on providing informative publications.
7 May 2021 AULSS and Law Society of South Australia Law Dinner
Bec Sandford attended the 2021 Adelaide University Law Students’ Society Law Dinner (sponsored by the Society) at the Intercontinental Ballroom and delivered a speech to prospective GDLP students.
26 May 2021 Law Council of Australia National Roundtable on Responding to Family Violence
Bec Sandford represented the Society at a national roundtable on responding to family violence convened by the Law Council, with the Family Law Section. It aimed to develop key recommendations to inform the Law Council’s advocacy.
31 May 2021 Select Committee on the Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2020
At the request of the Select Committee on the Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2020, Bec Sandford appeared for the Society, speaking to the Society’s submission in relation to the Bill.
30 May 2021 Meeting with SA Police (SAPOL)
Bec Sandford and Craig Caldicott, Co-Chair of the Criminal Law Committee met with representatives of SAPOL, at the Society’s instigation, to discuss SAPOL’s position in relation to the use of intervention orders in domestic violence matters (including those involving coercive control).
17 June 2021 Meeting with AMA(SA)
A meeting with the new President of the AMA(SA), Dr Michelle Atchison, and the CEO, Dr Samantha Mead was attended by Bec Sandford, Stephen Hodder and Michelle King, Manager (Member Services). The 2021 MedicoLegal Dinner, which is to be hosted by the AMA, was a topic of discussion.
25 and 26 June 2021 Quarterly meetings of Law Council (LCA) Directors, Conference of Law Societies, CEOs of Law Societies; and joint CEOs
Bec Sandford (as President and also as Society appointed Director of the Law Council) and Stephen Hodder variously participated in the above quarterly meetings, which were held via videoconference. Key topics of discussion included a draft of a new Strategic Plan for the LCA; proposed family violence training for the profession, which is to be “strongly encouraged”; proposed amendments to Rule 42 of the Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules, “Anti-discrimination and harassment”, with further consultation to occur; the preparation of the National Profile of Solicitors report; a public relations campaign to promote the profession; bystander training in relation to sexual harassment; adoption of a Rural, Regional and Remote National Strategic Plan; and adoption of a Judicial Appointments policy (for Federal matters).
15 July 2021 Respectful Behaviours Working Group
Further to a meeting of the Respectful Behaviours Working Group, at which Bec Sandford represented the Society, the Chief Justice has asked each of the organisations represented on the Group (which he convenes) to record the progress they have made over the past 12 months or so with a view to the Group considering how the information could be published, as assurance to the public, law students and the profession that work is being done that demonstrates commitment to model the gold standard in safe and respectful workplaces.
6 May 2021 Regional visits - Port Lincoln – 6 May 2021
Bec Sandford and Stephen Hodder, Chief Executive met with and provided an update to practitioners practising in Port Lincoln (6 May 2021), Tanunda and Berri (27 May 2021) and Mount Gambier (12 July 2021). Matters raised by Members included difficulties being experienced with requirements of SACAT and being able to appear, and the lack of right to representation in some matters; the inconvenience and expense caused to clients by the difference in the order of signing of Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directives documents, with a query as to how SACAT deals with ACDs where the order of signing is not in accordance with the prescribed order; the use of videoconference facilities forced by the pandemic restrictions was convenient and greatly appreciated and should continue on an ongoing basis; concern at lack of visits to Mount Gambier by the SACAT, SAET and Fair Work Commission and a desire for increased visits by the Federal Circuit Court; the need for a local Legal Services Commission office in Mount Gambier; a need for more legally aided children’s services in Port Lincoln; and a need for wellbeing support services for practitioners.
19 July 2021 Community Legal Centres (SA)
At a meeting, Catherine McMorrine, Chair of CLCSA took the opportunity to advise Bec Sandford and Michael Esposito (Communications Manager) of the work being undertaken by the Community Legal Centres in SA and current challenges in the sector. B