2 minute read
P Crofts 7th ed LexisNexis 2021 PB $69.00
N Cowdery LexisNexis 2022 PB $160.00
9th ed LexisNexis 2021 PB $175.00 CRIMINAL LAW ELEMENTS
Abstract from LexisNexis
Criminal Law Elements is a succinct introduction to the essential elements of criminal law in common law states. It provides a clear, accessible and current discussion of criminal offences in New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. The author details and explains the basic elements of criminal law and provides examples of solutions to problem questions. This book is a valuable resource for students and anyone wishing to understand the common law criminal law system, as well as a concise reference for practitioners.
The seventh edition has been fully revised and updated with new leading cases from principal appellate courts in Australia and new legislative provisions that have effected significant changes to the criminal law.
Abstract from LexisNexis
Discretion in Criminal Justice explores the stages of the criminal justice process at which discretion is exercised, discusses the limitations on that exercise and identifies available options for review.
The text discusses how and why discretion is applied at each stage (investigation, prosecution, defence, adjudication, sentencing and corrections) and also includes chapters that comprehensively survey the exercise of discretion in regard to bail, juries and appeals.
Drawing on the author’s extensive and longstanding involvement in criminal justice, including as Director of Public Prosecutions for New South Wales for over 16 years, the text provides an essential practical guide to both students and practitioners as to the principles to be applied and sources of information to assist in decision-making. It will also inform members of the public who may wish to know why and how such decisions are made.
Abstract from LexisNexis
Luntz & Hambly’s Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from cases, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes explain the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning.
Recent developments covered in this edition include discussion on: new legislation on the liability of organisations for child abuse; Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations on compensation for injuries in Aged Care; race and injury compensation; new NSW CTP scheme reforms; winding back of expansion of vicarious liability in the United Kingdom.