3 minute read
From the Editor
I look forward to continuing to work with the Council next year as Immediate Past President to keep this important momentum going, aiming to eliminate improper conduct from within the profession, further develop our education and training offerings in this critical area, and ensure we continue to increase diversity in legal leadership.
On a lighter note, I have been pleased and proud to represent the Society at a range of events throughout the year, including sharing in hosting duties for the Margaret Nyland Long Lunch (held jointly with the Women Lawyers’ Association of SA) and the Legal Profession Dinner, each of which were attended by over 300 people. I have also been privileged to speak at a large number of ceremonial sittings throughout the year, including to celebrate the commencement of the Court of Appeal, to welcome several new judges and justices in the Supreme, District and Federal Circuit and Family Courts as well as the South Australian Employment Tribunal, and to commemorate the Honourable Justice Strickland’s career upon his retirement from judicial offi ce. I have enjoyed all the opportunities I’ve had to meet with members of the profession at events and conferences throughout 2021.
Of course, the Society’s key advocacy work, via submissions, media, and appearances at parliamentary committees, has also formed a substantial part of my and the Society’s work - the breadth of topics has been signifi cant, and included such varied matters as privacy and technology law, road traffi c law changes, the age of criminal responsibility, domestic violence reform and vaccination policies. The Society’s comprehensive election issues platform, prepared out of the many and varied contributions offered by the Society’s members and committees this year, will continue to be of great interest and a key focus in the lead up to the state election in early 2022.
This year has been a fascinating, busy, engaging, at times challenging, but consistently rewarding experience for me, and one I’m immensely proud and humbled to have had the opportunity to undertake. I’m looking forward to having the chance to thank in person many of those that have provided me and the Society with support and assistance throughout the year at the President’s Christmas Cocktail event in early December, and otherwise hope to see many of you at functions and events as the year winds down. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Society during 2021, and I wish you and your families all a safe, relaxing and happy Christmas and New Year. B
Patience & understanding are virtues during these times
It’s rather fi tting that this edition contains a strong focus on animals, as we have relied on the companionship of animals more than ever during the pandemic.
The growing area of law around animals refl ects an increasing recognition of the value and rights of animals. The spike in pet ownership during the pandemic is unsurprising but it naturally carries the risk of more animals being mistreated in numerous ways, including being neglected, abused, or being collateral damage in broken relationships.
But mostly, pets bring joy, they encourage exercise, and they are great for helping humans to socialise with each other. They have been a source of comfort in what has been another extremely challenging year.
With COVID-19 stubbornly resisting all our best efforts to suppress it, 2021 has been a real test of resilience.
We all hoped that things would go back to normal this year, but Covid has continued to wreak havoc around the world, and SA, which has by in large kept the virus at bay, now faces a surge in cases as we open up our state, and contend with the real prospect of widespread disruption to our Christmas plans due to the quarantine and isolation guidelines currently in place.
While this has been another diffi cult year for the profession, we have collectively risen to the occasion, earnt a holiday and are now looking forward to a long overdue return to something resembling business as usual.
As we approach what I hope will be a holiday season spent with family and friends, we would all do well to remember that many people are struggling, scared, and uncertain as the virus and the attendant mandates and restrictions still form a dark cloud over our lives. So let’s be kind to one another (including our animal friends) and try to conquer this thing once and for all. B December 2021 THE BULLETIN 5