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Shaya to ride 500km for charity
Shaya to ride 500km for homeless and disadvantaged children
Shaya Lewis-Dermody, Principal Solicitor of The Family Law Project (FLP), will be riding a pushbike 500km over fi ve days in Thailand in an effort to raise $5000 for charity.
It marks the sixth year that The FLP has been involved in the Business Blueprint Ride, an annual charity bike ride in Thailand which raises funds and awareness for Aussie-based charity Hands Across the Water (HATW), which aims to provide disadvantaged children in Thailand with a “life of choice”.
The FLP is raising funds via various initiatives including their charity Will deal, where the all of the proceeds from the preparation of Wills and Estate documents for clients are donated to HATW.
The FLP’s involvement in the annual bike ride over the past six years has seen the law fi rm fundraise and donate over $50,000 to HATW.
This year, the ride will take place from 28 March to 5 April in the Northern province of Thailand and the riders will average 100km per day on hybrid push bikes in extremely hot conditions.
“The experience of being involved in such a physically diffi cult challenge,
whilst raising much needed funds and awareness for these Thai children, is an absolute privilege,” Ms LewisDermody said.
“It’s also fantastic to be giving back to the community and meeting our social responsibility obligations.”
Hands Across The Water provides homes for a number of Thai children who do not have any other feasible living
options. The fi nancial support changes lives and also saves lives.
HATW was established following the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 which saw many children homeless having lost their parents.
All of the fundraising and donations to HATW go direct to the homes and the children and no monies are spent on administration. B
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