2 minute read
M Leeming 2 nd ed The Federation Press 2020 HB $175.00
R Bartlett 4 th ed LexisNexis 2020 PB $175.00
G dal Pont 3 rd ed LexisNexis Butterworths 2020 PB $155.00
Abstract from Federation Press
Since its initial publication in 2012, Authority to Decide has established itself as the pre-eminent resource for Australian practitioners and courts dealing with questions of jurisdiction. It has been cited regularly in judgments of the High Court of Australia, and in dozens of first instance and appellate judgments of other courts. Some of propositions advanced in the first edition have subsequently received judicial support, helping to shape the development of the law.
Each chapter in the second edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate a wealth of new case law. The coverage of the work has also expanded.
Abstract from LexisNexis
Native Title in Australia, 4th ed is a comprehensive and authoritative work that provides the reader with an understanding of both the current operation of native title in Australia and its historical and political background and development. It covers the nature of the concept, its proof, content and extinguishment, explains the validation of past grants and acts and the limited degree of protection from future acts, examines compensation for native title, and discusses the application of native title principles to resource development and traditional pursuits. It considers both the common law and the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).
Abstract from LexisNexis
The prevalence of powers of attorney --- particularly enduring powers of attorney--- makes this book increasingly important over time, especially in view of Australia’s ageing population. Powers of Attorney 3 rd ed is not confined to Australian law but uses law from the principal common law countries to contextualise our law, and to provide guidance where Australian law may be lacking.
Abstract from LexisNexis
Financial Planning in Australia: Advice and Wealth Management explains in clear and plain language the concepts, vehicles and strategies required for providing sound advice on creating, investing, and managing personal wealth. Focusing on individual wealth-management problems, it provides an overview of the financial planning environment and discusses core principles and key practices.
This 9th edition considers recent changes to the law, including the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) Code of Ethics that becomes mandatory from January 2020. In light of tighter regulation arising from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, this book has introduced a new chapter on Ethics and Professionalism that explores conflict of interest dilemmas for advising professionals.