William Henderson
If you are not a lawyer, you may find this next sentence very good news. We are entering a period in human history in which we are going to need fewer lawyers, at least the traditionally trained variety. The world is becoming more interconnected, regulated and complex. Although regulation and complexity have historically been very good for the lawyer business, something very fundamental is changing. Clients are increasingly struggling to pay the bills of artisan lawyers who prefer to craft individual, customised solutions for each transaction and each dispute.
Losing the law
business I
n essence, law is facing a productivity imperative. To cope with globalisation, the world needs better, faster, and cheaper legal output. The artisan
trained lawyer just can’t keep up. To address the productivity imperative – or, more accurately, to turn a profit from this business opportunity – a new generation of legal entrepreneurs has emerged. Lawyers continue to have a lock on advocacy work and client counselling on legal matters. But an enor-
$5,200 per year, which was several hundred dollars
cant business clients and a partner-associate training
mous amount of work that leads up to the courthouse
less than his government lawyer counterpart. There
model tended to prosper. As a measure of longevity of
door, or the client counselling moment, is increasingly
were private practice lawyers, however, who defied
the specialist model, among the largest 100 law firms
being “disaggregated” into a series of tasks that does
this trend. Less than 2 per cent of US lawyers worked
in the US as measured by gross revenues (the AmLaw
not need to be performed by lawyers. Indeed, it may be
as partners in law firms of nine partners or more, but
100), the average name partner was born in 1895 and
best performed by computer algorithms. Further, the
these “large” firm lawyers made, on average, five times
died in 1964 – yet the growth has marched on for an-
entire process is amenable to continuous improve-
more than their solo practitioner peers.
other half century. The period of greatest financial
ment, driving up quality and driving down costs. This
Why so much more? Because the world was be-
success has occurred during the last three decades.
is a job that is likely more suitable for a systems engi-
coming more regulated and complex. And sophisticat-
Between 1978 and 2003, total US legal expenses as a
neer, albeit one with legal expertise, than a tradition-
ed, specialised lawyers with deep technical expertise
percentage of GDP increased from .4 per cent to 1.8 per
ally trained lawyer.
were in short supply. By combining into a firm, lawyers
cent. From this growing pie, large firm lawyers where
Although this change may sound radical, it is actu-
could specialise in new or existing areas of law, han-
getting the biggest slice. By the mid-2000s, the profit
ally the logical next step in an evolutionary progression
dle bigger and more complex matters and otherwise
share of the average partner in an Am Law 100 firm
that began in the early 20th century as the practicing
coordinate their efforts to better serve clients. Indeed,
was over $1 million per year.
bar transitioned from generalist solo practitioners to
the most successful large law firms, such as the New
One obvious drag on the legal industry’s reluctance
specialised lawyers working together within law firms.
York City firm of Cravath Swaine & Moore, organised
to embrace innovation is the financial success enjoyed
Now, as clients search out ways to stretch their legal
themselves so as to optimise the training of junior
under the old model. It is hard to convince a group of
budgets, specialisation is losing market share to proc-
lawyers in both substantive law and the ability to su-
millionaires that their business model is broken. A sec-
ess-driven solutions, akin to how Henry Ford’s assem-
pervise and delegate (the “Cravath system”). Fittingly,
ond drag is insularity. The US/UK system of lawyering
bly line methods supplanted craft production.
during the 1930s, the press dubbed these firms “law
is premised on the idea of independence. In the US,
To illustrate this progression, consider the US le-
factories”. The best junior lawyers eventually became
ethics rules prohibit lawyers from splitting fees with
gal market at the beginning of the post-War period.
partner; the rest obtained the benefit of excellent ex-
non-lawyers. Thus, only lawyers have an equity inter-
At that time, 61 per cent of all lawyers worked as solo
perience and training, thus obtaining jobs with clients
est in law firms. In the UK and Australia, in contrast,
practitioners. Not surprisingly, incomes were low.
or partnerships with other law firms.
the ban on fee-splitting has been significantly relaxed,
In 1948, the average lawyer in private practice made
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For the next several decades, firms with signifi-
enabling the public listing of law firms and the entry
w w w. c a y m a n f i n a n c i a l r e v i e w. c o m
of name-brand companies, such as Tesco (a super-
the SIX Swiss Stock Exchange (ADEN).
market retailer), into the consumer legal business.
In the LPO space, Pangea3, which opened
Ironically, the insularity of the US legal mar-
in 2004 with $1.5 million in venture capital, was
ket may have created a more attractive target for
sold in 2010 to Thomson Reuters (NYSE symbol
capitalists. Among corporate clients, the combi-
TRI) for an amount reported to be in the $35M to
nation of high law firm profits and low innovation
$40M range. The original management team was
has created discontent among C-suite executives.
kept intact, as the company has been growing be-
They ask their general counsel, “why are legal ex-
tween 40 per cent and 60 per cent every year since
penses going up faster than other departments?
its founding. The company now employs over 850
What value are we getting for these higher fees?”
lawyers, mostly in India. Because of its empha-
The general counsel has no persuasive reply.
sis on process improvement, Pangea 3 and other
Perhaps the best example of new entre-
high-end LPOs are obtaining a competitive advan-
preneurs serving corporate clients is the large
tage beyond mere wages. Thus LPOs have become
number of vendors working in eDiscovery and
a much more attractive option for Indian law
document review. The explosion in digital data
graduates. Another competitor is Huron Consult-
over the last 10 to 15 years has made ii untenable
ing Group (NASDAQ symbol HURN), which recent-
to continue using expensive law firm associates
ly announced a new document review facility in
for an exhaustive manual review.
Gurgeon (a booming suburb of Delhi), bringing its
Initially the work went to registry services,
total global document review workforce to 1,500 in
which assembled large crews of temporary low
17 offices worldwide. Since 2007, Huron Consult-
wage “contract” lawyers for large document re-
ing Group’s annual revenues have nearly doubled,
view projects. After building a sufficient data in-
growing from $315 million to $606 million.
frastructure and security controls, the work flow
The major players in the predictive coding
has gradually expanded to legal process outsourc-
space are also well capitalised. One of the leaders
es (LPOs) in places like India, where a fraction of
is Recommind, a privately held company with $15
the wages paid to US contract attorneys could at-
million in revenues in 2011 and approximately
tract highly motivated and able Indian lawyers.
100 employees in facilities in California, London,
Having achieved sufficient success and scale, the
Germany and Australia. Similarly, Kroll Ontrack,
best LPOs are now turning to process engineering,
which started in the hard disk recovery business
combining this highly motivated and able labour
nearly 30 years ago, has information management
with superior technology and workflow design.
services that include predictive coding as part of
More recently, new vendors have emerged
its broader eDiscovery services. Kroll Ontrack is
who specialise in “predictive coding”. In a case
owned by Kroll, Inc., which was recently acquired
that considered acceptable methods of conduct-
by Altegrity, an information conglomerate owned
ing electronic discovery, a federal judge in New
by Providence Equity Partners. Providence Equity
York City reviewed studies comparing the cost
is a global private equity firm with over $27 billion
and accuracy of computer-based machine algo-
under management.
rithms (predictive coding) with manual human
Since 2008, revenues in large US-based law
review. Finding that the predictive coding was at
firms have been relatively flat. A recent article in
least as accurate as manual methods and reduced
Managing Partner magazine acknowledged that
the number of documents for human review by a
law firms are losing market share to the LPOs –
factor of 50, the judge ruled that predictive coding
which broadly includes all the companies men-
was judicially reasonable in many cases involving
tioned above – as general counsel are increasingly
large numbers of documents.
contracting with LPOs directly. The savings are
Although many large US law firms may per-
perceived to be in the 50 per cent range with no
ceive document review as “commodity” legal work
diminution in quality. According to the article, the
not worthy of their efforts, the new legal vendors
LPO business is estimated to be a $1 billion per
getting into this space are remarkably well capi-
year industry that will double in size over the next
talised. For example, one of the larger suppliers of
two to three years.
contract attorneys is Robert Half, which has 26 lo-
Unlike traditional lawyers, the competitive ad-
cations through the US and Canada. Its corporate
vantage enjoyed by these new entrants is that they
parent, Robert Half International, is publicly trad-
have learned how to learn. If law is like other indus-
ed on the New York Stock Exchange (RHI). Another
tries, these companies will move up the value chain
company in the contract attorney space is Special
and find new ways to satisfy the needs of large cor-
Counsel, which has 36 US offices. Special Counsel
porate legal departments. Law is not just for lawyers
is a subsidiary of Adecco Group, which is listed on
anymore. This genie is permanently out of its bottle.
William Henderson Principal, Lawyer Metrics, LLC
w w w. c a y m a n f i n a n c i a l r e v i e w. c o m
Professor of Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, United States
_ T: +1 (812) 856-1788 _ E: wihender@indiana.edu _ W: The Legal Whiteboard - http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/legalwhiteboard/
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