Blc logo identity guideline

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[BL Conglomerate]



They are to help us ensure that the way we present BLC is always: PROFESSIONAL All the materials we produce must look as if they come from one BLC platform. CONSISTENT All the BLC identity should be identical to create a clear and coherent impression.


This guideline has been purposely created with a modern, clean, easy-to-read look, to promote the BLC identity. It is intended that strict adherence always be enforced to establish and maintain the identity in every application. This will help us to generate a greater sense of the pride and resemblance among clients, staffs, management, suppliers and the general public, whilst presenting a coordinated professional identity. The symbols outlined on these pages will be the property of the BLC. This guideline details how the brand, logo and artworks developed for the Brand Features may be used by individual and business supporters in connection with the Group. Copyright for these symbols, words, marks, etc. is owned by the conglomerate. The logo is the visual identity of the conglomerate and must not be adapted or compromised in any way. The Brand Features include the Logo and a range of associated text, marks and artworks appearing in this manual.


Any use of the Brand / Corporate Features must be in accordance with the proposed guideline. Any use of the Brand Features outside of these guideline is not permitted. All right, title and interest in all intellectual property rights, including copyright and trade mark rights, in the Brand Features will remain or be vested in BLC. Any unauthorised use of the Brand / Corporate Features may constitute a copyright infringement, trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct or passing off and shall entitle the BLC to exercise all rights and remedies under applicable laws. Please take the time to read this Guideline in full before using any of the Brand / Corporate Features contained in this Guideline manual.




WHY BLC ? Earlier the group used to be described as Bhuramal Lunkrarandas Conglomerate whose or acronym is BLC. Our modes of communication like emails, stationery, website, etc. are still using the full form as we know, brand recall becomes feeble if companies or groups have long names which are not easy on the tongue. Names have to move with times and trends. International Business Machines became IBM, Imperial Tobacco Company is now ITC, Mero Mobile (NCell), Kentucky Fried Chicken is KFC, Thank God It's Friday is TGIF, so on and so forth. That is why the need for acronym. Change in business portfolio also prompts change in name at times.


Powerful Corporate Image through Uniformity There are divergent views within the literature as to what is meant by corporate identity namely three main developments in the area which variously equate corporate identity with graphic design, with integrated corporate communication and last, with a multidisciplinary approach which draws heavily on organizational behavior. Corporate identity reflects the reality and uniqueness of the organization. It may be broken down into its component parts: corporate strategy, corporate culture, organizational design and operations. Its sole purpose is to set standards through uniformity in all platforms. Diversity of Business Area In modern business, a diversity in various business platforms is recognized as a driver of success. In business the more diverse the industry, the more innovative and successful the business. This is where the uniformity of the corporate identity would assist in the dissemination of message and information to obtain projected objective.


Proactive Leading change starts with driving internal change - being a change agent within the organization. Leaders need to ensure systems, structures and processes are continually improved, foster solid communication and teamwork across the organization and build the talent the organization needs to drive the strategic agenda forward. To stay ahead of the game, we need to look for ways to lead our suppliers and customers into the future; innovate in our products and services; and this being with having a strong understanding of whom and what we are within the organization, where everybody's feelings associated with the organization is common and uniform. Pursue of the State-of-the-Art organizational model The aim of developing a corporate identity is for sustainable innovation by adopting a business model perspective. Since BLC has evolved into a strong business & social identity and to project this change in a national & international perspective, a uniform corporate identity is desired. Innovation has tended to neglect the way in which firms need to combine a value proposition in order to bring sustainable innovations to the market. Therefore, general conceptual definition of sustainable business models supported by requirements that business models should meet in order to support sustainable innovations.


National to Regional Many companies have come a long way in their quest to go International. Business houses in industries ranging from FMCG and Agribusiness, to Health Care, all vigorously push ahead with their modern strategies. It is important to learn from each other’s experience and practices, so a learning attitude from both the nationl and the regional arena can be helpful. The intermingling of cultures and people on a very large scale has meant that whenever anyone thinks of any opportunity it is very easy to think about it as a greater opportunity.


The BLC logo consists of elements - BLC wordmark and logo is a very simple and a unique piece of artwork. The proportion and arrangement of the symbol and wordmark have been specifically determined. The logo should never be typeset, recreated or altered, which could cause inconsisitencies that dilute the impact of the brand’s power.

3 elongated pillars with blood red

BLC wordmark


The tagline Enriching Life, which forms the base of the design, makes it clear that BLC's businesses are rooted in social welfare and unlike competitors are not driven solely by profit motive. By inscribing the tagline in black and white the group is expressing its full commitment to the word and spirit of the tagline. Putting down things in black and white is commitment. This tagline gives BLC a solid ethical foundation. Next, the acronym BLC. Each of the three letters is placed at the base of a vertical column. Columns are built to support huge weights. They represent strength, solidity and resilience which form the soul of a great organization. The three columns are reddish maroon in color. As per color psychology, maroon represents change and red denotes the passion and aggressiveness for growth. BLC is all set to change with the times by growing in the required directions with energy, eagerness and passion.


The tagline 'Enriching Life' has been adopted for the following reasons: a) To convey the group's proactive pro-people/pro-customer business ethos aimed at adding value to people's lives through our products and services and also through our way of doing business. The logo is also a promise that the group will keep away from businesses detrimental to public health and welfare. It signifies the group's deep commitment to CSR as well. b) To maintain continuity with the parent Chaudhary Group whose logo proclaims Touching Life Everyday. Though BLC is striving to create its own distinct identity, there are inherent benefits in continuing tentative ties with CG for some time.

Avian regular 100% K


DEEP RED The color red is the color of energy, passion and action Red in Business In color psychology red means energy, passion, action, strength and excitement. This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It symbolizes a strong and powerful masculine energy. Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. Being the color of physical movement, the color red motivates our physical life force. Culturally red is the color for good luck. It is traditionally the color for weddings and auspicious occasions. It also symbolizes purity and used in pooja and wedding gowns.


Red Represents Energy: It boosts our physical energy levels, increases our heart rate and blood pressure. Action: It is fast moving and promotes a need for action and movement. Desire: It relates to physical desire such as appetite and cravings. Passion: It means a passionate belief in an issue or undertaking, including passionate care and affection.


Deep Red and Black comprise the identity colour palette. CMKY printing is the preferred option and should be used as often as possible in order to reproduce the full impact of the identity colours.


C20 M100 Y100 K15 R146 G22 B24






Deep Red

THE LOGO SIZES The BLC logo retains its visual strength in a wide range of sizes. However, when the logo is reproduced in print too small, it is no longer legible and its impact is diminished. The minimum size of the logo for print is determined by the width of the BLC wordmark, which should not be reproduced in a size smaller than 1.5 cm in width for the preferred logo as illustrated.

1.5 cm

LOGO FOR PROCESS COLOR PRINTING Use the below mentioned logo on this page for any form of processed colour printing, including full colour. Pre-press & Press System (CMYK) • Print advertisements. • Editorial features. • Flyers. • Invitations. • Corporate collateral. • Printed packaging. • Product labels etc.


C20 M100 Y100 K15 R146 G22 B24






Deep Red


Use the below mentioned logo on this page for any form of processed / or special printing including spot colour, single and processed colour: • Newspaper advertisements. • Newspaper editorial features. • Packaging. • Product labels. • Flyers etc. There are times when you may want to have the logo appear in a light colour on a coloured or dark background.

normal spot, special or processed color printing

single color reverse printing

spot, special and processed color printing


Pantone equivalents


The BLC logo should be reproduced in colour whenever possible. For specific colour values to use when the logo (spot or PANTONE, 4-colour process, RGB), refer to the colour palette section. White is the most effective background on which to reproduce the colour logo because it provides a clean, crisp contrast for the logo’s colour and elements. If colour reproduction is not available or is not a viable option, the logo should be reproduced in solid deep red or as a full-reverse in white out of a colour background. When the BLC logo is placed on a photographic image, the image behind the logo must be light enough to provide contrast for the positive logo or dark enough to provide contrast for the reverse logo.


Incorrect use of the BLC logo compromises its integrity and effectiveness. The examples of logo misuse below are not comprehensive; they are only a small sample of possible misuses of the BLC logo. To ensure accuracy, consistent reproduction of the BLC logo, never alter, add to or attempt to recreate it. Always use the approved digital artwork.

ut jif{ d'n'sdf Do not use in outline.

Enriching Life Do not use with different typography

Do not use in BLC text inappropriately

Do not use in association with irrelevent texts

BLC Do not change the wordmark of BLC

Do not remove the BLC tagline


Do Not Please follow our main Brand logo. Do not alter or change any elements of the logo, its wordmark and Graphical elements.

Do not use in textured background.

Do not stretch the logo in any way

Do not use in gradient or effectful background.

Do not change the color of BLC wordmark

Do not change the background of the logo

Do not add or alter the background of logo


Do Not Please follow our main Brand logo. Do not alter or change any elements of the logo, its wordmark and Graphical elements.

Do not use the shadow

Do not use outline around the logo.

Do not use the logo with inadequate resolution.

Do not use any orientation other than the specified alignment.

Do not use squized letter.

Do not fade the logo or use the watermark


BL Conglomerate Pvt. Ltd. 20th November, 2016 Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Existing version

Dear Sir, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Whenever possible, the BLC logo should appear in the top right-hand corner on a white background. Consistent placement in this location on communications materials helps build awareness of the logo usage. Clear space from the top and right edge is equal in every aspect as shown. Be sure to maintain the same amount of clear space from the top and right edges.

Thanking you, With regards.

___________ XXXXXXXXX

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Corporate Office: BLC Building, Thapathali, G.P.O. Box: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977 14249906, Fax: +977 1421 9575, E-mail: Website:


Proposed version Singular Piller

Size A4

BL Conglomerate Pvt. Ltd.

BL Conglomerate Pvt. Ltd. Double Piller

Avain regular Size: 10pt

Avain bold Size: 12pt

20th November, 2011

20th November, 2011

Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Sir,

Dear Sir,

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Thanking you,

Thanking you,

With regards.

With regards.

___________ XXXXXXXXX

___________ XXXXXXXXX

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Double Piller

Corporate Office: BLC Building, Thapathali, G.P.O. Box: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977 14249906, Fax: +977 1421 9575, E-mail: Website:

Singular Piller

Corporate Office: BLC Building, Thapathali, G.P.O. Box: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977 14249906, Fax: +977 1421 9575, E-mail: Website:

APPLICATION LETTERHEAD (sister organisation)


G.P.O. Box: 14126, Thapathali Kathmandu, Nepal. T: + 977-1-4258554, 4218230 F: + 977-1-4219686 E: W: CARE AT ITS BEST AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED HOSPITAL

An Enterprise of

Double Piller

BL Conglomerate Pvt. Ltd.

Double Piller

BL Conglomerate Corporate Office, Chaudhary Mansion, Khichapokhari G.P.O. BOx: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal T: + 977 1422 1260 | 422 3746 F: +977 1422 6293

Double Piller

BLC Pvt. Ltd.

BL Conglomerate Corporate Office, Chaudhary Mansion, Khichapokhari G.P.O. BOx: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal T: + 977 1422 1260 | 422 3746 F: +977 1422 6293

Double Piller



Corporate Office: BLC Building, Thapathali, G.P.O. Box: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977 14249906, Fax: +977 1421 9575, E-mail: Website:

Double Piller

Double Piller

Corporate Office: BLC Pvt. Ltd., BLC Building, Thapathali, G.P.O. Box: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977 14249906, Fax: +977 1421 9575, E-mail: Website:


Harabara bold Avian Regular


Designation Phone & Email

Corporate Office

Harabara bold

Avian Regular


BLC Building Thapathali, G.P.O. BOx: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal T: + 977 1422 1260 | 422 3746 | F: +977 1422 6293 Agriculture | Health Care | Education | Processed Foods | Packaging Phyto Chemicals | Speciality Sector | Community Development



Mohan Prasad Khanal

General Manager - Admin. (Govt. Liaison, Personnel Administration & Public Relation)

Corporate Office,

BL Conlomerate Pvt. Ltd.

BLC Building Thapathali, G.P.O. BOx: 648, Kathmandu, Nepal T: + 977 1422 1260 | 422 3746 F: +977 1422 6293

• Agriculture • Community Development • Education • Health Care • Processed Foods • Speciality Sector


Brand Type face Harabara

Harabara ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Brand Type face Avian

Avian ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Restrictions are placed on fonts to ensure a consistent and recognizable look for all Norvic materials produced throughout the province. The following typefaces have been selected to complement and work with the logo in the development of all corporate materials including stationery items, reports (body copy and headings), public awareness and promotional materials. The fonts selected are simple, with clean lines, to enhance all messaging. These fonts are intended for use in corporate branding materials such as reports, brochures and letterhead etc. In cases where materials such as posters or ads are developed, it is permissible to use other fonts that enhance the messaging. Multiple fonts should not be used in a single document. A main font for body text and one other used sparingly will be most effective.

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