Left Hander's Survival Guide

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Feeling Left Out? A Right-Hander’s Guide to Understanding A Left-Hander’s Everyday Struggles


Welcome to the Dark Side T

hey say what you don’t know wont hurt you. However, everyday that you righties don’t know the problems left-handers face is another day unknowing of the cold, hard truth. From the start, lefties have been under the Righty Rule. Now it’s time for the right-handers to truly understand what it means to be left handed.


Negative Meanings ever think about that?



The word “left” in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft, which means weak or broken.

Left-handed compliment “Hey, you run pretty fast for a girl!”"

“Left-handed marriage” " “A marriage between people of an unequal social rank”


Around the World Definitions for the term “Lefty” across the globe


“twisted, not straight”


“bad”, negative meaning to a positive word

“the favorable side”, “friend”

“untrustworthy”, “sneaky”, “wry soul”

Russia Sweden Hungary

China “the dark side”


“fists like a girl!”


Lefty Slang southpaw garpaw


corrie fisted

buck fisted

keck fisted

spuddy hander

scrammy hander

golly hander 6

Left-Handed Taboo the myths & superstisions of left handers

Some Scientists have suggested that lefties were originally in the womb with a twin that did not survive

An ichy right hand indicates you will recieve money, an ichy left hand indicates you will lose money

Giving a toast with your left hand is the same as placing a curse on the person you are toasting


Famous Lefties michelangelo

julius caesar charlemagne isaac newton

100 BC


742 BC

Born on 356 BC


1642 1483

1706 benjamin franklin

leonardo da vinci

alexander the great raphael


bill clinton babe ruth

barack obama

oscar de la hoya

george bush


1946 1942

1961 1959

jimi hendrix

1973 1967

kurt cobain

john mcenroe

paul mccartney



4. 5. 10

Stuttering and dyslexia are more common in left-handers

Lefties are 3x more likely to become alcoholics

Left-handers are more likely to be dyslexic and to stutter


Downfalls to being a lefty 2.


Lefties, on average, have a lifespan that is 9 years fewer than that of righties

Research suggests that lefthanders are slightly more prone to allergies and asthma than right-handers are


leadership 66% of American presidents have been left handed in the past 30 years independence left-handers are oriented to be more independent since they have to adjust to the world quick thinkers studies show lefthanded people are “exceptional� adaptability left-handed people are more easily adaptable than righthanded people

syntax & order

Think About It the way we use our hands may determine how our personalities develop in the brain

context & emotion

analyticial right-handers are more likely to use logic and order on a daily basis language 95% of right-handers use the left side of the brain for spreaking

Lefties are 20% more likely to be a genius


Left-handed men are 15% richer than right handed men who attended college.



August 13th is “Left-Hander’s Day” celebrating left-handedness and raising awareness of the frustrations left-handers experience every day in a world designed for right-handers.

Reasons Why it’s Awesome Being a Lefty




Studies have suggested that left-handers are more talented in spatial awareness, math, and architecture.


Left-handers adjust more readily to seeing underwater



The problems with writing as a lefty


ne of the toughest tasks for a lefty is as simple as the process of writing. Between the vision block, right handed desks, awkward grip, and more, the writing experience itself is pretty much designed against the lefty too!


1. The hook position


3. The inevitable smudge

The overtight grip


“ “ “

“ “ “

Hand dominance (whether left or right) is related to brain asymmetry. And that, Dr. Francks said, “is not at all understood; we’re really at the very beginning of understanding what makes the brain asymmetrical.”


Genetic combinations leave us with an overwhelming majority of human right-handers and a small, but persistently occurring, minority of left-handers.


Even if both parents are left-handed there is only a 26 per cent chance of their child being left-handed. Possessing the ‘LRRTM1’ gene increases the chances, but only if it is inherited from the father.




The Published Truth If you didn’t believe us, they said it all.

“Just la s Univer t month, Ox for sit discov y researche d ered a rs gene th increa se a left-ha s the odds o t nded. f being Th may c arry an at same ge ne increa of sch sed ris izophr enia.” k



The Impossible Items those everyday encounters that drive us crazy!

in the kitchen

in the office

in the world


Living the Lefty Lifestyle A

s lefties we face daily struggles that although has become second nature, is a consistant battle our minority faces. From that horrific smudge down the left side of your hand to the myths and legends of where us lefties really originate from, here’s a little insight into how to cope as well as celebrate the greatness of left-handedness.


1 in 9 men are left hand dominant

1 in 13 women are left hand dominant

The identical twin of a left handed person has a 76% chance of being left handed as well.


The Demographics Being a lefty can sometimes make you feel like one in a million. Left handedness isnt exactly that uncommon though. One in nine men and one in thirteen women are found to be left-handed. While genes and environment can play different roles, bottom line is being left-handed has never been more right.

About 10% of the population is left handed


That Aint Right! A Left-Hander’s Survival Guide to Everyday Struggles

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