and the World Bank. For the analysis itself, a model created by the author has been applied, which will assess the correctness and reliability of the discussed gravity model of trade in relation to Germany’s ten most important trading partners, both on the federal level and on the federal state level. This model is based on a point system. Trade relations have been allocated points each time they met a criterion that was previously identified as influencing trade between two countries. The higher the criteria a trade relation met, the greater the number of points it received. The total number of points allocated equate to these trade relations being comparable in order to draw relevant conclusions. The motivation for this topic results from particular interest in international trade and previous research dedicated to the subject of export and import relations and trade structures. It will thus be treated as an enrichment of already existing knowledge and research with a new emphasis1.
In the course of her studies, the author has already written two papers regarding foreign trade and trade structures of which one can be found in: Wilczewski & Bryk, 2020, pp. 35–54.