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We are passing the successive, third in 2020, issue of the quarterly Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna [Economic and Political Thought] to you. By tradition, the third issue is developed in English. The present one is composed of two parts: the first one contains scientific articles and the second one reviews of scientific works.
The first article written by Ewelina Florczak and Tomasz Gardziński is titled Economic transformation through social market economy and social enterprise. The authors, as the title suggests, discuss the issue of transformation in Eastern and Central Europe in the 90s in the context of the implications of social market economy assumptions. As it is acknowledged, the time of transformation, which actually started after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was a complicated and difficult period not only for the states of Central and Eastern Europe but first of all for those countries’ societies.
In the second article Salome Sakvarelidze raises extraordinarily topical issues. There is no country in the world that has not suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic that has been affecting us since 2019. In her article titled The World during the Coronavirus: Remote Work and Virtual Teams in Georgia, the author analyses the impact of the pandemic on working from home in the public and private sectors from the Georgian point of view. Moreover, the text identifies and examines factors influencing employees’ remote work and tries to determine in what conditions remote work and virtual teams can be a profitable investment in public and private organisations.
The third and the most abundant scientific article in this issue is the text by Deepanshu Lakhwan (and Aaradhya Dave as the co-author) titled Determining the most efficient technical indicator based on trend, volume, momentum, and volatility for investing in financial markets. The author, an MA student of economics tries to present the activities and the application of technical factors used in trade in various financial instruments on the American stock exchange.
The author of the next article is Akerke Demeubayeva. The text is titled The Impact of Bilateral Trade Between the US and Mexico on the US Industrial Production Before and Under the Presidency of Donald Trump. The article provides an interesting overview of Donald Trump’s tenure and his impact on US-Mexican trade relations.
The title of the sixth article is Attitudes of Medical Students towards the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Sociology of Medicine and its author is Marcin Madziała. By conducting empirical research, the author shows the important issue of the attitude of medical students towards the COVID-19 pandemic.
The author of the last article is Mariusz Karbowski. The text is titled Discourse on Organisational Memory in Evidence-Based Management. The article focuses on highlighting the approach of historical evidence-based management in the plane of organizational memory. The author treats the subject as a discursive interpretation. Based on the analysis of the literature on the subject, he presents an analogy between evidence-based management and management in the context of turning the past into the present.
Two reviews close the just released issue of Economic and Political Thought. One of them, written by Iana Okrhimenko, is about a book titled Humanomics. Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations in the Twenty-First Century published by the prestigious Cambridge University Press in 2019. The other one, written by Adrian Chojan, presents opinions about a book by Józef M. Fiszer, Tomasz Stępniewski and Konrad Świder titled Polska–Ukraina–Białoruś–Rosja. Obraz politycznej dynamiki regionu [Poland–Ukraine–Belarus–Russia: Picture of the region’s political dynamics]. The reviewed work was published by the publishing house of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2019.
We wish you a pleasant reading experience and encourage you to cooperate with our Editorial Board and Lazarski University, one of the best higher education institutions in Poland.
Adrian Chojan, PhD Editor-in-Chief