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In my first and sincere acknowledgement, I would like to say thank you to everybody who will ever read this book and enjoy the world of behavioural economics and the illusion of explanatory depth as much as I did while researching the topic and writing this paper. At the same time, there are people I would like to publicly thank in particular. Foremost, I express special thanks to my supervisor, Dr Krzysztof Beck, for motivation and being the best thesis supervisor and a great human being – I was super proud to be his student, and now I am to be his colleague. Dr Beck believes in his students more than others do, and we know now – once a supervisor, always a supervisor. Huge thanks go to Miss Iana Okhrimenko who is a Dr by the time this book is published. I thank Dr Okhrimenko for being the funniest, cutest, and smartest scientific shoulder to lean on along the way – from choosing the topic to the final remarks. She contributed invaluable guidance, comments, suggestions, and gave me a seed that grew into a paper that is now getting published. I express my gratitude to Dr Jaroslaw Jura, for all the advice and help with social empirical research that was conducted within frames of this work. Big thanks to my ex-classmates and current colleagues Deepanshu and Yulian for a healthy competition where we were learning and becoming better together. I thank the faculty of Economics and Management of Lazarski University for an amazing path as a student, and even a better one as a team member. Huge thanks to my lovely kinda irrational Maman, kinda rational Papa, and to all my amazing family for love, support and being proud of me every step of the way. Particularly, I say hi to my Grandmother, Mrs Valentina Lykova, who is a Professor herself and who is going to be the proudest girl in the whole world when I give this book to her. Thanks to my friends for listening to me for hours about my students and papers. Dear Students, thanks and love to you! I also want to acknowledge my kindred-spirit, Aksen Semak, who took care of my mental health in the world of econometric models and Excel files.
I truly wanted to publish this book. And here it is. Thank you and enjoy.