1 minute read
Benefits Fraud
from OTG online edition
by lazarusbleau
Tips for Successful Meal Prep
You’ve seen it on blogs, Instagram or from your most-fit friends, but you’re not exactly sure how to meal prep for yourself. Here are some helpful tips for beginners on how to meal prep with success:
If you’re preparing a bunch of meals at once, it only makes sense to save money on buying a lot of food at once.
Beef or chicken for example are much more affordable in bulk, and have some lasting power in the fridge once they are cooked.
Keep in mind any other foods you can freeze for the near future, like vegetables or frozen fruit, and of course the usual staples like rice or noodles, which can easily be found in an upgraded size.
If you’re going to make five of everything, it should probably be something you love or at least enjoy semi-often. Don’t run it into the ground, but if you don’t mind eating healthy wraps or a stir-fry, better to make those rather than a plain, quinoa salad. Making sure you actually enjoy the food you’re preparing will be one of the biggest factors in sticking to your prepared meals.
Try to keep it simple and have fun by adding your own touch whenever you see fit. Spices, sauces and different sides can transform meals in way that makes things a lot more manageable. But, if we’re being healthy, go easy on the sauce, boss!
If you’re prepping for the whole week, you better believe you’re going to need reusable containers.
If you don’t want all that space taken up; tin foil or parchment paper can be a simple substitute, but is less likely to lock in freshness.
As well, you may want to think about a small cooler or insulated bag to keep your food cold/hot, and fresh-tasting overall, especially if you’re on-the-go.
While the whole point of meal prep is to maintain a healthy diet and save some money, don’t forget to give yourself breaks in the interim.
Maybe it’s a fruit cup, soda or pudding; either way, an added treat here and there can put a stop to the ‘microwave, eat and repeat’ schedule you’re likely getting used to, and having something to look forward to is great motivation to stick to your plan.