Diabetic foot

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Diabetic Foot

Diabetic Foot

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A diabetic ulcer is a condition in, which an open sore or wound occurs on the foot of a diabetic patient. Around 15% of the patients with diabetes develop this disease. Uncontrolled diabetes leads to the breaking down of skin tissue and revealing the layers underneath the foot. The diabetic foot ulcer can be very deep and may affect bones, tendons, and foot muscles. If a diabetic foot ulcer is left untreated, it can result in: Accumulation of fluids (pus) in the foot Infection in the bone Infection that can spread to other parts Gangrene, due to poor blood flow

Risks factors for Diabetic foot ulcers      

Every diabetic patient is at risk of developing a foot ulcer. Some other factors that can increase the risk of diabetic foot are: High glucose levels Excessive alcohol consumption Cardiovascular disease Obesity Smoking or any other form of tobacco intake Kidney disease


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One of the most common symptoms of the diabetic foot is a development of ulcer on the bottom or the other side of the foot. This ulcer may drain some abnormal fluid leaving spots on your socks and shoes. The critical symptom of diabetic foot is the formation of an eschar (dead tissue) around the ulcer. Lack of blood flow to the foot often results in the death of tissue in the foot. The other symptoms of diabetic foot may include: Excessive swelling Bleeding Irritation Redness Pain around the foot ulcer Unpleasant smell from the feet

Diagnosis of Diabetic Foot Ulcer The diagnosis of diabetic ulcer will help your doctor to evaluate:  How deep the ulcer is  Presence of infection, if any  Circulatory problems Initially, the doctor will diagnose the diabetic foot ulcer by conducting a thorough physical examination, which includes heart rate measurement, blood pressure, and your body temperature. The doctor will also test the circulation of blood in your legs and feet. A doctor may also use cotton or a thin needle to check the ulcer to see how deep it is. To understand your case better a doctor may order a diagnostic test.


Diagnosis of Diabetic Foot Ulcer The diagnostic tests for diabetic foot may include:  MRI  CT Scan  Blood test  Bone scan  X-ray  Culture test of the ulcer

Treatments The treatment of diabetic foot starts with the self-care. Do not put too much pressure on your affected foot, pressure can make ulcer more severe and painful. Wear diabetic shoes to get relief from the mild symptoms of a diabetic foot. Wash your feet with daily with a disinfectant soap or liquid solution. Diabetic foot ulcer can be removed by a procedure called, Debridement. This procedure removes the infection and dead skin around the foot. A doctor may also prescribe antiplatelets, antibiotics, and anti-clotting medicines to restrict the growth of an infection. The silver and calcium dressing creams can be applied around the ulcer. However, if none of the above treatments are helpful, a surgery is performed to remove some part of the foot to prevent infection from growing in other parts of the body.

Prevention of Diabetic foot ulcer      

The problem of a diabetic foot ulcer is preventable if a diabetic patient undertakes the following measures: Keeping high blood sugar under control Wearing comfortable shoes Washing your feet regularly Changing socks daily Moisturising your feet Proper trimming of toe nails

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