X-linked congeital bleeding disordercaused by a deficiency of coagulation factor VIII (in helophilia A) or factor IX (in hemophilia B).
The deficienccy is the result fo mutation of the respective clotting factor genes. F8 and F9 genes
Frequency of approximately one in 10,000 births
Hemophilia A is more common than hemophilia B. representing 80-85% of the total hemophilia population
Hemophilia generally affects makes on the maternal side
However, both f8 and f9 genes are prone to new mutations. and as many as 1/3 of all cases are the result of spontaneous mutation where there is no prior family history.
SYMPTOMS OF HEMOPHILIA The main signs and symptoms of Hemophilia depend upon the type of bleeding. The bleeding may be internal or external. Internal bleeding due to Hemophilia causes more complications than external bleeding. Symptoms of Internal Bleeding are:
Blood in the urine or excreta Bleeding in the intestine, stomach or kidneys Bleeding in the knees, elbows, and other joints
CONTINUE SYMPTOMS OF HEMOPHILIA Symptoms of External Bleeding are: Excessive bleeding from minor injury Bleeding of gums
Nose bleeding
Symptoms of Bleeding in the brain are: Frequent vomiting Blurred vision Extreme weakness in arms and legs Fatigue Convulsions
The most common method for diagnosing Hemophilia is a blood test.
The sample of blood taken from your vein indicates the factors responsible for Hemophilia.
The blood test measures the amount of plasma present in your blood the low level of plasma in the blood indicates the severity of this bleeding disorder.
TREATMENTS FOR HEMOPHILIA The treatment of this disease depends upon the type of Hemophilia a patient has. The treatment of each type of Hemophilia varies according to its type.
The treatment of Hemophilia A focuses on the hormone called, Desmopressin. This hormone is given as an injection in the patient’s vein. The Desmopressin hormone restores the factors important for clotting of blood.
Hemophilia B is treated by infusing donor’s blood into the patient’s body, which lacks clotting factors. The clotting factors present the donor’s blood promotes the process of clotting of blood. Hemophilia C occurs due to the lack of plasma count in the body. Therefore, plasma infusion is done into the blood to combat the excessive bleeding.
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