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Soil Infiltration Calculation
calculate runoff potential using soil and land use data with ArcGIS and HEC-GeoHMS extensions
In this study it has been tried to use ArcGIS to wrangle the land use data and then relate it to the soil database and calculate curves using a specialized extension.
Soil Data:
HYDGRP – stands for soil hydrologic group. Ranges from A,B,C,D. Based on grouping of soil types that have the same run off potential.
A are soils having high infiltration rates; chiefly sands or gravel.
B moderate infiltration.
C slow infiltration.
D very low infiltration like clay
May. 2020
Ken Steif
Using HEC-GeoHMS extension in ArcGIS for taking land cover and soil type as inputs and creating a curve number (CN) based on a set of assumptions about how the two inputs interact to produce a certain amount of runoff given a certain volume of rainfall. The HEC-GeoHMS extension essentially relates these categories of information in ArcGIS and calculates CN figures using a database called “ssurgo” (a national soil survey) and an algorithm that is used to estimate runoff.
This curve number can be used as a parameter in other models to understand how much of a landscape in a given watershed will drain overland into a water body or into a sewer system. This is important for understanding the degree to which runoff may cause risk of flooding.
In the last step union the soil data shapefile data to landuse polygons and get rid of geographic artifacts and then creating a table with data related to Curve Numbers to understand the relationship between landuse and soil type with respect to run off.
Add the Soil Data and associate each geometry a measure of soil typ.
Classify the polygons based on the percentage of soil type by adding 4 percent fields.
Generating CN Grid using HEC-GeoHMS extension and then comapre it in the table left.
Landscape Planning
Revolutionary Industries
Atlantic City NJ, USA
New Jersey’s Urbanism relies alot on coastal’s industries. In recent decades, coatal areas suffered severely from sea level rise and storm surge during rapid climate change. The inequalities of climte change has affected these industries drasrically and therefore has created strong social and economic divides along these coastal communities.
Dec. 2018
Individual Work
LARP 601
This proposal sets up a strategic framework on smart landuse and focusing investement and development on new industries in Atlantic city as the cultural capital of New Jersey state with the emphasis on creating new job opportunites for the indigenous people as well as strengthening the tourism attraction and making money.
Mentor: Ellen Neises
In this propsal, Landscape is the bridge to tie tourists, local residents and industries back to the envirnment. It provieds opportunities for a resillient and sustainable development framework.