1 minute read

Population Vulnerability in New Jersey New Jersey Coast in History Sub Sites Comparisons




: Median Income, Low Poverty rate, Stable Economy, High Flood Risk

Toms River : High Income, Low Poverty rate, Strong Economy, High Flood Risk

Potentials and Issues in Atlantic City

Physical Vulnerability

Sea level rise 2050

With 3ft SLR the coast and lower central parts sink under water

Sea level rise 2100 with 6ft SLR about 90% of the city sink under water

Construction history old housing in high risk areas in vulnerable to climate change.


wide range of ameni�es and entertainment within the city

The rich history within the urban context of the city poten�al of developing new indus�es in vacant lands within a�rac�ons poten�al of flood protec�on wi�hin natural features Tourism a�rac�on

Boradwalk limita�on limited access to water less liveliness

Not enough tourism a�rac�on within in the city phusical and social vulnerability severe damages all over the city due to frequesnt floods

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