GLOSS August 2015

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Watching and hearing the stories over the last year has culminated in this month’s issue – one dedicated to Thought Leadership and the part it is playing on an higher and higher level in terms of building positioning and competitive advantage.


ITHIN the community that is LBDGroup, every day I am inspired by the creativity, innovation and disruption that our members are demonstrating as they build businesses, grow practices, engage clients and encourage team learning, further development and growth. This month alone, the accolades that our members are receiving have included Gold industry awards, national and international media exposure, investor funding, business evolution and international expansion. It just shows how much can be achieved when you engage in the journey from me to we, supporting and celebrating each others’ successes and growth, and creating opportunities for each other. GLOSS AUGUST 2015

The reality is this. Thought leadership can be found in any number of locations, and in any number of people; be they self-employed, working in the public/private sector or non-for-profit organisations. They are found within the walls of corporations, in big industry, in the media, in our own personal circles. Thought leaders are not simply managers or people in positions of authority. They are those individuals who inspire higher levels of thinking and action in others. They often hold a unique perspective, and have the ability to inspire others to act. My own journey into this space began almost five years ago, when I had the pleasure of meeting the founder of Thought Leaders Global, Matt Church. From day one, I knew that I had found my tribe. I continue to learn every day from the community of Thought Leaders that I surround myself with, and I am honoured to be both an accredited Thought Leaders mentor, and on the faculty of the Thought Leaders’ Business School. All Thought Leaders fall in to one of

the following four categories, and it is wonderful to know that within our own LBDGroup collective, there are female thought leaders from each of these categories. The Entrepreneur: business leaders who have used their subject matter expertise and identified the need for a product or service to then start, grow or sell a business, or to develop single businesses into chains. The Intrapreneur: an individual, often identified as a subject matter expert, working within a large organisation, using their breakthrough ideas and perspectives, promoting them on behalf of their organisation in such a way as to position the company and themselves as the dominant force within their industry. The Infopreneur: sole traders or partners who run their own practice, and they might write, speak, mentor and/or train in their area of expertise The Socialpreneur: individuals who give back to their communities in a unique and innovative way, often bringing a unique perspective to support a non-for-profit initiative or organisation, harnessing their creative genius, network and ability to get things done like never before.

to disrupt, to challenge, to ideate, to innovate. Indeed, many technological, philosophical and business advancements can be attributed to a Thought Leader who decided to strike out and do something different. Within this community of LBDGroup, there are individuals who have grasped a unique idea, and have been driven in its pursuit to allow a new approach to emerge as the dominant way of doing – of creating leverage beyond themselves. And every single one of you inspires me in my own personal journey. It is a pleasure to share with you in the pages of this month’s GLOSS the stories, wisdom, insight and expertise of Thought Leaders around the country and globe. It is our intention to encourage both individuals and organisations to nurture and develop their Thought Leadership, to master their expertise, to leverage their ideas, to make a difference. We are all here for a reason – so make your reason matter. And, as always, remember to Connect. Inspire. Succeed.

The challenge is that there are currently JANINE GARNER PUBLISHER not enough Thought Leaders, and we as societies are missing out on the opportunities that they create BUY FROM ME TO WE NOW!




CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Margot Andersen Dr Jenny Brockis Melissa Browne Nikki Fogden-Moore Adrian Morgan

Renata Cooper


Matt Church Scott Stein Colin Ellis Jo Shiers Jane Anderson Leonie McCarthy Patrick Hollingworth Lynne Cazaly Christina Guidotti Jacqui Lewis Kate Savage Kimberely Hutchings




© LBDG 2015 All content in this newsletter is protected under Australian and International copyright laws. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of LBDGroup is strictly forbidden. The greatest care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information in this online magazine at time of going to press, and we accept no responsibility for omissions or errors. All rights reserved.



hen I moved to Perth, it could be said that I was less than enthusiastic about my options when it came to thoughtful, intelligent female companionship. I am ashamed to admit that there is possibly some circumstantial evidence to suggest that I have been seen/heard/laughed at for wailing into a Skype transmission: “But I can’t find ANYONE to talk to! They all think I’m this weird, pale-skinned, vampiric geek who has strange tastes in sport, work and very strong views on Perth’s attitude towards women!!” As the above statement is, more or less, factually correct, it is no wonder I was looked at as though I had arrived from Planet Zog, rather than Planet Gold Coast. I do, at times, especially rather early in the morning, resemble someone who could quite possibly be Vlad Tepic’s lesser known, but still equally malevolent younger sister, Kate von Dracula. I work in a field that is hard to explain in a precise and tidy little nutshell. I like very noisy, yarpy sports that tend to be the province of boofy big boys who look as though they have played one too many games in the front row (yes, rugby union is one of them). And most of all, I care very, very deeply about the dominance of the old boys’ networks in Perth, and the marginalisation of female thought leaders, which seems to be endemic to private and public sectors alike. I suppose that at least makes it an equal opportunity discriminator. Thankfully, after a fairly prolonged settling in period, what I have also been fortunate enough

to discover is this.

networking opportunities. Being phenomenal, wise, witty friends. Making I am not the only, to misquote Daffyd sure the old boys’ club doesn’t roam free from Little Britain, strong woman in this over the plains of St Georges’ Terrace on village. a twenty-four/seven basis - the biggest challenge of them all (apart from being I have been extraordinarily blessed over friends with Vampire Kate, that is). the last year to find women of such grace, spirit, pride, warmth and above So to my wonderful Perth power peeps all, intellectual agility here in Perth. in so many ways, each of you have given From corporate to creative, they span all such strength to my own knowledge and works - and walks of life; but the one spirit - and all I can say is thank you. thing they have in common is a drive, an energy, and a flame. You are your city, and you are leaders. It’s a flame that burns as brightly, if not more so, in their support of each other’s achievements and ambitions, than of their own. This is something that is at the heart of LBD, of course, but that doesn’t mean I take it for granted. To find it in my work creative space; in my friendships made through my partner, and through emerging business networks, and through the usual ‘this is Australia’ six degrees of separation, is a gift I treasure.

You are thought, and thoughtfulness, personified. You are diamonds.


I have witnessed what I see as the best of thought leadership; experts in their areas using the knowledge they have acquired to do good for, and with, others. Passing on skills with no expectation of return, or idea of debt being owed. That to me is thought leadership in action. That, to me, is leadership in action, full stop. Legal knowledge. HR advice. PR and media know-how. Design 101. Helping us keep our brains in gear. Facilitating



AUGUST 2015 02 From Your Publisher 04 Editor’s Note BUSINESS



Thought Provoking Leadership


Meanings and definitions of Thought Leadership Scott Stein


Making Sense of Creativity Lynne Cazaly


Shifting Our Thinking Margot Andersen

34 Get comfortable getting uncomfortable Patrick Hollingworth


Conscious Leadership: A Better Leader and a Better You Colin Ellis MONEY

Fly In The 100 The Ointment



Exclusive Book 102 Your Extract: Our Gift To You


Creating your own financial fairy tale Melissa Browne


Pitching to investors – getting it right Renata Cooper



Entrepreneur, mentor and helicopter pilot Kimberly Hutchings


Be a True Believer Christina Guidotti


Resilient Women Think Differently Jo Shiers


In Her Own Words Leonie McCarthy YOU

74 78

My Why Kate Savage Creating an Evening Routine Jacqui Lewis


Levarage your Linkedin Profile for Lead Generation Jane Anderson


Changing The Game With Dr. Nicky Howe Dr. Jenny Brockis


Your 4 Week Indoor Workout Nikki Fogden-Moore






The Fly In The Ointment: Adrian Morgan




t the start of his 2014 TED Talk, Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe, (last clocked at 3,754,671 views), Simon Sinek references a former US Army Officer whose extraordinary bravery in Afghanistan during the Battle of Gangjal won him the US Congressional Medal of Honour. Captain William Swenson’s actions were so extraordinary that as Simon said on stage that day “ the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so that we may gain. We have it backwards.”




I don’t disagree with this view, because I have many incredibly brave friends within the military, some of whom are either on active duty in fairly horrific areas at present, or thankfully are just returning. But I also understood what he went on to say, which was that it wasn’t about extraordinary individuals grouping together in a profession. It was about a profession creating extraordinary individuals. This is the heart of his thought leadership, and it has changed, and continues to change, the way companies across the globe do business, and how leaders well, lead. By creating an atmosphere of security, trust, collaboration - and a workplace where people actually want to give their utmost for their co-workers and

management. The same could be said for Simon himself, because his staff seem to not only respect him, but genuinely like him. In the lead up to organising an interview, (protracted, unsurprisingly), they were at all times cheerful, patient, and unfailingly kind. That is a good workplace. That is a workplace of safety. As for Simon himself... if you spend even five minutes in his proximity, even if it is virtual, you will soon discover two things. One; his accent is even more all over the place than my own, and I am notorious for blending in with whatever nationality I am in company with; and two, he is quite honestly one of the brightest people on the face of the planet. He really does have the right name, because if ‘Simon Says’ - the chances are you are going to take it in, process it, and regurgitate it. At the risk of sounding like him - why? Because whatever theory he propounds, it will not only sound plausible, it will just makes sense. He said that he deliberately referenced the military both in the TED Talk and in his 2013 best-selling book, Leaders Eat Last, “...because everything is happening at a heightened level of awareness. Any leadership lessons being learned are not out of fear of failure, but because the consequences [of poor leadership] is a hail of bullets and possible death. There is no room for a lack of care, or a lack of empathy. The strategies being employed are from absolute necessity. And what has been recognised, by the best of the men and women serving, is that empathy is a far stronger leadership tool than fear.” It seems to have taken us a long time to move these ideas from the battlefield to the boardroom, however. “Of course, because there is no urgency. Or at least, there wasn’t. Now though, with the realisation that the most valuable currency we have is a human one... the more innovative leaders are heading towards an empathetic path, and seeing the wisdom of creating an environment that fosters a feeling of safety.” He seems himself to have taken the long way round to a place of safety, and also to what has become his catchphrase, and his most famous line - his ‘why’. Born in Wimbledon (not with a tennis racquet in his hand though, to my understanding) GLOSS AUGUST 2015


he ended up in the United States by way of Johannesburg, another period in the UK, and some time in Hong Kong. Originally slated to be a barrister, he instead went to the even darker side and - gasp - threw his lot into advertising. This explains much, as far as I am concerned, including an eerie sense of familiarity (chucked in law career, move to ad/PR agency, shuffle round globe) and a love of asking far too many questions... ...especially that infernal and everlasting one, which I would imagine, had he

been asking it at six, seven and eight, would have driven the elders mad. Why? Why do you want to work there? Why do your people keep leaving? Why should they want to stay? Why are you holding back from giving support when it is needed? What is YOUR why? Why aren’t you out finding it, right now? 10


OK. I admit it. I asked what his ‘why’ was. He of course went on the counter and said “I think that mine is fairly clear - I want to organise, inspire, to get some action happening, and actually get people to start asking themselves that question, because they simply don’t. It’s extraordinary how many people spend their lives not questioning, but simply doing and accepting.” I knew that he was aware of my ‘why’, because I had been asked in the

preliminary ‘why would you like to speak with Simon’ business-y part. Thankfully, he thought it was a bit of alright, which is partly, I suppose, why (sorry, but it IS a word that needs to be used) I was at the other end of a virtual therapy session. “If your why is to make life better for other people, then there is no way that I am going to denigrate it... it is only when the ‘why’ turns into a ‘why me’ that it loses perspective and in fact, becomes a different proposition entirely”. GLOSS AUGUST 2015


I can’t say that Simon is an easy person to talk to; he is charming, and gracious, and phenomenally passionate about what he is doing. As I stated, if he said ‘the sky is green, and it would be a great idea if we all wore trousers on our heads’ chances are, several thousand people would be pantsing up with pride and stating what a marvellous shade of emerald it is out there today. I think though, that he is still, despite the much-vaunted statements, searching for that elusive ‘why’, simply because he is so frighteningly intelligent, and because he does have so much earnest desire to assist people. I think it is driving him every second of the day, and so when he stops and chats for a few moments, part of him is still in the why future, not in the present. It was hard to maintain contact, even though I knew he was listening and present. As he himself commented “we all know weaknesses can be turned into strengths - but sometimes, it’s about just letting yourself have a few imperfect places too”.




By the way, this was my why. Why do I write? It’s because, just for a few moments at a time, I get to see glimpses of those someones who in ten, twenty, one hundred years time, will be in that shining tunnel of extraordinary light they call the candles of humanity. Ask Simon Sinek. He gave me part of my why, after all.



Why has Thought Leadership emerged as such a rapidly rising influence in business, corporations, charities and even for individual subject-matter experts? We asked Matt Church, Founder and Chairman of Thought Leaders Global and author of 11 books on leadership to share his thoughts on why Thought Leadership matters now.



o here it is, you probably know something that others don’t, we all do if we have been living and learning throughout our lives. It might be that you are constantly being asked to share that information. Maybe you are asked to speak at events, perhaps someone has suggested you write a book, maybe people are always calling to pick your brain, buy you lunch or shout you a coffee. If this is happening to you, you are a thought leader. An expert knows something, a Thought Leader is known for knowing something. Thought Leaders are professionally famous experts. There are three domains where Thought Leaders stand out; 1. They may appear as independent consultants who share and often sell their thoughts 2. They may be entrepreneurs who use industry profile to drive their



business 3. They may be embedded in large organisations and use their thought leadership to influence business outcomes. As the world’s information continues to become more accessible to all, it’s critical that we know how to apply it.

INFORMATION HAS BEEN DEMOCRATISED It used to be that information was held in the hands of a few. Now, thanks in no small part to the Web, and further to specific applications like Google and Wikipedia, information is in the hands of the many. It used to be that to

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT SHARING WISDOM IN A WAY THAT IS RELEVANT, THOROUGH, ELEGANT AND OFTEN UNIQUE Thought leadership is about sharing wisdom in a way that is relevant, thorough, elegant and often unique. It’s about capturing information, packaging it in a way that increases understanding and being able to deliver it in the most valuable way. We are experiencing a pace of change right now that is incredibly rapid and unprecedented. There is no doubt that the world is both faster and flatter than it’s ever been. We have always, and I suspect will always, need leaders who can supply the WHY we do what we do. What’s become even more critical is someone who can provide the HOW and WHAT.

become an expert in any given topic typically required years of study, possibly resulting in a university degree, and many years of experience of working in that particular topic or field. Experts were those elite people with a gift of rare knowledge and insight, the holders of the information that could be considered to be of great value for those lacking yet desiring that understanding. Experts were invited to speak at conferences and share ideas that most of the audience had either never considered or did not have the depth of understanding for that already existed in the mind of the speaker. Today, your audiences have often GLOSS AUGUST 2015


searched the topic on the Internet during the day or night before the presentation, or even on their iPads or iPhones as the speaker is being introduced. Information is no longer the scarce and rare commodity it once was. There are over 2.5 billion searches on Google every month. The number of text messages sent every day exceeds the population of the entire planet. In addition YouTube has become one of the largest search engines in the world with people now able to see people in action — rather than read bland text on a screen!

and it’s fair to say we are no longer in the information age. Indeed, we are rather in the age of over-information; an age in which, each year, we will create and distribute more information than we have produced in the past 5000 years; a data deluge that has created three key vacuums: The Engagement Vacuum: so much information is now out there that people are getting desensitised to receiving new material, particularly in the media. The Relevance Vacuum: even if people can access the information they require, they often lack the understanding of the bridge that joins the information in some practical way to their work or personal life.

There are some 3000 books published globally each day, and that figure stands before the iPad and Kindle are even taken into consideration, and the avalanche of electronic books that are beginning to be published both The Meaning Vacuum: even if they can through and by circumnavigating get the information, people are often traditional publishers. Add to this the tidal wave of daily e-mails in our inbox, left without the necessary filters to 16


understand the real meaning of it. It takes something special to get through to people in a way that they can understand and take something away from. Thought Leaders are experts in doing just this. Learning the Thought Leader core skills and practicing them relentlessly will assist you to quickly become engaging, in both written and spoken communication as your information will be relevant and timely, and you will know how to position your ideas to instigate and create a deep and fuller meaning.

THE BUSINESS WORLD HAS CHANGED It is believed that the top 10 jobs in 2015 didn’t exist in the last decade. If ever there was an indication that the business world has changed, surely this remarkable fact is the one that hits the mark. Business as an industry has

changed, and it continues to do so at an ever increasing velocity. In 1910, the ten largest businesses in the world were those in the business of constructing and selling products that were large enough for a human being to stand in. By 2015, the largest businesses in the world are predominantly associated in the creation and sales of the invisible, intangible and the handheld, including everything from pharmaceutical products, brands, computer coding, genetically based engineering, web based technology and telecommunications.

MARKETING HAS CHANGED — FOREVER! Ask anyone in the advertising business how it compares today with as recently as ten years ago and they will just say one word: Internet. GLOSS AUGUST 2015


Going back 40 years ago, the primary form of mass marketing involved primarily print, radio and television. The Internet has created an entirely new marketing channel that has drastically shaken the traditional order of marketing into the new millennium. Imagine the concern of a large business that spent millions of dollars on a

on reputation, and reputation is generally not built on marketing or advertising, but on good business practice all the way around. By becoming an industry Thought Leader, you can build a strong reputation, even with severely limited resources. Developing Thought Leadership is not a strategic objective

ASK ANYONE IN THE ADVERTISING BUSINESS HOW IT COMPARES TODAY WITH AS RECENTLY AS TEN YEARS AGO, AND THEY WILL JUST SAY ONE WORD: INTERNET. traditional television campaign, when it sees a simple home computer-produced YouTube video getting hundreds of millions of hits — meaning these people wanted to click onto this information to find out more!

in its own right, but combined with any number of business ideas and objectives, it will turn into quite the juggernaut. Thought Leaders provide support for your marketing and corporate objectives of selling products, generating leads or boosting share price. A great Thought Leadership strategy contributes to the achievement of all these business goals.

With the ever increasing amount of advertising overload many people are looking for easier ways to identify whom to trust, to do business with and to follow. Being a Thought Leader is the key to taking content marketing and turning it into a community (dare I Thought Leaders also provide say tribe) of followers. credibility, which helps influence job candidates, investors, customers, Consumers, businesses and suppliers and industry commentators in corporations prefer to buy from and their decisions about your business, deal with companies in whom they can corporation or organisation — which place their confidence. This trust is built everyone knows is the strongest form of 18


marketing: word of mouth. Our decreased attention span makes the Thought Leadership skill of communicating a clear and compelling message even more important. Unless you position yourself and your ideas in an engaging way, others will not listen. This occurs between businesses as well as within them. The days of positional power are fading fast, when if a senior manager speaks everyone has to listen because they expect brilliance. All too often, senior managers who lack Thought Leadership are viewed with a form of contempt. The question is asked, ‘How did they achieve this level of authority without having the skills?’

thoughts. Entrepreneurs can become rainmakers for their startups as they use the power of Thought Leadership profiling to get attention and keep it. This is about sharing your ideas with the whole market. Entrepreneurs who nail this get a job on their competitors and slingshot their business growth, saving years and thousands of dollars in advertising. If you work in big business, Thought Leadership is the key to getting noticed, promoted and making a difference to the business while developing yourself into an increasingly valuable ‘linchpin’ in the company.

Today businesses cannot afford to have leaders at key levels who lack the ability to communicate in a way that grabs others’ attention - and, more importantly, mobilises them into action.

SO WHAT’S NEXT? If you are an individual who consults or shares your information and charges for it you need to figure out how to Matt Church is the founder of Thought leverage positioning better. Leaders Global and Chair of the Thought Leaders Business School. If Consultants can earn $500,000 to you would like to develop your thought $1,500,000 a year working 50 – 200 leadership check out the program at days doing work they love, with people or you can they like, the way they want... if only follow matt via twitter @mattchurch, they learn how to be and contact Matt here. commercially smart selling their GLOSS AUGUST 2015



business: /ˈbɪznəs/ noun

1. a person’s regular occupation, profession, or trade. 2. commercial activity.





he term ‘Thought Leadership’ was first coined in 1994 by Joel Kurtzman, the then editor-inchief for the magazine Strategy and Business. It was he who said that, “Thought Leaders are those people who possess a distinctively original idea, a unique point of view, or an unprecedented insight into their industry”.

business marketing are losing their impact. Today, business to business marketers are turning towards Thought Leadership as a way to differentiate their products and services in an increasingly competitive market. Marketing blogger of Symantec and Apple fame Elise Bauer has said:

Thought Leadership is the recognition from the outside world that the company deeply understands its business, the needs of its There are several definitions of Thought customers and the broader marketplace in Leadership. Leading marketing website which it operates. defines Thought Leadership as follows: She goes on to describe the key Thought Leadership centres on earning trust and credibility. Thought Leaders get noticed by offering something different — information, insights and ideas, for instance. Thought Leadership positions you and your company as an industry authority, a resource and trusted advisor by establishing your reputation as a generous contributor to your industry. The Economist Intelligence Unit said: Traditional approaches to business to

attributes of a Thought Leader. For her, these include a spirit of generosity, and the ability to cultivate communication with the press, write prolifically, speak often and build an online presence around your key ideas. What makes a Thought Leader? A Thought Leader is a subject-matter expert who has unique insights or perspectives to share in their area of expertise. Their ideas are packaged in an accessible and usually attractive



format, and they are distributed to a market that is hungry for their insights in direction and solutions to problems. The ideas that they offer are often powerful enough to shift or contribute to the future direction of an industry, community or even a whole way of thinking. Thought Leaders are prevalent in areas as wide ranging as: marketing, accounting, fitness, presentation

ideas that merited attention for publication in their magazine. Among the first of those who were designated as a ‘Thought Leader’ was British management thinker Charles Handy, who advanced the idea of a ‘portfolio worker’. He suggested this strange new concept that workers do not have to have only one job in their working life but may go through several career changes; a career might even

A THOUGHT LEADER IS A SUBJECT-MATTER EXPERT WHO HAS UNIQUE INSIGHTS OR PERSPECTIVES TO SHARE IN THEIR AREA OF EXPERTISE skills, cooking, project management, leadership development, film making, anthropology, law and storytelling practically any existing field of work or thought you can think of.

extend to include the idea of a person serving multiple parts or working roles within one or multiple businesses. The employee could simply move around the business as and when needed, contributing to projects and leadership However, having a thorough knowledge with their particular expertise or skill and unique insights into a topic is only set where required at any given time. the beginning of Thought Leadership. Since Charles Handy first wrote about Of equal importance is the Thought the concept, the ‘portfolio worker’ Leader’s ability to get their ideas out idea has been embraced around the there into the market and provide world. Now, a Thought Leader is solutions. generally responsible for creating, packaging and distributing ideas and Initially, Joel Kurtzman and his team intellectual property that allows them used the term ‘Thought Leader’ as to offer significant value to projects and internal jargon to designate their organisations. interview subjects who had business 22


Since 1994, and particularly since the beginning of the twenty-first century, Thought Leadership has been embraced across a variety of business sectors, including all organisations from corporate to small–medium traders, as well as being developed and sold by entrepreneurs and even within not-forprofit and government organisations. Initially, Thought Leadership was a supplementary title usually bestowed upon an individual by others as a flattering description. All that changed early in the new millennium as the Thought Leadership development curriculum was instigated in commercial circles. Increasingly, people began to ask the questions: ‘How do I learn to do what you do? How do I construct my ideas in such a compelling and unique manner that positions me — and often my organisation — as a Thought Leader?’ With more and more people expressing their ideas and passion for learning, as well as their desire to become more commercially successful by adding the increased value that Thought Leadership can provide to their customer or market, the Thought Leader was born.

to mastering their ability to help others, leverage their ideas and make a difference. Such innovative and results-driven activity is what Thought Leadership is all about.

Scott is a Director of Thought Leaders Global, and specialises in leveraging touchpoints. He is co-author of the books “Thought Leaders: How to capture, package and deliver you ideas for greater commercial success” and “Sell Your Thoughts: How to earn a million dollars a year as a Thought Leader”. Contact Scott here

The intent for supporting clever people to become commercially intelligent became widespread. At the time of writing, Thought Leaders exist across the globe, all linked by this simple concept and through their commitment GLOSS AUGUST 2015





orkplaces experiencing low engagement, team members not using all their capabilities, and businesses wanting to remain competitive: it’s a triple paradox. People have more to give, but they’re not engaged enough to give it… yet business so desperately needs it!

creativity that makes us unique. Creativity is the true competitive advantage: the creative advantage.

Creativity - and more of it - is sorely needed in business. You don’t need to be an ad agency creative or a fancypants award winner to have permission to be creative. Go for it! No permission There are other ways for us to make the required. most of clever people (including ourselves) and their capabilities to be If you’ve said ‘I’m not creative’, I think more competitive. Beyond routines, you’re fooling yourself. We manage to find creative ways and workarounds roles and responsibilities, it’s our 24


for problems just in going about 2. THIS IS TRICKY our daily lives. Juggling, prioritizing, thinking, applying, adjusting, revisiting, You hit a hurdle or a bump in the reviewing, making things up: we’re creative process; your pace may waaaaaay more creative than we realise. slow or you think ‘this is going to be harder than I thought’. A And a heads up… the creative process colleague who launched her online can be predictable; you can almost see store of hand drawn illustrations what might happen next: got sidetracked by the ‘this is tricky’ stage. Recognize it; the creative process of thinking, making, THE CREATIVE PROCESS designing, solving, starting or 1. THIS IS AWESOME finishing … is indeed tricky. You’ve come up with an ‘a-ha’ or a ‘gee whiz’ or ‘hey, get this!’ You’ve connected some creative dots and come up with an idea. Good on you!

3. THIS IS SHIT The #1 anti-creative disease is doubt. Doubt can make us feel hopeless and it can be hard to get out of GLOSS AUGUST 2015


the doubt ditch, but be inspired by the ‘it’s always darkest before the dawn’ saying. You’re on the cusp of something truly inspiring! Brilliance often comes from discontent; many inventors and innovators had ideas because

work. Keep pushing on.

5. THIS MIGHT BE OK This is the turning point. You’ve come from loathing it and yourself and now you think, ‘Hang on, this might be something after all. This

THE CREATIVE PROCESS HAS DISSONANCE AND DISCONTENT TOO. something wasn’t working or caused might work.’ You regain that sweet annoyance. The creative process has optimism you started out with. Jump dissonance and discontent too. There on it and run with it - you’re on the are times you’ll detest your creativity upswing now. and idea, however this is how to find more creativity. Let the ‘this is shit’ 6. THIS IS AWESOME feeling come… and go. Don’t give up here. Yee ha it is! It’s awesome and so are you. You’re creative. This is human 4. I AM SHIT work you’re doing: thinking, making sense and being creative. It’s Now we’re catastrophising and a celebration to be capable of making this creative thing all about creative thinking. I think you’re born us. What started as awesome has to create! become a session in self-loathing! ‘Not only is the idea shit, I’m shit You’ll notice the creative process too’. Relax: this stage doesn’t need to now and know that where you are is last long. You’ll be out of the depths just where you are at the moment; soon; just keep going and notice you’ll be somewhere else on the path this is not about you. It’s your ego soon. protecting you. Putting yourself out there can be risky. Our ego would Then to leverage the creative process, love us to stay safe, but we’ve got to use the tool of ‘making sense’. have a little risk about us if we want to put our creative advantage to 26


AN UNDERUSED PORTAL TO CREATIVITY Making sense - or sensemaking - is a swift way to creativity. It’s like a gateway to a huge creative portal that’s out there, and in you. Making sense or sensemaking involves:

By making sense of what you want to be creative about, you give your mind some clues to go hunting for creative answers. Improvisation godfather/guru Keith Johnstone assures his protégés and students that your mind WILL provide you with the answers; trust it to do that… let it do that.


Making sense looks like the model below:

2. MAP

1. THINK :

3. ACT

We’re good at thinking; we think, think and think. But don’t stop there… GLOSS AUGUST 2015


2. MAP: Map it out. Give your mind something to be creative about rather than waiting for creativity to strike. ‘Map’ means sketch, doodle, write a few points, jot something down, rough it out, in low-fidelity, this thing you’re thinking. This is visualising – getting your thoughts out of your head. This is THE single most important aspect of creativity that most people miss altogether. It’s underused. We think we can jump from idea to action with ease. But it’s too big a leap. If you map out what you’re thinking, you’ll have a smoother path to creativity, by seeing what you’re thinking.

out and you’ve got something to go and act on. To make sense you think, map and act. And you go around again. You get to reflect and learn. You can iterate and improve. That’s creativity. It’s the thinking as well as the doing that’s creative… and mapping is a crucial step and a portal to high creativity. So while you ride the ups and downs of the creative process, keep moving by making sense or sensemaking: think, map and act. In the crazy complex world of today, we need agility to move from just being imaginative, to being creative and leveraging our creative advantage.

3. ACT : Now you do something with the thinking you’ve had; you mapped it Lynne Cazaly is the author of “Making Sense: A Handbook for the Future of Work”, “Visual Mojo: How to capture thinking, convey information and collaborate using visuals” and “Create Change: How to apply innovation in an era of uncertainty”. She works with leaders and teams on major change and transformation projects helping people distil their thinking, apply ideas and innovation and boost the engagement and collaboration effectiveness of teams. Lynne is a global speaker, facilitator and trainer Contact Lynne here 28


you manage things; you lead people.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, USN, PhD GLOSS AUGUST 2015





hat we do matters. Not only have most of us spent considerable time, energy and investment honing our skillsets, mindsets and careers, we have no doubt spent numerous hours deliberating, stressing over and/or celebrating many of our decisions, actions and achievements. Why? Quite simply it is because when we invest so heavily in what we do, it becomes an extension of who we are and what we value. 30


So how is it that some people seem to become more highly regarded for this whilst others (who have the same knowledge, skillsets and drive) don’t? The answer lies in their positioning as Thought Leaders. Thought Leaders are the ‘go-to’ people and informed opinion leaders in their industry or field of expertise. They are fast becoming the movers and shakers of today’s leadership world because they have ability to not only inspire people

with innovative thinking but to equip them with the knowledge and tools to turn ideas into reality.

ourselves into the spotlight.

Leveraging our knowledge and backgrounds requires us to commit to They have the ability to galvanise showcasing our talents, achievements thoughts and actions and transform and successes, and sharing a blue print the way things are done. Furthermore, for others to do the same. It is through they are achieving significant impact by this replication of success that our harnessing the belief and engagement positioning as a Thought Leader is of others in what they do and stand for. cemented.

POSITIONING OURSELVES AS THOUGHT LEADERS IS ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAYS TO FUTURE PROOF OUR CAREERS. Positioning ourselves as thought leaders So how do we position ourselves as is one of the most effective ways to thought leaders in our careers? future proof our careers. Not only does it lead to exposure for our ideas it increases our ability to influence decisions and thinking at a much higher level, be it within an organisation, industry or community. Rather than us as individuals seeking out opportunities, we find that opportunities seek us out. We become much more attractive and valuable in what we do - and how. Importantly, thought leadership is not merely about being known or famous. It is about being known for making a difference. For this reason, becoming a Thought Leader requires time, and experience, as well as courage, to put


To build your unique advantage and position you need to know your strengths, your blind spots and what it is exactly that you stand for. Understand how the ‘business of you’ ie your brand, is positioned in the market place.

SIMPLIFY YOUR MESSAGE AND PLATFORM: Effective leaders are able to simplify the ambiguous and the complex and make more sense out of the ordinary. They GLOSS AUGUST 2015


communicate it in a straightforward manner that helps enable others and turn ideas into a reality.

BUILD A STRATEGIC NETWORK: Identify your own circle of influencers a nd align with the right partners, advocates and communities who will elevate you and your message.

CREATE A BLUEPRINT: Thought leaders not only create opportunities to see and experience a new way of thinking, they create a blueprint for others to follow. They provide frameworks, processes and guides to help others achieve success and in doing so create a community that aligns with what they do and stand for.

ALIGN YOUR BRAND: To really elevate your professional positioning, your values, knowledge, achievements and behaviours need to align with your messaging. Your LinkedIn profiles, blogs, publications, and other online or print messaging needs to reinforce exactly who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

CONTRIBUTE & ENGAGE: Identify ways to make meaningful and authentic contributions that consolidate your message, be it through speaking, writing, or your day-to-day engagement as a strategic leader.

POSITION YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS: This is not about seeking out opportunities for endless self promotion but opportunities that will showcase you and your message; raise your 32




visibility; and allow you to influence and inspire others into new ways of thinking, new pathways and new opportunities.

SCALE & REPLICATE: Build a long term influencing strategy that positions you as the go to person for your industry, your business and your teams. As leaders, most of us are driven to bring about lasting change that has a legacy long after we have left the building. Knowing that we have created new and sustainable opportunities, and transformed our teams and businesses not only positions us as Thought Leaders or experts in our field, it also raises the degree of personal fulfilment in what we do.

Margot is the Owner and Director of talentinsight Australia, a company founded onthe principle that true career fulfilment and organisational success occurs when individuals and businesses talk openly and honestly about what they need, their responsibilities, and genuinely work to bring out the best in each other. Find out more here. GLOSS AUGUST 2015





ow is your business going in this century so far? The combined forces of globalisation and technological innovation have changed the business landscape so much since the new millennium rolled around – who knows what it will look like in 15 years time. Are you feeling comfortable, confident and prepared? Or are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed and perhaps a bit uncomfortable? If that’s



the case, it’s OK, you are not alone... I call this the Comfort Paradox. Why? It’s in our DNA to improve our lot in life, to increase our level of comfort. When you stop and think about it, humanity’s relentless drive towards technical innovation and sophistication is all about enabling greater ease with which to secure our needs as humans. The irony however is that in our efforts

to make ourselves more comfortable, we certainty, simplicity and clarity. What are in some ways making ourselves less do politicians often talk about when seeking election to government? comfortable. Stability. Why do we like knowing the daily weather forecast? Certainty. Every day we see examples of Why do reports start with abstracts or improvements in technology that are executive summaries? Simplicity. What designed to improve our standard of are you seeking when using a map living, but are actually undermining Clarity? our desire for comfort – whether it be the sense of urgency to remain The reality however is that we’re abreast of the latest smartphone moving from a world of stability, model, through to the latest challenge certainty, simplicity and clarity to one to our business from a ‘disruptor’ of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity who only left university a few years and Ambiguity. Package these four ago – all of this comes via technology words up into an acronym and you that wasn’t available a mere 15 years get VUCA, US military parlance for ago. The impact this technological the new (or lack of) world order post change is having on organisations is Cold War cessation in the early 1990’s, unprecedented. but also an appropriate summation of the landscape in which all of our For the most part, we’ve been able to organisations are playing in today. The handle it. Yet we won’t be able to for transition to VUCA is underway – and much longer. Why is this? It’s called with it comes the move from comfort to Moore’s Law – if you haven’t heard of it before you are definitely familiar with discomfort. it – it’s the observation that every 24 months or so the processing power of WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH the computer chip doubles, leading to VUCA? exponential growth. This exponential growth is what gives us a computer chip “So what?” you might be thinking, “I can deal with a bit of uncertainty”. today that is 30 million times faster That might well be the case, but the than one from the early 1970’s. We’ve just reached the knee in the exponential reality is that some of your employees probably can’t. VUCA tends to curve… and it’s about to go vertical. result in people withdrawing from their surroundings, bunkering down SO WHAT’S NEXT? and protecting themselves from the unknown. It’s certainly not conducive Put simply, humans like being to high-performance. And we see comfortable. But what is comfort? For most of us, comfort is all about stability, this on a daily basis, in the form of GLOSS AUGUST 2015


chronic employee disengagement (from which the annual predicted cost to the Australian economy is $50 billion).


looking focus as much as an external orientation, and a predilection for agility and curiosity. I define the Explorer’s Mindset to be comprised of three things:

• an understanding of one’s underlying We need to be OK with the idea of drivers and motivation (without VUCA and how it will impact the drive and motivation, you’ll be slow world in which we live and work. and easily distracted and will lack As with many things in this the resilience) VUCA Century, the idea of getting comfortable getting uncomfortable may seem paradoxical – but that’s OK. After • a natural curiosity and open approach to new ideas and all, getting comfortable with discomfort


THINK LIKE AN EXPLORER More than anything, our organisations require a mindset shift. We need to be much more open to the new opportunities that VUCA brings, instead of just focusing on the sense of overwhelm and dissonance it causes. I like to call this the Explorer’s Mindset; after all, being OK with discomfort is something that explorers have had to master over many centuries. This mindset requires an inward36


landscapes (without curiosity and openness, you’ll be single minded and suffer from tunnel vision) • being OK with deviating from tradition and norms (without flexibility and adaptability, you’ll be rigid and cumbersome)

GO ALPINE STYLE In addition to thinking differently, I reckon that in our organisations we need to act differently too. In the relative stability and certainty of the pre-VUCA world, the most successful

organisations were generally the largest and most powerful. In today’s world however, the cumbersome nature of large and powerful entities won’t necessarily cut it, and this explains why you’re seeing small nimble start-ups go from birth to industry disruption within the space of a few years (remember, Airbnb was only born late 2008 and its latest estimated market cap is north of $20 billion). Continuing the theme of adventure and exploration, I like to refer to this old way of doing things as Expedition Style. In mountaineering, it’s when we basically try and over-power the mountain, camping at her feet for months on end and attempting to man-handle her into submission by the use of excess rope and man-power. It certainly works, but it’s neither the most graceful nor efficient way of doing things. Much better I think that we go Alpine Style; an ethos which sees us climb fast, high and light, and has us up on the summit and back down to safety before the other teams have even left base camp. Now, Alpine Style may not be for everyone, but for those who are prepared to do the work and make the commitment, I think it’s a much better way to go.

Patrick Hollingworth is both a leadership and teamwork expert and an accomplished high-altitude mountaineer, having climbed Mount Everest in 2010. Patrick has worked with some of the world’s leading organisations in Australia, Asia, Europe and North America to help their leaders and teams get comfortable getting uncomfortable in an organisational landscape which is becoming more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) by the day. Contact Patrick here

It won’t be easy , and some will need more help than others. But it must be done if our organisations are to survive. So here’s to thinking like an explorer, and going alpine style! GLOSS AUGUST 2015




ccording to a leadership survey conducted by McKinsey, US companies spend $14 billion on leadership development. Yet only 7% of respondents in the survey felt that their global leaders are developed effectively. As Drew Dudley correctly states in his short but brilliant TED talk ‘we’ve made leadership too hard to achieve’. Laura Reave, in her paper, ‘Spiritual values and practices related to leadership effectiveness’, found that most leadership programs focussed on ‘what a leader does rather than who a person is’. Her studies show that followers tend to look first at who a



leader is before deciding whether to follow them.

SO HOW DOES CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP DIFFER FROM OTHER LEADERSHIP CONCEPTS? In their book ‘Conscious Capitalism: Liberating The Heroic Spirit of Business’, John Mackey (co-CEO, Whole Foods) and Raj Sisodia (co-founder Conscious Capitalism Inc.) describe Conscious Leaders as ‘…strong individuals who possess exceptional moral courage and are able to withstand constant scrutiny and criticism from those who view business in a more traditional manner.’ They go on to say

that they are ‘…seeking to nurture and safeguard [the business] for future generations.’

things go wrong and none of the credit when the team succeeds.

They encourage ideas and actively In a nutshell, this means that Conscious listen to you. They are empathetic and Leaders stand for something. The are also great at providing chocolate purpose they have influences everything biscuits at just the right moment! that they do as they look to safeguard They use stories to motivate, coach and the future of their organisation. It entertain and are always available to influences the way that they care for you, regardless of whether your issue is work or personal life related. and motivate their teams as well as providing them with the courage to stand firm in the face of ‘the way things The results are tangible too. have always been done’. When American Express introduced They are a force of positive energy and training to make their leaders nicer more emotionally intelligent people, see the good in everyone that they sales increased by 10%. With AT&T, interact with. In short, they are nice productivity apparently increased 25%. people who have your respect and you would work for them time and again. At the heart of every successful business you’ll find conscious leadership. Unlike other programs, conscious leadership is not a multiple choice questionnaire followed by a report that HOW CAN YOU BECOME A gets put in a drawer. It’s an exercise in CONSCIOUS LEADER? self-awareness that puts the emphasis on the need for real and lasting change. Changing yourself is one of the most

WHY IS CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP IMPORTANT? Conscious leadership is important because it makes people feel valued. It gives them a reason to get up in the morning and provides an arm around the shoulder when things get stressful.

life affirming things that you can do. It’s a demonstration that you have learned from your mistakes, grown as a person and that you’re dedicated to making a real difference to people’s lives. Here are three things to get you started as a Conscious Leader: 1. Become more self aware

Conscious Leaders create cultures that In the work that I do with everyone wants to contribute to and be organisations, I find that where teams part of. They take all of the blame when are disengaged or apathetic towards GLOSS AUGUST 2015


their outputs, it is as a result of the leader having little to no self-awareness. So do yourself and your team a favour and list the things that you (or others) don’t like about your approach, regardless of whether it’s the way you communicate, how you run meetings or the time that you keep 2. Say thank you more

here? There’s no dark art when it comes to being a Conscious Leader. It’s simply a bunch of good behaviours, traits and life lessons that when combined make you feel fulfilled and your team valued. Who doesn’t want that?

As a self-aware leader you’ll realise that the team do all the real work, so use your manners and say thank you more. Find different ways to do it; post-it notes, hand written cards, call it out in a team meeting (providing you won’t embarrass them), but let it be known to the team that you’re someone that appreciates the efforts that people are putting in. 3. Show some humility and learn from your mistakes In order to do this, you have to make some decisions. Use the knowledge of your team to help you remove a roadblock. If it turns out to be the wrong decision, take all of the responsibility for it, apologise, and then learn. As Henry Ford once said ‘Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.’ It is well documented that we only get one shot on this planet, so why wouldn’t we use the opportunity to be the best person we can be while we’re 40


Colin Ellis believes that projects have the ability to transform organisations and the world. Unfortunately somewhere along the way project management became obsessed with letting paperwork get in the way. He talks, writes and works with organisations to put conscious leaders and great cultures back at the heart of getting things done. Contact Colin here

money: /ˈmĘŒni/ noun

a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.



CREATING YOUR OWN FINANCIAL FAIRY TALE Melissa Browne “Alice came to a fork in the road. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked. ‘Where do you want to go?’ responded the Cheshire Cat. ‘I don’t know,’ Alice answered. ‘Then,’ said the Cat, ‘it doesn’t matter.” Lewis Carroll from the Adventures in Alice in Wonderland

asked to sit down and plan, which my husband well knows. However I understand that not everyone feels the same way. I also understand that to some people, the idea of thinking about where you want to go, what you want to achieve and how you’re going to make that happen can be a confronting one.


That’s because it forces us to look at what might be, to question the what-ifs and to even look at scenarios that we might not really be comfortable with.

t doesn’t matter if I’m hiring for a new position, talking to someone about money or working with someone to improve their business: I generally ask a very similar question. “Where do you want to be and what do you want to be doing in three years time?” My estimate is that at least half the time the question is answered with a blank look, a non committal shrug or a look of wonder as someone says, “I’ve never really thought about that before.” Now I love lists, organising and strategy so my idea of foreplay is being



It also can be an incredibly hard question to answer without a crystal ball. I know if someone had asked me at age 20 where I wanted to be in ten years time my answer would not be where I actually was at age 30. The same is true if I asked the same question to my 25 or 30 year old self. That’s why I think the three year question is easier. Of course, sometimes even three years

is tough. I’ve had it argued to me that because business and life moves at such a fast pace that any sort of planning is a waste of time. I think that’s a dangerous position to take. Yes I realise life moves at an alarming rate and we often can’t predict what next month will look like, never mind next year or three years’ time. I believe however that’s even more of a reason to look, to forecast, to plot and plan.

time but you don’t have a partner today you can now set out a plan for how you might achieve that. It might be joining dating sites, looking into IVF programs or adoption agencies and hopefully it will involve a financial plan for how you will be able to support yourself and a child regardless of whether a partner is involved or not.

Of course, if in three years time you’ve done the research and you’ve decided Why? Well, by looking into the future it’s all too hard, you haven’t met the we firstly look at what we want. This right person to have a child with or forces us to think about what we value you want to wait another three years, and what’s important to us which no-one is going to jump up and down means we start to focus on that instead and call you a failure. No good friend of the unimportant. So if in three years’ that is. Instead, if you’ve stuck to the time we want to finish a degree, change financial plan you created in order career, work 30 hours a week, start a to have a child you will at least have business, travel for six months, have created a pot of funds that will now children, buy a home or retire at least give you options. we have something we are potentially aiming for. It also forces us to look at Those options might be to travel for what’s potentially coming towards us. three months, to start a business, Whether it be changes to our industry, change career or perhaps to start our family or possible threats and to purchasing assets. The most important think about what obstacles are in the part however is that it gives you choice. way that we might need to overcome. The same is true in business. In Will you ultimately do those things you my profession I need to be looking planned or will those threats come to ahead because if I don’t then I could fruition? Who knows! What you can potentially be missing out on huge do however is plan for the financial opportunities or be caught napping and eventuality. That way at least you have be taken out by giant threats. options. So I take actions now in case the worse Now options is a word I know many case scenario comes true (tax returns of us feel comfortable with. So if your are eliminated) and continue as if goal is to have children in three years the best case scenario is realised (tax GLOSS AUGUST 2015


returns stay and our business is rocking as a business advisory firm). That way I keep an eye on the ball and no matter what, my business succeeds. It’s the same for you, your industry and your finances.

to save you. Instead it’s about setting goals, daydreaming, planning and then doing.

When Alice fell down the rabbit hole she found a magic drink and a magic cake. Today many of us are hoping If you plan, daydream and then simply for a magical financial solution to fall sit back and wish for a prince charming into our laps but sadly it doesn’t exist. or a fairy godmother then really you’ve Instead it’s up to you. So daydream narrowed all your choices down to one about where you want to be in three option. And if your fairy tale rescuer years time, plan and then most doesn’t eventuate then the only one that importantly, take action. has been robbed of choice is you. Decide today to become the author of Now planning is great but it’s only your own financial fairy tale. the first step. The missing ingredient from planning and goal setting is often Of course, if you need someone who is action. It’s fantastic to dream, to plan, an expert at helping dream, write and to vision board or whatever floats your help you enact your financial fairy tale, boat but goal setting is only the first make sure you contact me. step. Of course it’s the easiest and perhaps the most fun so that’s the one we spend the most time on but after we’ve talked about it, it’s time to take some action. That’s the financial story of the plan. Planning for and acting out the financial story of our plans is so important because too many of us are still banking on a lotto ticket, an inheritance, a prince or fairy godmother to come and save us from having to do any of the legwork ourselves. Of course a small handful of people might receive the golden ticket but for the rest, it’s up to you. There are no unicorns, magic wands or ruby red slippers coming 44


Melissa Browne is CEO of A+TA (Accounting & Taxation Advantage), Director of Business at Thinkers.inq and author of More Money for Shoes and Fabulous but Broke. Find out more here

the art of leadership is in saying


not in saying yes.

it is very easy to say ‘yes’. Tony Blair GLOSS AUGUST 2015




s an angel investor, I see a lot of business plans and hear about many new killer ideas with the potential to disrupt markets and grow into successful enterprises. But only a handful of these pitches have been successful in receiving portions of the over $2 million I have invested to date. As with everything else in life, there are those that hit the mark and others that miss. In spite of owning the killer idea, getting funding hinges on many factors that all need to hit the mark with the investors. The best thing that any entrepreneur or startup pitching for funding can do is to learn from the errors of those



around them. And, that’s why I wanted to share my observations from having reviewed hundreds of ideas and requests for funding.

ACCEPTING THE RISK QUOTIENT Like Bill Gates who dropped out of university to pursue his idea, most successful entrepreneurs are those who have a propensity for risk and willing to give the startup all their energy. Situations such as maintaining a regular job while trying to make the startup work or taking years to execute a plan do not help instil investor confidence. We like people who are vested in their ideas and are willing to give it all to

make it work. It is perfectly okay to be less risky. But know that your risk quotient will determine whether you succeed of fail in sourcing funds.


as you don’t know if the idea will take off and work. We entrust our core belief in the people behind the business plan and their ability to scale the idea. Talk about your individual expertise and values just as much you would the business plan.

Just like employing the right people, Many entrepreneurs think of their ideas you need to feel a connection to the as unique and lacking competition. Or investor so you can work together with that the competition is irrelevant, as them. I invested in iVvy as I believed they do not offer the efficiencies the in the founder Lauren Hall’s ability to entrepreneur’s product does. Not having succeed and proven results doing so in a realistic assessment of competition business and also on personal fronts as leads to entrepreneurial tunnel vision. a Taekwondo champion and a survivor. Even if no one else offers a product similar to yours or your product is better and faster than others, competition still exists in the shape of how people do things now. Be realistic and holistic in evaluating your market. Investors want to hear about the real business challenges, what the market is doing and your strategy to tackle them – not just a rosy picture of how you will disrupt.

PERSONALITY MATCHES I invest in people just as much I do in their ideas and businesses. Many angel, early stage and seed investors do the same, as they are involved in the business as mentors, directors or even staff. By its very nature, angel investment is one of the riskiest ventures out there

MARKET SIZE VALUATION Yes, the market potential could be $10 billion, but what is your realistic share within that segment or, how have you determined that share value? Many entrepreneurs believe that investors will not be interested in them unless they have a million dollar idea for a billion dollar market. Adopting a bottom-up approach and presenting a more realistic market potential often resonates better. I invested in ‘tickle your imagination’ magazine serving the handcrafted and artisan communities in Australia as they command a niche and do it really well. They aren’t big, did not pretend to be so, but have leadership in that space.



Commonly touted as ‘founder’s disease’, many entrepreneurs do not like letting go of control. As a result, at pitching stage, they come across as inflexible, too invested in every company process, unwilling to delegate and not open to change.

It should highlight the problem you are solving, the size of the market, your unique value proposition, the startup’s team, expected revenues and costs and the exit strategy. Just like a good CV, present your top points before delving into the pitch.

The biggest investment risk presented by a great entrepreneur who ‘does it all’ is succession planning for their absence and workflow designation during crucial peak periods. Mitigate this risk by getting out of the team’s way when they work and let them take control. Translate this internal efficiency to investors.

As the angel investment market grows and entrepreneurs have access to more funding, strategically use insights from others to help craft your request for funding.

REVENUE STREAM VS EXIT STRATEGY Many entrepreneurs, especially in the tech space, get confused between exit strategy and revenue generation. Aiming to sell the business successfully after a few years is not a revenue model – it is an exit strategy.

Renata Cooper is the founder of Forming Circles Global, a unique angel investment and mentoring How you generate money to sustain organisation that predominantly the business month on month is more invests in female-led technology important as it dovetails into how you startups. Committed to empowering plan to scale the business to growth through ongoing revenues and funding. women entrepreneurs, Renata has invested in over 100 national and global businesses, individuals and NOT THINKING OF YOUR organisations since 2011. She is a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY member of Scale Investors and a A well-crafted executive summary lies muru-D mentor. between the elevator pitch and a long slide deck, not in length, but coherence Contact Renata here and summation of the startup. 48




the art of leadership is in saying


not in saying yes.

it is very easy to say ‘yes’. Tony Blair 50


life: /lĘŒÉŞf/ noun the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.




HERE WERE YOU BORN AND WHERE DID YOU SPEND YOUR CHILDHOOD? I was born in San Bernardino, California but lived in Redlands, California and Flagstaff, Arizona. When I was young and living in Flagstaff, I spent most of my time exploring the forest surrounding our house or camping with my family. As a teenager back in California, I spent as much time at the beach as I could.



I would say my professional dream started when I was a teenager. I wanted to be a pilot, not just any pilot, but a fighter pilot (thank you Top Gun)! I wanted more than anything to fly a fighter jet and land on an aircraft carrier!! Unfortunately at the time, women weren’t allowed in to combat and I didn’t have 20/20 vision so that’s where it ended for me.

I was going to join the military so I could travel and have my university schooling paid for but instead I got married at eighteen and had my first child at twenty-one. My jobs up to that point were administrative jobs, they were okay some days, but other days Meet Melbourne LBD I disliked them. I thought they were monotonous, boring, and restrictive KimberlyKate Hutchings Matheson (I was chained to a desk all day). I




decided I didn’t want to work for a professional any longer; I wanted to be a professional so that I had more freedom. As soon as my second child was born, I enrolled in school. It took fourteen years but I now have my Bachelors in Psychology, my Masters Degree in Aeronautical Science with specializations in Human Factors and Safety Systems, and my Private Helicopter License. Not quite a

a good idea to become a helicopter flight instructor to earn money while I was attending graduate school (yes, I really thought that). Long story short, I now own two businesses; the first, Volo Mission, a helicopter company training pilots and companies in the external load industry (i.e. fire fighting, construction, logging, oil rigs, etc.) and the second, Spartan Girls, mentoring teen girls and young women to build their self-confidence by giving them

I THRIVE ON THE CHALLENGE OF OVERCOMING SOMETHING; IT MAKES ME WHO I AM. MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, I HAVE LEARNED I LOVE THE FEELING OF MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE’S LIFE. fighter pilot landing on aircraft carriers but I absolutely love flying helicopters and what I am doing now!

TELL US MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? The short version: When I started school for the first time after having two kids, my intention was to work in the field of psychology helping atrisk-youth. I had done some volunteer work while I was attending university and really had a passion for helping teens that were having trouble at home. I was nearly done with my bachelors degree and decided that it would be

the tools and skills they can use in the real world. Both companies allow me to help others while fulfilling my love of aviation and my passion for helping teens and women.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT YOURSELF DURING YOUR CAREER? I have learned I am a fighter; I don’t quit. I am always looking ahead. What’s the next challenge? What can I do better? How can I solve this problem? What do I learn next? I have learned to create something out GLOSS AUGUST 2015


of nothing when others think there is nothing. I thrive on the challenge of overcoming something; it makes me who I am. Most importantly though, I have learned I love the feeling of making a difference in someone’s life.

company and the regional manager came in for a couple days to assess our location (he had been in a few other times and I had casually chatted with him).

While he was there we were all called WHAT 3 KEY GEMS OF ADVICE into a meeting where he informed us of a new policy. I spoke up in the WOULD YOU SHARE? meeting and asked a question in which my colleague backed up my question. 1. It’s never too late (to get started…to He basically just gave me “a because I ask for help…to change things…) said so” answer and later that day he left but had my office manager call me 2. Believe in yourself. I think we into her office and deliver the message take up too much time and energy that, “if I ever spoke up in a meeting worrying about what others will again making him look bad, I would think, not what we think. If you be fired.” I hadn’t realized I had done believe in yourself, it won’t matter so anything wrong because it was what I much what others think. thought was a simple question, but it hurt his ego and I nearly lost my job. 3. Do it anyway. Again, self-doubt sneaks in and we can find ourselves I am sure you can imagine what I think saying, “Oh, I couldn’t do that…” of him and his ego now but at the time, If you think you can’t do it, do it I was shocked and embarrassed. What anyway. I bet you will find that you that did though, was teach me to watch can. out for egos and how to navigate around

WHAT ARE SOME MISTAKES YOU MADE AND LEARNINGS FROM THEM? I know some might not agree with this but, I learned the importance of maintaining boundaries between senior bosses and employees. I have made the mistake as an employee and a boss. When I was nineteen I was a receptionist at a medical insurance 54


them. I believe being able to identify someone with an ego in business is important because it can change the whole outcome of a situation.

The other side of the boundary lesson is being the boss myself and being friends with another employee, then having to fire that employee/friend. I’ve had to do it twice and it is a horrible thing to experience. Having to fire someone is never pleasant but to sit across from someone whom you consider a

friend and have to fire her is a terrible situation to be in and one that I don’t want to find myself in again.

WHAT KEEPS YOU GOING? If that fear starts to sneak up and I wonder if I am on the right track- I think of the saying, “you have to be brave in your life so others can be brave in theirs.” I am brave for my kids, for my husband, for my family, and for all of those whose lives I hope to touch, and that’s what keeps me going.

WHAT’S NEXT IN THE JOURNEY OF BRAND YOU? I have been quietly working behind the scenes for many years; educating myself, growing, learning, and now it’s time for me to get out there. It’s time to let others hear my voice. It’s time to make a difference.


throughout the day. It helps me plan my day, my week, let’s me know what the weather is like in other parts of the world (where my family is)… If I am travelling somewhere I’ll add that location and monitor the weather for at least a week ahead of time. Yes, I am definitely obsessed with the weather app!!

IF YOU WERE A HASHTAG WHAT WOULD IT BE? #learnbelieveachieve Kim is an entrepreneur, mentor, and helicopter pilot who is passionate about increasing awareness pertaining to the importance of human factors training for the external-load industry and also helping teenage girls build confidence from the inside out. Kim is driven by her passion for helping others. Contact Kim here.

1. Destination: Anywhere with white sand, blue water and a bright yellow sun. 2. Drink: Well, my favorite drink is an ice-cold diet coke out of a can but I know it’s not the best thing so I drink plenty of green tea everyday instead. 3. App: LOL - it has to be the weather app. I refer to it many times






’m a believer that anything’s possible. I actually think that your life is like a blank canvas and if you want to bridge the gap between the life you have and the life you want you need to paint your own masterpiece.

But the bottom line is that you have to be a True Believer in the life you want to create. You should also surround yourself with other True Believers. It’s your frame, you can own it and true belief is how you create it. Those who choose this path are True Believers.


I’m not talking the religious or political As you begin to create the life you type. I’m talking about a person with so choose there are lots of people who will much confidence, courage, conviction tell you that: and resilience — so much commitment aligned to their values — that they • you can’t almost don’t waver. These people know • you won’t their true north. True Believers know • you shouldn’t that life is like a marathon. In sprints 56


it’s about who crosses the finish line first, but in marathons it’s about finishing. True Believers may or may not cross the finish line first but they finish marathons! I’ve been studying True Believers for over 30 years. As a little kid at school

success. So how do True Believers make success look easy? • They get on with it rather than talking about it. • They get the things done that really

IN SPRINTS IT’S ABOUT WHO CROSSES THE FINISH LINE FIRST, BUT IN MARATHONS, IT’S ABOUT FINISHING. TRUE BELIEVERS MAY OR MAY NOT CROSS THE FINISH LINE FIRST BUT THEY FINISH MARATHONS I would observe those who stood up and led and those who didn’t. I studied those — either with or without authority — who later went on as adults to turn cultures, companies and communities around. I strive to be one myself, but more than anything, I have learnt from them.

matter. • They take responsibility and stay out of drama. • They stay focused on a clear path ahead. • They walk forward with other True Believers!

BUT WHAT’S REALLY GOING TRUE BELIEVERS MAY MAKE ON — FIVE FACTS THAT SUCCESS LOOK EASY MATTER Success may look easy. But we know that success is not always easy to come by and takes discipline and commitment. There is often an interesting back-story to someone’s success that involves a lot of hard work. While it may look simple to the onlooker there is rarely an easy road to

1.The quality of life is going down. In the Western world the standard of living is going up but the quality of life is going down; human stress and suffering is increasing in our homes, next door, in our businesses GLOSS AUGUST 2015


and around the world. We have so many choices and we still want more more money, more things, more knowledge, more success, more respect. But sadly, happiness for many is an epic fail. 2.Mental illness is causing disease. The World Health Organization reports that by the year 2020 mental illness (primarily depression) is going to be the number one condition in the developed world and will be the leading cause of disability and disease. That is staggering!

5.Connection is causing a disconnection. The time we spend on social media, surfing the net and on emails is having an impact. It reduces the time we spend on ourselves nurturing our health, relationships, recreation and achievements. The clock is ticking

We have to do something about these statistics now. The clock is always ticking and every precious minute counts in our personal life and in our business. True Believers have a healthy respect for time. It’s never too late to become a True Believer and to avoid 3.Working parents are doing it tough. becoming an unhealthy statistic. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that 78% of mothers and 92% of fathers with school age children from 6-14 years are in the paid workforce. Working parents are doing it especially tough struggling under great pressure, juggling work and family life, being pulled physically, psychologically, emotionally and financially. 4.Absenteeism is costly. The cost of absenteeism in Australia is estimated at $7 billion each year, while the cost of presenteeism where we are at work but not fully functioning because of a medical condition is at almost $26 billion.

REJECT BEING “FINE”! Considering those five facts that matter, how many times have you said “I’m fine” to describe how you are going? The “I’m fine” statement and the thinking that supports it can encourage us to avoid specific areas that need attention. By looking closely at all areas of our lives we can identify where we are fine and where we are not. There’s a risk that avoiding certain issues by using the “I’m fine” mentality will lead to decline. Life goes by so fast that we can sometimes forget who’s in the driver’s seat. It’s important to press pause, take our foot off the accelerator, check in to see what’s going on and, perhaps, update our plan of action. Problems begin when we hide our



truth and numb our pain. Numbing our psychological pain protects us from feeling hurt. In the short term this cover-up provides some relief but long term, the effects of anesthetising what’s really going on can be harmful. Fear is often the reason for the masquerade — disguising problems prevents us from finding solutions. Concealing what is really going on and how we are truly feeling is damaging to our wellbeing. When we are not fulfilled we can turn in frustration to addictions in order to feel good. The journey from problem to solution gets interrupted with shortterm relief and this masks the truth.

HOW TO BE A TRUE BELIEVER Many wish their dreams would come true - imagining what their life could be. True Believers don’t wish – they turn dreams into reality by igniting the three superpowers for success - belief, conviction and commitment.

1. BELIEF The starting line: get in the game As we begin the marathon that is our life, we are full of belief, but it’s a vision

PROBLEMS BEGIN WHEN WE HIDE OUR TRUTH AND NUMB OUR PAIN Relief includes drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. It also includes avoidance techniques like procrastination, denial, overeating, oversleeping, over socialising and overworking. The first step to a better quality of life is to uncover our truth and unmask the problem causing the pain and then treat that. We then have a chance of avoiding the interruption of the numbing addictions that prevent us finding solutions to create fulfilment. Uncovering the truth is where fulfilment begins and it’s what True Believers do. Uncovering the truth is where the magical tipping points can be found.

without proof. We know what we want the finish line to look like but there’s no evidence. However our belief at the beginning of the journey is a force of nature that drives us. Self-belief brings hope, trust and resilience for the game ahead.

2. CONVICTION The journey: play and stay in the game As the game progresses it’s belief that drives you towards the finish line. It doesn’t matter what knocks you get, who says you can or you can’t conviction is that quality that gives stamina to our belief. When we know GLOSS AUGUST 2015


why and what we want and how to get there, we persist. True Believers don’t quit!


extraordinary success in both business and life. But before True Believers take aim at a target, they stop and start at the

beginning. They start with deciding why they want to hit their chosen target. Without a strong why many miss hitting their target. Finding As we near the finish line, powered clarity by getting super clear about their by our belief and conviction, there is a consistent commitment to delivering on why is, what brings stamina, drives productivity, fuels discipline and leads the promises we make. Commitment them to their desired destination. is where reward comes in a world where many often give up. The focus True Believers are loyal and dedicated that determines a successful finish is decision, direction and discipline. True to a cause they truly believe in. True Believers commit to finish and as a Believers finish marathons — they result deliver on the promises they commit to finishing! make to themselves. They attract other True Believers who live with the same When we master these three sense of purpose and fulfilment. qualities we can move forward with Cross the finishing line: finish the game



When these tribes form, the collective contribution creates a powerful increase in consciousness — turning cultures and communities around. Be a True Believer! CG LEADING WOMEN ANNUAL EVENT - 2015 You are invited to Christina’s highly-anticipated annual event at the luxurious Palazzo Versace. This is a unique opportunity to meet inspiring women, boost your network and, best of all, to hear Christina’s powerful insights on true success and fulfilment in business and life. Date: Thursday 22nd October 2015 Time: Registrations at 8.30am - commencing 9.00am, concluding 5.00pm Venue: The Palazzo Versace, 94 Seaworld Drive Main Beach QLD 4217 Investment: $490 - includes gourmet snacks and 6-star lunch at Il Barocco Restaurant To register: For more details: 07 3871 0013 or Christina Guidotti is one of Australia’s leading experts on belief, conviction and commitment in areas of sales, leadership, productivity, success and fulfillment. As an authentic, powerful and inspiring speaker, author, mentor and trusted professional advisor she partners with individuals, businesses and organisations to create life-changing and sustainable outcomes. Contact Christina here GLOSS AUGUST 2015



hat does resilience mean to you? Is it being able to roll with the punches when the going gets tough? Maybe it’s the ability to make difficult decisions and stand by the outcome? Or perhaps, it’s just having an unshakable belief in yourself no matter what life throws your way. That was the idea in question back in April when the Honey Bar in South Melbourne was packed out to hear from four inspiring women about resilience in their own lives and careers. Resilient Women Think Differently came about when as president of the Melbourne chapter of Association of Image Consultants International, I decided to create a day where women could gather to network and hear the stories of successful women.


“Look, there wasn’t anyone else to do it and I had three boys to feed. You simply get on with what you need to do,” says Margaret Porritt, founder of iconic Australian fashion label Feathers. “I was divorced, I had no income and my parents said to me, ‘Margaret, you’re a smart woman and you’ll figure it out.’ I simply had to find a way to provide for my family at a time when a woman couldn’t walk into a bank and get a mortgage or bank loan. You needed a husband for that.” Porritt’s story of how she came to begin Feathers and go on to run a successful business for over 40 years



through recession and the GFC is peppered with anecdotes brimming with resilience. Now with a succession of fifteen stores and over fifty employees, Feathers is proving to be as strong as ever. Margaret credits these results to three main elements: her team, the quality of the fabrics and manufacturing, and the ability to rapidly turn around product from design-phase to shop floor. But she’s not alone, with almost every guest speaker expressing moments in

take lightly. But I had always backed myself when it came to making tough decisions, and this one felt right.” “How important is it that we teach resilience to young women and girls?” asks Phoebe Montague, the day’s MC and editor of the fashion blog Lady Melbourne. “We’re lucky here in the Western world, that young women have many opportunities like access to education, health care and work. The women I

‘I THINK THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT WE CAN LEARN RESILIENCE HERE FROM A YOUNG AGE, THEY’RE JUST LEARNING HOW TO SURVIVE’ their life when critical decisions needed work with in East Timor don’t have to be backed by a resilient attitude. those opportunities, and I think the difference is that we can learn resilience “Walking out of my own practice was here from a young age. They’re just not something I ever thought I would learning how to survive,” says Sue. do, but it was the best career decision I’ve ever made,” said Dr. Sue English, a “Well, I think my girls learned it from family GP and humanitarian. Sue had a really young age, because I made sure a junior doctor in her practice that was they were fiercely independent,” says bullying and making her life a misery. fashion designer Lisa Baron. “I just made the decision that I didn’t want to deal with the ongoing stress, and that I didn’t need to. When you’ve built your own practice over 20 years, the decision to walk out isn’t one you

“I’m not sure if it would make me mother-of-the-year in this day and age,” she recalls with a smile, “but my girls got themselves to school, made their own lunches and made a lot of GLOSS AUGUST 2015


their own decisions from a young age. I figured that it wasn’t my role to cloister them, they had to learn independence. It’s made them into wonderful, resilient and strong young women.” Lisa established her label in the 1980s, after making the move from Perth to Melbourne. “I had my sewing machine under my

The day was far from over at this point, with the champagne starting to flow and guests starting to mingle and tell their own stories of resilience in the breaks. Montague had her job cut out for her wrangling a room full of champagne toting women to their seats, but with maverick designer Jenny Bannister the final guest for the day all eyes were soon on the stage. When asked about how she got her start in

WALKING OU PRACTICE WAS NOT SOMETHI DO, BUT IT WAS THE BE I’VE EVE arm, and honestly had no idea how to start a fashion business. But I knew that by moving to Melbourne, it was going to happen not matter what,” she said. “Do you think the ability to make life changing decisions quickly, like what we’ve heard from Margaret and Sue already is what makes you resilient?” asked MC Phoebe Montague.

fashion, Jenny recalls not so much as emerging as exploding onto the scene. “ My mother wanted me to be a lady, wear white gloves and knee length skirts and generally behave in an appropriate way for a good country girl. Did you think I had any plans to do that? God no, I got out of there as soon as I could!” Jenny recalled.

“Melbourne in the 70s was all about “I do, at the time I didn’t think it was experimenting with fashion, wild a major decision that would change my parties, punk and rock and roll. We life, but I was prepared to make it and were free to come up with new ways of stick to it. And I’m glad I did!” she said. making clothes and there wasn’t any pressure to be popular on things like 64


Instagram. It was all about the clothes darling.”

women starting out in their careers on the topic of resilience?” Phoebe asks.

Due to her creative and distinctive approach to design, many significant pieces of Bannister’s work have been collected by major art galleries and museums. The National Gallery of Victoria has collected Bannister’s work from the 1970s and 1980s for their archives and in 2005, she was honoured

“Don’t be afraid of being different! Everyone today looks the same, dresses the same and I feel like young women have to win some sort of popularity contest to get some self-esteem. If I’d listened to what people thought I’d should do I’d still be in the country married to a farmer and miserable!”

UT OF MY OWN ING I EVER THOUGHT I WOULD EST CAREER DECISION ER MADE on a commemorative Australian postage stamp, along with other Australian fashion designers, Collette Dinnigan, Akira Isogawa, Joe Saba, Carla Zampatti.

“Be original and work with people who believe in your ideas. You’ve got to just got to go go go!”

“What advice would you have for young Jo Shiers, an internationally accredited image consultant guides women to successfully navigate their lives, accept and appreciate who they are, and express their personality and purpose with style. Contact Jo here GLOSS AUGUST 2015



HERE WERE YOU BORN AND WHERE DID YOU SPEND YOUR CHILDHOOD? My parents both came to Australia on boats as children so I grew up with stories of England and Ireland around me. Most of my childhood and teen memories are in suburban McKinnon which back then was an unknown part of Melbourne. I recently went back there and it’s now a thriving little shopping strip part of the world now where property prices are booming and the suburban dream is well alive. My parents did take one rather unusual and out of the box step in that suburban experience. They chose to send us (in a rather revolutionary move) to an all-girls private school.

IN HER OWN WORDS Leonie McCarthy

WHERE DID YOUR PROFESSIONAL DREAM BEGIN? In my high school years travelling to school on the train I used to feel sorry for the ‘suits’ trapped and sad looking like a Brack painting, on a treadmill, going nowhere. My dream was to be an artist, to be free.

Kate Matheson I studied painting at RMIT and loved 66


IN MY HIGH SCHOOL YEARS TRAVELLING TO SCHOOL ON THE TRAIN I USED TO FEEL SORRY FOR THE ‘SUITS’ TRAPPED AND SAD LOOKING LIKE A BRACK PAINTING it – the smell of oil paint, the playing with ideas and concepts. Sitting on the steps contemplating art and discussing philosophy over coffee. Researching essays in the grand Victorian State valibrary, going to gallery openings. It was amazing fun. I spent two years after uni painting and working night jobs to buy paints and materials. Whilst I loved art and creativity having no money was very limiting. When I was offered the opportunity to

work for my aunt in fashion I took it; I kept painting at night. I had my first (and only) solo show. The challenge of work was great fun; I did lots of different things in that business. I imported fabric, organised production, worked with the factories and entered orders, picked, packed and dispatched. It was the whole delivery cycle of the business and it had International reach. I loved working and at that time my dream was to head up a business of GLOSS AUGUST 2015


some kind.

TELL US MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? To make things work well in my first job I had to create a streamlined system for all the different areas I was working in. It taught me about process improvement before I even knew that process improvement was a ‘thing’.

for them. • It’s about looking at things from another point of view or frame, and re-thinking, how it might be. • It’s about showing people that they are not as stuck as they think they are and helping create the space for them to think differently. We enjoy working alongside business teams to support them whilst

6R works with (mostly) retail businesses to improve their systems and processes navigating change or new systems. and bring about change, often through We have a very practical approach and try to keep things simple. To make technology projects. something simple and easy is actually REALLY difficult. It’s a long way from art school but the intellectual engagement and rigour is WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED similar;

ABOUT YOURSELF DURING • It’s about improving things for those YOUR CAREER? who are trapped in the John Brack paintings of things that don’t work



The most important lesson in life and business ever. To be true to myself. If I am at peace with how I have conducted myself I can ‘sleep at night’. If I feel squirmy or uncomfortable then I cannot. Sometimes this means that I have to walk away from situations or not take some perceived advantage because if feels ‘wrong’.

For projects: Plan, plan, plan and then plan some more. Replan…. And then repeat. I often tell clients that the reason we make a plan is so that we can know what it is that we are wildly deviating from. It’s clearly a joke, but in every joke lies some truth.

WHAT 3 KEY GEMS OF ADVICE I recently took over a project and was WOULD YOU SHARE?

handed a project plan that had the project completing by early August For consultants: with a lot of slack in the timeline. It all looked very easy and achievable. You have to be the calmest person in Within hours, almost every assumption the room; don’t allow yourself to get that underpinned this plan was shown emotionally plugged in (or at least don’t to be incorrect. Time to replan. Now show it to a client). the timeline is tight and there is a lot more complexity to manage. If you are getting plugged in (and we all know what this feels like…you can You can only make a plan based on feel your heart rate increasing, or your what you know right in that moment. face gets hot or you feel sick to the It’s likely to be quite wrong. Don’t stomach). worry about it, just make a new plan Observe it. Breathe. Don’t BE it. Ask WHY? Why are you having this reaction? What is it about the situation that is bugging you? Your job is to observe and help them negotiate an outcome, to do this you need to be able to see clearly. Getting too much into your own reactions impedes your capacity to do this.

For communicating (often in projects): WIFM? What’s in it for me? Not you – the other person. Who are you talking to? Are you talking to more than one group? I refer to my previous point – plan. Plan what you have to say and what you want people to hear and do. What are their concerns? **note their GLOSS AUGUST 2015


concerns are always about them (not you) and often much more personal than you might expect** What questions are they likely to have? Where can they get their questions answered?

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MISTAKES YOU MADE AND LEARNINGS FROM THEM? I make mistakes EVERY SINGLE DAY, they are way too numerous to list.

same mistake again. Not getting it in writing is the biggest mistake I have made. I could tell many horror stories. From the basics of having an agreement with a client to the confirmation of terms of engagement changing. The rule of thumb I now follow is: if it could be disputed later then it’s worth putting in writing your understanding of the situation. This doesn’t mean the end of face to face conversations, or phone calls, these

I FIND WORKING WITH GREAT PEOPLE CREATES INSPIRING ENERGY. .. THE 6R GROUP ARE A CONSTANT SOURCE OF WISDOM, ENERGY AND INSPIRATION. More important than the exact mistake is how you approach them. Mistakes, from the mundane (spelling errors) to the momentous (forgot there was a hidden column in that spreadsheet and have miscalculated next half years inventory) are needed; they are the most effective way to learn. What I do is put in place sense checks that will stop me from making the 70


are the life blood of business. Confirm and follow up in writing, it helps if you end up in a disagreement.

WHAT KEEPS YOU GOING? Coffee (and wine), clearly... Having an exceptional family of people who you just enjoy being with to go home to at the end of the day puts everything into perspective.

I find working with great people creates next?’ inspiring energy. The incredible 6R group are a constant source of wisdom, We’ve been trialling this with a couple energy and inspiration. I rely heavily on of new customers and making tweaks their opinions and insights. and adjustments as we go. Stop by and check it out! Downtime, yoga and getting out into nature help too. Sticking to my exercise YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS: routine is key for me, I am always 1. Destination: my own backyard pool better in myself when I do. on a summer day


2. Drink: Coffee and water. Summer = G+T. Winter = a good red

The 6R team have been working hard on the ‘sense check’ products over the last few months.

3. App: new best friend Tripomatic (planning our next family holiday) old bestie (p tracker, to remind me when I feel crazy that it’s just hormones)

We have distilled some of our experiences and knowledge into easy to understand packages. 1. Getting Started ‘Sense Check’ focuses on new business and getting in place the right process and systems for ordering, inventory management and sales reporting.


Leonie has consulted on the implementation of merchandising, 2. Pillars of Profitability ‘Sense property, design, ERP and PLM systems. Check’, where we work with a She has extensive experience in production, business for a couple of hours a week sourcing and operations, working on over a 8-10 week period to focus on business process improvements. sales, margin and cost and increase She is the owner of 6R Retail and works profitability in the business by with a talented team of retail experts to making small adjustments each week service some of Australia’s best known and emerging retail businesses. 3. Systems ‘Sense Check’, focuses on end to end information flow through Contact Leonie here. a business; plugging any gaps and making recommendations on ‘what GLOSS AUGUST 2015


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you: /juË?/ pronoun used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.



my why Kate Savage

“Why learn from your mistakes when you can learn from mine?” Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, offered herself up as both a good and bad example with these words – and she seems to be doing alright for herself. So I’m going to talk openly and honestly – as people who know me will tell you I’m prone to do – about my journey to here, and my ‘why’.


ecause I’ve also made mistakes and had successes you can learn from, and she was exactly right, why would I hide them? I’ve learnt from them, so why can’t other people learn from them too, and save a load of time in the process? So let me share three things I learned that together changed the direction of my career…and my life. WORKING IN ADVERTISING IS HARD.



Well, first world hard, you know what I mean. There are crazy long hours, insane amounts of pressure from teams, clients, bosses, suppliers, and finance… You have to be creative, strategic, tactical, loud, quiet, a presenter, and a listener… But the people are usually great fun. Extrovert, creative, and when they’re not stressed to breaking point, fun to be around. BEING A WOMAN IN AGENCYLAND CAN BE HARD. Depending on where you are, the men you work with are tough (pressuretough), and the women are tougher. Somehow the guys who lose the most money get the most pay (and BY THE WAY! why can’t anyone see how hard you’re working over here???) There are often a lot of A-types

around. Awesome for management in terms of self-imposed drive and performance, not so awesome in terms of overachievers setting expectations for other overachievers. COMING BACK TO WORK AFTER HAVING KIDS IS HARD. Just the second half of that sentence is hard. OK. So picture this. How does it feel to be a type A extrovert, returning to advertising, after having a baby, with an all male leadership team… Oh, you’ve been there? Welcome to The Club. I fell into my career. I was good at it, it paid well and we went to all the best parties. I left my first job out of Uni as an admin clerk to go to an agency where on my first day I had to make a radio ad for Kiss FM (my favourite London station) and launch some nightclubs. I was in. Where’s the lifelong membership form?? But as the (ahem…15-ish) years rolled on, I noticed a pattern.

A PAIR OF EPIPHANIES If someone had been around to be a mentor or coach, things might’ve been different. But I didn’t have that person, and didn’t know to seek one out. I’m not saying I would have left the creative industries; in fact, I probably wouldn’t. But I would’ve done things differently I hope, and I would have had an objective adviser by my side. I didn’t have that advice, so I became paralysed. I stayed too long in roles, desperate to leave but unable to move. And my first great epiphany was this… IT’S ALL ABOUT CHOICE. You choose what you do and don’t do. • Who you schmooze with. • Whether to schmooze at all. Whether to be yourself. • Whether to say what you think or hold your tongue for a better outcome. • How late you are to work. • How long to stay in a situation you’re unhappy with. The moment you realise that, it’s so liberating.

I worked myself into a ball of stress at Even if you choose to do something each agency, burnt out, and moved onto stressful like pulling an all nighter the next one. before a pitch, at least if you’ve chosen GLOSS AUGUST 2015


to do it, you’ve taken control. You can choose not to. There’ll be consequences, but it’s your choice. The first epiphany gave my mind the space for an equally mind-blowing revelation. An honest-to-goodness, stop-walking, hold-the-phone moment. I love the industry. I love the people. I love creating fun. I love the energy. I love helping people.

Neurolinguistic Programming – with presuppositions such as the fact that no two people are alike. And that communication is more than just the spoken word and extended DISC (a suite of online assessment tools that provide you with the information to maximise the performance of your employees) and realised along the way that it doesn’t have to be a choice between money and meaning, and I don’t have to run away from frustrations to create good stuff.

I was having a meeting with a client that turned into another ‘coaching’ session, and as I walked back to the Let’s just pull that out. When I figured office a big “OMG” smacked me upside it out IT WAS HUGE: the head halfway across Pyrmont Bridge. YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MONEY AND MEANING. I could Coach! Not business coaching (I don’t want to build any more Stop running away from things, and businesses), not life coaching (I’m not instead, run towards the thing (role, very good at that meditation malarkey. career, life) you want. I went once. Fell asleep). But Career Coaching. I realised if I was independent, I could help more people develop their careers, stop delivering messages I didn’t agree with and generally say what I thought without having to justify it to my higher powers. Ta-da! And so began my ‘year of transition’, to be known in my memoirs as ‘The Transition Chapter’. I trained in Coaching, NLP 76


And then I worked out a system.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what you want to run towards. I had a moment, some people have a career wheel, others just need to do their research. Then you need a plan. You need to take control, not coast through, or run around like a headless chicken hoping a promotion will magically appear in December. It’s highly likely you need a bit of a confidence boost too. With constant

feedback from clients, bosses, ECDs and Mumbrella trolls, you’d be forgiven for needing a bit of a reminder of what you’re good at, and what you’re great at. After 15 years, I’ve tried it all. Loud, Quiet, Off The Cuff, Planned, Work The Room, To Schmooze or not To Schmooze…

If I can make a difference to one person’s life (and let’s face it, your career can take over your life) by a quick chat, a connection, a heart to heart or a kick up the arse, I’m happy. That’s My Why.

Don’t leave for the wrong reason. Don’t stay for the wrong reason. I’ve done employee and employer well Make some choices. and badly. Take some action. Make some more choices. I’ve done working Mum well and badly. Please don’t tread water, throw out your oars, or spend your life swimming away If you’re a 30-something (whatever, from sharks. 30 plus 10 counts!) in the creative industry, I’ve walked in your shoes. You’ll get to the end and be knackered. With the tears and short fuse. I’ve done the totally disengaged version. And Paraglide in, grab a cocktail, and feel this was all while being known as the the sand between your toes. laid back, motivating person. Plus I’ve done some really good shit. I’ve started teams. Hell, I started a whole new Activations team at BMF, the agency of the decade! I’ve judged awards; I’ve won them (not the same ones). I’ve worked my way up the ladder. I’ve earned good money. I’ve travelled. I’ve got a little boy, a partner, a mutt and a motorbike. But if you really want to break it down into a real ‘Simon Sinek TED-talk’ WHY, it’s this: I DON’T WANT ANYONE TO FEEL HOW I FELT SIX YEARS AGO. Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Exhausted. Anxious. Plan-less. Just getting through each day.

Kate is a Career Coach, NLP Practitioner and Mentor. Her core focus is on helping creative thinkers, particularly career women, to define success on their own terms, find their direction and take control of their careers., Contact Kate here GLOSS AUGUST 2015




ur days are filled with so much activity, it’s a wonder we can even sleep at night. With anxiety, insomnia and depression all on the rise, alongside stress filled days that involve longer working hours, a deep restful night’s sleep has never been more important.

to ramp up the quality of your rest, or especially if you’re not meditating, and find you have troubled sleep, or simply feel like your not getting enough of it, follow these simple steps for a great night’s sleep, to create the perfect Evening Retreat.

GIVEN THAT 20 MINUTES OF VEDIC MEDITATION IS THE EQUIVALENT OF 2-3 HOURS REST, NATURALLY THAT IS THE KEY THING TO HELP YOU GET THROUGH THE DAY Given that 20 minutes of Vedic Meditation is the equivalent of 2-3 hours rest, naturally that is the key thing to help you get through the day with energy, clarity and focus. So if you are already meditating and want 78


1. Eat Early Your body cannot process all the food you ingested, and prepare you for an excellent night’s sleep

simultaneously. Dine earlier, so that you have at least 2 hours break before bed, so that your digestion has time to settle prior to you getting horizontal. 2. Power Down Hour If your evenings are filled with television, your phone, Instagram, your computer, emails and Facebook, and potentially all these things happening simultaneously – STOP. Your brain is too highly wound up with digital input to relax, and release the natural sleep chemicals needed for you to rest and repair your mind and body overnight. Give yourself an hour of nothing digital before bed. If this sounds impossible, give it 7 days to see the results and you will swear by it. Instead read, relax, stretch gently, take a walk after dinner, listen to music, and have conversations. Hardly a wild proposition, yet we still never seem to do these things. You will be sleeping so deeply and much less, you will be waking so refreshed and be more productive. As a result, those two hours in the evening before bed will become a necessity for you to achieve more the following day.

night out. A very strict little formula that triggers all the sleep patterns needed for the bub to understand it’s time to go to sleep. Due to lots of adrenalin/caffeine/ sugar and stimulants during the day, we can be quite out of touch with when we are actually tired. We fuel ourselves with stimulants both physical and mental (social media included) to push through the days, and then wonder why we are so tired in the day. If you can’t alter your days too dramatically, then take the time at night to create a little sleep routine.

Jacqui Lewis is the founder of The Broad Place, a thoughtful, modern approach to conscious living. Visit her, and The Broad Place here

3. Create A Routine When you teach babies how to sleep, you do the same thing night in and GLOSS AUGUST 2015




n the sea of information overwhelm, it can be hard to know how to leverage LinkedIn. And yet, LinkedIn provides just that – a great opportunity to leverage and position yourself as a leader, as an expert, and as someone worth knowing.

can grow your business faster. You only have 4 seconds to have impact with your profile though, so you need to make it count! As Seth Godin says, “it’s easier to sell to people who already know you and have a problem, than selling to those who don’t”.

Since the introduction of sites like Trip Advisor, consumers have become savvier when deciding to part with their hard-earned money. Your clients are doing more research than ever before to ensure they get the best solution or help to their problem. A CEB Study found that around 60% of buying decisions are made before a client contacts you! Think of LinkedIn as your own personal Trip Advisor and the showcase to the world of who you are, what you do and why people need to know you.

So here are my top 10 tips to get the most out of your profile for lead generation....

There a few ways to stand out on LinkedIn so that you get meetings with decision makers sooner, traction in meetings happens quicker and you 80


1. HEADSHOT. Be consistent with your expertise, message and brand. For example, if you are a health and fitness expert make sure your LinkedIn photo is congruent with this – no-one will take you seriously if you are overly corporate with your message being too incongruent with your expertise. Your photos are a high ROI activity and deserve the priority in spend. They should ideally last you about

3 years. Your profile is like a mirror and what you put out is what you will get back.


jumped to $70 per month and is potentially an expensive exercise if you are not using it effectively.

5. BANNER IMAGE. LinkedIn have now introduced a banner image feature for premium accounts. This banner has lots of “boom” factor for your first 4 seconds, so use it well!

First and foremost LinkedIn is a search engine, just like Google. Your profile needs to be Search Engine Optimised to drive your google ranking and maximise the chances of you being found by your ideal 6. 80/20 RULE. client. By having keywords that you want to searched for, this also means Remember the goal is consistency that when a client lands on your and in LinkedIn that means profile it sings their language and visibility. To like and comment on their problem. others posts increases your visibility in the feed and adds value to your audience. Your original work is about 3. POST YOUR ARTICLES. what you do and how you help and should only account for 20% of your LinkedIn now allows anyone with posts. Be consistent every week if a profile to write a post. These posts you can and you will start to get to a are permanently on your profile and tipping point in terms of connections are great way for clients to validate and enquiries. their search and need to connect. Ideally posts should be a taste tester to help a client understand how you 7. INTRODUCTIONS ARE YOUR can help them and your approach. BIGGEST PRIORITY.

4. PREMIUM ACCOUNT. You may think having a premium account means you’ll get more enquires pouring in. The truth is you don’t. If your profile is not written effectively and you are not proactively approaching potential clients, you will waste any investment. The monthly fee has

Targeting people who don’t know you can be hard work. Look for introductions first. Around 80% of those people you are introduced to should agree to connect with you. If they agree to connect you can start your campaign.



BY HAVING KEYWORDS THAT YOU WANT TO BE FOUND FOR, ALSO MEANS THAT WHEN A CLIENT LANDS ON YOUR PROFILE IT SINGS THEIR LANGUAGE AND THEIR PROBLEM 8. USE THE PLUGINS. Your whitepapers, speaking kits, show reels, brochures, a link to your “contact us” page are all opportunities to attract and sell. Don’t just leave the reader on your profile. Take them where you want them to go.

9. BE EASILY CONTACTABLE. Ensure your phone number and email are clearly visible in your profile. Most people don’t know you can click on the “Contact Information” area to get that information. It is very hidden and a missed opportunity. Be easy to buy

10. BENCHMARK. If you do all this only about 10% of your enquiries will come to you through your attraction strategy. Of the 90% of those you approach directly and get in front of you should be getting in front of about 25%. So it’s simply a numbers game, keep going!

Jane Anderson is a Personal Branding Expert and the author of the upcoming book “CONNECT: How to Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile for Networking, Business Growth and Lead Generation”. She is obsessed with helping people have an impact through their fato face and digital marketing to be able to influence more effectively. Contact Jane here 82






eeing the need for change is one thing, taking the action steps to achieve that change is something quite separate.

for this role. Being a CEO is naturally a full time position with multiple demands on her expertise, people managing and business skills.

Which is why it was such a pleasure to meet and chat with Dr. Nicky Howe. She is someone who sees something that needs doing or changing, and then gets on with it.

When pressed as to why she became involved in aged care, she replied that it interested her. But what she really cares about is the problem of social isolation in our society, which can have a profoundly negative effect on our health and wellbeing at any age.

WHO IS DR. NICKY HOWE? To the outside world Dr. Nicky is the CEO of Southcare Aged Care Facility, a medium sized enterprise with 80 staff and 1000 clients receiving different levels of care. With a background in nursing, Nicky is in an excellent position to know, understand and provide what older clients are looking for. Her natural warmth and bubbly personality make her an ideal candidate 84


Research has shown, that even the perception of isolation or loneliness can have a negative effect on our mood and cognition. Perhaps you have had the experience of yourself living in a big city, but not knowing anyone. Despite being surrounded by people it can be a lonely experience. With more people of all ages now choosing to live alone, or work from home, many of us now spend a lot of time operating solo. It’s

important to be aware of the need for social contact with others, whether through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, Skype calls, or operating from a collective working space. Dr. Nicky’s view is that a service provider needs to be able to respond to an individual’s world-view and needs. For example she sees a big difference between those in their seventies, many of whom have interacted to some level with our digital technology and those in their eighties and beyond who may not. It’s just the same in our workplaces where baby boomers are now snuggling up to work alongside Gen Xers, Gen Ys and Gen Zs. Each generation not only sees and interacts with the world slightly differently, the way our brains are wired to operate is now different to a greater degree, than in previous generations who went before us.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE. I was aware that she had interests in other areas, but was probably still surprised when I asked her to describe her role in life, which she described first and foremost as an ontological practitioner working with individuals, organisations and communities working towards a culture of change. If like me, you’re not familiar with what Ontology is, Dr. Nicky explained it as the basis of coaching as a human

observer, supporting others to achieve their goals and create a new way of being. She said she has found this an invaluable tool to increase resourcefulness, effective leadership and management. In other words she helps others to be the best they can be, today. A veritable powerhouse of getting things done, Nicky works alongside another ‘mover and shaker’ in the arena of engaging young leaders to join aged care and community boards. While much is moaned about in terms of lack of gender diversity on boards in general, less attention is given to the need for diversity of age of Board members. This has been especially true in the Aged Care sector where board members themselves have typically been themselves of senior maturity. By pushing for greater intergenerational board involvement, Nicky and her cohort believe it is crucial to include younger voices for the set up and provision of best care practice at board level. Let’s face it, when it comes to being our turn to require help in transitioning towards retirement, rehousing or extra care, would you rather be dealing with an innovative business and board looking to continually improve, or stuck with a group of old fuddy-duddies who like things done the way they know and feel comfortable with? GLOSS AUGUST 2015


Of course it’s not just in Aged Care where the right to be a Board Member comes with maturity and life/work experience – the need for greater age diversity is everywhere.

for those women who are the gamechangers to be the positive change they want to see in the world.

One reason Dr. Nicky gives for getting more young people involved in aged care boards is to provide a more personalised outlook, one that values caring. She feels our society doesn’t care about its aged, who she believes society views as being of far less value than what we can dig out of the ground.

With all this giving to others I wanted to find out how Nicky looks after her own wellbeing. As with everything else in her life she devotes her full attention to staying fit and healthy.

CHEERING THE UNDERDOG. Back in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics, British runner Derek Redmond tore his hamstring half way in the 400 metre semifinals. Derek refused to be stretchered off the track, determined to finish the race. His father jumped over the railings to help his son do this, letting him go to cross the finishing line on his own in front of 65,000 people roaring their encouragement. Now that’s inspirational! In the same way, choosing to empower those who otherwise would have few options and little voice is something Dr. Nicky is passionate about.


Each morning she starts by doing some stretches after getting up, (she hesitated to call this yoga, but you get the drift). The dog then gets taken out for a walk that provides Nicky the time to be outside and enjoying nature, before heading home and spending 20 minutes on her elliptical bike. Her non working days see her take a longer walk and or perhaps going swimming. Every Saturday she has a regular massage and a combined 2-hour session of mindfulness and yoga. What was even more impressive was her husband goes too.


Nicky does not believe in missing meals. She ensures she always stops to refuel appropriately. She takes food to work, so she never gets caught short The One Hundred Women Project that and keeps a stack of tins of food in a Dr. Nicky is associated with is a ‘giving cupboard at work as well. circle’ that donates funds in the form of grants to assist and empower women While she loves to have a glass of wine, and girls. This collective giving is a way 86


she recognises the need to keep a couple GOING FOR BROKE. of alcohol free days each week, Monday to Thursday. Giving ourselves permission to let go and follow our heart, our passions and COMMITTED TO FAMILY AND beliefs is what allows people like Dr. Nicky to achieve so much. Far from FRIENDS. being content to rest on her laurels, her drive is ever towards what else needs Dr. Nicky is very much a family fixing or changing to help others. oriented person. She has three grown Her belief is that many of the world’s up children, 24, 26 and 27 and is committed to always spending as much problems could be solved, if we chose to focus more on capacity building rather time as she can with them and her than economic rationalism. extended family of sister and parents. She has a close circle of close girlfriends that provide mutual support and encouragement. She feels very supported in life and believes we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. She approaches life with the philosophy of always being a learner, which she finds liberating, as she never has to then stand to hold the position of ‘truth’.

Which is a rather nice way of saying if we just get on and do what we know is right for the majority, and support them in their efforts to succeed, we can make a far greater impact than just worrying about how much it will cost.

I asked Nicky how she keeps the fire burning in her belly for what she does. She considers herself feisty, she knows what she believes in and will always fight for it. She admits that this temperament means she can arc up, but her husband is her Yin to her Yang and Dr Jenny Brockis is the Brain Fitness Doctor. She the calm to her storm, thus balancing helps fine tune brains for high her out.

performance. Her new book Future Brain The hardest thing she admits, is - The 12 Keys to Create a knowing when to eat humble pie. She High Performance Brain is achieves this by asking herself “what’s bigger than this” to help keep things in due for publication by Wiley in October 2015. Contact her perspective. here




ember m D B rth L e advan e P o t g th o ns i n t i v a l i u e rai c t B e a r r e r g n u n o Co ockis s book, ‘Fut itor Ka r B y n n d DR Je her fabulou anagin g E r de M ve f Renata copy o LOSS’s own lied the co bor a C with G n, who supp rth LBD coll as Form ooper’s Formin g Ci in g so Pe Mathe strations. ction! website Circles Global rcles has bee ll u n relau (F , in a and i nched mentor FGC is a uniq C G). With a new log in g org ue an g a e n l i i s n a vestme o and founde tion su n p d start ups an portin g wome t and d smal l busin n led or esses.

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Sydney LB Restaur D Dinner – Sca a rl collabora nt. Conversatio ett ns and tion at i t s b est. Ano fabulou s LBD Di ther nner in Sydney.

Nikki Fogden Moore Nikki on her ‘Vitality To riding bikes in Santa Barb



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Blythe R a corp owe was gu o messa rate leader est speaker ge ‘Cr s eatin ’ presentin for g g Riots the Right K her Above ind of are Ja Culture”. nine & Blythe in act ion

Lisa McAdams Congratulations on the launch of podcast series, “Hope Beyond Abuse”. Lisa’s podcast series gives people trapped in domestic violence or those seeking help, an insight into what to expect when you seek help, interviewing various experts .

‘‘...Nice g

irls don’ t posure f like to talk abo ut mone o her book r Melissa Brow ne prom y’ ‘Fabulou otin g s but Br t h o e k e Dai ’ in Photo cre dits cou ly Telegraph. rtesy of fellow L Zahrina Robertso BD member, n Great ex

our’ bara.

Janine Garner’s From Me To We continues to be spotted around the country GLOSS AUGUST 2015



















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ick off your express training winter countdown with a 4 Week Survival Guide - super simple and tailor the intensity to your level. So the days are shorter, weather is getting pretty miserable, it’s hard to keep your motivation to workout (like you had it before…?!) Well, don’t despair. This clickout, print and keep, DIY workout plan will have you working out in private like a hibernating bear, and coming out like a tiger ready to tackle Spring! Seriously!

your program seamlessly. Look at your workout routines with a fresh set of eyes. Simple, short express sessions. No long, drawn-out workouts. You will be treating your body to regular exercise that helps create definition, strength and much needed positive vibes for moody August. Your goal this month is CONSISTENCY. Give yourself a break and create your own secret plan of attack. After four weeks you could be ticking off: • 16 express Workout sessions

Focus on lower body and upper body work that helps you build lean muscle, • 4 Stretch/Yoga Sessions and boost your metabolism. Feel in control by using your abs for each • 4 x 40-60min quality cardio sessions exercise so you incorporate ab work into 94


• 2 family/friends fun sessions and; • 4 rest sessions. Remember; you don’t need fancy equipment - you can do a lot with resistance bands, a chair and a sturdy beam to use as a bar at home for your pull ups.

KICK START YOUR TRAINING: BUILDING YOUR PLAN Take an A4 Sheet of paper each week and build your plan from the drag and drop - note, the trick is to schedule time into your calendar BEFORE the week starts, get your family or friends GO TO EXERCISES

burpees, mountain climbers, jump lunges, the box jumps etc. They are explosive and engaging for your heart and your muscles.

4 EXTRA TIPS TO BOOST YOUR METABOLISM WITHOUT DONNING YOUR SPORTS GEAR 1. Supplement your journey with a good quality multivitamin - if you’re doing intense training then you may need to fortify your body with extra vitamins and minerals to help repair and assist metabolic maintenance. One a day multi vitamins with extra B, GO TO WEEKS

onboard, and ensure you have the time and space to do your workouts.

C and D are great during the winter months.

You don’t need an hour. 20 minutes is enough to ensure you can kick start a killer body with commitment and consistency. Complete one set of each exercise then do a short rest and repeat the circuit. Aim for 2-3 sets.

2. Magnesium magic! Our bodies need magnesium as it’s an incredible multitasker connected to over 300 biochemical reactions in our body! Yep - it’s a must have to help metabolise fats, carbs and support a healthy energy system while you are training and recovery afterwards.

Add plyometric movements to your workout to super-charge your sets they are incredible at building strength, agility and cardio fitness and you don’t need equipment. Like star jumps,

3. Get your OM on with Omegas. I take flaxseed in my smoothies and add this to oats during the winter months as well to build up the essential fats in my diet. Thinking of Omega-3 as GLOSS AUGUST 2015


the oil for your engine. The fatty acids help your recovery phase, prevents muscle breakdown and reduces wear and tear on joints. 4. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Even though it’s cooler, weather, drinking good amounts of water is essential. The good old H2O is critical to supporting metabolic function. Avoid sugary sports drinks and soft drinks and stick to plain filtered water - filling up and drinking at least four large sports bottles if you can in a day. Add squeezed lemon or lime juice as well - it’s an ideal way to kick start your digestive system in the mornings and I keep a jug of this on my desk, and keep refilling it with filtered water. Remember - don’t be too strict on yourself, but MAKE A PLAN. Book time in your agenda and don’t leave your workouts to the last thing on the list. Get up 15 mins early each day for the first week to start a new habit, or schedule time in with your bestie. Have your kids count your reps and mark out your workouts on a piece of paper on the fridge. Integrate these into your week and run your body like you would your business. Your health is your wealth.

Nikki Fogden-Moore is The Vitality Coach, and you can visit her for more great advice here.




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Get your profile, business and essentially your expertise presented in front of the very media you want to see delivering your story.

General Admission: $300 plus GST Email: *Payments can be made via Bank Transfer or Credit Card Payment (MasterCard / Visa Only). *All attendees will receive a reminder one week prior to the event *Refund Policy: 14 Days - Full Refund, 13-7 days 50% Refund. 6days – No Refunds will be issued. *Attendance to the event is at the organizers discretion.

This is more than a standard press release exercise. It is an opportunity to open the right doors, to increase your credibility as an expert within your industry, and to become a sought after media commentator.








o it must be admitted that there is a small amount of personal bias on the part of this reviewer’s er, reviews this month when it comes to the subject matter; as perhaps not only the subject of thought leadership, but the subject of TED Talks is on her - or, of course, his - mind. Be that as it may, TED and thought leadership do go hand in hand, and if you want to get inside the minds of some of the world’s best TED speakers, and indeed some of the world’s top minds, then this is the book for you. Absolutely packed full of ‘moments’, Carmine Gallo broke down and analysed more than 500 TED presentations, which is a hell of a lot of Technology, Entertainment and Design to wade one’s

way through. Some amazing anecdotal evidence of what makes successful TED talkers tick, but it is Gallo’s style which really makes the book hum. A great read in its own right (or write?), and fascinating insight into the way those who don’t fear the stage work.





would genuinely love this woman for her website design (OK, you may have figured out who the reviewer is this month), even if I didn’t love her for her thought leadership. Already famous - or even infamous - for her TED talk on ‘sitting is the new smoking’, Nilofer Thomas is fast becoming a potent voice for change in the US and beyond. A very modern cowgirl, with a socially aware and active conscience, and an acerbic and intectually wry pen. Thought-provoking and energising at the same time. GLOSS AUGUST 2015




once got into an argument with a slot car fanatic (true story). Now in terms of people to not get into arguments with, let me tell you, slot car fanatics are right up there with vegans and NRA gun lovers – after all, they love going round in circles! (Sorry for the dad joke. Sort of). Anyway, the argument we were having was based upon the quote attributed (wrongly) to Charles Holland Duell; ‘Everything that can be invented has been invented’. My slot car friend was saying he had actually invented a new thing in slot cars, whereas my argument was that it was only a simple refinement of ideas – or the conglomeration of a few other ideas – not an actual new idea. Thought leadership is a bit like that. As intelligent people, we are surrounded by a wealth of information from the 100


interwebs, awesome articles (like this one - cough), and friends and colleagues. When you take all the great information that is out there and consolidate it, mull it over and manage to join the dots, you have almost done thought leadership. Almost. But not quite. I’m a big fan of Seth Godin and particularly his work Linchpin where he talks about the deliverable; everyone is an artist – when they deliver! And in thought leadership, it is all about the deliverable and the audience. We all have amazing sources and we are all intelligent people and can put these sources together in our heads – it is the act of actually pulling it together into a story, a narrative that you can share that makes it thought leadership. So how does one get from idea, to paper, to audience to becoming a ‘thought leader’? That’s the true question. The art of the magic of thought, regurgitated onto paper, into a form that looks, and sounds, like it makes sense. The homological processing of thoughts, smashed together. The elision of abstract ideas into a cohesive, moving, personal story that takes people on a journey. To me, the beginning is thought.

The mulling over of a topic in my head until the words visualise in my mind, forming shapes on the paper of the inside of my head.

to, and involves, doing. The deed is in the thought, the thought is in the deed...

And then I write it down.

That actually seems to make sense - all the way from my mind’s paper to here.

And then I, with a great deal of trepidation and fear, hand it over to someone I trust. Someone who knows me and challenges me, and hopefully likes the thing I have produced.

...and we lead through sharing the two.

I might just give Seth a call.

And that’s thought leadership – and like most forms of leadership, it boils down



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own company Gabrielle held various senior leadership roles at the National Australia Bank and was responsible for leading major organisational change. She is a graduate from the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in the Art and Practice of Leadership Development program. Gabrielle launched her own practice in 2013 after successfully co-founding and then building One Thousand & One into Australia ‘s leading storytelling company. She is the co-author of Hooked: How leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling and co-author of Eliminate Death by Powerpoint. Gabrielle’s new book, About Gabrielle: IGNITE. Real Leadership. Real Talk. Real Results is now available in all leading Over the last decade, Gabrielle Dolan has worked with thousands bookstores and on-line and it is a pleasure of high-profile leaders from around to gift GLOSS readers a sample chapter to enjoy. Australia and the world, helping them become more real leaders and Contact Gabriel here, and purchase IGNITE communicators. She is a highly here sought after international mentor and keynote speaker on storytelling and leadership. Before running her


























































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