The Zappos Family Downtown Employee Newsletter September 2012

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eptember is proving to be an exciting month. We just welcomed 200 employees to 302 Carson Street on August 27th. This is a huge step for our project, our culture, and the entire Zappos Family. With the addition of 302 Carson we hope this will give everybody one more reason to visit downtown. It is an amazing office and will shed light on the design ideas of our future campus. Inside this issue you’ll learn about a brand new Black Box theatre opening up in the Arts District. Find out what Jordan, a.k.a. Jordy, Gellar and his Nikes have been up to and learn about the rise of fashion in Downtown Las Vegas. The Las Vegas PRIDE parade and festival are just around the corner and with First Friday all happening together, the second weekend of September is shaping up to be a blast! If you are still looking for more things to bring you downtown, check out our September events page for some great happenings. We hope you enjoy this month’s edition of the Downtown Employee Newsletter! Happy reading! Contact us at - Loren, Jamie, Rosalind and Audrea


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Downtown Team Jamie Naughton: Speaker of the House Audrea Hooper: Downtown Events and Project Coordinator Rosalind Searcy: Events Coordinator Loren Becker: Downtown Coordinator Contributing Writers Brian “Paco” Alvarez: Historical Consultant Zach Ware: Campus Operations and Development Rosalind Searcy: ShoeZeum Loren Becker: Cockroach Theatre Graham Kahr: Downtown Do’er Design & Layout April Smith: Sr. Visual Designer Photography Loren Becker: Staff Photographer Doralynne Marie Valenzuela|: Downtown Photographer: Fashion Alley Ryan Rogers: Cover Photo


Night at the Ball Park III It was the final Night at the Ball Park event this season. The Zappos Family set up BBQs, tents and even had a double decker bus show up at parking lot A of Cashman Field. The party started at 5pm and rolled along right up until game time. Special thanks to James Sasahara and all the volunteers that helped put everything together. Farmer’s Market The Downtown 3rd Farmer’s Market is still in full swing. It also continues to attract more and more vendors. The old transit station located at Casino Center & Stewart is filling up month after month with fresh produce, live cooking demos and other artisan goods. Even if you’re not purchasing fruits or vegetables there are plenty of food trucks, so grab a bite and enjoy the courtyard and a little people watching. Fashion Alley It went down behind the Beauty Bar and boy was beauty a key factor here. We were all dazzled by style and finesse while mingling with the up-beat crowd. ShoeZeum Grand Opening It was a spectacular success, not to mention mind blowing as well! Jordy’s enormous shoe collection drew crowds from all over the Valley and the ribbon cutting with the mayor was lighthearted and fun. Thank you Jordy for making Downtown Las Vegas home for the ShoeZeum. 302 Carson Opens It is finally official, Zappos is downtown! The 302 Carson office is now open to around 200 employees who relocated from the Henderson HQ. Stop by and see the industrial style space anytime to say hi!


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter



Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Page 8: Carson Move Update: The Eagle Has Landed! Page 10: Ghost Writer: A Zappos Employee Tells It Like It Is Page 12: Discounts: Zappos Employee Discounts to Local Downtown Businesses

Photo: 302 Carson Street Building Entrance 7

The Eagle Has Landed! What a Savvy Move Team!

It was a challenging and exciting eight month process designing, building, finishing and opening the Carson office. For all of us on The COD Team, joining 200 Zapponians working downtown and enjoying the new office has been a very rewarding experience. Our team will continue to work closely with pioneers working from the Carson office over the next few months to gather feedback and continue to evolve our workspace. The next year will help us in our journey to creating our new home at 400 Stewart Ave in October 2013. We would like to thank everyone who helped during this complex transition. We would also like to invite teams from across the company to come check out the new office and “hotel� from here so you can experience the space for yourselves. - Patrick and the COD Team


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter


Movin’ On’ Down … err… town There are a lot of Zappos employees. . . I mean A LOT! There didn’t used to be. Way back when, when I started here, I knew everyone. Now we have gotten bigger and it’s wonderful! And so much fun, and full of new opportunities. We have occupied the same three buildings in Henderson for years. It’s a nice suburb, and has a variety of businesses that various Zapponians can dine and shop at. I live in Henderson, I enjoy living in Henderson, and after this most recent move. . . I am super glad that I live in Henderson instead of Boulder City. :) A while back, we were told that Zappos would have a permanent home in the old Las Vegas City Hall building. Woo!!! No more shuffling between buildings for meetings or errands, pretty soon we would all be in the same place! More chances to get to know more people! Elevators! Permanence! However, it was going to be a while before we could all be in the same place, and we were busting at the seams in our Henderson office, what were we to do?! The solution was to move a couple hundred folks to the Carson Building. A truly awesome place that was downtown, and an ideal solution in getting us ready for the big move.


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

This is the end of my first week in the Carson Building. I’m here without half of my team, and away from some really great friends that I’ve made. I can honestly say that I am happier here than I have been in months! I look out my window (there are a lot of windows!!!) And I can see the mountains, and the skyline of old Vegas is behind me. :) I’m a native, this is my city and I love it, I always have… So to be right in the heart of this city is thrilling for me. Each day I walk to and from the office with different folks. This allows me to build new relationships and re-kindle some older ones. Also, it’s totally rad to walk under the Fremont Street Experience canopy at night. At the end of the day, work is work… But not when you work for Zappos, and an office is just an office… Unless you work for Zappos. In which case, an office is an office that sometimes has a llama in it. It’s only been a few days, but I can see myself falling deeply in love with Carson. It’s nice to be a pioneer, except… I get to wear heels!


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Cafelatte in THE PLAZA Pop up Pizza in THE PLAZA Island Sushi in THE PLAZA Rolls at Island Sushi (Sun-Thurs) Kabob Korner Uncle Joes Pizza Triple George Grill Mob Bar Flight Linez Insert Coins (Excludes Happy Hour & Bottle Service) • El Gaucho Luca’s Café • City Center Café


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

• • • • •

Select Produce at Farmer’s Market Bar+Bistro Dinner (Alcohol not Included) Bar+Bistro Lunch Bill The Beat (Excludes Happy Hour) Downtown Cocktail Room (Excludes Happy Hour) • Vic & Anthonys in the Golden Nugget • The Grotto in Golden Nugget

Check out the Wiki for more information on discounts.

Page 14: Interview - Cockroach Theatre Page 22: Interview - ShoeZeum Page 28: Fabulous Downtown Page 30: Graham Kahr - The Downtown Do’er

Photo: ShoeZeum inside Neonopolis 13


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Meet Artistic Director Erik Amblad and Managing Director Levi Fackrell of the Cockroach Theatre Company They wandered the desert for ten years; staging shows wherever they could find a space – like parking lots of local antique shops and out of duffel bags in Europe. Now Cockroach Theatre is putting down roots in the 18b Arts District. Their first home, The Arts Square Theatre, will open this summer in Art Square. Known for pushing the edge of convention and challenging the way audiences think, the nonprofit Cockroach Theatre was formed in 2002 by a group of UNLV theatre students out of the needs and desires to create powerful, evocative theatre. The original concept was to produce “new and neglected” works either by emerging playwrights, or simply to locate and produce great plays that have gone unnoticed. Cockroach Theatre exists to satisfy a need for defiant theatre for both artists and audiences alike.


The first season will start in late summer and will begin with the 2011 Sin City New Play Contest winner, “Nurture” by Johnna Adams. Cockroach Theatre also plans to offer training programs and provide an affordable space for variety acts, contemporary dancers and spoken-word performers from around the Valley. Every day of the week you will find something interesting at the Art Square Theatre.


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

I first met Erik Amblad and Levi Fackrell, the original founding members, at the theatre company’s new home at 1025 S. First St. in the Art Square Theatre to ask them some questions. We laughed a lot, shared a funny story or two and hung out like old friends. I hope you enjoy their candid, honest and comical responses to one of the coolest interviews to be had.

Everyone has a great story about what landed them in Las Vegas, what is yours? Levi: My father was a barber on military bases. His work took us here when I was in the 4th grade. I went to school here and then to UNLV. I absolutely love Las Vegas. Erik: I am a native! My parents came out here in 1966. They loved it and stayed. I stayed until I was 18, then I went to Harvard and thought I would never come back. Then 9/11 happened and I wanted to be closer to my family so I came back to Las Vegas. I thought I was giving up on arts but then I saw a little company called Cockroach Theatre and said, “this is the kind of theatre I want to do right here in my home town.” It was a revelation. Where does your passion for theatre come from? Erik: My first roll was as a lost boy in “Peter Pan” when I was in preschool at Temple Beth Shalom. I could not build the house for Wendy and I remember Ms. Rinkabini had to come out and help me. I just remember being out on stage and thinking, “this is not the way it’s suppose to be on stage, I should be doing this on my own.” My whole life in theatre is really just trying to make up for that first failure. I have been on stage my whole life and that really was my first performance. Levi: It’s kind of cliché but I never had the intention of pursuing theatre. I showed up to orientation in college and saw a buddy of mine. When they broke us into majors we said, “let’s do theatre.” It wasn’t so much doing theatre but it was the people I got to be around. In fact some of those people helped found this theatre company in 2002.

What is your most embarrassing moment on stage? What was your most triumphant? Erik: There was this time in preschool… (Group Laughter) I actually live for those moments on stage. I think that’s what makes live theatre awesome. When something goes wrong on that stage then everyone in that room is experiencing something that no one will experience again. Four years ago I did a play called “The Dumb Waiter” in a warehouse right here in the arts district. That was probably the best I have ever done. It was the play that made me go all in. Levi: I don’t have a most embarrassing, but I have one that could have gotten embarrassing. I was playing Caligula and we were holding court. I was surrounded by the senators and one of the guys starts sawing logs on stage. I mean he is just out, fast asleep. One of the most triumphant was that I had grapes in my hand and I realized I could use those grapes in character to wake the guy up. So I just started nailing him in the head with these grapes. I was pretty proud of that, I even wrote it into the play. What kind of evolution of theatre has been happening in Las Vegas over the past ten years? Erik: I have seen independent theatre flourish here over the last eight years. Black Box opened, Insurgo came to town, Cockroach kept doing productions and I even formed my own company. Eventually we started to collaborate and then I came on board this April. It’s like we have been building towards this moment for eight to ten years. I remember in 2005 standing outside the Arts Factory looking at these warehouses and saying, “in 2012 we are going to build a theatre over there.” Now here we are in 2012, Cockroach Theatre, and I get to be artistic director as we build that theatre.


Where did the name Cockroach Theatre come from? Erik: Yes Levi, where did that come from? (Laughter) Levi: Somebody recently asked who gets credit for the name? I said, whoever bought that last pitcher of beer at Stakeout when we were in college. We can’t pinpoint where it came from, it has just fit us so well. We have almost retroactively tried to add our own take on it. Originally, I think it spoke more to our midnight shows and coming out at night. As we sort of matured we have embraced other aspects to the name - tenacity, survivability and resourcefulness that comes along with that name. How many productions has Cockroach put on over the last ten years? Levi: Just about 22 productions. In those 22 we have done three national/international festivals. We took a show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. We preformed for 30 days straight with a set we lugged over in large duffel bags. We had to put the stage up and destroy it after every show. How many people are in the core group? Erik: There is a core group that founded Cockroach Theatre and then there are those of us coming on board to help make things happen. What I’m looking forward to is that this is a place where audiences can have the opportunity to experience something they have never done before and artists around town have the ability to create like they never have before.

Photo by Ryan Reason 18

Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter


Levi: The core group originally started with five actors. We had just come out of college and thought we could do anything. What is a Black Box theatre? Erik: In a Black Box you get a little more freedom as an audience and an artist. You can arrange the seating and stage however you want. You really can tell a story the way you want to tell it. It also adds an element of surprise for the audience. Everytime you go, there is going to be something different. Levi: This space speaks to the way we do theatre. We have done stuff in junkyards and open warehouses. We like to produce using the elements and found spaces. Why Downtown Las Vegas and not somewhere else in the valley? Levi: When we where forming the non-profit we walked out of our lawyers’ office and said, “in five years we want our own space downtown.” We have always been drawn here. Erik: I have done theatre in spaces all over this valley. I think that there is such a vibrant energy downtown. It is unique to the valley. It’s also a place where everyone in the valley can reach. If it’s happening downtown you can reach the full audience and I think the full audience is really interested in downtown now. It is a place we have had roots in for a decade. There is a spirit of adaptability in this very urban environment, I just feel like we belong.


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

When is the theatre opening and what is the first show? Erik: Grand opening will be September 21st. We will be presenting “Nurture” by Johnna Adams, the winner of the Sin City New Play contest. Now it has its home here at Cockroach Theatre. What about workshops? Erik: It is going to start on Saturdays; we will have one for Actors and one for Writers. It is open to anyone who is interested in really developing a discipline and exploring what it is to be an actor. From that we will have other workshops, whether its movement, make-up, costume design, other acting styles. Outside of the Arts Community what else is inspiring you downtown? Levi: The overall sense of progress and positivity that everyone exhibits down here and the willingness to see the good that is universal down here. This is something that the community has

been trying to make happen for years and no one gave up on this dream of what downtown is turning into. That’s what’s inspiring. Erik: The physical development of all downtown and all of the pride going into it. I look at Zappos moving into 400 Stewart, Symphony Park, the construction on Fremont east and the New City Hall. There are a lot of independent visions that we are all developing at the same time.

For more information contact or to volunteer, email your interest to

Think quickly. I’m looking for the first thing you think of when I say favorites of downtown… Erik: Restaurant: Bar+Bistro Bar: Bar+Bistro Monthly Event: First Friday Random Place: Parking spot at 7th & Fremont that is always open when I go to Fremont. Biggest Surprise: The community here. People are real neighbors. Misconception: That it’s all about crack, crime & whores. ‘Cause it’s not the ‘80s anymore! Levi: Restaurant: Casa Don Juan Bar: Artifice Monthly Event: The every day event of running into fascinating people & those conversations. Random Place: I love 1st street in the morning. Any words of advice for the 200 Zappos employees that recently moved into 302 Carson and for the rest of our team as they get closer to moving into the former City Hall? Erik: Come by and say hi. I would love to tell you about the neighborhood. I think you can do that anywhere downtown. I think that friendliness and inquisitiveness is rewarded down here. Oh and get a bike, a bike will take you far. Levi: Make sure you give yourself at least a monthly visit to Luv Its Frozen Custard.



Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Jordy’s been setting up for weeks, cleaning all day, and the excitement for the ShoeZeum’s grand opening is real and here! He told me, “Soon there will be voices and people walking through the aisles and I will be here everyday to answer any and all questions.” You would have to see his eyes light up and his smile from ear to ear and then hear his voice as he walks you through Nike’s 40 years of history. Passion comes from the love of something so much it is seen in your reason for existence. Jordan Michael Geller has found his and is willing to share it with the entire world! And if you look down at his feet, it’s guaranteed you’ll see a pair of Nikes! Jordy does not claim to have the largest Nike collection in the world but he does have the most comprehensive Nike collection in the entire world! You will have to see his collection in person so you understand that his passion is a passion familiar and shared by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world! Not only does Jordy own one of the first Nike shoes created, but when you walk through the ShoeZeum you will find ‘that one pair’ in his collection that you can relate to either by its style, inspiration, or because it just looks cool. It will touch home then give you goose bumps! Collecting since 1999, Jordy has one favorite pair of shoes, it is his pair of Prefontaine Track Spike made for Steve Prefontaine. In 1976 Steve Prefontaine passed and never wore the shoes, this was the first Nike shoe made for a specific athlete. Jordy paid $3383 for them.


Most people have an interesting story about how they came to live in Las Vegas, tell us your story.

What was the first experience that made you know that you needed to share your sneaker collection with all interested?

I came out here for Zappos and I wouldn’t be out here now if it wasn’t for Zappos. I was a presenter at one of Zappos’ All-Hands meetings a little over a year ago. Then Fred came out to visit me with Meghan and he told me that he wanted me to come out to Las Vegas and be a part of the downtown movement and the Downtown Project rather. I don’t even think it was called the Downtown Project at that time. He just wanted me to come be a part of all of this. Zappos hired me as a consultant to come help out with the museum tour experience and then I came to do this on my own.

Well, I realized that I was in a unique position because I had so many shoes, so much passion and so much knowledge about Nike. I was renting a warehouse at the time and was using it for my business, I realized I had all these resources that could be put together and I could share my passion with other people that love it too. I used my warehouse and my giant collection of shoes and I used all the money I had

Can you share with us your first profession? I’ve only bought and sold shoes. I am a lawyer but I’ve never practiced law. When I was in school I started buying shoes at outlet stores and selling them on Ebay. So I’m a shoe salesman. Can you share your story of how Nike became your passion? Well my Name is Jordan Michael, so I know that had something to do with it. My dad was a marathon runner and when I was a kid he would take me to the sneaker shop to buy the latest and greatest Nikes and he would show me and teach me about them. Even though my parents used to buy me only two pairs of shoes a year, one for each school semester, I still fell in love with all the different shoes I didn’t get to buy. As a kid I always wanted the latest running shoes, basketball shoes, and Air Jordans and cross trainers, but I could only get one pair, so that’s where it all came from.


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

made from my running shoe selling business and built up this crazy collection, opened it up to the public and it was a hit! Moving to Las Vegas was probably the next best thing to do in the evolution of the ShoeZeum. Have you ever wanted to design your own shoe? No, Nike lets you do it on Nike ID. You can buy a pair of shoes and write your name on it or whatever but I’m sort of a purist when it comes

to this kind of stuff so I don’t want to have one that isn’t one of the original ones that I loved as a kid. What are the advantages of being located in Downtown Las Vegas as opposed to San Diego, CA? Las Vegas is just the right place for an attraction and a destination. There is so much entertainment that goes on out here, and I feel like this is a great thing for people to do in downtown Las Vegas outside of gambling and drinking. It’s really family friendly. There are a lot of people that come out here but not a lot for families. Why did you choose Neonopolis as the location for the ShoeZeum? Neonopolis is in the middle of everything going on in Downtown Las Vegas. People will come to the Fremont Street Experience and they will walk down Fremont East and check out what is going on with the Downtown Project. Do you have a few shoes you plan to add to your ShoeZeum in the near future? Nike releases a new pair of shoes almost every week; my collection will always continue to grow. Who will come to the ShoeZeum? Michael Jordan!!! I hope! I would love for him to come and see his shoe collection.



Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Will you advertise? No I believe enough people will come on a tour of the ShoeZeum and tell their friends, sort of how Zappos did in its earlier days. When you have a good product people will tell others for you. Jordan Michael, Michael Jordan… Do you have any other similarities? What are the odds of what my attorney # would be, that says it all. My attorney # passing the bar was 234523. Michael Jordan retired 23, came back as 45 and retired, then came back again as 23. I was born in 1977 and Jordan was no one then. Do you own shoes by any other brand? About 10 pairs in the collection that are not Nike but they have significance to Nike, that’s why they are here. Think quickly. I’m looking for the first thing you think of when I say, ‘favorite downtown’… Restaurant: Le Thai Bar: Insert Coins Monthly Event: First Friday Random Place: Farmer’s Market “I love it” Biggest Surprise: The speed of the development Misconception: There are no places to eat downtown Any words of advice for Zappos employees as our first 200 move into 302 Carson and the rest of Zappos gets closer to moving downtown? Just be excited be passionate, it will be a change for those who go to work in Henderson everyday but it is an opportunity to be a part of something so unique and amazing. There’s nowhere in the world like Downtown Las Vegas and it’s all because of the community.


Fabulous Downtown Historic Las Vegas High School

by Brian Paco Alvarez

During the late 1920s and early 1930s the American Southwest saw an emergence of Mayan Revivalism or Mayan Art Deco/ Modern architecture. Taking clues from pre-Columbian cultures of Central America and Art Deco motifs, the historic Las Vegas High School is beautifully adorned with intricate friezes depicting figures, flora and fauna. The high school was completed in 1931 and in 1986 was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1993 a new Las Vegas High School was built near Sunrise Mountain and the historic high school became the Las Vegas Academy of International Studies, Performing and Visual Arts, a magnet school of the Clark County School District. There is little doubt that the Historic high school is one of the most elegant buildings in downtown and one of the city’s best preserved historic buildings.

More info about Paco, visit: For a listings of exhibitions featuring photographs from the Las Vegas New Bureau’s archives, visit:


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

The Historic Las Vegas High School is located at 315 South 7th Street. 29

When he’s not working on social strategy for the Zappos Family, Graham Kahr is embracing the downtown move with action. Born and raised in the Huntridge neighborhood downtown, he has been involved in a little bit of everything. He can often be found zipping around downtown on a tricked out Fat Tire cruiser that he won, ironically, on Facebook. Graham and his family started the Blinking Man bicycle pub crawl three years ago where riders deck out their bikes in blinking lights and ride in critical mass to seven bars downtown. What started out as a 40-person ride has now grown into a 200+ rider event that was recently picked as one of the best things to do in Las Vegas by Seven and Rated. The next Blinking Man ride is October 20th and it is Hero vs. Villain themed. It’s the first time the ride has included a costume element. The ride is totally free and there is no formal sign up process. You just have to show up with a bike that’s lit up. To get more info, become a fan at


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter


Powered by his love for the area and his passion for music, he helped the bi-annual Neon Reverb music festival secure a donation from Zappos as the main sponsor and he has been working with the community on a plan for the historic Huntridge Theater. While the theater may not be opening anytime soon, he’s helped bridge the gap between the owners of the property and the neighbors who have had concerns over its future. Recently, all parties involved starting working together to preserve the tower and start using the property to support events in the nearby middle-of-the-street Huntridge Circle Park. He helped the Delivering Happiness launch their first two INSPIRE events where community members come to share what inspires them with the community. His next project is a hackathon at Huntridge Circle Park where attendees will be tasked with hacking together ideas that positively impact the community. He came up with the concept after the neighborhood association that his parents are involved in put together a movie showing of Casablanca that was free to the public. “There is no better way to share your love of the community than getting out and doing something to improve it,” said Kahr. “Luckily, I was raised by civically responsible parents that are equally, if not more so, active in the downtown community.”


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Sharing his passion for social marketing and community building has led to him sharing expertise with startups that are in the area. He’s done some speaking at Jelly, blogger conferences and he will be sharing his love of downtown as a keynote at Social Media Week in LA. If you ever need to know what to do downtown this weekend or the best new indie rock record, he is your guy. “There is so much going on downtown that I can’t help but be inspired by it all,” said Kahr. “It owns my soul.” Follow him on Twitter - @grahamkahr

Blinking Man Bikes

Page 34: Things To Do Page 36: Calendar of Events Page 38: Events Descriptions Page 47: Rediscover Downtown: Walking Tours with Brian “Paco” Alvarez Page 48: ComingTo: The Smith Center Page 50: Downtown Map


Fremont Bike Clinic Inside Emergency Arts On a mission to facilitate safe and proper bicycling through education, workshops and maintenance, the clinic helps the community rehab their bikes. Get yours done then pitch in a hand to help others! The clinic’s newest volunteer Zack will be manning the shop on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Zack just moved here from Los Angeles were he was a part of two prior co-ops. He is extremely knowledgeable regarding bikes and is a great addition to the team. Stop by and say hi! Shop Hours: Mon. 10:00am to 4:00pm Tues. 10:00am to 4:00pm and 6:30pm to 9:30pm Wed. 10:00am to 4:00pm Thurs. 6:30pm to 9:30pm Sat. 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Stray Boots Scavenger Hunt Receive clues to any text enabled phone and get to know what helped put Las Vegas on the map. Be ready to bluff your way into Binion’s iconic Poker Room and snap a picture with Vegas Vic and Vickie. Find the little cigar shop where all the Hollywood celebs go to get a light before grabbing a cocktail, and come away knowing how Vegas grew into a global hub of fun and fortune. Sign up for any of their several city routes on the website, and you and any number of your friends can compete. $9-$12 per person


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

If you are a co-op member you can always contact us outside of normal shop hours if they do not work for you. The best way to contact us and view our most upto-date hours is our Facebook page:

ShoeZeum at Neonopolis 450 Fremont Street, Suite: 135 Get lost in the largest collection of Nike shoes in the world. See more about ShoeZeum on page 35. Opens at 4:00pm daily Admission $10.00

The Smith Center for the Performing Arts Check out the Hoover Dam-inspired architecture exterior and its elegant appointments inside. Take in its centerpiece, the 2,050-seat Reynolds Hall and its grand lobby; don’t forget the Cabaret Jazz room and Troesch Studio Theater in the Boman Pavilion. Peruse its smattering of artwork (both modern and classical) around the center. Free hour-long tours every Wed. & Sat. at 10:30am Make reservations by calling (702) 749.2000

The Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health You’ve driven by it a thousand times and wondered if it’s as weird on the inside as it is on the outside. Arrange a tour and find out by calling (702) 483.6000. First and third Tue. of each month at 11:00am

The Mob Museum 300 Stewart Avenue It was a stage for one of the biggest mob hearings in history. Now it’s the setting for the nation’s most comprehensive look into organized crime and law enforcement. The Mob Museum presents an authentic, insider’s look at the Mob’s impact on our history and our society. (702) 229.2734 Sun. - Thurs. 10:00am - 7:00pm Fri. - Sat. 10:00am - 8:00pm Adult Admission $18 ($10 for NV Residents)

The New City Hall 495 S Main Street Check out Las Vegas’ $185 million investment. Make your way up the front steps under the solar trees and into the marble lobby, contemplating the sustainable yet luxurious surroundings. Head to Council chambers theater seating and watch democracy at work. (702) 229.6011 Mon. - Thurs. 7:00am - 5:30pm Free two hour parking with validation.

Neon Museum and Boneyard The Neon Museum preserves and exhibits classic Las Vegas neon signs. The museum’s collection consists of both restored and unrestored signs, mostly housed in the neon Boneyard in downtown Las Vegas. Visit for updates and tour information.


September Events: 1 •

Saturday Fremont Experiences’ Rock of Vegas Begins, 3rd Street Stage, 9pm

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Tuesday RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7am Green Jelly, 6pm – 8pm

5 •

Wednesday Sports Jelly, 7pm – 9pm

6 • • •

Thursday RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7am El Cortez Hotel and Summer Biergarten, 5pm – 8pm Jelly, 7pm – midnight

7 • • • •

Friday Farmer’s Market, 9am – 2pm First Friday, 6pm – 11pm PRIDE Parade PRIDE Festival, 10pm

8 • •

Saturday Vegas StrEATS, 6pm – 1am Amanda Harris Gallery Opening, 7:30pm

9 •

Sunday Insert Coins’ Sunday Football, 10am

11 • • • • •

Tuesday RealResults Boot Camp, 6 – 7am Climb for the Fire Fighters, 6 - 7pm Neon Reverb Festival Trivia, 7pm Delivering Happiness Inspire: Las Vegas, 7pm – 9pm


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

12 Wednesday • Neon Reverb Festival 13 • • • •

Thursday Neon Reverb Festival RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7 am El Cortez Hotel and Summer Biergarten, 5pm – 8pm Jelly, 7pm – Midnight

14 Friday • Neon Reverb • Farmer’s Market, 9am – 2pm 15 Saturday • Neon Reverb 16 Sunday • Neon Reverb • Insert Coins’ Sunday Football, 10am 18 Tuesday • RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7 am • Green Jelly, 6pm – 8pm 19 Wednesday • Loco’s Opening Game Kick-off, 6pm • Sports Jelly, 7pm – 9pm 20 Thursday • RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7 am • El Cortez Hotel and Summer Biergarten, 5pm – 8pm • Jelly, 7pm – Midnight

October Events: 21 Friday • Farmer’s Market, 9am – 2pm • Vintage Bike Night, 7pm – 10pm 22 Saturday • Fremont Street History and Future Walking Tour, 12:00noon • Open Air Printers grand opening, 5:30pm - 8:30pm • Movie in the Park at Huntridge, 7:30pm 23 Sunday • Insert Coins’ Sunday Football, 10am

2 •

Tuesday Green Jelly, 6pm – 8pm

3 •

Wednesday Sport’s Jelly, 7pm – 9pm

4 •

Thursday Urban Monocle League Art Tour, 6pm

6 •

Saturday The Historic Huntridge Neighborhood Tour, 12:00noon

25 Tuesday • RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7 am • Trivia, 7pm

13 Saturday • Livable Downtown Tour – Part of Rediscover Downtown Day, 12:00noon

27 • • • •

20 Saturday • Downtown’s Got Talent, 2pm - 6pm

Thursday RealResults Boot Camp, 6am – 7 am El Cortez Hotel and Summer Biergarten, 5pm – 8pm Jelly, 7pm – Midnight Las Vegas Bike Fest 2012

28 Friday • Farmer’s Market, 9am – 2pm • Las Vegas Bike Fest 2012 29 Saturday • Las Vegas Bike Fest 2012 30 Sunday • Insert Coins’ Sunday Football, 10am • Las Vegas Bike Fest 2012


Join in on Real Results Downtown Boot Camp in the Jackie Gaughan Plaza across from the El Cortez valet and train with the top fitness professionals in town. Have fun, feel great, meet new people, and get real results guaranteed! Location: Jackie Gaughan Plaza at the El Cortez Hotel & Casino 600 E Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: Tue. 6am - 7am. Thurs. 6am - 7am More Info Contact: Paul Rosenberg (702) 204.5247

What’s a Jelly? Jelly’s a casual work event where everyone’s invited. It’s for anyone who’d like to work alongside other creative people in a welcoming environment. You bring your laptop and some work, and Jelly provides wifi, a table and chairs, and smart people to bounce ideas off and collaborate.

The goal of Green Jelly is to connect individuals that are interested in all things eco-friendly and sustainable. That means a range of people who are interested in everything from learning how to recycle to people who are looking at how they can live carbon-neutral or net-negative. The group also has a heavy focus on business owners and potential start-ups that have an interest in sustainability and the triple bottom line (People-Planet-Profits). Location: /usr/lib above the BEAT Coffee House 520 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every other Tuesday) Sept. 4th, 6pm - 8pm Sept. 18th, 6pm - 8pm Contact: Ciara Byrne: Hanan Sabri:


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Location: /usr/lib above The BEAT Coffee House 520 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every Thursday) Sept. 6th, 7pm - Midnight Sept. 13th, 7pm - Midnight Sept. 20th, 7pm - Midnight Sept. 27th, 7pm - Midnight More Info

The Summer Biergarten features craft beers, music, and food by the Sausagefest food truck. Location: Jackie Gaughan Plaza at the El Cortez Hotel & Casino 600 E Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every Thursday) Sept. 6th, 5pm - 8pm Sept. 13th, 5pm - 8pm Sept. 20th, 5pm - 8pm Sept. 27th, 5pm - 8pm More Info

Do you love sports? Come out and play with us! The Sports Jelly is for all who have a passion to get out and get physical! But now, this is your time to hang out and watch a game on the many screens around the room, play your favorite sports video game, and/or collaborate with the other sports enthusiasts! Bounce ideas off each other to create the greatest sports community going! Let’s do this and remember, bring your game face! Location: Insert Coins 512 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every other Wednesday) Sept. 5th, 7pm - 9pm Sept. 19th, 7pm - 9pm More Info Twitter: @Sportsjelly Contact: Rosalind Searcy: Surbhi Mahendru: Matt Dunsmoor:


The Downtown 3rd Farmer’s Market has become an integral part of downtown Las Vegas. The biggest Indoor Farmer’s Market in Vegas showcases local Las Vegas farmers as well as including lots of fresh produce from California. There are also many other vendors and healthy lifestyle classes, art shows, and chefs’ demonstrations from famous Las Vegas chefs. The mission of the Downtown 3rd Farmer’s Market is to be a sustainable, seasonal, healthy lifestyle center for the city. The Farmer’s Market is conveniently located in the middle of the Las Vegas valley off of US-95 and Casino Center Drive. Location: (In the old Transit Center) 300 N. Casino Center Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every Friday) Sept. 7th, 9am - 2pm Sept. 14th, 9am - 2pm Sept. 21st, 9am - 2pm Sept. 28th, 9am - 2pm More Info

As the years progress, the annual Las Vegas PRIDE Celebration continues to grow. Join us in downtown Las Vegas on September 7, 2012 for the most glamorous, glittering spectacle ever created by the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community of Southern Nevada, the annual Las Vegas PRIDE Night The parade route begins at West Charleston Blvd. and heads north along 4th Street to Ogden Avenue. Secure your spot where the action happens early. The main stage is at Bridger Avenue just two blocks south of the Fremont Street Experience. For more information visit Friday, Sept. 7th 2012 40

Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District of Downtown Las Vegas. The hub is on Casino Center Blvd. between Colorado St. and California St. with an extension on 3rd St. and Colorado. First Friday has been extended to include Fremont East district with live activations and music in Get Back Alley behind Beauty Bar and The Griffin. First Friday celebrates young and established local artists. There are food trucks galore, music with three stages and more than 12 live bands.

First Friday has a great variety of artists, vendors and activities that are fun and exciting for all ages. They even have a kid’s zone with different themes each month. Location: At Casino Center and Colorado St. Time: (1st Friday of every Month, Next Night is October 5th) Sept. 7th, 6pm - 11pm More Info

There will be special art installations and live performance paintings. It is all about the community coming together to celebrate art.

The Clark County Amphitheater features a beautiful outdoor main stage surrounded by soft, cool grass, plus a food court and convenient drink stations. There will be more than 100 exhibitors on site. You can relax on the lawn as you are entertained by the festival’s featured performers, as well as great local talent. Watch for more expansions to the festival grounds (and overflow parking at the World Market Center with free shuttle service to the festival). We are also pleased to announce the expansion of the Family Activity Zone filled with fun activities for parents and children 12 and under. Location: Clark County Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89106 Time: Sat. September 8, Noon - 10pm For more information please visit Ticket information: Adults (18+) $15, Youth (6 - 17) $10, Children (5 and under) Free 41

Vegas StrEATS is a street food and culture festival hosted every second Saturday in downtown Las Vegas, showcasing the Valley’s hottest local food trucks, artists, musicians, & fashion. StrEATS is presented by Slidin Thru’ in partnership with El Cortez & Insert Coin(s). Each month, various food trucks serve up unique gourmet bites along Jackie Gaughan Plaza. Local bands, MCs, & DJs provide the soundtrack for the night ranging from indie rock, hip-hop, dubstep, & house music. Graffiti artists & street wear brands line vendor row slanging fresh apparel & art. Come experience a bit of homegrown Vegas culture. Location: Jackie Gaughan Plaza at the El Cortez Hotel & Casino 600 E Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (2nd Saturday of every month) Sat. September 8th, 6pm - 1am More Info


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Two of the top pop artists in Las Vegas, Dillon Boy and Juan Muniz, come together for a collaborative show of large pieces. Dark Disney meets 80s cartoons in this show of works by two outstanding emerging artists. Location: inside Soho Lofts, next to the Lady Silvia 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd. #150 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: Opening Reception: Sat. September 8, 7:30pm Contact: Amanda Harris, gallerist 702.769.6036 Michael Vakneen, gallery director 310.820.0059

Celebrate the return of football season at the hottest spot in Vegas. There’s no better place to see every hit, touchdown and tackle than our HUGE digital projection screen coupled with over a dozen LCD screens throughout the bar. Things are about to get turned up with FREE touchdown shots, Bud Lite pitcher and bucket specials, and catered foods from some of the best food trucks, restaurants and kitchens in town! Free entry! Location: Insert Coin(s) 512 Fremont Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: Every Sun. 10am Contact: Insert Coin(s) (702) 477.2525

The Neon Reverb Festival is a music and cultural event in Las Vegas, NV, created and organized by local, independent promoters, on a not-for-profit basis. You can read about it in Las Vegas Weekly, Las Vegas CityLife, Vegas Seven, The Las Vegas Review-Journal, The Las Vegas Sun, and UNLV’s The Rebel Yell. Our idea is to produce a new twice-annual festival (happening every March and September) that helps galvanize Las Vegas as the center of a thriving and growing music and cultural scene. We hope both to build more community among local promoters, venues, and musicians, filmmakers, comedians, poets, thespians, storytellers, and artists, and to help highlight Las Vegas as an exciting cultural center. Location: Shows taking place at Bunk House, Beauty Bar & Artifice Time: September 11th – 16th More Info 43

Come have fun and climb the stairs at the Ogden for the Firefighters. Make a donation on behalf of the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Firefighters. $10 donation suggested per climb. Food and beverages will be served. Location: The Ogden 150 Las Vegas Blvd. North Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: Sept. 11th, 6pm

Come with a team or find one at The BEAT. Every other Tuesday, you can test your knowledge and flex your brain in a cerebral competition. There will be prizes & beer specials, and most likely a little more beer than brains. Location: The BEAT Coffee House 520 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (Every other Tuesday) Tues. September 11th, 7pm Tues. September 25th, 7pm More Info: Contact Augusta Scott:


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Our Delivering Happiness Inspire! Event is a forum for sharing the rich and thought-provoking (and oftentimes funny) content that inspires and spreads happiness on an individual, community, and even global level. Through a series of brief, prepared (but collaborative) talks, community members and local thought leaders bring their stories, perspectives, passions, and experiences to the stage (a la TED) to shine a spotlight on the things that matter most. Location: The BEAT Coffee House 520 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Time: (3rd Tuesday of every month) Tue. September 20th, 7pm - 9pm More Info:

Ride out for a night of Motorcycles + Art + Music in downtown Las Vegas. Las Vegas Vintage Bike Night featuring Café Racers, Custom Bikes, Classic Harleys, Retro Sport Bikes, and Scooters. There will be a Jammin’ lineup of live music, live body painting by Alex P. Huerta, artists & vendors and food & drink specials from Bar+Bistro. Whatever you ride, bring it down for Vintage Bike Night. Location: The Arts Factory & Bar+Bistro 107 E. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89104 Time: (Every 3rd Friday) Fri. September 21st, 7pm - 10pm More Info: 702.644.9412

Studio memberships. Drop-in access. Workshops. Classes. Artist’s residencies. Promoting Southern Nevada’s art and artists through fine art printmaking. Location: Open Air Printers Time: Sept. 22nd, 5:30pm - 8:30pm


Showing 1982 favorite E.T. Grant funding provided by Clark County Small Projects Grant. A special thanks to Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani. Bring your own blanket and food. Vendors will be on hand. Come to the park for games beforehand. Walking and bicycling encouraged. Location: Huntridge Circle Park Time: Sun. September 22nd at 7:30pm More Info: Contact Graham Kahr,

Ride, Rock and Roll any way you like while you cut loose in Las Vegas. This is one crazy long weekend of hard-core rockin’ good times, live concerts, nonstop partying, big money Poker Runs, cool bikes and hot contests – one unforgettable, talk–about-all-year bash that only Las Vegas can deliver. Location: All over Downtown Las Vegas, including Cashman Field, Hogs & Heifers and the Fremont Street Experience. Time: September 27th – 30th More Info Welcome-to-Las-Vegas-Bikefest-2012/1/


Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

Calling all vocalists, bands and dancers to participate in the first annual Downtown’s Got Talent. Prizes inclulde cash, downtown experience packages and much more! DJ ULTRA will be spinning live in the mix. Location: Downtown 3rd Time: Sat. October 20th, 2pm - 6pm More info

If you’ve spent any time in downtown Las Vegas, chances are, you’ve encountered urban historian and downtown expert Brian “Paco” Alvarez. The native Las Vegan is curator of the photo and film library for the Las Vegas News Bureau, but his enthusiasm for the city’s history and culture is by no means limited to his day job. The blogger behind Enculturate Las Vegas has devoted his entire life to cultural arts and historic preservation. Paco now invites the public to discover the richness of downtown past and present through a series of free walking tours, sponsored by the Downtown Las Vegas Alliance, Rediscover Downtown Tours include: Fremont Street History and Future Tour Saturday, September 22 at noon Tour begins at the Plaza Hotel and Casino and highlights the 1905 Great Land Auction, Golden Gate Casino, Fremont Street, The Mob Museum (former U.S. Post Office), former City Hall – future site of Zappos headquarters, Fremont East Entertainment District. The Historic Huntridge Neighborhood Tour Saturday, October 6 at noon Tour begins at the Huntridge Tavern and highlights The Huntridge Theater, Huntridge Circle Park, Huntridge East and West neighborhoods, John S. Park neighborhood, Mary Dutton Park, and Steven Ligouri sculptures. Livable Downtown Tour - Part of REDISCOVER DOWNTOWN DAY Saturday, October 13 at noon Tour begins at Soho Lofts and highlights Newport Lofts, Juhl, Bonneville Transportation Center, Casino Center streetscape improvements, Art Square, and the Arts Factory. The tour features special guests and downtown developers, Sam Cherry and Brett Wesley Sperry. Registration required by sending an email with title of desired tour in the subject line and attendee first/last name in email body to Space is extremely limited.


WICKED: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz So much happened before Dorothy dropped in. Long before that girl from Kansas arrives in Munchkin land, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One — born with emerald-green skin — is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these unlikely friends become the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good makes for the most spellbinding new musical in years. Winner of 35 major awards, including a Grammy® and three Tony Awards.® August 29 – October 7 | Tuesday – Friday - 7:30pm | Saturday & Sunday 2:00pm & 7:30pm “My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m in Therapy” Steve Solomon’s three-time award winning show has met with rave reviews and great audience acclaim throughout the United States, overseas and becoming one of the longest-running one-man shows in Broadway history. Once again, we meet the people that we’re all too familiar with; the family members that make you remember why you 48

Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

left home in the first place. It’s a laugh-filled fest of everybody you know, have known, and some you’d want to forget but can’t, all brought to life on stage by the comic magic of Steve Solomon. Friday, September 28 - 7:00pm | Saturday, September 29 - 3:00pm & 7:00pm |Sunday, September 30 3:00pm UPCOMING SHOWS AT CABARET JAZZ A CLUB AT THE SMITH CENTER Clint Holmes The acclaimed singer Clint Holmes, named Las Vegas entertainer of the Year three times, singer of the Year four times and awarded the Sammy Davis Jr. Foundation award, returns to Las Vegas to begin an exclusive engagement at Cabaret Jazz club the first weekend of every month. A master entertainer, Clint never performs the same show twice. Instead, he features a constantly evolving kaleidoscope of music every single night, ranging from contemporary to jazz to Broadway. Showcasing the greatest songwriters from around the world,

he creates a spellbinding evening of music that’s both Live and Alive.

legendary musicians as Machito, Tito Puente and Dizzy Gillespie.

Friday, September 7 - 8:30pm | Saturday, September 8 – 8:30pm

Friday, September 14 – 7:00 & 9:30pm | Saturday, September 15 - 7:00 & 9:30pm

Esteban His concerts are legendary. Audiences throughout the country have been mesmerized by his live shows. Fans will enjoy an enthralling evening of master guitarist Esteban and his worldclass musicians as they take the stage to perform his greatest instrumental hits from his 8 #1 Billboard albums.

Ashton Zyer - Takin’ Over Me A night of jazz cabaret with local artist and songwriter Ashton Zyer titled “Takin’ Over Me” will showcase an array of old Hollywood standards & Vegas love songs you can’t help to listen to over and over again. Saturday, September 22 - 8:00pm

Thursday, September 13 – 7:00pm | Sunday, September 16 – 7:00pm Poncho Sanchez and His Latin Jazz Band For almost three decades, Grammy® Award winning artist Poncho Sanchez has been an unswervingly-passionate exponent of the bedrock style of Afro-Cuban Latin jazz. The leader of the most popular Latin jazz group in the world today, Sanchez’ congas and seasoned ensemble continue to express a musical style pioneered half a century ago by such

TICKETS STARTING AT $24 Visit to see the full lineup | 702.749.2000



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Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter



Zappos Family Downtown Newsletter

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