Bamford Chapel and
Norden URC
February 2015 1
Worship In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship. We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God. Ministry Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others. Evangelism We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus. Discipleship We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning. Fellowship We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name. 2
10.30 am
Family Worship with Holy Communion Led by Revd Richard Bradley
6.00 pm
Evening Worship Led by David Watson
Monday 2 nd February
8.00 pm
Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)
Tuesday 3 rd February
8.00 pm
Home Group at the Manse
Wednesday 4 th February
7.30 pm
Worship Core Group Meeting
Thursday 5 th February
7.30 pm
Elders’ Meeting
10.30 am
Family Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley
6.00 pm
Evening Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley
Monday 9 th February
8.00 pm
Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)
Tuesday 10 th February
12.15 pm 1 – 2.00 pm
Lunch followed by: Music at Lunchtime (details in the magazine)
10.30 am
Family Worship Led by Joanne Ackroyd
6.00 pm
Evening Communion Service Led by Revd Richard Bradley
Monday 16 th February
8.00 pm
Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)
Tuesday 17 th February
8.00 pm
Home Group at the Manse
Thursday 19 th February
12.30 pm
Lent Course Week 1 (see poster in the magazine)
Sunday 1 st February
Sunday 8 th February
Sunday 15 th February
February 2015 continued …... 10.30 am Sunday 22 nd February
6.00 pm
Family Worship Led by Andy Platt Evening Worship Led by David Watson
Monday 23 rd February
8.00 pm
Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)
Wednesday 25 th February
1.15 pm
Monthly Midweek Communion Service (In the lounge)
Thursday 26 th February
12.30 pm
Lent Course Week 2 (see poster in the magazine)
Elders’ Meeting Dates 2015 8th January 5th February 5th March 9th April*
Elders’ Agenda Church Meeting Deadline date 2015 Dates 2015 th Sunday 4 January 25th January st Sunday 1 February Sunday 1st March 22nd March*** Sunday 5th April (Easter Sunday) th 7 May Sunday 3rd May 17th May 4th June Sunday 31st May 2nd July Sunday 28th June 19th July 6th August** Sunday 2nd August 3rd September Sunday 30th August 20th September 1st October Sunday 27th September 5th November Sunday 1st November 15th November rd th 3 December Sunday 29 November nd *2 April is Maundy Thursday so moved to the 9 th April. **We don’t usually meet in August. ***On the 22nd March to avoid Mothering Sunday on 15 th March PLEASE NOTE THESE COULD BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS THE YEAR GOES ON. SPECIAL MEETINGS MAY NEED TO BE CALLED ESPECIALLY REGARDING THE ROOF AND ALTERATION WORKS. PLEASE PUT THE CHURCH MEETING DATES IN YO UR DIARIES. 2
NEWS OF THE FAMILY Concerns are expressed for the following people: the late Mildred Ingham and her wider family; Margaret Entwistle; Olive Brierley; Carolyn Tattersall; Doreen Watts; Jenny Platt; Marjorie Farrington; Wendy Cotterill and the wider family. We think of those who have lost loved ones over the Christmas period, who are weighed down by their grief, and for whom the festive season will never quite feel the same again. Pray for peace for them and for others who are not specifically mentioned here and who face illness, loneliness, grief and strain within their lives. If you have any news of the family that you would like to be included in the magazine then please pass the details on to Sarah Finnigan either in person, by email to: or by telephone 0780 361 8165. Many thanks!
Looking Forward A new year usually brings resolutions and the hope of better things to come. Help us to stay positive as a church family as we approach the latest stages of our application for the Heritage Lottery Fund grant and, in time, the starting of the works on the roof and the removal of the pews. This will be a time of upheaval within our church, for our worshippers and for all those who benefit from the use of our building, week in week out. We cannot anticipate all of the disruption but we can better prepare ourselves for it if we remain positive and focus on the end result – a new watertight building and a freshened up area for worship complete with new seating. We thank those who took up the call to Eldership in January who will support Richard in his Ministry and in the running of the Church. We must also not forget the tireless service given by those who give of their time and talents every week. We offer such a warm and welcoming venue to the community. We provide invaluable company to our elderly friends for whom Bamford Chapel represents their opportunity to socialise with others and we provide a safe environment for our uniformed organisations to meet for their activities. We applaud all that we do in service of others. 3
MESSAGE FROM THE MANSE At the start of a New Year I often wonder what might happen in the year to come, both personally and in the life of the Church. We worship and serve a God of surprises! That said, we do, to some degree, know what will lie ahead for us as a church with regards to buildings. I hope this time next year I will be writing an article whereby we will be nearing the end of all the works, or even having completed the works. I think the former is more realistic than the latter! Whatever happens and whenever it happens we are relatively assured that there will be upheaval. I was hoping to write this article after the church meeting on the 18th January, but because of the weather we had to postpone the meeting until the following week. At that meeting Simon Wareing is due to update the wider membership with the regards to all aspects of the building works. The only thing that will affect any work going ahead is us not being awarded the grant we have applied for. On the issue of buildings I am hoping in the coming week to announce the sale of the Norden Church building. It is a painful time for our friends from Norden. It has been the home where their church has met for many years. We hold in prayer those who will feel a sense of loss once that building is sold. We hope to hold a short act of worship in the building before completion to mark the end of Christian worship there. More details will be available when we know the date of completion. But, as I have said before, and I make no apology for saying it again – we should not lose sight of who we are. We are the people of God, we are the Church, whether we are able to worship in the bricks and mortar of the Bamford building or not. We will remain Bamford Chapel and Norden URC whether we can worship in the current building whilst the roof and redevelopment work is done or not. I don’t want us to lose sight of the importance of continuing working 4
through the vision God has given us. We need to continue “Loving God, Serving Others, Building Community” wherever we may be. I am excited about the future of Bamford Chapel and Norden URC – I am excited about what God will do with us and what God will show us when we have to worship outside of the sanctuary of the Bamford building. What I am 100% confident about, even in all the uncertainty of when the works will take place, is that God’s presence will continue to be with us. But he expects something in return – our hearts, our commitment, our loyalty. I hope and pray that as a church, in the year that lies ahead, we will remain united in what God is calling us to do and to be. Your Servant in Christ, Richard Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love can do that. Hatred paralyses life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonises it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. Martin Luther King
Weekday Opportunities for Learning and Sharing Fellowship You are welcome to join any of the following Exploring Groups Further details of all Services and Groups may be found on the Sunday Notice Sheet and at:- Monday Focus on Prayer Group: Tuesday Home Group – Discipleship 8.00 pm in the crèche Explored: Fortnightly 8.00 pm in the Manse Monday Home Group: 8.00 pm at the home of Addie & Barbara Redmond Monday Monthly Joy Group: Monday 23rd February. Meal at Dolce Vita 6.30 pm (optional). Meeting 7.30 pm at 17 Bamford Mews Tuesday Stillness and Sharing: 1 st & 3 rd Tuesday in the month. 3rd & 17th February, 2.15pm in the Lounge
Wednesday Exploring the Bible: 7.30 pm at the home of Ray Atkins, 8 Greenwich Close Thursday Community Coffee Morning: from 10.00 am
Sunday Evening Youth Groups: Koinonia 6.00—7.00 pm Hay Hodos 7.30—8.30 pm 5
COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING raising funds for CANCER RESEARCH UK – Thursday 13th November 2014 The coffee morning on this date was devoted to the raising of funds for Cancer Research UK. As it was close to the Christmas season mince pies were served and entertainment provided by Elaine Marsden on piano. To raise further money a tombola and raffle were held too. Also in attendance were six young people from Groundwork Prince’s Trust. It was a wonderful morning. The school rooms and lounge were packed with the hum of conversation and laughter much in evidence. Community in the true sense. I am pleased to tell you that the very satisfying amount of £441.66 was recorded which is the most the Heywood Local Committee has raised at a coffee morning. You may wish to know why young people from Prince’s Trust came along. I received a telephone call from Nicholas Mockridge, Team Leader a week before the event [he had seen it advertised in local press] asking if he could bring along his students from the current twelve week personal development course. The week of the coffee morning was their twelfth week and it would be ideal if they could be involved in a community event. Naturally, the committee said “yes.” Helen, Anthony, Ellen, Asif, Shawnee and Lexi interacted with the visitors and were a gr eat help in making sure things ran smoothly. It was very rewarding knowing we wer e offering these young people another step along their road to self esteem. However, this is not the end of the story! A few days later I had an e-mail from Nicholas inviting our committee members to the final presentation on Thursday 20th November . Not only this but I was asked if I would present the awards! Four of us attended the event at The Castlemere Centre on Tweedale Street at 1.00pm. We listened to the young people give an account of their experiences with the Trust and how they had progressed in their personal development and self esteem. They each had a plan for the future and in some cases, were already being employed. I was then asked to “say a few words.” Oh heck! Didn’t expect that – to a room full of strangers. This I did, of course, and actually it was twofold for me as my daughter Kate once worked for both Groundwork and Prince’s Trust so I did have a special interest in the scheme. A couple of the “audience” remembered Kate from 2000 when she was involved. 6
What an amazing experience for we on the committee. Nicholas would like to be involved again. I am writing this article because the comments about the welcome from Bamford Chapel were overwhelming. Not only was money raised for Cancer Research but community and outreach were part of that very special morning. What is the Prince ’s Trust Team Programme? It is a personal development course offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week to unemployed people aged 16 -25. It gives all participants the opportunity to develop important life skills, helping to improve their own learning and performance, problem solving abilities and team work. The main goal is for each team member to gain valuable qualifications, enabling them to focus on positive futures in training, further education and employment. Perhaps more importantly, the programme allows team members to develop their confidence and to be themselves in a friendly,supportive and nonjudgemental environment, improving their self-esteem and tolerance. If you wish to know more, I have a booklet showing Rochdale Team 120’s activities with a photograph of Heywood Local Committee [CRUK] therein! LESLEY SUTTON
You can't have everything - where would you put it?
Photos for the New Website etc. Due to the fact that our current website is limited in its scope (i.e. people cannot view it on mobile and tablet devices) the Elders agree to have a new website designed. This is in the process of being done. The company is designing the layout of the site and some of its pages and we will then endeavour to update information and put it on the site. What we need from anyone who leads, or is part of a group, is to provide information about your group and also pass on some pictures (preferably electronically sent). The site will need updating regularly so this is an ongoing request for information to be passed on. Thanks and God Bless, Richard 7
Choose products that change lives! Bamford Chapel & Norden URC celebrates
Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 23 Feb – 8 March
le a c ou ge n d e l n y l se ant use o Cha w t t , i k ers eca ee d Stoc e n ust om s – b
ht w your c ge live g i n e, an ort e F s ses: w that ch makes. d a r e t Fair o busin oducts irtrade s i t a h pr T ce F sage more n s e e r m ock diffe t e s h t o t w kno we
C ome t o the C Thursd ommun ay 26 F e b. The ity Coffee Mor for pur Traidcra ning on chases ft stall o f l i w fe-chan ill b e o p Big Bre ging pr en w after oducts, Mornin also: g Servic e Sunda y 8th M arch
Let’s create a world freed from the scandal of poverty, where trade is just and people and communities can flourish. 8
Church Cleaning We are very blessed at Bamford Chapel with 5 different cleaning teams that all work on a rota, therefore they clean once every 5 weeks. Each team has 5 people on it. Some people have asked to come off the rota for varying reasons and therefore in order to keep 5 teams (or even have a 6th or 7th!) we need more volunteers. I am no expert as to what area each person covers with regards cleaning, but in each week 5 different people come in and clean the building. They do a fantastic job and we are grateful to them. It would be great if we can continue with 5 teams but to do this we need at least 4 more people. If not then the rota has to go to 4 teams which make the job even more onerous. At present on the 5th team we only have one person – we therefore need four people ideally. Due to the Church Meeting being postponed on the 18th January we do not, as yet, have a new cleaning rota coordinator. As soon as we have we can announce the name‌. until then if anyone is interested please see Richard. Thanks and God Bless, Richard
Flower Rota/Calendar 2015 The new sheet is on the notice board. There is a space to fill in, if you wish, to say if the flowers are in memory of an occasion or a special person. Please give donations to Pamela Harrington or Gillian James. Thank you to all those who provided flowers or gave donations in 2014.
Church in the World Group - Reporting on the 2014 Project I am writing to confirm that the congregation of Bamford Chapel and Norden URC have raised ÂŁ6,558 towards the Safe House in the Mara Region of Tanzania which is supporting and protecting young girls and women who are fleeing FGM. The money has already been transferred and is being put to good use, with Gift Aid to follow. The Tanzania Development Trust Trustees are extremely grateful for this amazing amount of money and the support shown by this congregation. We have just received a full report documenting the progress to date which is displayed in the Church on the World notice board. If anyone would like a copy to read at their leisure please ask and I can copy for you or send by email. The report references Bamford Chapel, the warm welcome received and the money raised. It is planned that one of the rooms will be named after the Church. Below is an email sent by Janet Chapman of the TDT who at the time of writing is with Rhobi at the Safe House. Greetings from Mugumu! 19th January 2015 I've been at the Safe House in Mugumu with Rhobi since Saturday, and have to repor t it is an extremely impressive achievement. When I visited in September, when it was a building site, I had no idea that a substantial building would be in place so quickly. There are still 32 girls at the c entre, plus an albino woman, who was brought by the police for her own protection. The house seems very well run with some very capable volunteers, including a social worker, Sophia, and a nurse from the local hospital, as well as a matron, cook, driver and various school and university students who are there short time. There is a basic kitchen which works well, and we had good meals of rice and beans when we were there. The bedrooms have bunk beds and new mattresses - they are short of some mosquito nets and curtains but otherwise seem comfortable. The toilets and sinks and showers are now completed, but there is a problem of drainage so they generally turn the water to the showers off because the girls use too much water! The classrooms are completed. The computer room has 5 double sockets, 10
around 50 very posh chairs, plus a TV! We had a church service in there yesterday, led by two of the girls, which involved a lot of wonderful singing, and a sermon about respect from Benjamin, the driver. There are huge challenges for the girls though. One girl disclosed yesterday that her father had been raping her for the last 4 years since the age of 11. She is being taken to the hospital for treatment for an STD and an HIV test, and then to the police to make a statement. Her father has twice visited the safe house last week demanding his daughter back, and is expected today. Rhobi also has to go to court today regarding Bhoke, the 10 year old hospitalised by the panga attack by her father. It is likely that other such issues will come to light now the girls feel safe enough to confide. Many of the girls are extremely frightened of their fathers and fear a severe beating if they go home, and are desperate to continue with their education. The 10 still in the house who have passed their Standard 7 exams will go to the secondary school in Mugumu. Many of them have had big breaks in their education and their English is pretty non-existent. Ther efore Rhobi wants to get in volunteers to help them with that after school hours. The 22 girls who will learn tailoring will also need basic education to enable them to read and measure etc. The albino woman, who is 25, has such poor eyesight that she sometimes trips over obstacles. She has never had an eye test and has poor health. She has a 3 year old son from a rape who is looked after by her mother. There is a strong need for legal support as all of the girls are victims of crime to a greater or lesser extent. Rhobi has spoken to Centre for Widows and Orphans CWCA in Mugoma who are very good and funded from Terre des Hommes to try and persuade them to set up a branch in Mugumu. It would be worth getting the contact of their Head Office in Dar to see if this could be arranged. It is really humbling to hear the challenges these girls have overcome and to be involved in some way in helping them improve their lives. I hope to join the meeting on Wednesday via Skype if anyone has any questions. Janet Chap man - Co mmunications Manager
TANZANIA DEVELOPMENT TRUST Registered Charity no 270462 Every pound given to TDT goes directly to projects in Tanzania 11
And now for the next project……………….. We are starting to look forwards to the Project for 2015 and have a planning meeting set for Thursday 26th February 7.30pm at Chapel. We welcome anyone who has any interest in being involved in the group and also anyone who has any project ideas they would like us to consider. Please email any ideas to or discuss with any member of the group. We intend to look at a range of options and then recommend one or two to the Elders, followed by a presentation to the Church meeting around May or June. Current Group Members: Barbara and Addie Redmond, Lyn Jefferies, Margaret Ogden, Gillian James and Carole Greaves. Carole Greaves (On behalf of the Church in the World Group)
Rochdale Christian Aid Evening Monday, 16th February 2015 St Andrew’s (Methodist & United Reformed) Church Entwisle Rd Rochdale OL16 2HZ We have invited Paul Martin (Chair of Bolton & Rochdale Methodist District) to lead a presentation on work carried out by Christian Aid’s partners in Angola (which he visited in 2014 together with the Bishop of Manchester). The presentation will take up the 2015 theme of Church Action on Poverty comparing Global and UK poverty and we have invited participation from the Rochdale Petrus Community and Rochdale Food Bank, both of which have considerable experience of dealing with poverty in the UK. This will be relevant to the themes of Christian Aid Week in 2015.
KOINONIA Koinonia is the group of 6-11 year olds who meet on a Sunday evening. The new time is 6pm till 7pm to incorporate any children with parents wanting to attend the evening service. We meet every week except for school holidays. We learn, meet with friends and have fun and games. Everyone welcome
I wish to thank everyone at Chapel for the kind wishes and thanks expressed to me upon my retirement from the Eldership and the Church Secretary’s position. Also for the kind gift which was presented to me. Muriel has been a very real help to me whilst I carried out this work and to her, many thanks. It has been a time of carrying out a task for our local Church, hopefully to the glory of God. It has been a real privilege to serve in this way and I wish John an enjoyable return to this position, which he carried out a number of years ago.
Thanks to you all - Ian Sturrock 13
You are invited to the Churches Together Lent Course 2015
Magnificent Jesus The course will be run at lunch times from 12.30pm—2pm Soup and a roll lunch at 12.30pm Course starts at 1pm Date
Host Church
19th February Bamford Chapel
Mike Davis
26th February Bamford Chapel
Revd Diane Hicks
5th March
Bamford Chapel
Revd Joanna Watson
12th March
Bamford Chapel
Revd David Woodall
19th March
Bamford Chapel
Revd Denise Owen
26th March
Bamford Chapel
Revd Richard Bradley
Revd Karen Smeeton will be running an evening course during Lent. (see separate poster) We hope you will be able to come! Further details, if needed, from Revd Richard Bradley 01706 369622 or 15
Bamford and Oakenrod Area Forum Some of you may be aware that the Forum meets at Chapel every couple of months, when local residents can come along to voice and listen to matters raised by their friends and neighbours. The local Police and Councillors attend and respond where they can. For the past few years I have chaired these meetings and Stuart Hey, from the local Township office, takes minutes and follows up aspects which my need further investigation. Following representations to the meeting some months ago, our local elected Councillors agreed to use part of their personal budget to fund a traffic survey along Norden Road, which cost in the region of ÂŁ1,000 to implement. At the community coffee last Thursday morning Councillor Patricia Sullivan passed to me a copy of the printed report, presented to Council, which resulted from this survey. This showed that the average vehicle flow was 725 vehicles and the average number of pedestrians crossing was 7. Based on this average traffic flow 72 pedestrians would be required to achieve an adequate level to require a pedestrian controlled crossing. The survey was carried out on Wednesday 1 st October 2014 and it could be argued that there were other days and times when the foot fall would be greater, but difficult to justify when averages in a 4 hour period are measured. No further action can therefore be justified and we can only continue to cross with care and ensure our children are well looked after when crossing. The next Forum meeting is scheduled to take place at the Chapel, in the Primary room, on Monday 9th March at 6.30 p.m. and anyone is welcome to attend. Ian Sturrock
Thank you to all the friends of my mum (Peggy Newton) at Bamford Chapel. We as a family really appreciate the welcome and kindness she received and the good times and fellowship she enjoyed among you all. Thank you again - Frieda Gray 16
November was another busy month in which we honoured 270 vouchers and gave out 2.4 tonnes of food. At the beginning of the month we marked two years of service in Rochdale with a lunch attended also by the Mayor of Rochdale and the Leader of the Council, both of whom spoke warmly of our work whilst also expressing the hope that our service would one day not be needed. The volunteers who had been in from the start of the Rochdale Foodbank (including Margaret Ogden) were presented with a 'Stickability' certificate. We received massive support from Tesco and their customers at the end of the month and also from Round Table’s Christmas house to house food collection, all of which we have now to sort. This may still leave us with gaps in our staple items from time to time meaning that we have to buy in goods, but by the beginning of 2015 we shall have completed our assessment and be able to say again what items we’d like our supporters to give. Our Clients appreciated the extra Christmas treats that were donated and on their behalf and from us, very sincere thanks. Margaret Ogden and Anne Newman
Church Membership If you are not currently a Church member and either want to find out more about what Church membership is all about, or perhaps you know you already want to be a member, then we are hoping to set some dates for a Church Membership group. There will be no pressure for anyone to commit to this even once you have attended the discussions on it. We cannot publicise dates yet.... but if you want to attend please speak to Richard Bradley or Joanne Ackroyd who will be happy to speak to you. Thanks, Richard 17
Messy Church We have been holding Messy Church events at Chapel for the past year and if you have not come along you are perhaps asking “What is Messy Church?” Messy Church is a time when families can come together to enjoy making things together, eating together and celebrating God together in a short act of worship. The aim is to introduce people to Jesus through hospitality, friendship, stories and worship. All ages are welcome to come and have fun. Between 60 and 80 adults and children have attended each session and we are planning to hold Messy Church on a more regular basis. The session runs something like this: 2.00 – 3.15pm 3.15 – 3.30pm 3.30 – 4.00pm
Craft activities Celebration Service in Church Sharing a meal together
The next Messy Church on 1 March is to celebrate Chinese New Year where we are thinking about new beginnings. We have chosen this theme to highlight our Synod’s link with Taiwan. Addie and I visited Taiwan last September and want to try out some of the craft ideas we saw there. Help! Please save kit chen roll centres or similar tubes. We need them to make dragons. If you can help with this outreach or want to know more see Barbara Redmond. What is Love? “When my grandmother got arth ritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.” Rebecca - age 8 18
All ages welcome
hoy! ei Fat C H g n u K means
w Year! Happy Ne
Theme:New beginnings Enjoy: Craft, Music, Food
Sunday 1 March at 2.00 – 4.00 pm @ Bamford Chapel Children: Please bring an adult with you 19
Menu Chicken and vegetable rice. Fresh fruit
Bamford Chapel & Norden URC presents
MUSIC AT lUNCHTIME Lunch items priced individually are available from 12.15 pm
Concert Admission £3.50 1.00 pm — 2.00 pm
Tuesday 10th february Amy Roberts (Oboe)
Philip Sharp (Piano)
Ladies’ Fellowship January 2015 The first Ladies Fellowship meeting of 2015 was both highly entertaining and thought provoking. The speaker, Andy Tattersall, related his exploits as a detective and trainer with Greater Manchester Police. Starting his career in Rochdale, he rose through the ranks and gained a wide experience of the criminal fraternity. Involved with over 400 murders investigated during his career, he explained how he uses his knowledge to train the new detectives in the art of detection. With the heading ‘Walk in my shoes’ he gave us clues to 4 murders. Asking us ‘What do you see?’ and ‘What would you do next?’ leading us through the clues with questions thrown at the audience and a summary at the end of each investigation. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all and lasted longer than usual (9.15 finish!) An excellent evening concluded with delicious refreshments left over from the Elders meeting earlier in the evening. Thank You Elders old and new. Linda Kerford
Namaste - Thank you to everyone in our church family here, who have prayed for me and supported me over the past 3 difficult years. I have been feeling ‘restored’ since the beginning of November 2014. But having had so many setbacks, I have not wanted to put my thanks in writing until I was sure of God’s day by day renewal. I have been sticking a butterfly on my calendar for each day that I have experienced light and love. The last 2 months of 2014 had butterflies on every day!! I realised I couldn’t afford enough stickers for 2015, so I’ve bought a butterfly calendar!! So now I’m sure so thank you once again to all who supported me with such unconditional love – so many people! Shalom - Joan Warner 21
Ministry Core Group Feedback The Group have so far taken the following action:
“Welcome to your new home” leaflet which is available from Group members or in an envelope in the Coffee Area. So far the leaflet is “Bamford” based and has been hand delivered to people who have moved in to the area; we are currently drafting a “Norden” version involving our Norden members.
We are currently working on a Welcome to Church Leaflet which it is proposed will be given to anyone who attends worship for the first time or comes along to any other group or activity at Chapel. The leaflet will be available, subject to Our Minister and Elders’ approval, in the next few months.
The Group organised visits to two local Residential Care Homes, Half Acre and Oakland one Sunday in December. A group of approximately twenty sang Carols and three of our young people performed a short sketch. W e were well received at both homes by residents and staff. We are currently looking at how these relationships can be progressed. We welcome anyone with an interest and ideas in supporting us to develop this element of our ministry.
We are looking at the possibility of hosting Dementia Friends Training; this is basic awareness raising for organisations of all types so that they are equipped to be able to support anyone who has memory impairment. The awareness sessions last about an hour and are led by the local Alzheimer’s Society Staff. Many organisations in the statutory, voluntary and private sector get involved to ensure they can be “Dementia Friends”. More information to follow. Our next meeting is on Thursday 19 th March at Chapel. We will provide a progress report and an opportunity for all congregation members to share ideas to guide and influence the work of this group at the Church Meeting on Sunday 22 nd March. The minutes of our meetings can be found in the file in the Coffee Area and as always the Group are more than happy to clarify any actions we are proposing. Current Group: Margaret Ogden, Sid Hazlehurst, Barbara Redmond, Linda Kerford, Sarah Fitton, Carole Greaves along with Group Helpers: Lyn Jeff eries, Betty Ainsworth, and Joan Warner.
Carole Greaves (On behalf of the Ministry Core Group) 22
Prayer for February By Daphne Kitching Dear Lord, February can seem such a bleak, mid-winter month, often flavoured with ‘flu and bad weather. But actually, the days are lengthening. There are snowdrops and other signs of new life, if we look expectantly. Spring is beckoning. Open our eyes, Lord, to see the wonders of your creation, even in February. May we appreciate the rhythms of the seasons you designed for us, and rejoice in the hope you have given us in Jesus, who came to wonderfully re-create, to make all things new, by his death and resurrection. Thank you Father for life-signs in February - and thank you especially for the new life-sign of Jesus. Amen.
THURSDAY COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNINGS The first of our Community Coffee Mornings started on the 4th of September last year and I hope that they are proving to be worthwhile to those who have been joining us. I would like to say a 'big thank you' to all who have helped me on this new venture - the faithful team of coffee and tea makers and all who are coming to join in the fellowship. All we have asked is for a small donation, but everyone has been very generous and so far we have been able to give the Chapel £300 and another £300 to Springhill Hospice. On the first 1st Thursday of each month Councillors join us for a type of 'Forum', when you can come and chat to them about anything which may concern you in the Bamford area. If you have anything to ask or complain about this is a good time and place to do so while having a coffee. I am sure there are people living alone and lonely in this area who would benefit from getting out and meeting others on a regular basis. See if any of your neighbours are in need of someone to chat to and invite them along. Let's make these coffee mornings an important outreach into the community. Thank you. Pat Gate 23
For those who love the hills….. I am fortunate to be able to go on long walks locally and also on walking holidays in different parts of the country. When I go walking I love to look up to the hills and often think of these words of Alfred Wainwright’s: “The fleeting hour of life of those who love the hills is quickly spent, but the hills are eternal. Always there will be the lonely ridge, the dancing beck, the silent forest; always there will be the exhilaration of the summits. These are for the seeking, and those who seek and find while there is yet time will be blessed both in mind and body.” However, there are many people who can no longer walk in the hills and so for all of us let us remember Psalm 121. Pamela Harrington
Psalm 121 from the King James Version of the Bible I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. 24
Walking in the Footsteps of the Radical Jesus (Part 2) Bible Studies in spe cial place s One of the very special aspects of the pilgrimage was the bible studies led by Lawr ence Moore in the places where the radical Jesus walked. His studies were eloquent and he always gave us new insights into familiar passages. On a breezy hilltop in the ruins of Herod’s sumptuous palace at Herodium we explored the idea of Jesus as liberator freeing us from all that holds us captive. In the peaceful chapel at the Caritas Baby Hospit al we studied Luke’s account of the birth of Christ which tells about the character of God. He is not the God of the temple and the Jewish purity system but he comes to the poor and dispossessed. With the background of the Israeli affluent settlement of Ma’ale Adummim we considered Jesus’ instruction to love our enemies. Jesus came to transform the world and Christians must not leave the world untouched. Jesus presented a new and radical way of coping with the occupation. This resounded with the current occupation of Palestine by the Israelis. Jesus stands with the people who are subject to injustice. In the archaeological remains of the Essene community at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, we were again considering what God is like and how he responds to the world. John the Baptist, who could well have been an Essene, preached about the Messiah as an agent of God’s wrath, judgement and condemnation. But the radical Jesus had a different message. He shows the love of God which transforms people. In the Anglican Christ Chur ch, Nazareth we heard from Father Nael about the life and struggles of Arab, Palestinian, Christian Israelis. We then looked at the temptations of Jesus and the many situations that constantly put him under pressure to be diverted from his mission. Jesus says that God will not exact violence but forgiveness and that his plan is for the whole world and not just the Jews. Again making it relevant to the political situation here; salvation of both Palestinians and Israelis depends on the lifting of the occupation so all are free to be human beings. We sat under the shade of a tree beside the ruins of the old synagogue in Capernaum to consider the start of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Through his healing miracles he made people whole so that they could be reintegrated into the community so healing the community also. The criticism by the Pharisees of healing on the Sabbath showed that they had a conflict between loving God and loving their neighbour. The radical Jesus showed that loving your neighbour is loving God. Sailing on the Sea of Galilee was the perfect place to study the calming of the storm. There is a deeper meaning to this story – Jesus is creating order out of chaos. Crossing the lake took them to 25
the Gentiles demonstrating that the good news is not just for the Jews. Jesus came to turn the world upside down. We sat in a spot in the ruins of old Caesarea Philippi close to the borders of Lebanon and Syria where Peter first acknowledged Jesus as Messiah. This was a pivotal point in his ministry when he sets his face towards Jerusalem and all that meant. If Jesus was the kind of Messiah the Jews wanted it would have been great for them but would leave the r est of the world untouched. The radical Jesus had to become a sacrifice for the world – be killed – and then the r esurrection gives us another world. We were asked who Jesus is for us. Are we up for it; is our life about crossshaped living in the world? Caesarea Maritima is Herod’s splendid and opulent port where Paul was imprisoned and from where he was taken to Rome and later executed. Here we looked at the well-known parables of the Good Sa maritan and the Lost Son where Jesus is showing the nature of God. To be like God we should be filled with compassion and empathy and loving our neighbour is loving God. In Jerusalem, outside Dominus Flevit, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem we have reached kairos. God’s time. A crisis time when God is going to do something. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to shouts of hosanna, but he knew he had been stirring things up in the temple and that it will soon all go bad. Jesus was not the political Messiah the people want. So for us kairos has to be faced and we must make our choice. Opposite the Church of the Agony we looked at the radical Jesus’ attack on the temple system. People had to pay to make sacrifices to obtain cleansing and the poor could not afford it. The God of the temple was therefore not for everyone. Any system that restricts access to God was not acceptable to Jesus. In the Garden of Gethsemane we considered Jesus’ agony. Gethsemane was a time of trial for Jesus. We too can have Gethsemane moments when God’s care and love come into question for us and our faith can be broken. Luke suggests that Jesus is at the point of giving up, but he accepts it and an angel comes to encourage him. He continues to pray and God is with him. We must hold on to that in our times of trial. In a quiet spot, just off the Temple Mount platform, we looked at the events leading up to the crucifixion. Firstly, the betrayal by a kiss: the deepest betrayal. Then Peter’s denial. Jesus was left to face the cross alone, all his disciples having deserted him. W e are reminded that all of us find it difficult to follow Jesus at times. Sometimes we cannot keep faith and all of us betray him at times. Jesus’ arrest is justified because he stands for everything the Pharisees do not. He absolutely refuses to claim unequivocally that he is the son of God until after the resurrection. Although Jesus is not leading a rebellion, he is a revolutionary bringing about a complete change in world order, but not in ways that were expected. Will he change our lives in 26
unexpected ways? Outside what would have been in Jesus’ time the city walls, in view of the Holy Sepulchre Church, within a stone’s throw of the site of the crucifixion, we looked at Mark and Luke’s accounts of the crucifixion. The 4 evangelists tell us different stories depending on the audience they were intended for. These stories should not be put together like a jigsaw but read separately otherwise you miss the different things the evangelists are telling us. Summarising, Mark talks about the crucifixion liberating those who suffer and are sinned against. Death is not the last word. Luke’s is a story of forgiveness. There is a new power. When sin has done its worst, God raises the dead. In the shade at the St Lazarus church near to Lazarus’ tomb we explored the resurrection. Eternal life begins here and now and goes on after we die. Salvation is not us individually going up to heaven, but heaven coming down to earth. God is present among us in each other. The church is a community that seeks to do his will on earth. Our final study took place in the olive grove in the grounds of the Pater Noster church on the Mount of Olives. The Holy Spirit is the connection between the radical Jesus and his ministry, his death and resurrection and a new world. Church is a community of disciples of Jesus and needs to be more like Jesus, and then “mor e would be added to our numbers.” The eff ect of the Holy Spirit is to make us more like God who finds the people on the margins and shows them compassion, liberation and forgiveness with no strings attached. In John 14: 6 Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The only way to deal with sin is by a process of dying and rising and it happens only through Jesus Christ who did it for the world. Not only Christians have access to the love of God. Eternal life happens now. Things that are wrong need to be put right now. We should tell people about Jesus because we want them to discover the spiritual life which is how Jesus lived. We finished with a quote from D T Niles. “In pointing people to Jesus we must remember that we are ever only a beggar telling other beggars where to find bread.” Our group worshipped in a shepherd’s cave and in a cave overlooking the Sea of Galilee wher e Jesus probably came to for his quiet times. W e renewed our baptismal vows by immersion in the River Jordan (a very moving experience) and shared communion on the Mount of Be atitudes.
Addie and Barbara Redmond (continued next month) Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God. - Anon 27
A LADY I KNOW There’s a lady I know of ninety four She’s bright as a button, and so much more Her feeble eyes and limited ears In no way reflect her many years The tales she tells of days gone by Brings many a chuckle and watery eye Stories galore of where she lived The street, the chapel, the friends, the kids. Her Granny the local wise woman was she Mustard and brown paper was one remedy Another a mixture of brandy and port To hasten relief of a turn out of sorts. All these are remembered, the detail so fine She mimics the voices like an actress her lines This all brings pleasure to those that sh e knows And it’s my delight and good fortune To be one of those.
Written by Anita Teuton to Molly Brierley (2014)
EDITORS: Linda Peacock
01706 522593
Martyn James
01706 868885
SECRETARY: Joan Ashton
01706 360395
Articles to be handed in by:
Sunday 15th February
Magazine to be completed by:
Thursday 26th February
Magazine distributed:
Sunday 1st March 29
BAMFORD CHAPEL & NORDEN United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387 (FAIRTRADE CHURCH) Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs. OL11 5PQ
The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:
Rev Richard Bradley
Church Secretary: Telephone: Email:
John Lapworth 01706 632460
Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:
John Lapworth 01706 632460
Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:
Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:
Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 30