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Renato Filho
Abe Giovanini Advogados
São Paulo www.abegiovanini.com.br
renato.giovanini@abegiovanini.com.br Tel: +55 11 98122 1881
Renato Giovanini Filho is the partner responsible for the wealth planning and related litigation practice, with 25 years of experience involving tax planning, succession planning, asset protection and corporate governance. He manages a multidisciplinary team of lawyers with a diversity of legal specialities, such as tax law; civil law, focusing on succession law, asset protection and contracts; corporate law; as well as economic criminal law. Renato supervises a team of integrated lawyers who work to deliver a unique and comprehensive solution to clients. Renato also supervises M&A transactions relating to family businesses and VC ecosystem companies. For that purpose, Renato relies on the three different M&A and corporate teams of the firm.
What inspired you to pursue a legal career?
I am a son of a serial entrepreneur who has built up companies and other businesses. As I grew up, I watched my father in need of legal assistance from several specialties and that has inspired me to pursue a legal career, specially devoted to businessmen and families in business.
What is it about working with family businesses that you enjoy most?
The opportunity of having a positive impact on a family as well as assisting them to build up meaningful and sustainable companies and other business, which generate jobs and are taxpayers.
How has the market changed since you first started practising?
When I started practising wealth planning and M&As in the VC ecosystem, the Brazilian law firms had no departments dedicated to one or another area of legal practice. Today, most of them have departments concentrated on each of them.
Also, one size fits all and merely formal solutions have been replaced by much more complex and substantive solutions.
How do you establish a detailed understanding of a client’s business in order to advise them effectively?
We look at them from a multidisciplinary legal approach so that we can assure that all perspectives are covered and properly balanced.
What qualities make for a successful wealth planning practitioner?
In our opinion, the ability to work in a multidisciplinary and integrated manner in order to to deliver a unique and comprehensive solution.
What makes Abe Giovanini Advogados stand out from its competitors in the market?
Our multidisciplinary team of lawyers, with a diversity of legal specialities, that is able to deliver a unique and comprehensive solution.
As head of the wealth planning and litigation practice of Abe Giovanini Advogados, what are your main priorities for the practice’s development over the next five years?
In our opinion, the ability to do wealth planning with cross-border legal issues, mainly involving Brazil – USA, Brazil – Portugal, Brazil – United Kingdom, Brazil – Switzerland, Brazil – Japan, Brazil – Italy and Brazil – Spain.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in wealth planning?
To look at it from a multidisciplinary perspective and at the cross-border legal issues with the countries that are the main destinations of Brazilian individuals,investments and assets from Brazil.
WWL says: The “absolutely fantastic” Renato Giovanini Filho is “highly recommended” for his “impressive knowledge of estate planning issues”.