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Kai F Schumacher

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Tilman Niedermaier

Tilman Niedermaier


Munich www.alixpartners.com


kschumacher@alixpartners.com Tel: +49 172 8 25 60 41


Kai Schumacher specialises in international arbitration (both commercial and investment treaty). With over 20 years of experience, he has been the expert in engagements with values at stake ranging from €0.2 million to over €170 billion. Kai has testified over 40 times before commercial and investment treaty arbitration tribunals and (high) courts. He has managed more than 200 national and international projects dealing with entities from 53 different countries. He has worked in a wide range of sectors, including utilities/energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, telecoms and more.

Describe your career to date

Eventually, I discovered what I am most passionate about.

What qualities make for a good arbitration expert witness?

All “good” arbitration expert witnesses should be able to explain complex issues in simple language to be easily understood. In addition, “good” arbitration experts think about the wider commercial implications.

How has the market changed since you first started practising?

It became more mature.

What difficulties do fixed fee structures present for arbitration experts?

At the start of an engagement, one cannot always anticipate what a case involves and the tasks that must be performed.

How is increased scrutiny towards social and environmental welfare affecting investment-treaty arbitrations?

So far, this effect seems barely noticeable based on my observations. Some practitioners report that conflict of interest rules for consulting experts in arbitration are not tight enough. Do you agree?

There are exceptions, but often the simple answer is yes.

How do you effectively coordinate on cases when working alongside experts with other areas of expertise?

Here it is important to stay aligned throughout the analysis and development of all experts.

Looking back over your career, what has been your proudest achievement?

Exposing the flaws of an obstructive opposing expert during witness conferencing. The chairman ordered a lengthy “health break” after the expert almost fainted from exhaustion.

WWL says: Kai Schumacher is recognised by peers as “a strong competitor” on account of his “excellent communication skills in his capacity as an expert”.

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