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Alumni Happenings

# LoveMadeinLBS

Uzo Ofoma Chukwuma

After spending 5 years in the c a p i t a l m a r k e t s , M a r t h a Omamegbe sought a fresh challenge. Recognising her interest in entrepreneurship and inspired by the carriage and work ethics of her Mentor and Direct Manager at that time, both alumni members of Lagos Business School, she applied for the Executive MBA (EMBA) programme at Lagos Business School and was admitted into the EMBA 22 class in 2017.

Described by her friends as quiet and reserved, Martha chose her permanent seat next to her friend, Chioma. Unbeknownst to her, a young man named Ugbede Ibrahim also chose a spot behind them. With more than 75 participants admitted into the programme, the class was split into two (A & B) to enhance the learning & networking experience. Martha found herself in the EMBA 22B class, while Ibrahim was in EMBA 22A class. As the programme progressed, the two exchanged pleasantries each time they crossed paths when the EMBA A & B classes had joint sessions. Ibrahim was a pharmacist working for a multinational firm based in Dubai with its African base in Abuja. As strategy and management skills became increasingly more required for his role, he decided to opt for an MBA and considered Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, England. However, he could not find the time to take off work and move to England for the course. He realized that he could get the same world-class education at LBS

Amidst the heart-dampening events that shaped most of this year, a story of friendship, discovery & love emerges…

and applied for the EMBA course. (In hindsight, Ibrahim now appreciates his choice even more, noting the relevance of the LBS experience in the African context).

Opting for the exchange programme at IESE Business School, the two coincidentally booked the same Emirates flight to Barcelona, Spain. Upon settling in, they were neighbours, another coincidence. Martha was living with her cousin, Ono, who they both discovered to be a mutual link between them; she was Ibrahim ' s very good friend and classmate in EMBA 22A class. It was during the trip Ibrahim noted Martha ' s humble, peaceful & calm disposition; her humanity and passion for advocacy; traits that Ibrahim admired and sought in people he could consider as close friends.

Based in Abuja, Ibrahim would travel to Lagos for the programme which was usually scheduled for weekends. However, in 2019, when classes were done, he also made work trips to Lagos and found time to visit his new classmates & friends. On one of such

trips, Ibrahim decided to call Martha to ask if they could hang out while he was in town. Although Martha was happy to hear this, she was caught up with an official in-house training in Satellite town and could not come out to see him. Undeterred, Ibrahim, who was not used to that area of Lagos, found his way to the training centre to see her. This was the beginning of a closer friendship and as time went by, Ibrahim would meet up with her on different occasions with her friends and family.

As their responsibilities grew and demanded more attention from them, the pair kept less in touch, sending each o t h e r m e s s a g e s o n d i f f e r e n t milestones. However, an opportunity came for them to meet again, this time in Abuja. Martha took some days off work to travel to care for her friend who was in the hospital. She decided to check on Ibrahim and called, informing him that she was in town. He came to the hospital to see her, got her lunch and offered her a ride back to where she stayed. Throughout her stay, Ibrahim graciously picked her from the hospital in the evenings and dropped her at the airport on her way back to Lagos. During these trips, the pair got closer and found that they shared similarities in their life perspectives and family background. During the send forth dinner organised for their class in November 2019, the pair agreed to attend and celebrate the end of their programme with their fellow classmates. Not too long after, Ibrahim mustered up the courage to ask her for a relationship that would lead to marriage. Martha hesitated; it was unexpected, and she needed time to think about it. For their graduation in December, they also made plans to celebrate together with friends and f a m i l y . A f t e r t h e i r g r a d u a t i o n ceremony, Ibrahim asked her again. M a r t h a t h o u g h t a b o u t t h e i r conversations, his character & personality. She took into cognizance the fact that two of them had passed through a one-of-a-kind grooming experience at LBS, one she believed can never leave anyone the same after it. She knew she wanted to be with someone who was self-driven and of like mind to grow with; Martha accepted Ibrahim's proposal. Ibrahim and his family planned their visit to Martha ' s family during Christmas of the same year, only to discover that Ibrahim's hometown, Idah in Kogi State, is a ten-minute boat ride across the River Niger to Agenebode, Edo State, Martha's hometown! It was a remarkable coincidence. Upon meeting her parents, Ibrahim's proposal was heartily accepted, as he impressed them with his values and background. But the story did not stop there, Ibrahim still surprised Martha with a romantic proposal on Valentine's Day, 2020. As the pandemic began in Nigeria, the couple slowed their wedding plans until there was an ease in the lock-down.

On Friday, August 21, 2020, some of the couple's classmates found their way to Agenebode in preparation of the wedding ceremony. By the next day, the hashtag #LoveMadeinLBS started to trend on the WhatsApp platform of LBS A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n ' s ( L B S A A ) Governing Council, thanks to the EMBA 22 class president, Efosa Aigbe. The governing council made up of LBS Dean, President of the LBSAA, other Executive members and all LBSAA class presidents, was excited for the couple, congratulating the couple and the class.

The story that started as a journey of self-development, culminated into a beautiful union based on shared values a n d a l i f e - c h a n g i n g l e a r n i n g experience at LBS. Now a new story begins… and this time, the road will be travelled not by one, but by two-inone….

Congratulations Ibrahim & Martha!

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