This Is What Makes You A Good Finance Manager

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This Is What Makes You A Good Finance Manager Becoming a finance manager is one of the most challenging career paths considering its extremely specialised nature. Aspiring managers begin their careers by earning a bachelor’s or masters’ degree in their speciality.

Jobs in this market are extremely competitive, and new managers joining the industry will need to have all the skillsets he/she can possibly obtain. So, here we list all the ways in which you can be a good finance manager:

1. Being transparent and improving communication skills: For a manager to be effective, he/she will have to effectively communicate with his/her employees. The communication needs to be clear and understandable. Your employees should be able to understand your needs, be aligned with the goals and objectives, and encouraged enough to ask questions openly.

2. Upskilling: As a manager, you need to lead your employees by example. If you expect your employees to be technologically-skilled and be knowledgeable about the business, you

as a manager should lead the train. Your employees will follow your dedication and continue to learn and upskill themselves.

3. Conflict avoidance: Conflict resolution and avoidance is significantly important. When an employee comes up to you with a conflict, don’t keep it for another day. This only causes the conflict to fester, and you end up losing credibility. Your priority should be resolving the conflicts quickly with a reasonable resolution.

4. Meeting Expectations: Challenge your employees but setting them goals that are realistic and achievable. This helps you understand your employees’ skillset and capabilities. Also, when your employees attain the goals, they will empower themselves to accomplish more and compel themselves to work harder and achieve more. This contributes to the success of the entire team.

5. Open up to new ideas: A manager needs to be innovative with one’s ideas and perspectives. Be open to ideas that may sound far fetched but can bring in guaranteed results. Use this tactic as a competitive advantage. Tread the ways which no one treads and show your competition what you’ve got! Being unique is one way of becoming a great manager.

6. Take a break! All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. You do not want to develop a workaholic lifestyle that will end up ruining your personal life! Make sure you are managing your stress and taking a break often to maintain balance in your life. A break can help you clear your head and improve your productivity.

7. Listen more, talk less: To become the best manager, you should be listening to all sorts of questions and concerns. Take a pause in your conversations and listen to what your team has to say. Your employee’s feedback can make all the difference! You will be surprised about how much you will learn from your employees, what motivates them and what they are looking for from you.

Conclusion: Being one of the most challenging careers, finance managers need to prepare for all sorts of adversities. A course in accounting for managers can help you take the first step. The rest comes with experience. LBTC offers a range of courses across different schedules. Check them out today.

Authors Bio: Rohit Chandiramani is the CEO of London Business Training & Consulting. Having completed his MBA, not only is Rohit a student of Business and Management, but through his firm has also facilitated the delivery of the subject matter to hundreds of learners over the years. A regular trekker, he likes to scale greater heights in the Himalayas, and in the world of business.

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