August 17, 2011 - Making A Difference Newsletter

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August 17, 2011

In This Issue

Featured Stories Comfort Dog Update Families in Need Disaster Response Ministry Needs Mission Opportunities International Ministry LCC Ministry Resources Upcoming Events How To Keep LCC Serving

Tim's Pick of the Week

LCC has many resources available to congregations, businesses, and individuals. Click here to visit our website and learn more

Tim Hetzner Returns Less Than 24 Hours Ago from Haiti Greetings in Christ. I just finished my ??? trip to Haiti - too many to count. Progress is being made daily to help the thousands of needy families still living in tents. Work continues to get them into temporary homes and then into permanent housing. The guest house to facilitate volunteers is near completion. A church, which will primarily serve those who are currently living in tents and will be moving into the LCMS Building Homes and Hope in Haiti project homes, is near 100% completion! A village is being developed with a school still on the docket to be built. This is all in Jeremie. Our joint work with LCMS World Relief and Human Care and the ELCH (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Haiti) continues to Make a Difference. A seminary is halfway completed to help supply the growing need for pastors in Haiti. Our Lutheran Churches in Haiti are literally busting at the seams! A Difference is Being Made in God's Kingdom - all because of your support to LCC, LCMS World Relief and Human Care, and ELCH and the so many others! Thank you for your continual support. I am exhausted now (less than a few hours since returning) but will share more on the LCC Website and Facebook page about the ELCH Convention and Mercy work taking place, so watch for more pictures and updates!

Tim Hetzner President Lutheran Church Charities View photos from this trip Click here to donate to Haiti disaster relief Click here to donate to furnish the guest house in Haiti Read about more ways to help in Haiti

LCC connects needs with resources, working with more than 400 congregations to help Christians "Make a Difference in People's Lives and in God's Kingdom" To meet our staff, click here For more information about LCC and its human care ministry, please contact LCC staff at: LCC@LutheranChurch More...

Ministry Quicklinks Newsletter Archive / Printable Format Bible Classes Daily Devotions Prayer Requests To Donate Ministries We Support

Help the Haitian Orphans NOW-Donations Needed for Bunk Beds Request from Sue Gross, Lutheran Mission Project

Friends of Haiti, I am often asked how a small congregation can be part of the Haiti Ministry without making a monthly commitment of support. Well here it is..................... Immanuel Lutheran Church in Richton Park, along with the Richton Park Community, bought a used school bus which we will use as a shipping container to send large items to Pastor Isaac in Haiti. This is a rare opportunity for us to have such a large space to ship needed items to Haiti so we decided to take advantage of it by shipping the much needed BUNKBEDS that the children will use when the addition on Pastor's house is finished next year. We found white pine bunk beds at IKEA for $159.00 each. The mattresses are extra and they have 20 available right now if we want them. We do not have to pay tax and we will pick them up ourselves. So if we can get 20 congregations to donate $300.00 we will have enough beds for the 30 orphans and the guest room where mission teams will stay in the future. We would like to thank Immanuel Lutheran Church and the Richton Park Community for the FEST they sponsored last Saturday. All proceeds went to pay for the cost of shipping the bus to Haiti. Please consider a donation for this cause. These children sleep on a concrete floor in Pastor's home right now. These children have never had a bed to sleep in! Can you imagine the excitement when they get to sleep in their very own bed for the first time? Please help make this happen NOW. If the bus leaves before we can raise the money for the beds it will be too costly for us to ship them. Click here to donate

Join Our Mailing List!

Click here to join our LCC Staff Announcement mailing list and On Sunday, August 7th, St John's Lutheran receive free email Church in Lombard, at their voters meeting, decided daily devotions to extend a call to LCC staff member Pete Imlah to

serve as a Commissioned Teacher and to enroll and enter into the SMP (Specialized Ministry Pastor) training program through one of our Seminaries. After prayerful consideration Pete has accepted the call and is starting at St John's this month. LCC thanks Pete for his dedicated service at LCC and wishes him God's Blessings as he continues to serve our Lord in parish ministry. LCC and Pete will continue to work together because LCC and Pete both serve the same Lord and Build for His Kingdom! He has been and will continue to be a faithful servant! LCC thanks you Pete!

"Send a Spoken Prayer" Devotion Series - A Critical Attitude Can Cost You

LCC's "Send a Spoken Prayer" e-Card site is available.

The five-part devotion series entitled "A Critical Attitude Can Cost You" began today. Click here to sign up for our free email devotions Click here for our archive of Daily Devotions

To learn more, Click Here

Circuits 19 and 20 Host Gourmet Fund Raising Dinner for LCC Disaster Response Last spring brought upon us a lot of nature caused disasters: earthquake and Tsunami in Japan brought upon the people of the region nuclear meltdown; tornados in the Alabama, Mississippi and other states killed scores of people and left countless others without homes and livelihood. Pastors of Circuits 20 and 19 took close to their hearts the pain of the affected people, realizing that it is not enough to pray for the victims of disasters and they need to take one step further - to have a fundraiser dinner.

Reserve the date and the place

September 30, 2011 at 7 p.m. Saint Paul Lutheran Church 4660 West 94th Street, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 Our special speaker for the event will be Timothy Hetzner President of Lutheran Church Charities. Our guests will be treated with 4 star gourmet food prepared by master chefs: Rev. Steven Riordan of Grace Lutheran Church, Western Springs (E19) and Rev. Dr. Valdas Ausra of Zion Lithuanian Lutheran Church, Oak Lawn (E20) and Pastors of Circuits 19 and 20. Menu includes fine appetizers, salad, main course and dessert. Cost is $50.00 per person. Limited seating. Deadline for reservations is Saturday, September 23, 2011. Please make reservations through the office of Grace Lutheran Church, 4101 Wolf Road, Western Springs, IL 60558 For more information call (708) 246-0536 or e-mail: Payment should be included with your reservation. All the proceeds will go to support Disaster Relief efforts of Lutheran Church Charities.

LCC Staff Leads Team Retreat for Trinity Davenport, Iowa

LCC staff members Tim Kurth and Rich Martin, along with K9 Parish Comfort Dog Olympia, helped prepare the staff of Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Davenport, Iowa for the coming year. Tim led them through team building exercises in keeping with their theme for the year, 'Committed', based on Psalm 37:5&6. Rich and Olympia represented the LCC K9 Parish Comfort Dog Ministry as Trinity is currently raising support to acquire their own Comfort Dog as a bridge for ministry in their church and school. If you would like to have a member of the LCC staff speak at your church or school event contact the LCC office at 866-455-6466. If you're interested in learning how you can have a K9 Parish Comfort Dog permanently placed in your congregation as a bridge for compassionate ministry, click here.

Comfort Dog Update

Comfort Dogs Attend CLEF Conference On Monday, August 15th, LCC staff members Marie Payes and Dana Yocum, along with LCC K9 Parish Comfort Dogs Tara and Magic, attended CLEF's Annual Networking Conference at Walther Lutheran High School in Melrose Park. Marie and Dana visited with teachers and talked about how Comfort Dogs can be used in schools.

Click here to schedule a K-9 Comfort Dog visit Donate to the K-9 Parish Comfort Dog Ministry

Special 9/11 Memorial Service On "Worship For Shut-Ins"

Yes, we've killed Osama bin Laden - but that is not our source of comfort and peace! Our source, of course, is our Savior Jesus Christ! "Worship for Shut-Ins" television service on September 11 this month will be one of "Remembrance and Thanksgiving". This weekly TV program can be seen weekly throughout the Northern Illinois District and the nation on DIRECTV Channel 377 at 11:30 am Eastern time, 10:30 am Central, 9:30 am Mountain time, and 8:30 am Pacific time. It can also be seen on their Web site of by clicking on "View videos". The 9/11 program should be up by 5:00 pm on September 9th. Throughout the District, "Worship for Shut-Ins" can be seen every week on the local Chicago station of the Total Living Network (TLNComcast Channel 138). This cable station stretches into central Illinois, northwest

Indiana, and southwestern Michigan. Guest pastor for this special service will be Chaplain Colonel Retired James Cotter of Fort Wayne. Pastor Cotter is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. He has served four Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations in Peoria, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; and two in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Lutheran Ministries Media is the producers of "Worship for Shut-Ins" and relies on contributions from individuals, organizations, and groups to sustain this television ministry at a cost of $1600 daily. Donations may be sent to Lutheran Ministries Media; 5 Martin Luther Drive; Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825.

Thanks to Your Generous Support, We Were Able to Provide Assistance to the following: Ebenezer Lutheran Church Chicago - VBS Fund St Mark Lutheran Church, St. Charles - Xagas Fund

Your Donations Make A Difference Thank you to Mrs. Audrey Beauvais who donated a variety of tools to LERT Disaster Relief. Thank you also to LCC volunteers Patrick Witte and his brother John (pictured), Helmut Mueller and Mike Flaherty for assisting with donation pick-ups this past Saturday.

NID President Dan Gilbert and Business Manager Dale Kuhfahl accept a check from LCC of your donations for the Pastoral Assistance Fund

Looking to be in an in-depth Bible Study? Does Your Church Want to Host a Study? Your Small Group?

Over 150 weeks of In-Depth Bible Studies available on DVD

Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church Charities, has led over 40 Biblical Studies

Trips to the Middle East over the past 30 years. Learn his insights into the Biblical Text, the Culture and Customs of the People, the History and Archeology of the land - but MOST OF ALL - discover the MIND-METHOD-MANNER and MINISTRY of our Lord Jesus Christ. All Courses are available on DVD and also on the Internet. Become a host site for Word Among Us Studies and find Answers in the Bible for Life's Many Difficulties and Questions! For more information and registration, Click Here... To find out more information contact Tim Hetzner at 866-455-6466 or email at

Families in Need Help Make A Difference St John Lansing Family Home Destroyed in Fire Request from Pastor Duane Fluechtling, St. John Lutheran Church, Lansing, Illinois

Single Mother Needs Car for Medical Treatment and to Find Employment Request from Pastor Harold Wahl, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Thornton, Illinois

Family Loses Everything in Fire Request from Larry Baade, Organist, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Addison, Illinois

Disaster Response Immanuel Joplin Requests Construction Trailer for Ongoing Recovery Work

Immanuel Lutheran Church and Martin Luther School have asked Trent Davis to serve as full time Disaster Relief Coordinator with support from President Mirley of the Missouri District. As Trent begins the transition to Joplin he has asked for an office trailer similar to those used on construction sites. A simple trailer with power, heating and a/c, an entrance door and a window or two (see picture) would be used to house the offices of the disaster recovery efforts. This will allow Martin Luther School and Immanuel to return their spaces to other ministry uses. Please consider making a donation toward securing a rent or lease on a trailer by clicking the link below. If you have a trailer that might be used, please contact Tim Kurth at LCC (866) 455-6466 or Click here to donate

Help us Feed People in Need

In Disaster Response and Outreach Events LCC has been looking for a food cart to use in our Disaster Response and other outreach events. This would be made available to congregations when they do outreach events and be used to feed volunteers and displaced people in a Disaster Situation. Last week we found a cart and grill on a trailer that fits the bill. Help us raise the additional $800 needed. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans NW Cook

County Chapter will match $1600! Click here if you would like to help with the purchase of the cart and grill.

New Disaster Response Trainings Scheduled For Fall 2011

Trinity Lutheran Church in Lisle will host LERT Training on Tuesday, September 20th. Registration and a light supper will begin at 5:30 pm with class from 6 pm to 9 pm. St. John Lutheran Church in Island Lake will host LERT Training on Thursday, September 22nd. Registration and a light supper will begin at 5:30 pm with class from 6 pm to 9 pm. Zion Lutheran Church in Hinsdale will host LERT Training on Wednesday, October 5th. Registration and a light supper will begin at 5:30 pm with class from 6 pm to 9 pm. Immanuel Lutheran Church in Batavia will host LERT Training on Tuesday, October 25th. Registration and a light supper will begin at 5:30 pm with class from 6 pm to 9 pm. Our Savior Lutheran Church in Carol Stream will host LERT training on Saturday, November 12th. Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 8:30 am with class from 9 am - 12 noon. Click here to register for LERT Training Registration is $20 and helps cover the cost of the training materials, meal, and the LERT vest, which is required to be worn in a disaster response situation. Registration can be paid by credit card online at time of registration or by cash or check at the door. This training will prepare team members for credentialing and will focus on the safety, work, and ministry of Lutherans as Early Responders. Click here to register for LERT training. For more information, call Dianna Bonfield at 866-455-6466 or email

Immanuel Joplin Begins Transition to Long Term Recovery: LCC Continues to Support Their Efforts

With the school season quickly approaching, Immanuel Lutheran Church and Martin Luther School in Joplin are beginning the process of transitioning their disaster relief center into a long term recovery ministry. LCC will continue to register volunteers for the efforts in Joplin and update our website and newsletter with all the latest information. Click here to donate to Tornado Relief in Joplin, Missouri Click Here to Volunteer in Joplin, Missouri

Alabama Recovery Continues - Volunteers Still Needed

Reverend Ed Brashier, Southern District Disaster Response Coordinator, has sent us an update on the progress of recovery in Alabama. He writes... In the Gardendale, Hanceville, Cullman areas (Birmingham and north) we are still doing tree and debris removal. In the Tuscaloosa area we are still doing tree and debris removal PLUS some rebuild and remodel of homes. We are currently still housing volunteers in Gardendale and Tuscaloosa. Currently all rebuild work in Tuscaloosa is organized through another ministry. All tree and debris removal is organized through Shepherd's Heart Ministry. I estimate that we will be working tree and debris clean up for another 4 months. Rebuild efforts will probably last another year. Please continue to encourage volunteers to come to Alabama. Thank you for all your work in support of the disaster recovery efforts in every location! Ed As you can see there is still much to be done in the south and we encourage individuals and churches to consider organizing a team to help in Alabama. Click on the link below to volunteer. Contact Dona Martin at 866-455-6466 or with any questions. Click Here to Donate to Disaster Relief in Alabama Click Here to Volunteer in Alabama

With LCC CARE CARDING You Can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in a Tangible Way So many people want to help the people of Joplin, Missouri in a meaningful way - but are not sure what to do. Here is an opportunity to provide Mercy and Compassion and Help to an individual or family right now! Click here for more information If you are unable to do a CARE CARD but would like to contribute to the purchase of gift cards, click here to donate.

Travel Trailers Needed for Disaster Response Work

Request from Rev Ed Brashier - Associate Pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Gardendale, Alabama and Southern District Disaster Response Coordinator

LCC is in need of a donation of 1-4 travel trailers, the kind you can pull with a car or truck and live in, to be used down south for the longer term recovery efforts because of the tornadoes and flooding. Read more...

Vehicles Needed to Help Individuals and Ministries All vehicles that are donated to LCC go directly out to families or individuals through our congregations. NO vehicles are sold. LCC has received numerous requests from churches for vehicles for families in need of reliable transportation. The need for cars and vans to provide a means for getting to work, school and medical appointments has never been higher. If you have a working car or van please consider donating it to LCC for one of these families. All vehicles that are donated to LCC go directly out to families or individuals through our congregations. NO vehicles are sold. Here are some of the most recent requests, but we have others that are still waiting for some word... Single Man in Need of Transportation for Work Single Man in Need of Reliable Transportation for Work Single Man in Need of Reliable Transportation Cars Needed for Immigrant Families Click here for the complete page listing the needs

If you have a vehicle to donate, please contact or call 866-455-6466

Faith Led Feet - An Opportunity to Put Your Faith in Action

Lutheran Church Charities has created a new page,"Faith Led Feet", on our web site that will help Christians who are involved in activities for a charitable cause as an expression of their faith to spread the word. Click here to read more.

Other Stories Still Seeking Support Lutheran Man in Need of Pro Bono Criminal Legal Counsel and Representation Request from Northern Illinois District President to Help District Pastor Kenyan Pastor Needs Replacement Vehicle for Ministry and Family Help bring See Through the Scriptures to Haiti and the Dominican Republic Help support former Iraqi Muslim attend seminary

Items Free for the Asking LCC works THROUGH churches and is not a Direct Service Ministry. To request an item on our "Free for the Asking" list please contact your Church and ask that they call us (866-455-6466) requesting an item. Arrangements will then be made to connect the item with you. If you are not a member of a Christian Church then please call LCC to place you in contact with one of our LCMS churches who can assist you. Pictured: 1930 Cable Nelson baby grand piano - good shape, needs a little TLC and a tune-up (item #2877) 2893 two boxes of assorted socket set pieces 2892 one flaring tool kit 2891 one can of assorted sockets 2890 one drill chuck 2889 one tube of arcylic caulk 2888 one oil filter clamp 2887 one paint roller 2886 one grease gun 2885 one Army cot replacement canvas 2884 2 tubes lithium grease 2883 Pioneer stereo... included w/ an amplifier, surround sound, cabinet, 6 CD changer and 2 speakers 2882 Multi-Grey colored couch 2880 Rest-o-pedic (Limited Edition) queen size mattress with matching box spring and bed frame. Good condition 2879 72"x72" Sauder oak wall unit - Side cabinets have 4 shelves each (16" deep), Middle section is for TV with closed cabinet underneath (20"deep), top of TV opening is another cabinet with glass doors with an interior light - ALL ONE PIECE 2878 3-cushion sofa(79" long) and a 2 cushion love seat (54" long) - Excellent condition - print fabric with beige background with a design of light blue and pale wine Click here for the full list of Items Free for the Asking To OFFER an item for this section, or to get a Receipt for an item you have donated, CLICK HERE for the NON-MONETARY DONATION FORM

Ministry Needs Help Make A Difference Elevator Repairs Needed at St. John's, Chicago

Request from Pastor Richard Heinz, St. John's Lutheran Church and School, Chicago

In spite of the tough times that have plagued Lutheran schools on the northwest side of Chicago, St. John's ("Mayfair," in the Portage Park neighborhood) has been greatly blessed over the years, and continues to be. Ten years ago, an extensive renovation brought great improvements to both church and school. The $1.5 million project is 1/3 paid for, and although the budget is stretched tightly, the mortgage with LCEF is being kept current. Second Grade class rides the elevator with their teacher who was recovering But when the Gospel is being preached and from knee replacement surgery taught clearly, and the Holy Spirit is working great things, the devil gets nervous and tries to send annoyances. Read more... Click here to donate

Team Needed to Paint Wheelchair Ramp in Hillside Request from UKANDU Chicago During this summer's UKANDU Mission Trip a wheelchair ramp was prepared to paint but due to the rain all week this project wasn't able to be finished. We are looking for LERT Teams, Youth Groups, Men's Groups or individuals who would be willing to volunteer their time to paint this deck. UKANDU will fund the materials for finishing the project, we simply need volunteers to donate their time. If this is something you or group would like to help with please contact Tim Kurth at 866-455-6466 or

Bus Driver Needed

Grace Christian Academy in Chicago is looking help. For many years our school has had a "Racetrack Ministry" in which we have transported students from their homes near Hawthorne Racetrack to the school and back, free of charge. Grace has been able to do this through the generous loan of a church van. Unfortunately, changes to the Illinois law about the transportation of students means we can no longer continue this service. We are pursuing several avenues, including running our own bus. While we have located a source for reasonably priced used buses, we cannot continue to pursue this project unless we are able to also find a very responsible and qualified person or persons able to drive a school bus - meaning someone with a CDL license, for starters. School starts August 22, so we need to hurry! Please contact Grace Christian Academy if you have any recommendations or can offer any assistance with us in this venture. Our phone number is 773-762-1234.

Items Available to a Ministry

Reed Organ Available Ten stop antique reed organ available to a congregation. The instrument, of solid oak construction, and lovingly waxed and polished, has been in the same family since it was built in the late 1800's. Although modest in volume by today's standards, it might well serve a smaller congregation in providing support for its liturgy and hymnody. Currently in storage for the last several weeks, this organ, operated by mechanical bellows using pedals, has been played until recently. A bench is included. 2881 (200) Lutheran Worship Hymnals (blue) located in Hampshire, Illinois 2879 72" X 72" Sauder Oak wall unit - Side cabinets have 4 shelves each (16" deep), Middle section is for TV with closed cabinet underneath (20"deep), top of TV opening is another cabinet with glass doors with an interior light - ALL ONE PIECE 2878 3-cushion sofa(79" long) and a 2 cushion love seat (54" long) - Excellent condition - print fabric with beige background with a design of light blue and pale wine 2877 Cable Nelson baby grand piano 2873 Savin 3550 Duplicator 2856 Hammond Commodore Series 300 Organ Wood is in excellent condition, teak color, includes bench. Was serviced about a year ago. Two manuals/keyboards, full foot pedals, many stops. 2849 (100) HS98 Hymnals Click here for the full list of Items Available to a Ministry To OFFER an item for this section, or to get a Receipt for an item you have donated, CLICK HERE for the NON-MONETARY DONATION FORM

Mission Opportunities Help Make A Difference Short Term Mission Opportunities MOST Ministries

Carly Stevens, Executive Director MOST Ministries

Lutheran Church Charities endorses MOST Ministries as a valuable partner in Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in works of service to others in places throughout the world. We have worked with MOST in the past and endorse and support this ministry. If you are interested in Short Term Mission opportunities, please click here to find out what currently is available. Or you may go directly to their website at We thank God for the ministry and partnership of MOST Ministries and encourage those who are interested to be involved with them in serving others. Thank you, Tim Hetzner President Lutheran Church Charities

Malaria Initiative The LCC Malaria Initiative provides treatment for malaria and research in multiple countries to combat the spread of Malaria. For more on the Malaria Initiative, click here Visit their web site: or E-mail: Click here to view a video about this project Click here to donate

COME LORD JESUS, BE OUR GUEST ... You recognize this prayer written by Martin Luther ...

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest And let thy gifts to us be blessed. Amen If we really mean this prayer and want Jesus to be our Guest - wouldn't we feed him also? Consider becoming a part of LCC's individual challenge and FEED THE INVISIBLE GUEST - AND MAKE HIM VISIBLE program to help feed the hungry. Click here for more details | Click here to donate now Click here for a Bulletin Insert

International Ministry "Fill the Bus" is Rolling Along!

On Saturday, August 15th, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Richton Park held its annual Immanuel Fest. Along with the Community Coalition to Do Good partners in the Richton Park area they were continuing efforts to fill a school bus for an orphanage in Jeremie, Haiti. The day included a car show, face painting, musical entertainment, Haitian Market, the Jesse White Tumblers and LCC K9 comfort dogs Olympia, Tara, and Star. The weather cooperated and a wonderful time was had by all. Click here to donate to Fill the Bus for Haiti Project

LCC to Furnish Guest House in Haiti Last October work began on the Guest House in Jacmel, Haiti. Part of the Building Homes and Hope in Haiti project, which partners LCMS World Relief and Human Care and Lutheran Church Charities, the Guest House will be used to house mission groups working in the area. The walls are up and the interior work has begun. Many items are still needed before the Guest House opens this fall so we are having a "Guest House Shower". If you or your group would like to be a part of the "shower" and help furnish the Guest House you can make a donation for any item(s) on the list. LCC will arrange for all donations, Dollar per Dollar, to be sent to Haiti to purchase the items. This is a great opportunity for individuals, congregations, mission teams or organizations to be part of a project that will have a lasting impact in Haiti. Thank you to Jackie Rychel and the Ohio District for all their work overseeing the construction and furnishing of the guest house. If you have any questions regarding items on the list, please email Jackie Rychel at Click here to read the list of items Click here to donate to furnish the guest house in Haiti

Here are Ways to Help Our Ongoing Haiti Relief Efforts

Physical Needs Water Filters - School Version - $185 - Home Version - $35 Building Homes and Hope in Haiti Shoes - $5 Motorcycles for Pastors - $1,000 Support College Students Volunteering in Haiti - $150 Goats - $50 each General Disaster Response Donations

Spiritual Needs Staff Workers in the Tent Cities - $200 a month Bibles in French - $6 each Luther's Small Catechism in Creole - $5 each See Through the Scriptures manuals in French - $2 each Developing Projects Radio Ministry - click here to learn more Hosting Haitian Christian Music Group for U.S. Tour - click here to learn more

Christian Education Projects in the Philippines Help the Lutheran Church of the Philippines (LCP) move toward establishing 100 new church and school ministries by the year 2017 to reach more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ! Rev. James Cerdenola is the LCP President. Read more... Click here to donate

LCC Ministry Resources Ministry Resources Available to Congregations Looking for Ways to Share the Mercy and Compassion of Christ to Those in Your Church and Community? How to Conduct a Successful Mission Fair

Click here to learn more about these and other Ministry Resources available from LCC

LCC Staff and Comfort Dogs Available for Church Functions and School Chapels! Click here to learn more!

Servant at Heart - Online Christian Business Directory Looking for a Christian business? Lutheran Church Charities has an online Christian Business Directory, Servant@Heart. This online directory allows: - Christians businesses to advertise their services without cost. - Christians looking for employment a place to post their resume - Christians with job openings a place to post those opening - Others to seek out Christian businesses and employees

Click here to learn more

Now Available: Join Tim Hetzner this fall as he leads a CHRISTKINDL MARKETS trip to the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, November 27 to December 5, 2011 December is the time for the Christkindl Markets (Advent Markets) in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. Literally translated, the street fairs are Christchild markets. They happen in nearly every city and village, large and small. They are always cause for celebration and for shopping, for some roasted sausage, music on the streets and the insides of centuries-old churches, and, of course, some hot, spiced wine. Let this be an invitation to focus on Advent and the Coming of Christ in bringing in the Christmas Season. Tim Hetzner President, Lutheran Church Charities Click here for more information on this trip

Tim's Pick of the Week

Has God Spoken? By: Hank Hanegraaff Apologist Hanegraaff MAPS out compelling and reliable evidence that the Bible is truly the holy Word of God! Manuscript fragments, Archaeological proofs, Prophecy accurately predicted, and the Scriptural synergy of the 66 books clearly confirm the trustworthiness and divine nature of the Bible. A memorable way to defend your faith when skeptics ask questions! 272 pages, hardcover from Nelson.

Thrivent Choice - Help Support Making A Difference Through Lutheran Church Charities Thrivent Choice is the new charitable grant program through which Thrivent Financial for Lutherans members are able to direct Thrivent charitable funds. Eligible members are designated Choice Dollars, based on insurance premiums, contract values, and Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership which are directed by the member to Lutheran organizations.

LCC Emergency Assistance Fund LCC gets requests daily concerning people who need assistance, and it is increasing because of the current economic times we are living in. LCC works through our churches to provide assistance by making the need known - and dollar per dollar we give the money to a church to help the family or individual. However, we receive some requests that are emergencies, and money is needed that day or the next day and we can't always get the need out in our weekly email newsletter first. Would you consider making a gift to our LCC Emergency Assistance fund so that when these emergency needs occur we can help (through our churches) quicker? This is an important way for the Body of Christ to share the Mercy and Compassion and Proclamation of Christ. To contribute please click here Thank you for continuing to Make A Difference! Tim Hetzner

Jungendblasorchester Youth Band Concert

Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 7:30 pm St. Paul Lutheran Church 1025 Lake Street Melrose Park, Illinois Please join us at 7:30 this Thursday, August 18th for a performance by the Jungendblasorchester from Bibertal, Germany. This youth concert band will perform at St. Paul Lutheran Church. The program will include works by John Williams, John Phillip Sousa, Dmitri Shostakovich and more. This is the only performance that will be presented in the Chicago area during the group's Midwest tour sponsored by Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. There is no charge to attend, please invite friends and family members.

Mark Schultz Concerts - THIS Weekend! Thrivent Financial for Lutherans with Habitat for Humanity will be hosting two concerts featuring Christian Singer/Songwriter, Mark Schultz. Mark Schultz is a Dove Award winning, platinum selling artist that has become one of Christians Music's most acclaimed singer/songwriters. Mark has also earned the top spot on Billboard magazine's Christian Adult Contemporary songwriter list. The opener for each concert will be Christian Artist, Lynn Stoneking. All proceeds from the concerts will be going to Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity. Tickets for both concerts are available NOW through . Locations, dates and times for the concerts are below: Friday, August 19, 2011 at 7pm Hales Corners Lutheran Church 12300 W Janesville Rd Hales Corners, WI 53130 Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 7pm The Hemmens Cultural Center 45 Symphony Way Elgin IL 60120

21st Anniversary Pig Roast - THIS Sunday! August 21 - food served from 12 noon to 5 pm St. Matthew Lutheran Church 24500 North Old McHenry Rd. Hawthorn Woods, Illinois Menu Board: (for the price of a meal ticket) Pork Applesauce Baked Beans German Potato Salad Rolls, Butter Pickles, Tomatoes Hot Buttered Sweet Corn Coffee For more information visit

Lutheran Catechetical Society - The Magdeburg Conference August 26 & 27 Christ Lutheran Church Normal, Illinois

The city of Magdeburg, Germany received a new pastor: Martin Luther. By Luther's preaching the Word of God, the city defected from Roman Catholicism and joined the cause of the Reformation. Emperor Charles V outlawed the town repeatedly. Even under siege, the city retained its independence. In the years to follow, Magdeburg gained a reputation as a stronghold of the Reformation and its furtherance, even being the first major city to publish Luther's writings. - The Magdeburg Conference has a simple goal: to find refuge in God's Word and the Lutheran Confessions from the siege of false theology. - During the Magdeburg Conference we will delve into and study the Augsburg Confession, one of the most basic Lutheran confessions of faith after the Small Catechism. (Each conference participant will receive a complimentary copy of the Augsburg Confession.) Click here for more information - The spirit of Magdeburg lives on - The Reformation lives on

ROC-Chicago, Illinois - September 9-10, 2011 Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) and the Northern Illinois District (NID) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod bring a truly unique conference experience to the Chicago suburb of St. Charles for the fourth of LHM's eight Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC) for 2011. ROC-Chicago will deliver valuable, ready-to-use ministry information from mission specialists, who are engaged in creative projects that combine innovation and enthusiasm to bring the Gospel to their communities and the people they meet everyday. Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church Charities, will be presenting a breakout session on 101 Ways to Share the Mercy and Compassion of Christ. Prepare to be strengthened as a witness of Jesus Christ! This conference will include: the opportunity to meet and hear from the new Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Greg Seltz; a missional challenge from LCMS NID President Rev. Dan Gilbert; a passionate presentation from Mission Facilitator Rev. Mike Mast;

practical breakout sessions on hard-hitting topics to reach today's culture; age-appropriate training events for children and teens; Spanish language workshops and translation of main stage programs, and so much more! Click here for conference details and registration information

Upcoming Events - Click Here for a complete listing of Upcoming Events

How To Support Lutheran Church Charities All contributions go dollar per dollar to the causes listed in this newsletter. If you would like more information on how to help or if you have items to share please contact or send contributions to LCC, 333 West Lake Street, Addison, IL 60101 or contribute at our web site at or call us for credit card donations at LCC's office at (866) 455- 6466

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