Lara Cox Hypnotherapist
Hypnotherapy has always been something I’ve been interested in and practiced on myself, initially in my twenties when I worked as a comedienne suffering from performance anxiety, later as a pregnant mother wanting to overcome the birth trauma experienced with my first child before delivering my second.
Public speaking
For many people the thought of speaking in public triggers flight and fight hormones, which creates feelings of panic and terror. Hypnotherapy can help you learn different ways of dealing with the issues, which have made public speaking an insurmountable ordeal.
Stop smoking
Smoking is a powerful addiction. But channeled in the right way your subconscious mind can be even more powerful. Use hypnotherapy to explore what triggers you to smoke and find the right incentives to motivate cessation of your damaging addiction.
Insomnia Causes Welwyn Garden
A prolonged or frequent period of insomnia can turn the bedroom into a place of anxiety and dread. Hypnotherapy can help you unlock the fears that are preventing you sleep and uncover the triggers that send your brain into a state of high alert.
Contact us
Address: 20 Ravenfield Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 3UE, UK Email: Phone: 07976 822527 Website:
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