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Holiday Programs

Holiday Art Drop-ins

My Own Avatar with Sarah Whalls and Audrey Edwards Family Day | Monday, February 20 | 1:00–3:00PM

All ages | Children must be accompanied by an adult Free | Suggested donation $5/family | Drop-in

Join the mother-daugher duo in the art studio and create your own avatar to take home using a doll or action figure as a base . Repaint your figure and create the outfit and accessories of your wildest desires bringing to life an avatar of yourself . Create yourself in the future, yourself if you were a game character, yourself right now in this present time, or any version of yourself you can dream up .

May Flowers Up-close with Riley Shortt Victoria Day | Monday, May 22 | 1:00–3:00PM

All ages | Children must be accompanied by an adult Free | Suggested donation $5/family | Drop-in

April showers bring May flowers . Examine flower anatomy and its influence on creating art . Examine flowers up-close with magnifying glasses then use inks and pens to create beautiful abstract artworks influenced by those magnified views .

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