2 minute read
Today, 2020
from Perceptions on the Passage of Time
by Literature and Critical Theory Student Union @University of Toronto
Seavey van Walsum
Beige sludge smudges memory
like sand sifting out from under the tracks
I can no longer tell if
today is grey, just as yesterday was a monotone buzz
Just as the first day my reptilian legs found solid ground
Or just as the day I was born – the first time around – was
Positive splits and productivity spirals
Kronos treads onward and our
Trends tip downward with environmental stress
We procrastinate, decrastinate, acrastinate, or whatever we do now–
there is no end objective; pleasure’s point’s superfluous when
You wake up and it’s the same 24 hours
Your pay is scaled back and all you do is watch
You log onto Your job in bed and You can’t enjoy the scandal
You wait for a blip to send You a relief check
You notice You’re on 30% capacity
(all You ever asked for was Time; here are wet, digested bushels of it)
Beige sludge smudges memory
like sand sifting out from under the tracks
I can no longer tell if
today is grey, just as yesterday was a monotone buzz
Or just as the day my reptilian legs found solid ground
Or just as the day I was born -the first time around- was
Great moons rise and drag one another out, bending each gravitational route Aion is scrambling, and twisting about
folding back and sticking together in fat, waxy ribbons, it’s the end of the knot I can’t find
I diffuse, sink in, become saturated by it
There is no objective; boundaries are superfluous when
I wake up having sieged Troy in the night,
(a hollow steed atop my neck gets me there)
I feel fiery dust collects behind my occipital bone
I see a man roll back a thunderous stone
I feel the first strands of genetic material wind up under my fingernails
I see the burning streamer flung at us, half masticated ferns hanging out my mouth,
everyday now
I sit in a clean room which smells of sanitizer and tulips
All the knowledge of the human world
beneath a chrome-brushed tablet
I am as autonomous as my tools
Kairos, like a windchime,
Breaks up inertia with cool notes, the music flutters outside my window.
Kids are standing below.
finding a rubber cherry ball in cedar shrubs
They are playing kickball with their dad
I think I heard them play the same game, doesn’t it get repetitive?
Ta-da! The ball is found, triumphant shrieks fly up, even from the child that can’t talk yet
Their smiles don’t wear masks. They should be more scared than they are, I think. They should be aware of the crumbling parts of the world, I think. They should have an idea, I thin– an Idea–
I put on shoes.
And go outside where the sky is spread out. In theory it scared me but now, I feel alright now, like it’s not all happening all at once.
The windchimes sing out again
The time is right the time is wrong;
But the time is written and it is drawn
the time is the moment and that is Kairos;
This is all the moments that have ever been and is therefore, in some variant, the right one