Horse of the Future

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Ore.e Refineries (in short) - Introducing Jesse Sipola, blacksmith and designer - Mission to bust myths concerning crafts and sustainable design. Post-Oil? How can move from city to other after that?

- Hanna Karppinen and Pietari Kylm채l채 - 9 months of work. Last weekend was the last riding trip. Helsinki Turku 260km by horse! - We are looking to expand to Middle Finland 2015

The (short) History of Horses as Technical Resources - We’ve seen horses as technical resource - We are good comrades and our relationship was interdependent BUT

- They are means of labor, fuel and food - Horses are part of nearly every cultures myths - Some of the first artworks in caves where of horses

- Horses were tamed ~6000 years ago - When human selects which animals make offsping it’s no longer considered wild - Story of Horse - the living refrigerator: Keep meat fresh for 20 years

- After taming. The were used to pull sledges. Riding came later. It took 4000 years to develop stirrups! - Imagine what’s gonna happen to the technique of riding in the next 2000 years!

Looking at Europe - The role of horses in Europe is best understood when looking at war history. Horses are involved in crucial battles. - The breeding of horses is a form of biological warfare?

- Napoleon’s troops attacking Russian. - Soldiers cut their horses up and hid in their bellies in the storms - Horses are still used in war

The Industrial Revolution - Mechanisation brings a new layer to “Horses as Technical Resource� thinking! - Horse powered Threshing Machines and other farm tech. Cause massive unemployment

- Luddites smash machinery. Workers unite and form unions - Child labor was abolished in England - BUT this resulted into the development of a new breed Pit Ponies

- Our relation to animals was cut out - Their rights were out of the picture - Their labor was invisible

- Finns know the Finnhorse. It was defined 1907. On the eve of the “national awakening” -It’s character mimics national ideals “hardworking, honest”. 90% Chestnut - Finnhorse had a part in WWI&II

- Immediately after the war horses begun to disappear - Urbanization is not to blame - Belgium 98.5 horses per 1000ha - Finland 2.3 horses per 1000ha - Sweden 6.2 horses per 1000ha

- Horse was replaced by the combustion engine! Future of Horses as Non-Technical Resources - Horse culture is more civilised in Monarchies. Ceremonies, rituals‌

- In Finland by the 1970 non-military families begun taking an intrest in riding - Sports and hobbies save the horse. A new work-site emerges‌ - Horses building identity

- Work no longer defines who we are.. Majority of us work “behind a desk� - Only hobbies and lifestyles differentiate us - When you use the animal for a hobby the relationship is different

- Hipsters on the working-horse workshop are not “working� they are sharing an experience - Focus is in the relationship with the animal - Horse is a drama-instructor. Educational services are big business

- The Awaited Son (2119-08) was appointed Adjunct Professor of Bellins Academy by academician Outi Heiskanen 2014

- New industry: Therapy Horses! - Our relation to animals is narrative. We tell stories about them - Not all is transference.. It’s also localized behavioral science!

- For the first time in history we don’t need horses BUT IT’S ALL GOOD - We are independent of them so we can enjoy horses as horses

New Challenges for Our Imagination - Some people (Luddittes) don’t understand horses value as identity builders - Urban planning is hostile to animals!

- Gentrification forces stables away from city centers. No hiking/travel routes, pastures are developed by the cities - The danger is that people and animals separate completely! From being invisible, to being extinct!

- For the sake of biodiversity! - What if horses viewpoint would be embedded in urban planning projects? - How to: Develop design thinking which facilitates animal rights?

Technical Benefits of Horses - Don’t need fossil fuels (But need farmland) - Are relatively silent - Don’t need roads - As eating pastures they “clean” the landscapes (terraforming) - Manure can be used for heating

- First this looks like we’d be using the horse as a technical resource but look again! - The story adds value to the product: “100% Chopped by Natural Horsepower”

- G-Street View™ mimics the horseback riders perspective - Horses are echos of our past but they effect our thinking - Self driving car? Horse

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