Marine Corps League Southern Division 2013 Conference Book

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Marine Corps League Southern Division March 22-24, 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma

In Honor of the Wake Island Defenders








Mountain Creek Lodge Welcome Marine Corps League, Southern Division to Tulsa.

Mountain Creek’s beautiful lodge facilities are available throughout the year for your holiday parties, reunions, weddings, hunting get-a-ways, and many other fantastic events for building bonds with family and friends to last a lifetime. Mountain Creek Lodge style. We will assist you in planning an event to remember!

Mountain Creek Lodge Main Building

Media Center

918-271-4729 View of the Mountain Creek Windmill from the balcony

Our Beautiful Water Fountain

Reception Area

PFC ALBERT E. SCHWAB Medal of Honor 1945 1/5/1 Okinawa The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to PRIVATE FIRST CLASS ALBERT E. SCHWAB UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE for service as set forth in the following CITATION:


or conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a Flame Thrower Operator serving with Headquarters Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa Shima in the Ryukyu Island, 7 May 1945. Quick to take action when his company was pinned down in a valley and suffering resultant heavy casualties under blanketing machine- gun fire emanating from a high ridge to the front, Private First Class Schwab, unable to flank the enemy emplacement because of steep cliffs on either side, advanced up the face of the ridge in bold defiance of the intense barrage and, skillfully directing the fire of his flame thrower, quickly demolished the hostile gun position, thereby enabling his company to occupy the ridge. Suddenly a second Japanese machine gun opened fire, killing or wounding several Marines with its initial burst. Estimating with split-second decision the tactical difficulties confronting his comrades, Private First Class Schwab elected to continue his one-man assault despite a diminished supply of fuel for his flame thrower. Cool and indomitable, he moved forward in the face of the direct concentration of hostile fire, relentlessly closed the enemy position and attacked. Although severely wounded by a final vicious blast form the enemy weapon, Private First Class Schwab had succeeded in destroying two highly strategic Japanese gun positions during a critical stage of the operation and, by his dauntless, singlehanded efforts, materially furthered the advance of his company. His aggressive initiative, outstanding valor and professional skill throughout the bitter conflict sustained and enhanced the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Department Department of of Oklahoma Oklahoma Southern Southern Division Division Conference Conference 2013 2013 TheThe Department Department of of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, John John Henry Henry Mashunkashey, Mashunkashey, thethe Oklahoma Oklahoma Detachments Detachments welcome: welcome: and and Marine Marine Corps Corps League League National National Commandant Commandant JimJim Tuohy Tuohy Marine Corps Corps League League Auxiliary Auxiliary National National President President Gerri Gerri Tuohy Tuohy Marine National Junior Junior Vice Vice Commandant Commandant Richard Richard Gore Gore National Sergeant Major Major of of thethe Marine Marine Corps Corps Sgt.Major Sgt.Major Harold Harold Overstreet Overstreet Sergeant Wake Island Island Defender Defender SSgt SSgt John John Dale. Dale. Wake Indian Indian Nations Nations Detachment Detachment #438, #438, McAlester, McAlester, OKOK Sooner Sooner Detachment Detachment #599, #599, Edmond, Edmond, OKOK Osage Osage Detachment Detachment #669, #669, Pawhuska, Pawhuska, OKOK Red Red Carpet Carpet Detachment Detachment #709, #709, Enid, Enid, OKOK Albert Albert E Schwab E Schwab Detachment Detachment #857, #857, Tulsa, Tulsa, OKOK Boomer Boomer Detachment Detachment #1288, #1288, Lawton, Lawton, OKOK SgtSgt Justin Justin Noyes Noyes Detachment Detachment #1294, #1294, Claremore, Claremore, OKOK Clevenger Clevenger Detachment Detachment #1355, #1355, Miami, Miami, OKOK CplCpl Joshua Joshua Ware Ware Detachment Detachment #1403, #1403, Sallisaw, Sallisaw, OKOK March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

A.E. Schwab Detachment 857 P.O. Box 470816 Tulsa, OK 74147

Welcome to Tulsa, OK, site of the 2013 Southern Division Conference and home of the Albert E. Schwab Detachment. The members of the Albert E Schwab Detachment join me in extending our personal welcome to everyone attending the 2013 Southern Division Conference. Meet new friends, renew old friendships, exchange ideas, and most of all “enjoy�. While we are enjoying the comfort and surroundings of the Post Oak Lodge remember we have many of our Marines, Corpsman, Men and Women of our other branches of our military in harms way. Keep them in our prayers to return home safely. Semper Fidelis

Marty McKnight Commandant



Southern Division Conference 2013


Tulsa, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Southern Division Marines, Corpsmen, and Guests I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the 2013 Southern Division Conference hosted by the Albert E. Schwab Detachment 857 here in Tulsa Oklahoma. I always enjoy coming to Tulsa because of the hospitality the members of Albert E. Schwab provide their guests. I hope that you all enjoy the weekend and find the conference useful for your Detachment. There are two main reasons we are gathered here in Tulsa this weekend: First we are gathered to conduct the business of the Division in the way of training using the Professional Development Program supplied by National Marine Corps League. I feel that this is the best opportunity for our Detachment leadership to receive the training they need to run their Detachments in a way to make their members and community proud to be associated with our organization. Not only do our Detachments receive training on the best way to operate their Detachments, but I think this is also the best opportunity for us to high light the programs of the Marine Corps League. We are all aware of some of the programs that the Marine Corps League is involved with like Toys for Tots, Young Marines, and Marines Helping Marines but there are other programs that some of you may not be aware of that could help you and your Detachment grow. During the conference ideas are exchanged between Detachments and Departments about the programs they use and how well they work which help us all with our use of those same programs in our own areas. Second we are gathered to select those individuals that are going to represent our Division for the next two years on the National Board of the Marine Corps League. I hope that all of your Detachments have had a chance to discuss who you want to represent you and if I am given the chance for that office I promise that I will do my best to represent the membership of the Division. Again I would like to welcome you all to the 2013 Southern Division Conference and hope you all have a successful weekend. Semper Fi

Randy Rigg Southern Division Vice Commandant



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Welcome to the Great State of Oklahoma. The members of The Department of Oklahoma join me in extending our personal welcome to everyone attending the 2013 Southern Division Conference. Meet new friends, renew old friendships, exchange ideas, and most of all “enjoy”. I would like to thank our host “Albert E. Schwab Detachment” for all their work in preparing for the conference. Remember just as it was in our time we have many of our Marines, Corpsman and Service Men and Women in harms way. Keep our brothers and sisters and their families in your prayers. Have a “great” conference and a safe trip home. Semper Fidelis

John Henry Mashunkashey Commandant Department of Oklahoma



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

DEPARTMENT OF ARKANSAS MARINE CORPS LEAGUE P.O. BOX 11912 FT. SMITH, AR. 72917-1912 Fellow Marines and Corpsmen Welcome to the 2013 Southern Division Conference. The membership of the Albert E. Schwab Detachment seem to have pulled out all the stops to make this a convention to remember. I sincerely hope you will mingle among the membership and make new friends as well as rekindle old relationships. If there is one lesson I’ve learned in life, that is that ‘it’s a small world’. You never know who you might find just by striking up a conversation. And even if old memories can’t be shared, you’ve made a new friend. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible while enjoying the beauty of our neighboring state. SEMPER FI,


Commandant, Department of Arkansas Marine Corps League



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Best Wishes Southern Division And

The Albert E. Schwab Detachment #857 For a Successful 2013 Southern Division Conference Robert “Bob” Ogg Commandant, Department of Texas And All the Marines, Devil Dogs, Associates and Auxiliary Members Department of Texas



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Green Country Grunts Military Order Devil Dogs

Welcome to the 2013 MCL Southern Division Growl Woof, Woof fellow Devil Dogs, Welcome to Tulsa! The great state of Oklahoma and I hope your stay here is enjoyable. My thanks to the National Officers and Southern Division Officers for attending our Southern Conference Growl, and those who are the leaders of the Pounds and Packs, and those who are in attendance at today’s conference. My thanks to those who are about to be welcomed into the fold as Pups to the Devil Dogs, because I know you will enjoy your membership in the Devil Dogs. May the small and large bones flow freely!!! Semper Fidelis, Woof Woof!!! Gunny Ray Lancaster



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK




Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK


Sooner Detachment P.O. Box 12337 Department of Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Welcome, The Sooner Detachment in Oklahoma City is extremely excited that you have chosen to attend this year’s Division Convention here in Tulsa. We want all members, family and visitors to join in the planned functions and meetings during this event. Make time to visit the many sites and places offered and make the most of Oklahoma. We are sure that your stay here will be remembered with the fondest of memories. The Albert E. Schwab Detachment #857 has worked hard to provide the best possible experence. Oklahoma is a great place to work and live and we are proud to demonstrate that Oklahoma is OK! Enjoy and thanks for your participation. Semper Fidelis, Dan Storm Commandant Sooner Detachment #559



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK


Conway, AR Mena, AR Russellville, AR Barling, Ark Bella Vista, AR Little Rock, AR Texarkana, TX



Lawton, OK Miami, OK Claremore, OK Tulsa, OK McAlester, OK Pawhuska, Ok Enid, OK Edmond, OK Sallisaw, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK


ZAPATA, TX Ft Sam Houston, TX Houston, TX Mesquite, TX Fort Worth, TX Angleton, TX Dallas, TX Austin, TX Corpus Christi, TX LA GRANGE, TX Granbury, TX EL PASO, TX Conroe, TX Galveston, TX Waco, TX Kerrville, TX Sulphur Springs, TX Victoria, TX Jacksonville, TX LAREDO, TX Crowley, TX LONGVIEW, TX Temple, Tx Missouri City (HOUSTON), TX Refugio, TX Mineola, TX GRAHAM, TX BROWNWOOD, TX Nacogdoches, TX Wichita Falls, TX Tyler, TX Amarillo, TX Katy, TX LUBBOCK, TX Fort Worth, Tx DENISON, TX Georgetown, TX 15

Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Southern Division 2013 Event Schedule March 22, 2013 1500 - 2000 Registration & Conference Packet Pick-up   Great Room 1800 - 1930 MODD Grand Growl — Hosted by Green Country Grunts Dog Robbers Class – by: Randy Riggs Evergreen 1800 - 1930 MODD Fleas Aspen 1900 - 2100 Social Event - All Attendees Great Hall March 23, 2013 0600 - 0800 Breakfast   Dining Hall 0800 - 0815 Colors, Southern Division Sergeant at Arms Outside Flag Area 0815 - 0830 Welcome Announcements & Registration 0830 - 1200 Training Sessions (See Training Schedule) 1200 - 1300 Gourmet Box Lunch 1300 - 1430 Southern Division Conference & Election of Officers Evergreen 1430 - 1845 Recess 1845 - 2100 Banquet, Awards, Speaker 12th Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps Sgt. Major Harold Overstreet Evergreen & Great Room 1300 - 1630 Marine Corps League Auxiliary Aspen 0900 - 1630 Guests/Spouse Tour March 24, 2013 0830 - 10:00 Breakfast & Door Prizes   Dining Hall 1000 - Thank You for your attendance. Schwab Detachment wishes everyone a safe trip home. March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Guests/Spouses Tour Southern Division 2013 To our special guests and spouses, Thank You for attending this years conference. We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the tour schedule we have prepared for you. If childcare is needed for your tour, advance notice is required in order to accommodate. Saturday, March 23, 2013 0630 - 0845


0845 - 0855 Meet Osage Casino Transport Bus for Transportation (Hotel Entrance - Transportation will depart no later than 0900)

Today your tour will consist of: 0930 - 1230

Downtown Tulsa Art Deco Tours

0930 -

Historic Boston Avenue Methodist Church (Guided Tour)

1015 -

Historic First Presbyterian Church (Guided Tour) Glacier Confection Tour & Demonstration Tulsa Glassblowing Studio

1230 - 1300

Travel Time to Gilcrease

1300 - 1600

Gourmet Box Lunch at Gilcrease Thomas Gilcrease Musemum Tour


Meet Osage Casino Transport Bus to return to lodge

Guest & Spouses Tour is sponsored by:



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Training Sessions Southern Division 2013 Session 1 — 0845 - 1015 Aspen Conduct of Meetings Instructor: Marty McKnight & Ed Lawrence Persimmon Marine Corps League Uniforms Instructor: David Dubois Oak Responsibilities of the Paymaster Instructor: Polly Weidenkopf Evergreen

Managing Your Digital Footprint — Web Sites, Social Media & Emails Instructor: Leo Hall, Schwab Detachment

Session 2 — 1030 - 1200 Aspen Conduct of Meetings Instructor: Marty McKnight & Ed Lawrence Persimmon Marine Corps League Uniforms Instructor: David Dubois Oak Responsibilities of the Paymaster Instructor: Polly Weidenkopf Evergreen


Managing Your Digital Footprint — Web Sites, Social Media & Emails Instructor: Leo Hall, Schwab Detachment






Front Desk

Front Entry


SS Stairs to Persimmon



Great Room


Dining Hall




Flag Pole



Men’s Head




Women’s Head

Exercise Room

MODD Kennel Store

River Valley Group

Door Prizes

ships store



Persimmon 2nd Floor

Stairs to Persimmon

Bon-Fire Pit

Southern Division Conference 2013 Tulsa, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013


Tulsa, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC)

Sergeant Major Overstreet Sergeant Major Harold G. Overstreet, USMC, 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (1991–1995). Sergeant Major Harold G. Overstreet assumed the post as 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps on 28 June 1991 Overstreet was born in December 1944 in Houston, Texas He entered the United States Marine Corps in June 1966 and completed recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, followed by Basic Infantry Training School at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Upon completion of training, Overstreet reported to Staging Battalion at Camp Pendleton, for further assignment to the 1st Military Police Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, Republic of Vietnam. Returning to the states, he was reassigned to the Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Pendleton. He subsequently completed successful tours on the Inspector-Instructor staff, Wichita, Kansas; recruiting duty in Des Moines, Iowa, and Detroit, Michigan; and finally returned to MCRD San Diego in various drill instructor roles: junior drill instructor, senior drill instructor, Series Gunnery Sergeant, and Chief Instructor. Reassigned to the Drill Instructor School, he was an Instructor, Drill Master, and Chief Instructor. After completing First Sergeant School, Overstreet was assigned to Special Projects at Drill Instructor School, where he undertook the task of completely transferring the Drill Manual onto video tape for a more optimal use during instructional periods. His promotion to first sergeant in February 1979 led to his second assignment on Okinawa as the First Sergeant for Headquarters and Service Company, 9th Engineer Support Battalion. Upon his return from overseas, he was the First Sergeant of both Companies B and C, 1st Battalion 4th Marines at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. Promoted to his present rank in October 1983, Sergeant Major Overstreet became the Inspector Sergeant Major at MCAGCC Twentynine Palms. Returning to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, he served as a Battalion and Regimental Sergeant Major in the Recruit Training Regiment. Transferring to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, he served as the 6th Marine Regiment’s Sergeant Major. This assignment was followed by duty as Sergeant Major for the 12th Marine Regiment, on Okinawa. On 6 April 1990, Sergeant Major Overstreet was posted as Depot Sergeant Major at San Diego. He was selected as the 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps in April 1991, and assumed the post on 28 June 1991. He retired in 1995. Upon retiring from the Marine Corps, (June 29, 1995), he worked for various insurance companies including Academy Insurance, Providian Insurance and Aegon. He held positions as Vice President of Military Marketing; Regional Vice President for Production; and, Vice President for Field Development. On August 22, 2003 he accepted the Non-Commissioned Officers Association’s top position and assumed his duties as President and National Commander. In February 2007 Sergeant Major Overstreet started Veterans Direct Inc., a Texas (C) corporation. He is married to the former Jeanne Miller of Plainview, TX. They have one son, Jarrod. March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Special Guest Staff Sergeant John R. Dale, USMC Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame Inducted November 11, 2010 Dale enlisted in 1939 in the Marine Corps. He was one of the Marines at Wake Island which was attacked by Japanese forces when Pearl Harbor was attacked. The island was bombed daily by the Japanese. Dale was the pointer on the gun that sank the first Japanese ship in the attack on Wake Island. Dale was awarded the U.S. Prisoner of War Medal, Oklahoma Prisoner of War Medal, Good Conduct Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, Marine corps Expeditionary Medal with Wake Island Bar and the Purple Heart. In 1985 he was awarded the Oklahoma Cross of Valor.

The battle for Wake The battle for Wake Island, perhaps less well known to many Americans, was waged simultaneously on and around the atoll consisting of three small Pacific islands — Wake, Peale and Wilkes. Several weeks earlier, then-Cpl. John R. Dale was in “L” battery, an artillery force on Wilkes Island. The battery was credited with sinking the first Japanese ship — the Hayate — in the war by land-based artillery manned by some 60 Marines. Dale was a pointer on the gun. It was his job to look through the scope, adjust the elevation and give the command to fire. “The ship went down fast because we apparently hit the ammunition locker aboard; we thought maybe it was a supply ship, but we found out later it was a destroyer,” Dale told Air Force Print News Today. Dale enlisted in 1939 in the Marine Corps. He was one of the Marines at Wake Island which was attacked by Japanese forces when Pearl Harbor was attacked. The island was bombed daily by the Japanese. Dale was the pointer on the gun that sank the first Japanese ship in the attack on Wake Island. The guns Dale pointed for killed all of a Japanese landing force, except two Japanese who were captured. The Wake Island defenders were taken to China as part of the Japanese labor force. until they were released September 13, 1945.

PRELUDE TO WAR In 1941, Wake Island was an American advance base. On November 28 of that year, U.S. Navy Commander Winfield Cunningham reported to Wake and assumed overall command. On the atoll were 13 officers and 365 enlisted men of the 1st Defense Battalion, U.S. Marines Corps, and 1,000 civilian construction workers; this island also housed Naval air bases and a small Army communication detachment, according to the Navy Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. The Marines were armed with 5-inch shore batteries once mounted on battleships, anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns and .30-caliber machine guns. A Marine fighter squadron consisting of 12 Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat fighters was also on the atoll. On December 8, 1941 — Wake being on the opposite side of the international date line — upon hearing of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the atoll went to general quarters. Sirens sounded. “We thought it was a Navy drill until the planes dropped bombs,” Dale said. “The Japanese bombed us around noon.” Twenty-seven Japanese planes emerged from low-hanging clouds and bombed and strafed the airfield, destroying seven of the fighters on the ground, also inflicting heavy casualties on aviation personnel. The U.S. aircraft had just arrived, Dale said. During the coming days, the Japanese bombed the atoll in preparation for the attempted landing on December 11. Some of the bombs fell within perhaps 25 feet of his position, Dale said. The American shore batteries and remaining aircraft sank two Japanese destroyers, the Kisaragi and the Hayate, and damaged a light cruiser, the flagship of the enemy’s force. On December 21, carrier-based planes began pounding the atoll. The last two operable Wildcats engaged them; one returned shot up, unusable. Two days later, on December 23, Japanese forces “loaded for bear” landed and established a beachhead. “They landed in front of our machine guns,” Dale said. A life-threatening moment occurred when Dale jumped into a dugout as a Japanese plane approached. A bomb sprayed debris, which covered the dugout; Dale emerged uninjured. There was bitter fighting but Japanese forces overcame the Marines. Wilkes Island, where Dale was positioned, surrendered on December 23, and the atoll was under Japanese control. March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Marine John Dale and other hostages who were captured on Wake Island in December 1941 were surrounded by a group of Japanese soldiers who were armed with machine guns, ready to fire. The hostages’ hands were tied behind their backs with wire, and they were stripped of their clothes, Dale said. For three days, Dale said, they were held without food, water, shelter or clothes, unsure whether they would live or die. On Christmas, they learned they would stay alive as prisoners of war. Dale, who was 21 years old, spent the next 44 months as a prisoner in Japan and China during World War II. After he was captured, Dale was loaded onto a ship. He said he and other prisoners were beaten with clubs as they walked down a long passageway to the bottom of the ship, where they slept on a cold, steel floor for 12 days. On the ship, they were only allowed to sit up twice a day. Dale said five prisoners were beheaded and their bodies were used for bayonet practice. When they landed in China, it was snowing and all Dale had for clothing was a pair of overalls, a thin shirt and some dress shoes. He said the prisoners walked nearly five miles to a camp where there was no heating or plumbing. They worked to move dirt and build roads for 12 hours a day on just three teacups of rice. Dale was later taken to Japan to work in the coal mines until the end of the war. He was rescued after the armistice, six years after he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. Mr. Dale of Blackwell Okla., was a corporal in the United States Marine Corps, First Defense Battalion, and is one of the last remaining U.S. Marines who were taken prisoner at Wake. Cpl. John Dale was in ‘L’ battery, a five-inch artillery battery which had about 60 Marines assigned and life so far on Wake Island had been pretty good. “I had arrived to Wake Island on the 25th or 26th of November, 1941. There were about 400 Marines on Wake. My assigned artillery placement was on the Wilkes Island part of Wake,” said Dale. “Before the war started we could relax after duty and wander the Island.” The battle for Wake began simultaneously with the attack on Pearl Harbor was fought on and around the atoll formed by Wake Island and its islets of Peale and Wilkes Islands. It ended on December 23, 1941. Cpl. Dale’s artillery battery was credited for sinking the first Japanese ship (the Hayate) in the war by land based artillery. “We sunk the first ship by land based artillery during World War II on December 11th. I was a pointer on the gun, so it was my job to look through the scope and adjust the elevation then give the command to fire,” said Dale. “The ship went down fast because we apparently hit the ammunition locker aboard; we thought maybe it was a supply ship, but we found out later it was a destroyer. Our reaction was jubilant, we thought war going great but we didn’t understand what the total situation was.” The commander of Marines on Wake Island, Maj. James P. Devereux had surrendered around 7 a.m. on December 23, but ‘L’ battery didn’t surrender until noon that day. “We were on Wilkes Island and had killed the enemy that came ashore during the early morning hours and took only two prisoners,” said Dale. “We had no contact with the commanding officer so we marched single file to main part of Wake and saw a white flag and were told to lay down our weapons. I was just shocked when I saw the white flag because I always thought Marines never surrender.” Initially moved to Woo Sung and Khangwan, China near Shanghai and after a year was sent to other locations, traveling through China, crossing the Great Wall, down the length of Korea. John Dale ended up in working in a coal mine on the Japanese Island of Hokkaido. After the Empire of Japan surrendered to U.S. Forces in August 1945, he was picked up by the U.S. Army and transferred to a hospitals in the San Francisco area. The island was held by the Japanese until Sept. 4, 1945 when the remaining Japanese garrison surrendered to a detachment of United States Marines. Wake Island is again a busy support base for transient military aircraft crossing the Pacific. Now owned by the U.S. Air Force, Wake Island is operated by active duty Air Force personnel and contractors, under control of the 15th Airlift Wing, Det. 1, Hickam AFB., Hawaii. Dale settled in Blackwell, where he and his wife raised six children worked for the Employment Security Commission and Kay Electric Cooperative until he retired. He has a total of six children. John has said he owes his longevity in part to his having quit smoking, abstinence from alcohol, staying active, going to church and associating with young people.



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Door Prizes Southern Division 2013 1.

Sanyo 40� LCD HD TV with Blu-ray Disk Player and Home Theater System


Marine Star Quilt


Marine Plate


for His Glory Serving - Cutting Board


Gourmet Chocolate Basket


Globe & Anchor Hand-crafted Designer Glass Artwork


Engraved Ka-Bar from Sgt. Grits


Post Oak Lodge Zip Line Tour

How to make sure your are eligible to win one of the fabulous door prizes. As part of your registration you have received 1 ticket each. Throughout the conference you will be collecting additional tickets. As the weekends event progress you have to make sure to the attended the training classes, social events, spouses tour and banquet to collect your door prize tickets. Tickets can not be purchased and you must be present at Sunday’s Morning Chow To Win.



Southern Division Conference 2013

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Tulsa, OK

Grand Prize SANYO 40” Diagonal Full HD LCD 1080p Television and RCA 5.1 Channel Home Theater System with Blu-ray Disk Player & VUDU Photos are not the actual prizes. Photo for visual effect only

SANYO 40” Diagonal Full HD LCD 1080p

Sanyo 40” Diagonal Full HD 1080p LCD is the latest technology for the digital age. The digital tuner is capable of receiving unscrambled digital cable. In a high gloss black finish it blends into the background when the lights are dimmed for your movies, sports and favorite programs in your den or living room. Having a full array of HDMI, Component Audio/Video, Composite Audio/Video you have plenty of options for DVD, VCR, Cable, Satellite and external antenna hookups. A coaxial digital audio output allows hookup to a home entertainment receiver amplifier system for theater like sound. The USB input allows display of your digital camera photos for all to easily see. With a thin space saving design and small footprint, it can be positioned anywhere. The detachable pedestal base stand allows it to be wall mounted with an optional wall mount kit (not included). RCA 5.1 Channel Home Theater System with Blu-ray Player & VUDU

The RCA 5.1 CH Home Theater System with Blu-ray Player and VUDU is all you need to enjoy Blu-ray discs, DVDs or online VUDU HD movies with an authentic home theater surround sound experience. It’s also equipped with VUDU Apps and Pandora Internet Radio, so if you connect to the Internet via Ethernet you’ll enjoy personalized online music streaming, stay connected with friends, get news, weather and much, much more. The system includes five speakers, subwoofer and full-function remote control. Its HDMI output provides a 1080p high-definition digital video signal to your TV while its AUX input can be used to connect AV equipment such as a cable or satellite box. RCA 5.1 Channel Home Theater System with Blu-ray Disk Player and VUDU, 300W surround sound receiver Dolby Digital surround sound decoder Plays Blu-ray discs, DVDs, CDs and more 5 speakers and subwoofer. Connect to the Internet via Ethernet VUDU movies to rent or buy online HD movies VUDU apps to connect with friends, get the news and weather and more Pandora Internet Radio to enjoy personalized online music streaming Blu-ray Profile 2.0 for BD Live Internet connection, Optical input, auxiliary input, Component and composite video utputs to connect to older TV’s.

Gift Prize The Marine Star Quilt The Marine Star Quilt This beautifully handmade quilt will quickly become a family heirloom. This quilt is 57” x 72” making this fit most any bed size or sofa. The colors of this unique quilt: the Blue represents Bravery, Red represents sacrifice, and White represents Honor. The making of this quilt took 6 months and is been provided to the Albert E. Schwab Detachment #857, Marine Corps League by Wanda Sharp of Eden Creations. Eden Creations provides custom and unique quilting services. Contact Wanda Sharp, 918-245-7522 for more details. Original pattern designed by Marcia Hohn’s



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Gift Prize s

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Marine Corps League Ceramic Decorator Plate


Ceramic 18” Diameter Marine Corps League Decorator Plate Handmade ceramic decorator plate by Linda Maxson of Grandlakes Monkey Island 918-257-4110. A limited second edition plate #001 created exclusively for Southern Division 2013 Conference. This plate is made from white high fire clay with a food safe finish. Letters and emblem are hand crafted. The platter can be customized with color and lettering to suit your needs. A uniquely personalized gift to be cherished by its receiver for a life time.

for HIS Glory Cutting Boards, Cheese Boards & Serving Trays Cutting Boards, Cheese Boards & Serving Trays For His Glory cutting boards are handmade in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma from the finest hardwoods from around the world. The wood in each board is selected for it’s special character, color and contrast to make every board unique. Boards are available with display stands that are laser engraved with Bible scripture. Cheese boards are a natural companion to the cutting boards and are available with or without scripture laser engraved on the handle. Stands can be engraved with any scripture of your choice. For HIS Glory serving trays are hand made with the same care and attention as the cutting boards & cheese boards. They have a unique feature of being a beautiful serving tray on one side and a high quality cutting board on the other. And whAtever you do, whether in word or deed, do it All in the nAme of the lord Jesus, giving thAnks to god the fAther through him. ColossiAns 3:17 Provided By: for HIS Glory Cutting Boards • Rob McKnight (918) 633-7233 • •



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Gift Prize Glacier Confection - Gourmet Chocolate Collection Glacier Gourmet Chocolate Collection Mission Statement: Glacier Confection’s mission is to raise support and funds for our Fallen Heroes and their families. Commitment: Glacier Confection is dedicated to a shared future with shared benefits for our U.S. Troops and their families. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of these families who have sacrificed much for their love of country. • Promote awareness of projects, families and events in need of support. Strategy: Glacier Confection achieves its goals by: • Building partnerships with national and grass root community level organizations. • Working with donors to support effective programs. • Supporting and applying funds to defined organizations. • Supporting training and education that improves the health, safety and well-being of military familes.

Tulsa Chocolate Shop - Glacier Confection™ •

15 E. Brady Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Gift Prize Tulsa Glass Blowing Studio Tulsa Glass Blowing School Kenneth J. Gonzales Project Director, is the artist creating the piece. Kenneth received a Bachelor of Art in Glass from Hastings College, Hastings, Nebraska. He has worked with artists such as Richard Royal, Pino Signoretto, Richard Jolley and Tommie Rush. Kenneth brings over 12 years of glassblowing experience to Tulsa Glassblowing School. His works have been in galleries in North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, and in private collections throughout the U.S. The piece being created for the Marine Corps League event is a hand-sculpted eagle, globe and anchor honoring the trademark symbol of the Marine Corps.



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Gift Prize Marine Corps KA-BAR Sgt. Grits USMC Ka-Bar Southern Division 2013 inscribed USMC KA-BAR. Donated by Sgt. Grits, Oklahoma City, Ok. The USMC KA-BAR is an icon and a legend in the world of knives. It was one of the general issue knives to the United States Marine Corps in World War II and quickly gained popularity. This knife remains the first choice for many men and women of service who carry it as their personal option knife still today. On December 9, 1942, after the start of World War II, KA-BAR submitted a knife to the United States Marine Corps in hopes that it would become general issue to that branch of the military. Working with the Marine Quartermaster Department the original design was revised and production began of an improved fighting and utility knife for the Marines. As the War escalated, the USMC KA-BAR knives became so well recognized for their quality and so abundant in number that “Kabar” became the name by which many referred to this knife pattern, regardless of whether the knife was manufactured at the actual KA-BAR facility. The USMC KA-BAR was adopted by not only the Marines, but also the Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Underwater Demolition Teams. Years after World War II, many KA-BAR knives were unofficially reactivated in the Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom conflicts. Today, the original USMC Fighting and Utility Knife remains the first choice for many men and women of service who carry it as their personal knife option. It is also a favorite of adventurers, survivalists, outdoor sportsmen and, of course, knife collectors who know that this knife deserves a place in their collection.

Gift Prize POSTOAK Canopy • Zip Line Tour POSTOAK Canopy Tour Oklahoma’s Exhilarating Zipline Adventure Oklahoma’s first and only zipline canopy tour is an adrenaline rush from the get-go. POSTOAK Canopy Tours takes thrill seekers and nature lovers soaring above the treetops along a network of more than 3,865 feet of cable line. Along the way, seven platform landing-bases provide a bird’s-eye view of northeastern Oklahoma’s magnificent Osage Hills, the surrounding plains and Tulsa’s cityscape. The sparkling view of downtown’s skyline is especially spectacular at night. Strap on a helmet, grab a harness and let POSTOAK Canopy Tours’ guides lead you on an action-packed, two-plus hour tour. POSTOAK Canopy Tours guides are highly trained, professional and knowledgeable about the sights and sounds surrounding you. The POSTOAK Canopy Tours course takes about two hours to complete and is made up of 7 Platforms and 6 Ziplines Originating in Costa Rica in the 1990s, zipline canopy tours allow participants to glide through treetops and see nature from a different viewpoint. The guided tours involve a series of connected cables, or ziplines, and platforms all built at the tree’s canopy level. March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Post Oak Lodge & Retreat




Post Oak Lodge & Retreat offers a number of exciting activities. Please contact the lodge front desk to inquire to scheduling and cost. Just opened in June 2012 “The Canopy Tour” is the newest feature to Post Oak Lodge & Retreat. March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Post Oak Lodge & Retreat Its here! . . .

Marines, of the Marine Corps League, Southern Division. Before you return home, be sure and try Oklahoma’s — First Canopy Zipline Tour! March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Robert “Bob” Ogg Commandant

Tulsa, OK

Robert Way

Marine of the Year

Welcome to the 2012 Southern Division Conference and Growl of the Marine Corps League. From the Arkansas Pounds of the Military order of the Devil Dog. Pounds River Valley #346 and Toad Suck #357

Woof Woof March





u N T ry G CO r uN


Southern Division Conference 2013


u N D 30 8

Tulsa, OK

Welcome Devils Dogs to the Grand Growl of Southern Division 2013 The Dogs of Green Country Grunts #308 Pack of Oklahoma

Wishes to send a hearty WOOF WOOF to all Dogs. Its time to growl, howl and collect lots of BONES! Jim Parker …………………..…... Commandant Alex Azar ……..…...…... Sr. Vice Commandant Kenneth Peterson …....... Jr. Vice Commandant Ray Beard …..…......... Adjutant / Web Sergeant Alex Azar …………...….………….... Paymaster Robert Pflueger …………..…... Judge Advocate Thomas Ratz ……………..……….….. Chaplain Richard Thompson ………... Sergeant-At-Arms Gary Matlock ……… Veteran’s Service Officer Alex Azar ……………..... Jr. Past Commandant



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Presentation in Tulsa, Oklahoma at 1:00 pm Veterans Park, 21st and Boulder, Saturday, April 27, 2013 The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon will be preforming at conclusion of ceremony. Guest of Honor

Hershel “Woody� Williams Medal of Honor Recipient - Iwo Jima Keynote Speaker

General Anthony C. Zinni, USMC (Ret.) Reception for World War II Veterans, VFW Post 577, 1109 East 6th Street, Tulsa Thursday, April 25, 6:00 pm Wreath Laying Ceremony at Albert E. Schwab Statue, Tulsa International Airport, Friday, April 26, 4:00 pm Veterans Breakfast, Floral Haven, Broken Arrow, Saturday, April 27, 8:00 am Wreath Laying Ceremony Medal of Honor Walk, Floral Haven, Broken Arrow, Saturday, April 27, 9:30 am Exhibits open at Veterans Park, Tulsa, Saturday, 27 April 10:00 am



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Get Your Chance on These Weapons Marine Corps League Sooner Detachment #559 c/o R. Lyons 2500 Perth Drive Edmond OK 73013 Email:



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

TOT DOGS POUND #268 Graham, Texas PDD Alex Azar ....................................... Pound Keeper PDD Dennis Bradford ...................... Sr. Vice Pound Keeper PDD David Nelson .......................... Jr. Vice Pound Keeper PDD Jack Danforth ..................................... Smart Dog DD Don Carlisle ........................................ Dog Trainer PDD Taylor Rice ........................................... Mad Dog DD Linda Shook .......................................... Police Dog PDD Polly Weidenkopf ................................. Watch Dog PDD George Simpson.................................... Barking Dog PDD Bernie O’Dell ..................................... Dog Robber



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

The Pack of Texas

WELCOMES YOU to Tulsa, Oklahoma

Pack Leader • PDD Bob Quinn Sr. Vice Pack Leader • PDD Charles Ynman Jr. Vice Pack Leader • PDD Dennis Bradford Smart Dog • PDD George Simpson Dog Trainer • DD Bill Hamby Dog Robber • PDD Alex Azar Mad Dog • PDD Taylor Rice Police Dog • PDD Robert Hurtado Watch Dog • PDD Ron Tomonelli



Southern Division Conference 2013

In Honor of the Wake Island Defenders

Tulsa, OK

 


While enjoying Southern Division 2013 don’t forget to get your souvenir shirt to wear when your back home. Reminding everyone of the great time you had while here in beautiful Oklahoma. ALL PROCEEDS from the souvenir shirts, support the Southern Division 2013 Convention cost. After you are settled into your room, return to the registration desk to order your Southern Division 2013 Souvenir Shirt. Shirts ordered on Friday will be ready to take home on Sunday.

r of In Hono

Order forms will be available at the registration desk to use like the one shown below, so order one for every member of the family. the






  

                

Semper Fi and Welcome to Southern Division 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Southern Division 2013 Event Shirt


Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City:_____________________ State/Zip:_____________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Phone_________________________


Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL Available sizes and colors may be limited Choose 1st & 2nd choice for shirt colors.   2 1 Shirt Color: Grey  Red  Santa Fe  White  Yellow  Green  Shirts Ordered on Friday will be delivered before leaving on Sunday March 24, 2013 All other Shirt Orders will be shipped by US Mail the following week. Short Sleeve $15.00 Long Sleeve $20.00 Sweat Shirts $30.00 Hoodies $45.00 All proceeds go to the Southern Division Convention Cost Make Checks Payable to Marine Corps League, Schwab Det. To Pay by Credit or Debit Card Visa  MasterCard   ____________________________ Card No. __________________________________________ Ex.____________ 3 digit CVVC ___________ March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Vice Chief Devil Dog PDD Ron Tomonelli

Wishes the Southern Division Good Luck on a Successful 2013 Conference & Oklahoma Pack Grand Growl



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

The Department of Arkansas Would like to wish all a successful Southern Division Conference Dwight Witcher, Commandant Larry Beyette, Senior Vice Commandant Don Lambert, Junior Vice Commandant Donald Hay, Judge Advocate Frank Lambert, Adjutant Gerald Weakly, Paymaster Jonnie Bounds, Chaplain James Gibson, Sergeant At Arms Randy Rigg, Junior Past Commandant March


Southern Division Conference 2013


Tulsa, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

The big d deTachmenT

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melody bronson melody bronsonsTeve Wilson sTeve Wilson Tom garner ann danFord sr. melody vice sr. vice sgT-aT-arms bronson sTevesgT-aT-arms Wilson jr. vice hisTorian

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Tom garner ann danFord jr. vicenick WeidenkoPF nick WeidenkoPF lindahisTorian shook linda shook March


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Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Dr. Maggie McGuire Educational Specialist

I provide onsite, personalized services that are developed to meet your needs. These services could take the form of staff development, targeted observations of staff or students, performance evaluations or in-depth assessment of needs. I also provide workshops targeted for teachers, caregivers and administrators. I am registered with the Texas Training Registry.

TAMU Class of ‘88 and ‘01

Tarrant County Detachment Welcomes You To Southern Division 2013 Convention Marine Corps League 6801 Manhattan Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76120 817-599-9580 March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Young Law Office Established 1923 Personal Injury • Workers Comensation Corporate • Family Law • Wills & Trusts • Probate Social Security • Guardianships • Criminal

John Mark Young Joshua JaMes Young 918-224-3131 Fax 918-224-5365 P.O. Box 1364, Sapulpa, Ok 74067-1364

John Mark Young Lt. Col. USMCR Ret.


Joshua James Young 2nd Lt. Oklahoma Air National Guard


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Southern Division Commandant Randy Rigg Wishes the Membership of the Southern Division Good luck on a successful 2013 Southern Division Conference

Semper Fi “Once a Marine Always a Marine”



Tulsa, OK D E TAC H M






Southern Division Conference 2013


Best Wishes for a great Conference!

Osage Detachment #669

P.O. Box 1019 Pawhuska, Ok 74056


John Henry Mashunkashey

Sr. Vice Commandant Carl Clark Jr. Vice Commandant

Hollis Stabler


Jaime Lynn Clark


Henry Harrison


Don Abbott

Past Commandant

Hollis Stabler



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK Once a Marine Always A MARINE!

John Henry Mashunkashey Commandant

Department of Oklahoma (918) 636-7742 (Cell) P.O. Box 470816 (918) 847-2703 (Home) Tulsa, OK 74147-0816 “Once a Marine, Always a Marine”

Albert E. Schwab Detachment #857

Marty McKnight Commandant

Steven L. Maxson Jr. Vice Commandant Department of Oklahoma P.O. Box 901 Miami, OK 74355-901 918-533-4658 (Cell) 918-257-4110 (Home) 56625 Tinner - Monkey Island 74331 “Once a Marine Always a Marine” March

Commandant Alan Beaird Sr. Vice Porky Falcon Jr Vice Bruce Lane

918-208-6686 918-773-6250 361-816-2944 P.O. Box 903, Sallisaw, OK 74955

real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design business cards exterior signs raised letters handicap signs traffic signs vinyl lettering vehicle wraps ada signs magnetics static cling digital printing screen printing powder coating real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design business cards exterior signs raised letters handicap signs traffic signs vinyl lettering vehicle wraps ada signs magnetics static cling digital printing screen printing powder coating real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design business cards exterior signs raised letters handicap signs traffic signs vinyl lettering vehicle wraps ada signs magnetics static cling digital printing screen printing powder coating 918 250 4533 real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design business cards exterior signs raised handicap 10738letters E 55th Pl signs Tulsa,wraps OK 74146 traffic signs vinyl lettering vehicle ada signs magnetics static cling digital printing screen printing powder coating dane @us sign real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design business cards exterior signs raised letters handicap signs s svinyl i lettering g n i vehicle n c wraps . c ada o signs m magnetics trafficu signs static cling digital printing screen printing powder coating 46 real estate signs banners decals vehicle graphics design


P.O. Box 470816 918-691-6047 Tulsa, OK 74147-0816

Cpl. Joshua J. Ware Sequoyah County Marine Corps League Detachment #1403


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

35 Years Experience March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

The All New Osage Casino – Sand Springs! Located in the Osage Hills, the Osage Casino – Sand Springs, offers guests more than 460 state-of-the-art Electronic Games, 35 High Stakes machines and 4 Table Games. After extensive renovations in the spring of 2012, guests may now enjoy a wider array of amenities and much improved air quality. With the completion of renovations, Osage Casino – Sand Springs has added a new sitdown Cafe offering appetizers, salads, sandwiches, pastas and impressive entrées. Other additions include a new High Stakes room and a sports bar with 10 bar-top Poker machines, 16 flat screen TVs and an expanded live entertainment area.

Cafe: Sundays, Wednesdays & Thursdays • 11 am – 9 pm Fridays & Saturdays • 11 am – 10 pm Closed Mondays & Tuesdays

Cafe Bar:

Sundays, Wednesdays & Thursdays • 4 pm – 11 pm Fridays & Saturdays • 4 pm – 1 am Closed Mondays & Tuesdays

Sports Bar Counter Service: Daily • 10 am – 1:30 am

Sports Bar Deli Items Available: Sunday – Thursday • 11 am – 9 pm Fridays & Saturdays • 11 am – 1 am

Happy Hour:

Monday – Friday • 3 pm – 6 pm

Karaoke Night!

Wednesdays • 8 pm – 11 pm



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK #146

Real Estate Inspection & Testing Service

Home Inspection Services Commercial & Investment Property Inspections, Lead Paint Inspection, LPB Risk Assessments, Environmental Site Assessments

Glacier Confection Tulsa Artisan Chocolate 15 East Brady  •  Tulsa, OK

Cornelius Petroleum, Inc. Randall Cornelius, Pres. Crude Oil Purchasing (918)271-4729

918.307.0049 ldhall@

Cornelius Petroleum, Inc. Brian Cornelius

(918) 247-6743 (O) (918) 640-0506 (C)

Just 2 doors down from Glacier Confections 19 East Brady Tulsa, OK March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Remembering Our Veterans Through Displays

THE TRAVELING MILITARY MUSEUM Free Patriotic Displays/Programs Available for Schools, Libraries, Clubs, Veteran Reunions, etc. Tulsa, Ok

Keith Myers


Wanted military uniforms, helmets, knives, patches, paper items, flags, aviation items, Marine items, paratrooper items, PT boat items, tanker items, etc. Also Japanese, German, etc. souvenirs.

Woof Woof! Wardog Pound 356 Miami, Ok. Southern Division 2013 Grand Growl Pound Leader: Steve Maxson Sr. Vice: James Belcher Jr. Vice� John Henry Mashunkashey Dog Robber: Tony Booth Smart Dog: Micheal Weaver March

Dog Trainer: Samuel Maxson Mad Dog: Dennis Lee Police Dog: Robert Alexander Watch Dog: David Dean Barking Dog: Allison Ricky 50

Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

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Welcome to Southern Division 2013 Conference

Conquering what’s ahead of you is easier when you’ve got good people behind you. What ever challenges you are facing, having a good partner can make all the difference. Xerox has a long history of partnering with local businesses, providing solutions and services that help streamline work processes and cut printing costs. In fact, we’ve got lots of interesting ways to help you stay ahead of the competition.

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Welcome to Southern Division 2013 Conference


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Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Welcome Marines

The Walseth Family The Albert E. Schwab Detachment #857, Southern Division Committee encourages and hopes that everyone has a great time during Southern Division 2013. If you find yourself in need of assistance, please locate one of the event Marshall’s. Marshall’s will be wearing a badge so you can easily locate them from a distance. Every Marshall is prepared to answer questions like “What time does this begin?”, “Where are we to meet for?”, How do I find my lodge building?”, etc. So have fun and Welcome to Tulsa, OK.



Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Marine Corps League

L/Cpl. Clevenger Detachment Northeastern Oklahoma Detachment #1355 Steve Maxson, Commandant

Best Wishes for a successful Southern Division 2013 Conference. L/Cpl Clevenger Detachment 1355

Commandant  Steve Maxson JAG  Robert Alexander Adjudant  Marilyn McDermott


Sr. Vice Commandant  Tony Booth Paymaster  Mike Slyman Sgt. At Arms  Dennis Lee

Jr. Vice Commandant  Jim Belcher Chaplain  Mike Weaver Service Officer  Rick Allison


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

A Tulsa Favorite Since 1975 Ron’s was started in a tiny classic diner with only 8 stools.

The Original Ron’s 15th & Harvard

Tulsa, Oklahoma 1975-2004

Home of the Sausage Cheeseburger Voted Oklahoma’s Favorite Burger! And

The Best Frito Pie on the Planet! Try one today!

Come visit one of these convenient locations:

Ron’s Downtown

Ron’s Glenpool

15th & S. Denver

U.S. 75 & S. 141st St. Sun-Thurs 10:30-8:00 Fri-Sat 10:30-8:30 918-322-5557

Mon-Sat 10:30-8:00 918-382-RONS March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Honoring Our Veterans River Valley Veterans National Cemetery Association

This monument will be placed in the Fort Smith National Cemetery, Fort Smith, Arkansas Our goal is to set and dedicate the monument on Veterans Day 2013. We need your assistance in reaching our goal, please help by making a donation this weekend honoring yourself, your detachment and your state. Drop your donation here or send to: River Valley Veterans National Cemetery Association P.O. Box 5263, Fort Smith Arkansas 72913-5263 Or Contact Robert Cravens  479-769-0502 Joe Gibbs  479-414-7048 Burt Patrick  479-430-0604 Robert Castillo  479-883-6534 March


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma Welcome Marines! Southern Division 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma Proud Sponsors Hospitality Room March


Southern Division Conference 2013


Tulsa, OK


Southern Division Conference 2013

Tulsa, OK

Wake Island Defenders War Memorial, Bristow, OK Albert E Schwab, Medal of Honor, Statue, Tulsa International Airport, Tulsa, OK



Marine Corps League Program For Professional Development Meetings Types of meetings 1. Staff 2. General A. Ten Worst Meeting Offenses B. Before the Meeting C. Application for Membership D. Meeting Guide 3. Conferences / Conventions 4. Fund Raising

Meetings • Staff • General • Conferences / Conventions • Fund Raising

The Staff Meeting • On a detachment level, there should be a Staff Meeting held once a month. The meeting should be open to any member that would like to attend, but that member would not take part in the meeting unless asked by the Commandant. • T he Commandant will set the agenda for the Staff Meeting and bring up any information that concerns the Detachment and any and all items that he/she feels needs to be discussed • T he meeting should stay on agenda as much as possible and the Commandant maintains control of the meeting. The Commandant should isure that everyone is included in the discussions and keep the meeting moving. • T his where the agenda for the General Meeting is set. • Y ou can also cut through the unimportant items that are sometimes brought up at a General Meeting and cause unnecessary delays.



The Staff Meeting Importance of ... • If the detachment is having problems with a member or some other difficulties this is a better setting to address the issue with the member or discuss the issue so that thought out options are available to membership. Note: The staff meeting is an informal meeting and the taking of notes is not necessary unless you choose to do so.

General Membership Meeting • Detachments are required to hold a General Membership Meeting once a month. The meeting date and time should be part of the detachment By-Laws and should be strictly adhered to. • The Commandant should have a prepared agenda and keep the meeting on course as much as possible. See Staff Meeting.

The 10 Worst Meeting Offenses 1. Being Unpredpared: A. Includes Staff Officers or anyone designated to report. B. Make sure that all technical aides being used are operationbal. C. Always provide an agenda and support material in advance. 2. Starting on time: A. Insist on starting the meeting at the scheduled time. B. Whether your meetings are attended by 12 members or 200 members showing up late or starting late will damage the image that you should be trying to project. C. A Meeting Hog is a person that talks just to hear themselves speak. You should encourage your Officers and Staff to have a written Report to present to the membership... there is nothing worse than an Elected or Appointed Officer standing and saying “Nothing to Report Sir.” What have you done for the Detachment during the time between the monthly meetings? If you have nothing to report, it’s self-explanatory... 3. Take Part in the Meeting: Don’t just sit there if you have something to offer...Many times a member will not rise to address the body but waits until the meeting is over and then approaches the Commandant or one of the Staff and offer something that is beneficial to the Detachment.



4. Expressing Rude Body Language A. Avoid making facial gestures and rude comments during presentation because you disagree with what is being said...You will get your chance to address the body if you so desire. Never get up and leave the room in disagreement. If you show the speaker the lack of respect to at least listen, then you have lost the battle. B. It is the duty of the Commandant to manage those being disrespectful in a tactful way and do not ever put a member down by trying to humiliate him.. 5. Sitting Silently during the Meeting: The extreme opposite of not taking part is the member that has nothing to offer during the meeting except idle chatter. You should refrain from private meetings because it is not only rude, but you amy also miss something important being considered. 6. Sidebar conversations are a NO-NO: Sidebar conversations are possibly the rudest thing that can happen during a meeting...This should be stopped immediately and refocus on the subject at hand. 7. Arguing or putting others down: Disagreements are Healthy and Fine, but never get into personal attacks. Don’t make others look bad for the sake of making you look good! Never be condescending or avoid the opinions of the membership. Always be professional in your choice to disagree. 8. Cell Phones: When the Commandant orders the Sgt-at-Arms to open the meeting, he (Sgt-at-Arms) will open the meeting according to the ritual and the following “The smoking lamp is out and please turn off all Cell Phones”. Additionally, there should be NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN THE MEETING ROOM. This is a common sense ruling because we all know that alcohol changes your perspective. 9. Chewing Gum or Eating: A. While chairing a meeting, the membership does not want to hear you chewing gum...A bottle of water is permissible. B. The staff or Board of Trustees should not be indulging either. 10 Shutting Down the Meeting: We all know that if a meeting runs to long, you are probably going to have some disgruntled members...If you are in the process of conducting some important business and it needs to be settled then and there, you should as for a motion to extend the meeting an additional fifteen minutes...This shows the membership that you care about them and are trying to be as expeditious as possible. March


Before The Meeting

• Have the meeting room set up, bible, flags, name plates, gavel, Sgt-at-Arms table, etc. The ritual book illustrates how to arrange the quarters, but you may have to adapt according to the physical setting of your meeting location. • START ON TIME

Conduct A Meeting Properly Follow the Ritual • Opening Ceremony — Use the Ritual Book • Roll Call of Officers — Adjutant should take a verbal Roll Call, Officers present should each respond. If someone is absent the Commandant can either excuse them or have them marked absent. (If an officer is excused it is not counted as absent for the purpose of fulfilling the 60% attendance clause in many by-laws). Therefore the Commandant should use some discretion. • Recognize Dignitaries — This is a good rule of thumb What is a Dignitary? Use the “Rule of Thumb” anyone in a higher office than I am. I am now the Detachment Commandant, therefore, I would recognize National Officers, Department Officers and your Past Detachment Commandants. You may also wish to recognize any vistors, such as someone from another detachment.

Applications for Membership • After the application and all necessary paperwork has been reviewed and deemed to be in order. (i.e. DD214, Discharge) Look at the paperwork, taking some ones word at this point, even the sponsors, is not acceptable. • Have the Adjutant read the application (name, address, dates of service and who recommended them). Have the Sergeant-at-Arms escort the applicant from the room. The Commandant should ask if any member knows of any reason why this Marine or FMF Corpsman should not be a member of the detachment... • Speakers addressing the floor making recommendations should have a time limit (2-3 minutes) or until they begin to repeat points. Thank them, call for discussion staying with the time limit per respondent. Keep the meeting moving and try to accomplish all business in 50 minutes.



General Membership Meeting

Conducted Properly and Efficiently Use the 10 Principles to insure the meeting is being Conducted Properly and Efficiently 1. Start the meeting on time. 2. Keep the meeting moving. 3. Prepare and use an agenda for the meeting. 4. Do not linger on one subject for an unreasonable amount of time. 5. Do not let members start to address one another instead of the body. 6. Do not let a member hog the microphone. Before a member can speak a second time on a subject, insure that all others wishing to speak have been heard. 7. Insist that members who wish to be recognized raise there hand. Once they are called on, they are to rise, give their name for thee record and state their business. 8 They are to keep their statements short and to the point. 9. The meeting should last between 50 minutes and 1 hour. If you start extending your meetings past this time, you will start losing attendance. 10. If you need additional time, ask someone to make a motion that the meeting be extended an additional 15 minutes. This shows that you respect the time of the members and keeps them involved in finishing the meeting.

Meeting Guide

Opening Ceremony:

Order of Business Agenda

• Sgt-at-Arms to Post the Colors • Chaplain to lead in opening prayer

Acknowledge Presence of Dignitaries: Roll Call of Officers: Applications for Membership: • Balloting on Applications for Membership • Ceremony of Initiation for New Members

Reading of Previous Minutes: • Any Corrections: • Accepted as read • Motions to Accept are only necessary If corrections are made then the motion is to accept the minutes with corrections. March


Correspondence: Report of Paymaster: • Opening Balance: ___________________________ • I ncome: ___________________________ • E xpense: ___________________________ • C losing Balance: ___________________________

Report of any Member or Member’s Family Sick or in Distress: Report of Officers: • Commandant: • S R Vice Commandant: • J R Vice Commandant: • J udge Advocate: • A djutant: • Paymaster: • Chaplain: • Sgt-at-Arms:

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

• Quartermaster:


Report of Standing Committees: • T oys for Tots:


• Y oung Marines:


Report of Special Committees: Unfinished Business: Ceremony of Installation of Officers:

(At proper time of year according to the National Bylaws)

Good of the League” Announcements: Closing Ceremony: • Sgt-at-Arms retires the Colors • Chaplain says closing prayer Sr. Vice Commandant performs the last duties of his post.



Meeting Guide Order of Business Agenda The following items shall be present at all business meetings: • The Detachment Charter or Copy • The National Colors • A Bible

Minutes of Meeting Detachment’s Name Marine Corps League Commandant’s Name Minutes of Meeting Date: Time: Location:


in M LE

S E t u

Call to Order: Commandant ______________ called the meeting to order at (__________), and ordered Sgt-atArms _____________ to Advance and Post the Colors, and to lead the membership in The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Chaplain ____________ led us in the opening prayer. Commandant __________ asks Sgt-at-Arms to declare the meeting open for the transaction of official business. Roll Call of Officers: Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Adjutant reads the minutes or motion to accept as posted by: ____________ seconded by: ____________. Corrections/comments: ______________________. Motion to accept minutes as read by: ___________________, seconded by Marine __________________, Motion passed ___________. Correspondence: Report of Paymaster: Reports of any Members or Family members in Distress: Report of Officers: Reports of Standing Committees: Reports of Special Committees: Unfinished Business: New Business: Good of the League: Announcements: Close of Meeting: Commandant calls the Sgt-at-Arms to retire the colors. Chaplain led us in the closing prayer. Senior Vice Commandant completes the last duties of his post and Sgt-at-Arms officially closes the transaction of official business until we reconvene on ___________________ to reopen for the transaction of official business. Membership Sings the Marines Hymn



Conferences/Conventions • Explain value of holding a conference or convention, what goes on and why as many members as possible should attend. • A chance to attend Training. • Interact with Marines from other Detachments, Departments, discover a long lost friend, or find a new one. • Input your opinion about Department or National direction. So why is it important? The Marine Corps League is about the membership. All of us “red hats” are the league. As Delegates we vote on the direction we think the league should take. The projects and programs we support. Expressing your opinions and casting your votes helps make the league stronger. Having the opportunity to hear why decisions are made the arguments for and against strengthens your knowledge. The more informed membership make better choices for a better league.

Fund Raising • Scholarship Programs • Toys for Tots • Young Marines • Veteran Services Volunteering • Marines Helping Marines • Fallen Marines • National Medal of Honor Day














CONDUCTING A REGULAR LEAGUE MEETING OPENING CEREMONY It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrange the quarters, to place a Bible upon the Altar; and at the close of all occasions, he/she shall return all equipment to its proper place. He/she shall also conduct the advance and retirement of the Colors. (Commandant may call for the Marine Hymn at any point in the ceremony.) COMMANDANT: Sergeant-at-Arms, secure the quarters and satisfy your self that all present are qualified to be present during the deliberations of this Detachment/Department/National Session. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Aye, Aye, Sir SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: The quarters are secured and all present are qualified to remain. (If persons present are not qualified, the Sergeant-at-Arms will report accordingly. If conducting an open meeting, it would be assumed that visitors would be qualified to remain. If Prospective members are present they should be taken outside the meeting room until the point in the Order of Business where they will he called into the meeting to be initiated.) COMMANDANT: (Shall give two raps of the gavel to call all to rise) Sergeant-at-Arms, advance and post the Colors and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Aye, aye, Sir (Note: All Persons wearing league covers will execute a hand salute as Colors are advanced; those not covered will execute the civilian salute of right hand over the heart) COMMANDANT: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. CHAPLAIN: (As to your religious preference, Uncover) Supreme Commandant, we ask Thy blessing upon all here assembled. We pray for guidance in our deliberations, and that we may here exemplify the principles and purposes of our beloved Marine Corps League. We ask Thy protection and blessing for all Marines and FMF Corpsmen who have died in the service of their Country, and for all our members, both past and present. Grant that the Marine Corps League may grow and prosper in the humane purposes and principles upon which it is founded. Amen. (Cover)

(Commandant, by one rap of the gavel, seats the Detachment/Department)

COMMANDANT: Sergeant- at- Arms, declare this meeting open for the transaction of official business. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: By authority of the Commandant of Detachment/Department of _____________________________, Marine Corps League, I declare this meeting open for the transaction of official business.



ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Opening Ceremony Roll Call of Officers Applications for membership Balloting on applications for membership to be approved by a majority vote of those present and qualified to vote. Either a voice vote or secret ballot may be used. Ceremony of Installation (Full or abridged form depending on size of Detachment, time, and circumstances) Minutes of previous meeting Correspondence Report of Paymaster Report of any member or member’s family sick or in distress Report of Officers Report of Standing Committees Report of Special Committees Unfinished Business New Business Ceremony of Installation of Officers. (At the proper lime of year according to the National Bylaws)

NOTE: Installation meetings may be open to the public, if desired. If so. it is recommended that all regular business be omitted by a motion and the meeting adjourned following the opening ceremony. 16. Good of the League 17. Announcements 18. Closing Ceremony NOTE: TO RECESS A MEETING: Chaplain will close the Bible. Sergeant-at-Arms will lead in a salute to the Colors and declare the meeting in recess. TO REOPEN A MEETING: Sergeant-at-Arms will lead in a salute to the Colors. Chaplain will reopen the Bible. Sergeant-at-Arms will declare the meeting reopened for the conduct of Official Business



CLOSING CEREMONY COMMANDANT: There being no further business, we will proceed to close. (Commandant gives two raps of the gavel for all to rise). The Detachment/Department will stand silent in respect for our deceased members. (Chaplain, without orders, reads the names of recently deceased members.) COMMANDANT:

Sergeant-at-Arms, Retire the Colors.

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Aye, aye, Sir. (All present covered execute hand salute - others, civilian salute, as the Colors are retired) COMMANDANT:

The Chaplain will lead us in prayer.

CHAPLAIN: (As to your religious preference, Uncover) Supreme Commandant, we humbly beseech Thee to bless what good we have accomplished and forgive that which we have done amiss. As we separate to go our several ways, we commit ourselves to Thy loving care. Amen. (Cover) COMMANDANT:

Senior Vice Commandant, perform the last duty of your post.

SENIOR VICE COMMANDANT: Marines the _________________________ Detachment/Department thanks you for your attendance, and requests you to secure new members, and further, that you favor us at every future meeting with your presence so far as your circumstances will permit. COMMANDANT: Sergeant-at-Arms, declare this meeting of the ______________________________ Detachment/Department, Marine Corps League officially closed. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: By authority of the Commandant of __________________________________ Detachment/Department, Marine Corps League, I declare this meeting officially closed until (date of next meeting) when it will be reopened for the transaction of official business. COMMANDANT:

(Gives one rap of the gavel) Meeting adjourned.

note: In case of any Officer being a female, the Officer should be addressed as MADAM OR MADAM COMMANDANT, as appropriate. note: It shall be every members responsibility to assist the Sergeant-at-Arms in stowing all Detachment/Departments gear and supplies until the next schedule meeting.

ADDITIONAL RITUALS Regular Members - Initiation Ceremony Associate Members - Initiation Ceremony Ritual of Installation Order for Religious Funeral Service At the Cemetery Presentation of Charter (Detachment/Department) March

Oath of Membership - Regular Members Oath of Membership - Associate Members Oath for Installation of Officers Code for Funeral Assistance Memorial Day Service The Marines’ Hymn (All Three Versus) 12

Uniforms Standards — Professional Development Program 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.

asual C  Undress  Women’s Casual  Formal Red Blazer  Formal Mess – Blue Trousers. Red NCO Stripe  Formal Mess – Tux Trousers

Uniform Nomenclature •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

lain Black Socks P  Highly Shined Smooth Toe Black Lace-up Oxford Shoes  Plain Black Tie (Field Scarf ) (long sleeve shirt only)  Marine Corps or Marine Corps League gold tie Bar  Black Standard or Pleated Trousers  Blue Trousers with NCO Stripe  Marine Corps Web Belt and Brass Buckle  Black Belt and Square Gold Buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem  Black Tuxedo Trousers  White T-shirt  White Shirt w/epaulets, 2 breast pockets w/button flaps, short sleeve  White Shirt, standard collar   Formal pleated shirt with a standard collar and no ruffles  Military Bow Tie – Black  Ribbons (DOD or MCL, Do Not Mix), Wing and Badges. Long or Short sleeve shirts.  Marine Corps black field scarf and Marine Corps or Marine Corps League  Gold Cuff Links and Gold Studs  Gold Tie Bar  Red Blazer  Red Mess Jacket  Black Nylons  Black Pumps  Women’s white blouse that is worn with the USMC Dress Blues  Black cross over (Marine Corps Style) tie  Plain Black “A” line skirt  Marine Corps League Cover

Notes:    White Gloves (Members participating in Memorial Services and who are in MCL  Uniform may wear White Gloves, at the discretion of the Senior Officer in charge of  the detail).    White Duty Belt (May be worn by a member while performing duty as Sgt-at-Arms  or Color/Honor Guard, with the Undress Uniform, short sleeve shirts. The belt shall  be the standard plain 3” white cotton or web belt with brass MC waist plate with  Marine Corps Emblem (plain waist plate for Associates) no Marine Corps Emblem.  Refer to enclosure #3 change @17-11 for details.

Standard Marine Corps League Cover The Standard MCL cover is the minimum uniform item worn by members to be  considered “in uniform”. While wearing the Marine Corps League Cover, you are  considered in uniform and underarms. In an opinion given by the then standing National  Chaplain, Ort Fultz, “It is worn indoors and our at all times, even in church. The cover is  removed only during prayer, as to your religious preference. During prayer, remove your  cover and place it over your heart.” •   The Standard MCL Cover is the single most important part of the uniform, without  which, no other part is authorized to be worn. The cover and all attachments are  purchased through the Marine Corps League. •   All members of the league are authorized to wear the red MCL cover. Members  elected or appointed to Department Offices are authorized to wear the red with  gold crown cover. Members elected or appointed to National Staff or Committees  are authorized to wear the gold cover. Past National Commandants are authorized  to wear the gold with white crown cover. The National Commandant is authorized to  wear the white cover. Past Department Commandant, Past Detachment Commandant, Past Kennel Chief of  the Military Order of Devil Dogs and Past National Director of Young Marines, with the  years displayed for holding that office, are the only members who are authorized to wear  their respective covers after their tour of duty is completed. All other personnel will  revert back to what they were wearing before they wear elected or appointed to office,  removing past office identification strips.

Male and Female Covers

No Pins on Covers Pins, ornaments, or ribbons are not authorized for wear on the MCL cover. Nothing goes on the Basic Cover, except the Marine Corps Emblem on the left side and  approved identification strips or embroidering on the right side. The Marine Corps  Emblem should be the solid gold emblem, not a Marine officer’s gold and silver emblem.  Identification strips should be worn to indicate “current” offices only, except as authorized  by the Uniform Code for “Past Commandants”. “Past Commandants” may be embroidered as this is a lifetime title. It must be small  enough, as to covered by a strip denoting any current office held. If a strip is worn to denote current office, it will be worn above the detachment name  and centered. The “LIFE” strip should be worn to the rear of the right side. The “LIFE  MEMBER” strip should be worn the same as the identification strips worn. That is, centered  on the right side of the cover.

No Pins on Covers The “LIFE” and “LIFE MEMBER” strips are two different strips. Tradition is that “LIFE MEMBER” strip would be worn above other strips, such as a  current officer strip. Although it is not spelled out in the Uniform Code. the detachment name should be  embroidered on the right side, ½” to ¾” up from the bottom of the cover, centered left to right and abbreviated, if need be. Contact your Detachment about having the  detachment’s name embroidered on your cover.

Casual Uniform Red Blazer •   The red blazer is available from the Semper Fi store at Marine Corps League  Headquarters or the Marine Shop in Quantico, VA. See your Detachment Paymaster  about ordering this item. All attached items are ordered through the Marine Corps  League, see your Detachment Paymaster on how to order these items. The buttons  the blazer comes with must be removed and in their place Marine Corps League  buttons sewn. There will be two buttons for the front and three on each sleeve. MCL Crest •   The metallic embroidered Marine Corps League Crest is worn on the left breast  pocket, about ¼” below the lower half of the pocket cuff centered on the pocket.  The commercially sold pocket crest, with the MC Emblem, Marine Corps League Seal

permanently set onto the plastic sleeve, or the embroidered MC League crest that is  permanently embroidered on the pocket itself, may also be worn as optional wear.  No Blazer Crest / Bullion Seal will be worn by Associates members, unless one is  designed and approved by a National Convention.

Red Blazer or Evening Dress Jacket Lapel Pins The MCL Member, MCL Life Member, 5 Year, 10 Yea, etc., pins are worn in the left lapel  button hole. Other pins are also authorized, but never more than two (2) at a time, on the  left lapel. The Past National Commandant pin may be worn inboard with the National Marine of  the Year outboard. National Marine of the Year pin may be worn inboard, with a Past Department or  Detachment Commandant, or other Member pin outboard. Kennel Devil Dog of the Year Pin may be worn outboard of the National Marine of the  Year Pin. The Chapel of Four Chaplains, MCL Membership, or retired Marine lapel pins,  may also be worn. (Although there are several types of MCL membership pins,  i.e. Past Commandant, Life Membership, Five Year, Ten Year membership, etc., only one  MCL Membership pin should be worn.) Ordained Ministers or Chaplains may wear a  symbol of their religion, of the size approved by DOD. The medal and ribbon presented by  the Chapel of Four Chaplains may be worn around the neck with this uniform. It should  be worn over top of the neck tie. Name Tags The name tag is not to be worn with this uniform. Sunburst insignias are never to be  worn with the red blazer. Miniature medals, ribbons, and badges are not to be worn on  the red blazer, except when the blazer is worn as an optional jacket of the Formal  Uniform, and then miniature medals may be worn or a maximum of three large Medals.  The Formal Uniform will be discussed below.

Casual Uniform The White Shirt This outlines the shirt to be worn with the “Casual”, or red blazer uniform. The shirt can be either long sleeve or short sleeve, but must be plain whit in color. This shirt can be purchased at any clothing store. The shirt should have a plain collar. It will not be the “aviator” style shirt worn with the undress Uniform. Sunburst insignias are not worn with the “Casual” uniform. Ribbons and Badges are not  to be worn with the “Casual” uniform. •   No devices, pins, badges or patches of any kind are to be worn with the “Casual”  uniform. Just the shirt, field scarf, and prescribed tie bar. NOTHING MORE! *Note: The Maine of the Year Neck Ribbon with medallion may be worn.

The Black Trousers Black trousers with a black belt and square gold buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem  are to be worn with the Casual Uniform. The belt can either be the wide leather belt or the  narrow dress belt. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle with the  Marine Corps Emblem on it. Both are available through The Semper Fi Store at National.  The narrow dress belt with the smaller buckle, also having the Marine Corps Emblem,  satisfies the black dress belt option. •   See you Detachment Paymaster about how to order these items. The trousers are  purchased at any clothing store. The bottom of the cuff, should just reach the top of  the heel sole of the shoes. •   Dress blue trousers with red strip are not authorized with the casual uniform. •   Sans a belt trousers with red stripe are not authorized with the Casual Uniform. The Black Field Scarf and Clack Shoes The field scarf should be a plain flat black tie with a Marine Corps League or Marine  Corps gold tie bar. The field scarf is available at any clothing, store, but the tie bar is  purchased through the Marine Corps League or you may wear the Marine Corps issued  gold tie bar. No other tie bar is authorized. No tie tacks, no field scarf colors other than  black, and no embroidered or other designs on the field scarf are authorized. Just a  simple, plain, black, field scarf. A clip on field scarf may be worn, or it using a regular field  scarf, a four in hand knot is recommended. Shoes The shoes should be black leather oxfords, either Corfam© type, or highly shined. The  uppers on the toes should be flat leather, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles may be  worn. Black socks, shall ne worn. No taps are authorized.

Undress Uniform The Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve Undress Uniforms will be discussed here. There’s more to the Undress Uniform than just taking off your red blazer. The Dress Blue  trousers with red NCO strip may be worn with the Undress Uniform, along with the Marine Corps Khaki web belt and brass buckle. It should be pointed out that the Dress  Blue trousers have the red NCO strip, not the wider Officers strip. The Black Trousers may be worn as an option with the Undress Uniform, having the  same belt and buckle options as with the Casual Uniform. The same shoes and socks are worn with the Undress Uniform, as with the Casual  Uniform. Sunburst insignia (anchor facing inboard) and ribbons are worn the same as the long  sleeve shirt. The optional name tag is worn the same way as with the long sleeve shirt.

Sleeve The Long Sleeve Undress Uniform shirt will be an aviator style shirt with two (2)  button down breast pockets and shoulder epaulets. It will have a military crease running  top to bottom, centered on each pocket and three creases on the back. The Marine Corps  League Shoulder Patch is worn on the left shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-½” down  from the shoulder seam. The Field Forward American Flag or Devil Dog patch will be worn  on the right shoulder, centered on the crease, 1-½” down from the shoulder seam. The Short Sleeve Undress Uniform is the same as the long sleeve Except in length. It  has the same pockets, shoulder epaulets, creases and patches. The top most button is left  open and a tie is never worn with the short sleeve Undress Uniform shirt. The dress blue  trousers with red NCO strip are to be worn with this uniform, the black trousers are an option. The same belts and belt options are worn with the short sleeve Undress Uniform  as with the long sleeve Undress Uniform. Sunburst Insignias The Sunburst Insignias are worn on each collar, centered, ½” from both edges, with the  eagles wings parallel to the deck. The anchors shall face forward. The name tag may be worn above the right breast pocket, centered and 1/8” above the  top flap. Either Marine Corps League ribbons and Department of Defence ribbons can not  be mixed. Ribbons are to be worn in rows not exceeding four (4) ribbons per row. If the  top row has fewer ribbons than the lower rows, they are to be centered on the lower rows. Black Field Scarf The black field scarf with either the Marine Corps or Marine Corps League gold tie bar  (no open collar with the long sleeve shirt).

The Formal Uniform The Formal Uniform will consist of the Basic Cover, as with all other uniforms. The shirt  will be a formal pleated shirt wit a standard collar and no ruffles. The tie will be a black,  military bow tie. The shirt will have gold cuff links and gold studs. The Chapel of Four Chaplains medal may be worn with this uniform as an option and  the Marine Corps League Red Blazer Crest or Bullion is optional when miniature medals  are worn. The red mess jacket is worn with this uniform, but the red blazer may be worn as an  option, due to the high cost of the red mess jacket, which is ordered through an outside  clothier. If the red mess jacket is worn, it will be a medium weight gabardine material with  Marine Corps League buttons, a gold waist chain and the Sunburst Insignias in locating  holes in the jacket collar. The buttons are sewn on, three to a sleeve and three on either  side of the waist as illustrated. •   A gold cummerbund or gold vest front can be worn with either jacket. They are both  sold through National.

•  B   lue trousers with NCO stripe or Black Tuxedo trousers are worn with the Evening  Dress jacket, but black trousers are an accepted option. The belt and buckle can be  either of the belts worn with the Casual Uniform •   When wearing the Red Evening Dress jacket, large medals may not be worn. When  wearing the red blazer, miniature medals are authorized as described below, or up to  three large medals may be worn. •   Shoes and socks are the same as the Casual Uniform.

Women’s Cover The Standard Cover is to be worn with the Marine Corps Emblem on the left side.  Officer strips, LIFE and LIFE MEMBER strips and the detachment name embroidery is the  same as the men’s Standard Cover. Enclosure 3 doesn’t state that the cover be a woman’s cover, so it is assumed that either  the Standard Women’s Cover or the Standard Men’s Cover may be worn. All these items  are available through the Marine Corps League. Women’s Shirts The long sleeve or shirt sleeve white shirt with shoulder epaulets, military creases and  two (2) button down breast pockets similar to the men’s shirt, is worn. An option is the women’s white blouse that is worn with the USMC Dress Blues. Either  Marine Corps League ribbons or Department of Defence ribbons and badges may be  worn, but not mixed. With the long sleeve version of this uniform, either the black cross over (Marine Corps  Style) tie - OR - black field scarf with Marine Corps or Marine Corps League gold tie bar will  be worn. A plain black “A” line skirt or black slacks are worn the same as with the Casual Uniform.  When the trousers are worn, the same belts that are authorized with the Casual Uniform  may be worn.

Women’s Undress Uniform Dress blue trousers with red NCO strip may be worn, with Marine Corps web belt and  plain brass buckle with Marine Corps Emblem, plain buckle for Associate members (no  Marine Corps Emblem), when in Color/Honor Guard. Black nylon hosiery and a black, plain toe, closed pump are worn with this uniform. When wearing trousers, plain toe, black oxfords are worn. Earrings Earrings may be worn with the Undress, Casual and Formal Uniforms. They must either  be small, round, white pearl (or pearl like), or gold earrings, not to exceed 9 mm in size.  When worn, earrings will fit tight against the lobe of the ear and will nor extend below the  earlobe.

Women’s Casual Uniform The Women’s Casual Uniform will consist of the red blazer. with the buttons arranged as  is on the men’s Casual Uniform OR the Women’s red blazer which is fitted differently and  the front buttons are on the opposite side, from the men’s red blazer. Both are available through the Semper Fi store or the Marine Shop. The Associate Member  is not to wear the Marine Corps Emblem. This emblem is highly  honored by all Marines and only those who earn it, may wear it.

Associate Members Uniform The regulations for Associate Member Uniforms are the same as regular members,  except as follows - the Marine Corps Emblem on the basic cover is replaced with a  Sunburst Insignia with forward facing Anchor. Crest, Sunburst, American Flag and Marine Corps League Patch for Associate Members On the Casual Uniform, the Crest or Bullion Seal is not worn. •   The Sunburst Insignias on the Undress Uniform is replaced with ½” x ½” gold Marine  Corps League Insignias. •   The field forward American Flag patch is worn on the right shoulder and the Marine  Corps League Patch with an Associate Rocker attached at the bottom will be worn  on the left sleeve. •   They are to be worn in the same way as prescribed on the Regular Members Undress  Uniforms. Dress blue trousers may be worn, but without the red NCO strip.

Mounting of Medals When more than one medal is worn, they shall be suspended from a holding bar of  metal or other material or sufficient stiffness to support the weight of the medals. When eleven (11) medals or more are worn, there will be five (5) medals on the first row,  and six (6) medals on the second row (medallions cannot be even top to bottom). One to ten medals can be mounted on one (1) row. In the case of Marine Corps League issued medals only, in lieu of overlapping  mini-medal mounting, the commercially available mini-medal mounting bards, which  display the mini-medals in rows of four (or rows of five, when five, ten, fifteen or twenty  are worn), partial additional rows of one, two or three mini-medals, without overlapping,  may be worn.

Description of Medals, Ribbons, Awards, Pins and Who May Authorize





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The Marines’ Hymn “From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country’s battles In the air, on land, and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine. Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job The United States Marines. Here’s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we’ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven’s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines

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