Arcana Unearthed - Player's Guide - 3.5e

Page 25


Character Name: Type

Player Name: Race:



Hero Points:

ABILITY SCORES Ability Score Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma




Base Save

Ability Misc. + Modifier + Modifiers

Reflex (Dex)




Fortitude (Con)




Will (Wis)







= =

10 10

Armor Bonus

+ +

Initiative: Conditional AC Modifiers:

+ +

Shield Bonus

Dex Size Misc. + Modifier + Modifier + Modifiers + + +


Hit Points Current Hit Points Subdual Damage Dying Dead


Base Str Size Attack + Modifier + Modifier + + Weapon Unarmed

Ranged Attack


Base = Attack = Damage

Dex Size + Modifier + Modifier + +

Critical B

Type ©2003 Monte J. Cook. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.

Melee Attack

CLASS ABILITIES Unarmed Strike: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when fighting unarmed. Flurry of Blows: Make one extra attack in a round at your highest base attack, but this attack and every other attack made that round suffers a –2 penalty.

Eschew Food (Ex): You no longer need to eat. Shattering Blow (Su): Ignore points of a creature’s DR or object hardness. Requires a full attack action. Evasion (Ex): No damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save. Fast Movement (Ex/Su): Speed is now feet. (This ability does not apply when you wear armor.) Supernatural at 10th level. Throw Object (Ex): Can use any object you can lift above head as a ranged (thrown) weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Lesser Adaptation (Ex): Ignore ongoing damaging environmental effects of up to 1 point of damage/round. Refuse Fatigue (Ex): Never feel the effects of fatigue. Refuse Fear (Ex): Immune to fear and fear effects. Objects as Weapons (Ex): You can use any object you can lift above your head as a melee weapon. Shattering Strike (Lesser/Greater) (Su): Unarmed strikes ignore points of a creature’s DR or object hardness. Eschew Water (Ex): No longer need water to survive. Refuse Wounds (Su): Can cure up to hp/day. Oathpower (Su): +2 competency bonus on all Balance, Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Sneak, Swim, and Tumble checks. Refuse Poison or Disease (Su): Immune to poison and diseases of all kinds. Eschew Air (Ex): You no longer need to breathe. Greater Adaptation (Ex): Can ignore any circumstance penalties placed on attack and damage rolls, checks, or saves due to the environmental conditions of an area and ignore ongoing damaging effects of up to 10 points of damage/round. 10 rounds.

Eschew Sleep (Ex): You no longer need to sleep. Refuse Hindrances (Su): Immune to blinding attacks, deafening attacks, paralysis, stunning, nausea, and daze effects. Refuse Spells (Su): SR Eschew Aging (Ex): You no longer suffer ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Refuse Debilitation (Ex): Not subject to ability score damage or energy drain. Oathstrike (Su): Can make an unarmed blow that acts as a coup de grace against an opponent, even one who is not helpless. This is a full-round action. 1/week

True Adaptation (Ex): Reduces by 4 all circumstance penalties to attack and damage rolls, checks, and saves; ignores ongoing damaging effects of up to 10 points of damage/round. Refuse Mortality (Su): You become an outsider and gain damage reduction 20/+1.


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