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Malefi c Properties

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Murderous Intent [Vile]

Your favored enemies fear your savagery and inhumanity.


Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +9, favored enemy (any one).

Benefit: Choose one creature of a type or subtype you have selected as a favored enemy. As a full-round action, you can make a single melee attack against the chosen creature. If you deal at least 1 point of damage, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). On a failure, it is overcome with dread and can take only a move action or a standard action on its next turn. You automatically confi rm any critical threats made against a favored enemy.

Reflexive Psychosis [Vile, Deformity]

In the face of adversity, you withdraw into the haunted corridors of your mind.

Prerequisite: Deformity (Madness).

Benefi t: As an immediate action, you can gain damage reduction 5/— for 1 round. After using this ability, you are confused until the end of your next turn.

Slave to Evil [Vile]

You have pledged your soul to an elder evil. You gain benefits that grow more powerful as your master’s sign intensifies.

Prerequisite: Chosen of Evil.

Benefi t: You gain an aura of evil as if you were an evil outsider (see detect evil, PH 218). Whenever you are the target of an evil spell, decrease all variable numeric effects of the spell to their minimum possible values. In addition, your abilities increase with the intensity of your master’s sign. All effects are cumulative. Faint: You gain a +2 profane bonus on saves against divine spells. Moderate: You gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against divine spellcasters. Strong: You gain spell resistance equal to 11 + your character level against divine spells. If you already have spell resistance, it increases by 5 against divine magic. Overwhelming: All divine spells cast within 30 feet of you are impeded, meaning that a divine spellcaster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose the spell or spell slot with no effect.

Thrall to Demon [Vile]

You formally become a supplicant to a demon lord. In return for your obedience, you gain a small measure of that demon lord’s power.

Prerequisite: Chaotic evil alignment.

Benefi t: Once per day, while performing an evil act, you can call upon your demonic patron and gain a +1 luck bonus on any one attack roll, saving throw, ability check, skill check, or level check.

Vile Ki Strike [Vile]

You can focus evil power into your unarmed strike. Prerequisite: Cha 15, Improved Unarmed Strike. Benefi t: Each time you deal damage with your unarmed strike, you deal an extra 1 point of vile damage. Vile Martial Strike [Vile]

You can focus evil power into your weapon blows. Prerequisite: Cha 15, Weapon Focus with the specifi ed weapon. Benefi t: Each time you deal damage with a specifi c kind of weapon, you deal an extra 1 point of vile damage. Special: You can take this feat more than once, selecting a different weapon each time.

Vile Natural Attack [Vile]

You can focus evil power into your natural attacks. Prerequisite: Natural attack that deals at least 1d8 points of damage, base attack bonus +5. Benefi t: Each time you deal damage with your natural attack, you deal an extra 1 point of vile damage.


Elder evils are capable of incredible destruction. They wield devastating magic and possess an arsenal of potent attacks to work their wickedness. But such power alone offers little defense against the gods and their servants. Malefi c properties are their safeguard against divine interference. A malefi c property is a supernatural ability, intrinsic to the very nature of an elder evil. An antimagic fi eld can suppress its effect within a small area, but doing so requires a successful caster level check (1d20 + caster level) to overcome the elder evil’s spell resistance. Dispel magic and greater dispel magic have no effect against a malefi c property. A malefi c property affects an enormous area and might infl uence an entire world, depending on the power of the elder evil as measured by its Hit Dice.

Hit Dice Radius of Infl uence

15 or fewer 10 miles 16–30 100 miles 31–50 1,000 miles 51+ Worldwide

All elder evils have anathematic secrecy (see below), which shields them from divination spells by divine casters. Each elder evil has one additional malefic property, chosen from the list that follows, as appropriate to its nature. The sample elder evils provided in this book can guide you in deciding on a suitable malefic property for one of your own design.

Malefi c Properties

Property Benefi t

Anathematic secrecy Immune to all divine divination spells and effects Dark visiting Send nightmares that deal Wisdom damage Discord and woe Incite killing rage in living creatures Divine enervation Prevent divine casters from regaining spells Divine scourge Burst of corrupt energy sickens and deals vile damage to divine casters and extraplanar creatures Impervious to Immune to all divine magic the divine True death Dead creatures can never be raised

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