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Janwulf the Soulbiter

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Soelma Nilaenish CR 18

hp 104 (18 HD) Female elf wizard 7/loremaster 10/rogue 1 NE Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven,


Giant, Gnome, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan AC 20, touch 19, fl at-footed 16 Immune mind-affecting spells and abilities, magic sleep effects Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +12; +2 against enchantments Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +3 unholy rapier of spell storing +10/+5 (1d6–1 plus 2d6 against good/18–20) Base Atk +8; Grp +7 Atk Options sneak attack +1d6 Special Actions Deformity (madness), Refl exive Psychosis Combat Gear 3 potions of cure serious wounds, potion of lesser restoration, potion of neutralize poison, potion of protection from good Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 17th): 9th—crushing fi st of spiteBoVD (DC 27) 8th—greater shout (DC 24), Otto’s irresistible dance 7th—ghostformCAr, reverse gravity, whirlwind of teethBoVD (DC 23) 6th—chain lightning (DC 22), greater dispel magic, mislead (DC 22), summon monster VI, true seeing 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 21), cloudkill (DC 21), friend to foePH2 (DC 21), greater blinkCAr, greater fireburstCAr (DC 21) 4th—bestow curse (DC 20), burning bloodCAr, greater invisibility, stoneskin, wall of fire 3rd—drownBoVD (DC 19), evil eyeBoVD (DC 19), greater mage armorCAr, vampiric touch, vertigo fieldPH2 (DC 19) 2nd—cat’s grace, darkness, electric vengeancePH2, mirror image (2), resist energy (2) 1st—bestow woundBoVD (DC 17), mage armor, magic missile (2), shield, true strike 0—ghost sound (DC 16), mage hand, prestidigitation, resistance Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 22, Wis 7, Cha 12 SQ dodge trick (loremaster secret; +1 dodge bonus to AC), trapfi nding Feats Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Deformity (madness)B, Forge Ring, Improved ToughnessLM, Maximize SpellB, Quicken Spell, Refl exive Psychosis, Scribe

ScrollB,Willing Deformity Skills Bluff +22, Concentration +22, Decipher Script +26,

Diplomacy +3, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Gather Information +21, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (history) +26, Listen +0, Search +13, Spellcraft +28,

Survival –2 (+0 following tracks) Possessions combat gear plus +3 spell storing unholy rapier, bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +5, boots of the winterlands, 6 potions of undetectable alignment

“The world is impure. Join me, and together we shall lead the righteous into a new era of purity!”

—Janwulf the Soulbiter

For the fi rst time, all the cults of Zoretha are united as one and functioning coherently toward a common purpose. This unity is due to the cunning leadership of a frost giant known as Janwulf the Soulbiter. Janwulf (who invented his moniker himself) rules the cultists with an iron fi st, leading them on raids of surrounding settlements and actively recruiting new members.


Janwulf has no desire to destroy the world, nor any real intention to awaken the Hulks. His worshipful speech and behavior is a ruse to get him what he really wants—more power. Indeed, Janwulf believes that a hopeless religion constructed around the worship of a false god is perfect for amassing a multitude of blindly loyal followers to do his bidding. Ideally, he hopes to start his own empire.


Janwulf should appear to be utterly devoted to the Hulks of Zoretha. However, since all he is really doing is manipulating cultists to his will, he rarely takes actual steps toward waking the Hulks. Janwulf is wary of Soelma Nilaenish when she approaches him about her plans. He will never work to help her, and she knows it. Janwulf uses his bard spells, fake magic jewelry, and pipes of sounding to mimic divine spellcasting and communication with the Hulks. He prefers to conquer through intimidation rather than actual combat.


Handsome and charming for a frost giant, Janwulf has always been a good speaker and an ambitious dreamer. Something of a bully and braggart as well, Janwulf has proven himself to be a persuasive leader with a talent for self-promotion. Knowing that he would never have the combat ability necessary to rule other frost giants, the undaunted Janwulf simply moved on to smaller folk until he came across the cultists of Zoretha. A combination of charm and intimidation managed to convince them that he was chosen by the Hulks to lead the world into the next age. Janwulf is civilized and well dressed as frost giants go. He keeps himself clean and groomed, and he has a great appreciation for civilized luxury of all kinds.

Janwulf the Soulbiter CR 15

hp 226 (25 HD) Male frost giant bard 11 NE Large giant (cold) Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +12 Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Orc AC 26, touch 14, fl at-footed 24; Immune cold Resist 75% chance that critical hits and sneak attacks deal normal damage Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +13 Weakness vulnerability to fi re Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Melee+2 keen greataxe +26/+21/+16/+11 (3d6+11/19–20×3) or Melee 2 slams +23 each (1d4+6) Ranged rock +23 (2d6+6) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Base Atk +18; Grp +28 Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved

Sunder, Power Attack

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