3 minute read
Marcus Hape
from Elder Evils - 3.5e
Illus. by M. Coimbra
Special Actions Profane Boost, rebuke undead 6/day (+1, 2d6+15, 16th) Combat Gear band of protection +5 (equivalent to ring), band of armor +6 (equivalent to bracers), lavender and green ioun stone (50 spell levels remaining), major cloak of displacement, pearly white ioun stone Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 16th, +5 to DC of spells cast against lawful opponents): 8th—corrupt mass inflict serious wounds (DC 23), cloak of chaosD , greater planar ally 7th—blasphemy, corrupt harm (DC 22), corrupt mass inflict moderate wounds (DC 22), planar ally, word of chaosD 6th—corrupt mass inflict light wounds (DC 21), poxD FC1 (DC 22), summon monster VI 5th—corrupt inflict critical wounds (DC 20), dispel lawD , greater command (DC 19), slay living (DC 19), summon monster V 4th—corrupt inflict serious wounds (DC 19), lesser planar ally, morality undoneD FC1 (DC 20), poison, summon monster IV 3rd—aid, contagionD (DC 19), corrupt inflict moderate wounds (DC 18), desecrate, enthrall (DC 17), resist energy, summon monster II 2nd—bane (DC 16), blindness/deafnessD (DC 15), cause fear (DC 16), corrupt inflict light wounds (DC 17), doom (DC 16), entropic shield, shield of faith 1st—corrupt infl ict minor wounds (DC 16), doomD (DC 15) 0—detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds (DC 14), read magic, resistance, virtue D: Domain spell. Deity: Demogorgon. Domains: Chaos,
CorruptionFC1 . Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 8 Feats Combat Casting, Corrupt SpellCD, Dodge, Extra
Turning, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
Attack (bite), Iron Will, Malign Spell FocusBoVD ,
Profane BoostCD Skills Concentration +8 (+12 casting defensively), Hide +2, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (religion) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +4, Move
Silently +6, Spellcraft +18, Spot +12, Swim +13, Tumble +7 Possessions combat gear plus periapt of Wisdom +3, wand of polymorph (30 charges), Abyssal Shard (see sidebar) Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by
Axihuatl’s bite attack gain one negative level (Fortitude DC 9 to remove). For each negative level bestowed,
Axihuatl gains 5 temporary hit points.
Temporary hit points last for 24 hours, and Axihuatl can gain only a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to his normal hit point total. Profane Boost Axihuatl can spend a rebuke attempt to place a negative energy aura on one creature within 60 feet. Infl ict spells cast on the target before the end of Axihuatl’s next turn are automatically maximized. Axihuatl can use this feat up to six times per day, usually in association with his corrupt infl ict spells. MARCUS HAPE “How may I serve the Prince of Demons?” —Marcus Hape Axihuatl’s plan to drown the world suits Demogorgon just fi ne, since it aids his ixitxachitl worshipers as well as his demonic ally Dagon. The ixitxachitl’s plans require the assistance of surface dwellers, and Demogorgon has commanded his minion Marcus Hape to assist Axihuatl in any way possible.
GOALS Marcus lives only to serve Demogorgon. He has placed himself in thrall to the Prince of Demons and hopes that his master will eventually reward him for his faithful service. He views the opportunity to aid Axihuatl with enthusiasm; Marcus believes that by playing a role in the destruction of civilization, he will show himself to be Demogorgon’s most valuable minion. He secretly hopes that his prince will preserve a small amount of land after the deluge so that he can continue to serve Demogorgon as the absolute ruler of the surviving surface-dwellers. USING MARCUS Marcus knows “Enshaddon’s” true identity and obeys him without question. He leads a group of assassins and rogues directed to destroy the PCs and tries to sabotage their plans whenever possible. If desperate, Marcus attacks the characters directly. If he survives these encounters, he will be with Axihuatl’s cultists during the confrontation inside the Spine Temple. DESCRIPTION Once a handsome, aspiring actor, Marcus Hape fell in with a bad crowd of decadents and “sophisticates” who claimed to worship the forces of darkness. His friends were nothing more than poseurs, but Marcus eventually fell into the clutches of the true cult of Demogorgon and took up life as an assassin. Today, Marcus does his master’s bidding in the hope that he will one day receive his “rightful” reward from the forces of darkness. He retains some of his actor’s good looks, with wavy black hair and a small, neat beard, but the left side of his face is badly scarred, leaving his eye a dead, milky white—the self-inflicted symbol of his devotion to Demogorgon. Marcus Hape