7 minute read
Changes to the Rules
from Ghostwalk - 3.5e
The nature of ghosts means that some aspects of the D&D rules work differently in the Ghostwalk campaign setting.
Some of the standard classes have additional features, as follows.
Bard: Knowledge (ghost lore) is a class skill.
Cleric: Knowledge (ghost lore) is a class skill.
Druid: A druid who is a ghost can use wild shape to take the form of an animal or an elemental. A druid’s animal form has the ghost template, but an elemental form does not.
Ranger: Rangers may select ghost as a subtype of outsider for their favored enemy. They may also select yuan-ti as a favored enemy, with their bonus applying to yuan-ti of all kinds.
Wizard: Knowledge (ghost lore) is a class skill.
Some spells have special aspects or properties in the
Ghostwalk campaign setting, as follows.
Alter Self: An incorporeal ghost can use this spell to appear as a different kind of incorporeal creature.
Animate Dead: If this spell is cast on the body of a creature that is a ghost, the ghost has no special awareness of the violation of its body. If the undead creature is destroyed, the remains may still be used as the ghost’s body when being restored to life.
Antilife Shell: This spell does not prevent the entrance of ghosts.
Analyze Dweomer: In addition to its normal functions, this spell automatically reveals a magic weapon’s current and previous names.
Antipathy: Ghost is an acceptable creature type for this spell.
Change Self: A living creature can use this spell to appear as a semitransparent ghost. A ghost can use this spell to appear as a normal living creature.
Clone: This spell can create a clone of a ghost, but if the original is still alive (whether as a ghost or a living creature), the clone is merely ectoplasm that fades after 10 minutes unless preserved.
Create Food and Water: This spell can be used to create ectoplasm instead of food. It creates 1 cubic foot of ectoplasm per level of the cleric. One cubic foot of ectoplasm weighs approximately 100 pounds.
Create Greater Undead: As create undead (see below).
Create Undead: If this spell is cast on the body of a creature that is a ghost, the ghost has no special awareness of the violation of its body. If the undead creature is destroyed, the remains may still be used as the ghost’s body when being restored to life.
Death Knell: Although this spell draws on the ebbing life force of a creature, it does not prevent the creature from appearing on the Ethereal Plane or becoming a ghost.
Dismissal: If used successfully on a ghost, this spell sends it to the True Afterlife.
Etherealness: This spell can be used to reach the True Afterlife, but none who have done so have returned. Gate: This spell can be used to reach the True
Afterlife, but none who have done so have returned. Greater Planar Binding: This spell and other spells in its chain can be used to call and bind ghosts, regardless of what plane the ghost is on. Gentle Repose: A gentle repose spell used on the remains of a slain ghost preserves it as if it were a normal corpse. Its ectoplasm does not decay into nothingness as long as the spell is in effect. The spell can also be used to preserve an object made of ectoplasm, affecting a single target of up to 50 pounds in weight. GreaterPlanar Ally: As lesser planar ally (see below). Identify: This spell reveals a magic weapon’s current and previous names.
Legend Lore:This spell reveals a magic weapon’s current and previous names if the item is on hand or if the caster has detailed information about the item. If the caster has only vague rumors (including just one of the weapon’s names), the spell usually reveals one of the weapon’s other names in addition to its other effects.
LesserPlanar Ally: This spell can be used to call ghosts from the True Afterlife.
Magic Jar: This spell cannot be used on ghosts. A ghost who uses this spell has her ghost body and her ghost touch equipment vanish when it is cast, reforming near the magic jar when the duration expires or the caster desires to end the spell.
Major Creation: Ectoplasm counts as vegetable matter for the purpose of this spell.
Make Whole: This spell can keep an ectoplasmic object from decaying for 1 hour.
Mending: This spell can keep an ectoplasmic object from decaying for 1 minute.
Minor Creation: Ectoplasm counts as vegetable matter for the purpose of this spell.
Passwall: This spell can create a passage through an ectoplasmic barrier.
Permanency: Several spells in this book are affected by the permanency spell.
The following spell can be made permanent on the caster only.
Minimum Spell Level XP Cost
Detect ghost 9th 500 XP
The following spells can be made permanent on the caster, another creature, or an object (as appropriate).
Minimum Spell Level XP Cost
Ghost companion 11th 1,500 XP Iron bones 12th 2,000 XP Pleasant visage 9th 500 XP Stone bones 10th 1,000 XP Undead torch 11th 1,500 XP
The following spells can be made permanent on areas.
Minimum Spell Level XP Cost
Ectoplasmic web 11th 1,500 XP Ethereal alarm 10th 1,000 XP Wall of ectoplasm 11th 1,500 XP

Planar Ally: As lesser planar ally (see above).
Plane Shift: This spell can be used to reach the True Afterlife, but none who have done so have returned.
Polymorph Any Object: Ectoplasm counts as vegetable matter for the purpose of this spell.
Prestidigitation: This spell can create up to 1 pound of ectoplasm.
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: Because a ghost who returns to the Material Plane under its own power is not a summoned or conjured creature, such a ghost is not affected by the third effect of this spell.
Purify Food and Drink: This spell can be cast on ectoplasm, delaying its dissolution for another 10 minutes.One cubic foot of ectoplasm weighs approximately 100 pounds.
Raise Dead: This spell can be used to restore a slain ghost to life (as a ghost) if any of its ghost body’s ectoplasm remains. If used on the physical body of a slain ghost (to restore the person fully to life), the time spent as a ghost does not count toward the time limit for this spell (so a person that died one month ago but spent all that time as a ghost could still be restored to life with this spell).
Reincarnate: This spell works normally and does not cause the target to lose a level or a point of Constitution. If used on the ectoplasmic remains of a ghost, it works normally, reincarnating the ghost as a living creature with a physical body. Resurrection: As raise dead (see above).
Soul Bind: This spell may be cast upon a newly formed ghost as long as it has spent no more than 1 round per caster level on the Material Plane (time spent in transition on the Ethereal Plane does not count toward this time limit).
Speak with Dead: This spell does not work on living ghosts, but works normally if cast upon a slain ghost’s ectoplasmic remains.
Sympathy: Ghost is an acceptable creature type for this spell.
True Resurrection: As raise dead (see above).

Some magic items have special aspects or properties in the Ghostwalk campaign setting, as follows.
Bag of Holding: Because it does not need to breathe or eat, a ghost can live indefinitely within the nondimensional space created by this item.
Brilliant Energy Weapons: These items deal damage to ghosts.
Ghost Touch Armor: In the Ghostwalk campaign, ghost touch armors are much more common and easier to create. They have the same abilities as the ghost touch armor presented in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide, but the market price is a +1 bonus instead of a +3 bonus. A character wishing to create ghost touch armor may use the etherealness spell or the ghost touch armor spell as a prerequisite. Heward’s Handy Haversack: Because it does not need to breathe or eat, a ghost can live indefinitely within the nondimensional space created by this item, assuming the ghost can fit into one of the spaces. Iron Flask: A ghost can be captured with this item. Necklace of Strangulation: Although a ghost does not need to breathe, the constriction from this item still deals damage to a ghost wearer and can kill a manifested ghost. Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments: This item can be used to create ectoplasm or ectoplasmic items. The time limit for