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day. Every morning at sunrise the pouch magically creates another day’s worth of rations. Faint conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund’s secret chest; Price 350 gp.
Healing Salve: This greasy, yellow, jellylike substance comes in a jar 3 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep. A single application smeared across a wound will cure 1d8+1 points of damage (as cure light wounds). A double application will cure 2d8+3 points of damage (as cure moderate wounds). A triple application will cure 3d8+5 points of damage (as cure serious wounds). No matter how much salve is used, each application takes a standard action to apply. A single jar has enough gel for ten single applications. Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds; Price 2,250 gp; Weight 1 lb. Horn of Plenty: This horn can be blown once per week to create a heroes’ feast, as the spell, for twelve participants. Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, heroes’ feast; Price 12,960 gp. Horn, Rallying: Twice per day, this horn can be sounded in an attempt to rally troops (see page 73). Anyone wielding one of these horns gets a +10 bonus on any rally check he attempts. Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear; Price 3,600 gp. Horn of the Rider: This curved horn bears engravings of armed men on horseback, charging into battle. Three times per day, the user can attempt a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check to create one or more riders made of force energy. If the check fails, no riders are created, but it still counts as one of the horn’s daily uses. A lesser horn of the rider summons a single rider of force (as the spiritual charger spell; see page 128). Each rider has a +5 attack bonus and deals 2d8+2 points of damage. A greater horn of the rider summons three horsemen (as the spiritual cavalry spell; see page 127). Each rider has a +11 attack bonus and deals 2d8+4 points of damage. Moderate evocation (lesser) or strong evocation (greater); CL 6th (lesser) or 12th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, spiritual cavalry (greater) or spiritual charger (lesser); Price 18,000 gp (lesser) or 60,000 gp (greater). Orb of Showers: This 8-inch-diameter glass sphere is similar to, but much weaker than, the orb of storms described on page 263 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Once per week, the possessor can call upon the orb to create a rain shower in a two-mile-radius circle around him (see page 94 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for the effect of rain). The rain shower lasts for 24 hours. The orb has no effect indoors or underground. In cold climates, the orb creates sleet instead of rain. Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather; Price 15,000 gp.
Philosopher’s Wool: This thick, milky cream protects the wearer from the dangers of hot weather and from firebased attacks. To apply, the user spreads the cream over her face, neck, and any exposed flesh. Philosopher’s wool completely protects creatures from the ill effects of very hot weather (temperatures between 90° and 110° F) and provides a +5 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves made when exposed to severe heat (temperatures above 110° F).
In addition, these saving throws need only be made once per hour instead of every 10 minutes. Finally, philosopher’s wool protects a creature from up to 60 points of damage from fire-based attacks. The effects of philosopher’s wool wear off after 24 hours, or after the substance absorbs 60 points of damage from fire-based attacks. A 3-inch diameter, 1-inch deep jar of philosopher’s wool has enough cream for five applications. Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements,protection from energy; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Portable Foxhole: When placed on a flat surface, this circular piece of canvas creates a shallow pit 5 feet square and 3 feet deep. The foxhole provides cover against ranged attacks. Items left in the foxhole when it is closed end up on top of the flat surface, since the portable foxhole is not an extradimensional storage item. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, move earth; Price 5,000 gp. Scrying Beacon: This button-sized item is usually crafted of ebony or jet. If a spellcaster spends 1 minute attuning himself to the beacon, he can choose for the next clairaudience/clairvoyance spell he casts to be centered on the beacon, as long as he is within one mile of it. Once this power has been used, the beacon becomes dormant until the caster attunes himself to it again. Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Price 750 gp. STANDARDS
Standards (sometimes called banners) fly in the companies of an army. This type of wondrous item provides benefits to the unit that bears it. Unless otherwise noted, all allies of the standard-bearer within 30 feet of the standard receive the indicated benefit for as long as they can see the standard. A standard requires two hands to use, so a two-armed holder is unable to use a weapon or shield while carrying the banner. In some cases the standard is mounted on a weapon, and that weapon can be used normally in combat. A standard is an important part of a military force. Even those that are not magical provide a sense of pride and loyalty to those marching under them. They also can have important strategic value. If a standard-bearer falls during combat, any magical benefits granted by the standard cease. If the standard is not raised again by an ally within 1 round, all those who were benefiting from it must make a morale check (see page 72). If the morale rules are not being used, then followers of a fallen banner become shaken if it is not raised by an ally within 1 round (Will DC 20 negates).