2 minute read
Incarnate Weapon

Illus. by W. Reynolds

An incarnate channels good souls to form her incarnate avatar
Chakra Bind (Soul)
Your body transforms into the appearance of your incarnate avatar. There is no longer any distinction between its hands and yours, its feet and yours, its heart and yours. You are imbued with the purest essence of your alignment—it fi lls your soul and spurs you to action. At the same time, it grants you greater power to help you live out your convictions.
You gain an ability based on your alignment.
Chaos: You gain an enhancement bonus of +30 feet to your base land speed.
Evil: You can fly at a speed of 30 feet (good maneuverability).
Good: You can fly at a speed of 30 feet (good maneuverability).
Law: You gain immunity to daze, paralysis, petrification, and stun, as well as to any magical effect that would slow you.
Descriptors: Chaotic, evil, good, or lawful Classes: Incarnate Chakra: Arms Saving Throw: See text
Incarnum forms into a one-handed melee weapon that embodies your alignment. The weapon seems large for your hand, but it is balanced perfectly for you to wield it. Clutching it in your hand, you feel it resonate with your deepest convictions and fi rmest beliefs, and it hums with power.
In the hands of an incarnate, alignment is literally a weapon. The incarnate Phanallashtam the Lawbringer is remembered almost as much for the Sword of Law he used to smite the Chaos Dragon as for the legal code he introduced to the world at the birth of civilization. Phanallashtam claimed that the two were one and the same: The Sword of Law was all law in metallic form, slicing through disorder with a sharp, clean cut. You shape incarnum into a melee weapon (sized normally for you despite its overlarge appearance) that is particularly harmful to creatures of the opposing alignment. Damage you deal with the weapon gains the alignment descriptor matching your devoted cause and penetrates damage reduction accordingly. Chaotic incarnates create a battleaxe, evil incarnates create a flail, good incarnates create a warhammer, and lawful incarnates create a longsword. Nonproficiency penalties never apply to the use of an incarnate weapon, though any feats with effects that apply to a particular kind of weapon (such as Weapon Focus) function normally. Your incarnate weapon cannot be sundered or otherwise destroyed (except by effects that unshape soulmelds). If your incarnate weapon leaves your hand for any reason, it returns to your grasp at the beginning of your next turn. If that is impossible, it falls at your feet (but attempts to return again on your next turn). Any other creature attempting to wield your incarnate weapon gains none of its special benefi ts (but can wield it as a normal weapon of that kind).
Incarnate weapon is treated as a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful effect, based on your alignment. Essentia: The incarnate weapon gains an enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls equal to the number of points of essentia you invest in it.