2 minute read
Landshark Boots
Descriptors: Good Classes: Incarnate, totemist Chakra: Arms or shoulders (totem) Saving Throw: See text
You form incarnum into a mantle of fur and feathers, shining golden brown around your shoulders and back. The cloak hangs down to your knees in back and wraps comfortably around your body to close in the front, if you wish. It is quite warm in cold weather, but not too hot in warmer temperatures. Wearing it makes you feel noble and righteous.
Lammasus are noble creatures, sometimes called the archons of the natural world. Totemists of lawful good alignment hold them up as the ideal of perfection for magical beasts, to be emulated in every way possible. By shaping this soulmeld,
A lammasu mantle takes the form of a golden cloak of wings totemists hope to claim their righteous protection from the touch of evil creatures. Your lammasu mantle protects you against the attacks of evil creatures. You gain a +2 defl ection bonus to your Armor Class against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in your lammasu mantle, you gain a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against the spells and effects used by evil creatures.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The golden-brown fur of your mantle spreads down to your upper arms. At the same time, a palpable aura of goodness and power extends around you, cloaking your allies in the same protection the mantle gives you.
The defl ection and resistance bonuses granted by the lammasu mantle apply to all allies within 10 feet of you.
Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
Your lammasu mantle becomes one with your shoulders, and its feathers separate from its fur to form small, nonfunctional wings that spread behind you as if to ward off attackers.
No summoned creatures except those of good alignment can approach within 10 feet of you (as the magic circle against evil spell).
Chakra Bind (Totem)
The golden-brown fur around your shoulders extends upward into an impressive mane around your head. There is a sensation in your mouth as if you were savoring a warm, sweet drink.
You can breathe a 15-foot cone of fi re as a standard action. Creatures within the area take 1d4 points of fi re damage, plus 1d4 points of fi re damage per point of invested essentia (Refl ex half).
Descriptors: None Classes: Totemist Chakra: Feet (totem) Saving Throw: None
You shape incarnum into a pair of boots that resemble the heavy clawed feet of a bulette. Leathery skin encases your legs up to your knees, and enormous claws extend from the front of your feet.
The bulette, also called the landshark, is closely associated with the earth in totemist traditions. Totemists channel the spirit energy of the bulette to attain connection with the earth—borrowing a measure of its tremorsense or its ability to burrow through the earth—as well as to mimic its fearsome qualities as a voracious predator. While wearing the landshark boots, you gain a +4 competence bonus on Jump checks.
Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in the landshark boots increases the competence bonus on Jump checks by 2.
Chakra Bind (Feet)
The leathery skin of your landshark boots extends up to the middle of your thighs, and your legs thicken and grow stronger. The boots
Illus. by F. Vohwinkel