2 minute read
Essentia Jewel
Prerequisite: Any character can gain the basic effect of the cloak of soulbound resistance, though only those with an essentia pool can benefit from the essentia investment feature.
Activation: Investing or reallocating essentia in the cloak of soulbound resistance is a swift action (and can be done as part of the normal swift action used for reallocating essentia).
Effect: A cloak of soulbound resistance grants a +1 resistance bonus on the wearer’s saving throws. In addition, it serves as a receptacle for the wearer’s essentia, much like a soulmeld. Every point of essentia invested in the cloak increases its resistance bonus by 1.
A cloak of soulbound resistance has an essentia capacity. Lesser cloaks of soulbound resistance have a maximum essentia capacity of 2, while greater cloaks have a maximum essentia capacity of 4. The maximum value of essentia that can be invested in the cloak is equal to this capacity or the character’s normal essentia capacity (see Table 2–1: Essentia Capacity), whichever is less.
Chakra Bind (Shoulders): A cloak of soulbound resistance grants extra power if you bind it to your shoulders chakra. The resistance bonus granted by the cloak is improved by 1, up to a maximum of +4 (lesser) or +6 (greater). Aura and Caster Level: Moderate abjuration (lesser) or strong abjuration (greater); CL 6th (lesser) or 18th (greater).
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, resistance; cost 2,500 gp (lesser) or 6,500 gp (greater), 200 XP (lesser) or 520 XP (greater), 5 days (lesser) or 13 days (greater).
Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 5,000 gp (lesser) or 13,000 gp (greater).

An essentia jewel stores a small quantity of incarnum, which can be released into its owner’s essentia pool with a mere thought.
Lore: Essentia jewels are mined from enormous crystalline structures on the Positive Energy Plane (DC 15 Knowledge [the planes]). These crystalline structures are actually fonts of unborn souls, where pure soul energy fl ows like water, imbuing the surrounding structure with echoes of incarnum (DC 25 Knowledge [the planes]).
Description: An essentia jewel appears as a small, translucent white crystal whose facets gleam with faint light. When an essentia jewel is used, it shines briefl y with blue light and then crumbles to dust.
Prerequisite: An essentia jewel can be activated by any character, though its benefit aids only those who are capable of investing essentia (in soulmelds, magic items, or the like).
Activation: An essentia jewel is activated with a free action. Only one such jewel can be used each round. Each jewel can be used only once. An essentia jewel need not be held to be activated, but it must be kept somewhere on your body (in a pouch or backpack, for example).
Effect: When activated, an essentia jewel adds 1 point of essentia to your essentia pool for a single round. This essentia can be invested as normal. Aura and Caster Level: Faint conjuration; CL 3rd.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, soul boon; cost 200 gp, 16 XP, 4 days.
Price: 400 gp.

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Ring of soulbound protection (1), ring of essentia (2), cloak of soulbound resistance (3), amulet of incarnum shielding (4), glove of incarnum theft (5)
Illus. by W. England