3 minute read
Race and the Barbarian
"Feel the green ."
For all its magic, its fearsome dragons, and its powerful wizards, the world of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS© game is still predominantly a natural one. Animals, plants, and weather patterns form the basis of its ecology, and the strength of nature is never in doubt . The characters who most closely embrace this wild, natural world are fully equipped to deal with its down-to-earth realities . These characters aren't consumed in far-flung extraplanar experiments, worship of distant immortal deities, or abstract systems of ethics. They don't withdraw from the natural world into monasteries or cities . Druids, rangers, and barbarians belong to their world in a way that no other characters can . The barbarian fills his existence with a zest for living and possesses indomitable strength . The ranger combines knowledge of nature with mystical grace . The druid welcomes into herself all the wonders of land, sea, and sky.
Despite their power, these "masters of the wild" are at heart humble people . Because they adapt to their world and seek to protect it, fools may consider them weaker than warlords and rulers who force their wills upon the land . While barbarians, druids, and rangers approach life differently than people who band together in walled cities do, these characters nonetheless make formidable opponents . This book examines the masters of the wild in detail and provides you with new tools that you can use to maximize their adventuring potential .
The material presented herein pertains to the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game . You'll find new feats, spells, and prestige classes, as well as useful advice for getting the most out of your barbarian, druid, or ranger character.
Nothing here supersedes or replaces the rules and information presented in the core rulebooks, except as noted . This supplement is designed to mesh with the rules system presented in the Player's Handbook, the DUN-
GEON MASTER'S Guide, and the Monster Manual .
This book presents options, not restrictions, for playing the D&D© game . However, players should ask their Dungeon Masters (DMs) about incorporating elements of this book before making changes to their characters. DMs can also make good use of the new feats, spells, and prestige classes presented here for designing nonplayer characters . Use what you wish and change or ignore the rest . Have at it, and enjoy!
This book's primary goal is to help you customize your barbarian, druid, or ranger player character. With the material presented here, you can personalize your character and broaden his or her capabilities .
Chapter 1 discusses the advantages of playing a barbarian, druid, or ranger . Here you'll find advice on how to take advantage of your character's class abilities and minimize any potential weaknesses . Explanations of, advice on, and expansions to topics that are already part of the game, such as choosing favored enemies are also here .
Chapter 2 offers special feats, such as Fast Wild Shape and Dragon's Toughness, with which to enhance your character's abilities . In addition, there is an extensive discussion of skills, with notes on new and interesting uses of class skills for barbarians, druids, and rangers .
Chapter 3 presents items of interest to both spellcasting and nonspellcasting characters .
Chapter 4 offers advice on how to play alongside animal companions . It also includes statistics for new dire animals as well as for members of a new subtype of animal-legendary animals .
Chapter 5 takes your character in exciting new directions with the animal lord, the blighter, the frenzied berserker, and many other prestige classes .
Chapter 6 expands the selection of divine spells available at all spell levels .