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Verdant Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Table 5-7 : The Eye of Gruumsh
tomatically proficient with her improvised throwing weapon ; anyone else who wishes to use it must spend an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to avoid the -4 nonproficiency penalty. Most objects do bludgeoning damage ; sharp items do piercing damage instead .
Exotic Focus : At 4th level, the exotic weapon master gains a +1 bonus on her attack rolls when using any exotic weapon . This bonus does not stack with that provided by the Weapon Focus feat .
Improvised Melee Weapons : Also at 4th level, the exotic weapon master can use artisan's tools to fashion a usable melee weapon from any object (rock, branch, projectile weapon, or the like) that she can lift . This process takes at least 1 hour, or more if conditions are poor. Such an improvised melee weapon deals ld6 points of damage (x2 on a critical hit), and its threat range is 20 . The exotic weapon master is automatically proficient with her improvised melee weapon ; anyone else who wishes to use it must spend an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to avoid the -4 nonproficiency penalty. Most objects do bludgeoning damage ; sharp items do piercing damage instead. Long items (such as ladders) have reach according to their length, and items with many protrusions (such as chairs) give the exotic weapon master a +2 bonus on disarm attempts .
Exotic Specialization : At Sth level, the exotic weapon master gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls when using any exotic weapon . (For ranged weapons, this damage bonus applies only if the target is within 30 feet .) This modifier does not stack with that provided by the Weapon Specialization feat .
Greater Improvised Weapons : At Sth level, the exotic weapon master can make an improvised throwing or melee weapon that deals 2d6 points of dam- , age . This abil ity otherwise functions like the improvised throwing weapons or improvised melee weapons ability, depending on the kind of weapon desired .
Most people think they've seen the worst that ores can breed when an orc barbarian comes raging over a hilltop-at least until they see a one-eyed orc barbarian come raging over a hilltop. This creature may well be an eye of Gruumsh, an orc so devoted to his evil deity that he has disfigured himself in Gruumsh's name .
In an epic battle at the dawn of time, the elven deity Corellon Larethian stabbed out Gruumsh's left eye . Filled with rage and hatred, the orc deity called for followers loyal enough to serve in his image . Those who heed this call are known as the eyes of Gruumsh . They sacrifice their right eyes instead of their left ones so that their
im-paired vision balances that oftheir deity .Thus, symbolically at least, they can see what he cannot . These living martyrs to Gruumsh are some of the toughest ores and half-ores in the world .
The eye of Gruumsh is a true prestige class in the sense that all ores respect those who achieve it . If a candidate proves capable with the brutal orc double axe and has no moral code to stand in the way of his service, only the test remains-to put out his own right eye in a special ceremony . This is a bloody and painful ritual, the details of which are best left undescribed . If the candidate makes a sound during the process, he fails the test. No consequences for failure exist, except that he can never become an eye of Gruumshand he's lost one eye .
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