Conan - Faith and Fervour - D20

Page 9

Skills and Feats

Skills & Feats

Talents of the Religious The religious tend to have skills the nonreligious do not understand or know how to use.

Craft (Mask) This skill allows you to carve exceedingly powerful images. Masks connect the Picts and Black Kingdom natives (especially the Tibu) to the dread spirits that inhabit their dark lands. The masks imitate human and animal forms and are unique for each wearer – when anything but a simple mask is crafted, the owner of the mask must be involved in the ritual and his blood, saliva or hair may be required to attune the mask to his body. If worn by another, the mask is treated as a Simple Mask (see below). These items are sacred to their owners and are not worn frivolously. While wearing a mask, a Pict or Black Kingdom tribesman merges (albeit on a superficial level) with the spirit world and gains special powers over himself and the physical world around him. Furthermore, higher quality masks must be earned and the right to wear them is a sign of respect and power. Masks are commonly used in rituals, during the hunt and when making war (rituals in their own way). They are typically carved to represent the thing they wish to influence, are adorned with feathers and have special properties: Mask Simple Mask Masterwork Mask Hunting Mask

War Mask

Craft DC Qualities* 12 +1 Intimidate, –2 Spot 20 +2 Intimidate, +2 Disguise, –2 Spot 20


Shaman Mask 25 Totem Mask 30

+2 Survival, +2 Hide vs. animals, +2 Handle Animal (animal type of Mask) +1 bonus to attack rolls, +1 Fortitude saves, +1 DR, –2 Spot +2 Perform (ritual), –2 Spot +2 Magic Attack, +2 Perform(ritual), –2 Spot

*All bonuses are circumstance bonuses


Simple Mask: Many Picts or Black Kingdom tribesmen might have one of these that they carved themselves in or near their hut or cave – simple masks are placed to ward off ill spirits and worn during their tribe’s many festivals. Masterwork Mask: This is a finer version of the Simple Mask – only a skilled craftsman might undertake to create such a thing. Hunting Mask: This is crafted after the animals that are the source of a hunt. A hunt master might wear a hunting mask and may have many masks, wearing one when stalking a deer and another when hunting a panther. War Masks: This terrifying mask shows fiercely exaggerated expressions of its owner. It sets loose the warrior spirit within

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