Conan - Faith and Fervour - D20

Page 94

The following religions represent examples of cults too small to be included in Conan the Roleplaying Game in the section on religion. They are based on deifying a powerful wizard or demon lord, or are so closely confined to a specific place and people as to not warrant inclusion in that chapter. However, all offer some training in sorcery for those of their worshippers who dare. Note that several of the entities mentioned here as minor gods are also potential opponents in combat.

Hanuman Hanuman is worshipped in Zamboula and presumably to a lesser extent in Turan and Vendhya. He is a bestial apegod of extremely ill repute – even devout Set-worshippers fear him and his debased cult. Human sacrifice is common in the temples to Hanuman; in Zamboula, at least, its adherents enjoy considerable political influence which they are free to use and abuse as they see fit. Hanuman is considered the most magically accomplished of all Vendhya’s deities. He is said to be able t o change his size

and/or weight as needed, to have an iron will stronger than any other, to have more mastery over all creatures than Jhebbal Sag and to have the power to build or tear down at will, often through dance and war. The cult emphasises control – control of self, control of the world around, control of others – as the path toward spiritual enlightenment. Revenge, lust and predation are all traits shown by Hanuman’s priests and cultists. The cult is biased toward its members taking action to further their own individual interests through the use of cunning and intellect, as well as physical and charismatic power.

Arcane Religions

Arcane Religions

Requirements of Worship: Pay a tithe worth 2 sp/level/ month to the priests of Hanuman. Benefits of Worship: Spells. Requirements for Ordained Priesthood: Must know at least two sorcery styles, including Hypnotism. Must know the Ritual Sacrifice feat. Benefits of Ordained Priesthood: Standard, plus as follows: sorcery teaching is available (any sorcery styles); +1 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based skill checks in Zamboula, due to the unusual influence of the cult in that town; bribery, corruption and abuse of power are positively encouraged. Typical Punishments for Disloyal Priests: Captured alive and sacrificed.

Ishiti, the DemonGoddess of Time Ishiti is an eldritch snake demoness linked to Set and his black pantheon of grim gods. She is a demon who variously appears as a woman who is snakelike from the waist down with snakes for hair or as a medusa who is snake-like from the neck down. She governs time, serpents and snake-men. Her breath can change a man from human to snake-man. She does not like to be lied to. Even though she is a demon goddess of Set, she is not without compassion. Unlike the gods, she can manifest herself. She was originally worshipped by the snake-men of prehistory before they were slain by King Kull. Ishiti is the demon that was summoned to guard the Haunted Pyramids in Stygia. For the tomb-builders in the necropolis outside of Luxur, she is a dangerous


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