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Fallen Feats

Fallen Feats Tricks & Talents of the Fallen


All characters within the Conan Role Playing Game will select at least one feat at 1st level, and more as they rise in levels. Feat selection is a crucial part of customising each character and care should be taken to choose feats that complement the character’s class features, racial traits and other capabilities.

Acrobatic Attack �General�

You can make a series of attacks against your opponents while jumping and tumbling past them. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, base attack bonus +6 or higher, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Skill Focus (Tumble) Benefi t: A successful Tumble check (DC 25) allows you to tumble up to 20 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, you may make a full attack action while you tumble but you may not attack from any single 5foot square more than once. You take a –2 penalty on each attack you make while using this feat. Special: Acrobatic Attack cannot be used with ranged or reach weapons. If you use two weapons or a double weapon, you still may attack only once from any given 5-foot square.

Ambush �General�

You are skilled at taking advantage of surprise Prerequisite: Hide 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks , Improved Initiative Benefi t: If you are aware of your opponents and they are not aware of you, you may take a full-round action during the surprise round. Normal: During a surprise round, only partial actions are allowed.

Animal Magnetism �General�

You exude an undeniable, yet feral, personality that others fi nd both intoxicating and threatening. Benefi t: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidation checks. Special: You do not gain the above binus and instead suffer a –2 penalty on any Bluff or Diplomacy checks that involve non-sexual subtlety, fi nesse or delicacy. For example, you suffer no penalty on Diplomacy checks while seducing a bar maid, but do suffer the penalty while negotiating a truce.

Back Protection �General�

You are always aware of attempts to sneak attack you with a melee weapon. Prerequisites: Improved Uncanny Dodge, base attack bonus +6 or higher Benefi t: Whenever an opponent attempts to sneak attack you, you immediately may take an attack of opportunity, but only if you actually threaten the opponent.

Disarming Looks �General�

Your physical appearance can fool other people into ignoring your other attributes, abilities or faults. Prerequisites: Comeliness class ability Benefi t: Once per day, you may reroll any Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Intimidate check in which your gender and physical appearance may apply (such as seduction or convincing a guard of the opposite sex to let you by). You must accept the second roll regardless of the outcome.

Dominating Demeanour �General�

You have a force of will that demands respect. Prerequisites: Iron Will Benefi t: You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. This benefi t increases to +4 in sexual situations in which you are dominating or imposing your authority and will on another person.

Eavesdrop �General�

Your keen ears and curiosity make you adept at soaking up local information. Prerequisites: Listen 4 ranks Benefi t: Apply your Wisdom bonus instead of Charisma bonus to Gather Information checks. You may choose which bonus to apply at will, as a free action.

First Strike �General�

Your refl exes and warinsss are near-legendary. Prerequisites: Combat Refl exes, Dexterity 19+ Benefi t: Once per day, you may double your Initiative bonus for the fi rst round of a single combat. You must decide whether or not to use this feat before you roll for Initiative at the beginning of a combat. You are only considered to have double your Initiative bonus for the fi rst combat round; subsequent rounds will use your normal Initiative bonus. You may nor use this feat if you are surprised, helpless, or in armour heavier than light.

Gossip �General�

You are in touch with the social world wherever you travel. Prerequisites: Gather Information 5 ranks, Knowledge (local or nobility) 5 ranks Benefi t: You gain a +4 bonus to Gather Information or Knowledge checks about the activities of people who are currently active in society. When you roll a natural 20 on your check, you gain one piece of relatively uncommon or hidden information that is absolutely true.

Greater Blind-Fight �General�

You prefer to fi ght in total darkness because you suffer no penalties and your foes usually do. Your instincts and almost supernatural awareness serves you well.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 17+, Improved Blind-Fight Benefi t: You gain blindsight 10 ft. This ability is similar to blindsense, but is far more discerning. Using non-visual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, keen smell or acute hearing, you manoeuvre and fi ght as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility, darkness and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though you must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern that creature or object. You usually do not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within range of your blindsight ability. Unless noted otherwise, blindsight is continuous and you need do nothing to use it.

Greater Combat Reflexes �General�

Your refl exes are honed to perfection, especially when making ripostes. Prerequisites: Dexterity 17+, Combat Refl exes, Dodge, base attack bonus +8 or higher Benefi t: Failed attacks against you provoke attacks of opportunity.

Greater Feint �General�

You are devoted to misdirecting your opponents. Prerequisites: Intelligence 15+, Dexterity 13+, base attack bonus +11 or higher, Combat Expertise, Combat Refl exes, Improved Feint Benefi t: You can make a feint attempt as a free action, however you may only attempt it once per round per viable opponent.

Greater Initiative �General�

You are insanely fast, able to attack like lightning. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Improved Initiative Benefi t: You gain an additional +4 bonus to Initiative checks, which stacks with the benefi ts provided by the prerequisite feat.

Greater Overrun �General�

You knock them over, then hit them while they are down. Prerequisites: Strength 15+, Combat Refl exes, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Power Attack Benefi t: You gain an additional +2 to opposed Strength or Dexterity checks when making an overrun. In addition you can make a follow-up attack on a successful overrun before resuming movement.

Greater Trip �General�

You are extremely skilled at knocking people down. Prerequisites: Intelligence 15+, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip Benefi t: You gain an additional +2 bonus on your Strength checks to trip your opponents and your follow-up attacks gain a +2 bonus to their damage rolls.

Hard �General�

You are able to take an amazing amount of punishment. Prerequisites: Constitution 17+, base attack bonus +7 or higher Benefi t: You like to show off just how unafraid of pain you are. You might brand yourself with a loved one’s name, hold your hand over a candle, cut your ears off, or let friends smash chairs over your head. You have built up a resistance to pain and minor wounds from such measures, gaining natural damage reduction of 1/–. Your body is heavily scarred with mementoes of all the fi ghts you have been in and survived. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each application of the feat stacks with prior applications.

Improved Blind-Fight �General�

Darkness does not faze you in a fi ght. Prerequisites: Wisdom 15+, Blind-Fight Benefi t: You essentially gain the blindsense ability. Using non-visual senses, such as acute smell or hearing, you notice things you cannot see. You usually do not need to make Spot or Listen checks to pinpoint the location of a creature within 15 feet, provided that you have line of effect to that creature. Any opponent you cannot see still has total concealment against you but you still function as under the Blind-Fight feat, except you can still Dodge ranged attacks if they originate within 15 feet of you. Visibility still affects your movement as per the Blind Fight feat. You are still denied your Defence against ranged attacks from creatures beyond 15 feet.

Intimidating Attack �General�

You have perfected the art of combining intimidation with physical violence. Prerequisites: Intimidation 10 ranks, Reputation 10+ Benefi t: You may declare any melee attack to be an intimidating attack; this represents striking your opponent while simultaneously making promises that ‘there is more where that came from’ and ‘that’s just the start of it, dog’. An intimidating attack is resolved in the same way as an ordinary melee attack. If it misses or fails to cause damage (often because of Damage Reduction), then no further checks are made and you may not attempt an intimidating attack against that opponent again for one week. However, if an intimidating attack successfully causes damage, then you may immediately make an Intimidate skill check against the opponent as a free action as if you were attempting to demoralise him in combat. For every 5 points of damage that is infl icted upon the target, a +1 circumstance bonus is applied to the Intimidate check, to a maximum of +5 (presuming the character survives his massive damage save). If the Intimidate check is successful, then the target becomes shaken for one round, as per the usual application of the Intimidate skill to unsettle an opponent. You may only make one intimidating attack per round and it may not be made against a creature that would ordinarily be immune to uses of the Intimidate skill, such as an ooze.

Mentor �General�

You are a superb guide and protector. Benefi t: During your action, you designate an ally within 30 feet of you to receive a +1 morale bonus on all saving throws.

Never Leave An Enemy Behind �General�

You are utterly ruthless in battle, ensuring that any enemy that drops to the ground stays there. Prerequisites: Sneak Attack Benefi t: Aiming for vital arteries and veins in your fi nal strikes, your victim will quickly bleed to death unless healed or stabilised. Any enemy taken to negative hit points by your attacks will automatically lose 2 hit points per round until stabilised or healed.

Pain Driven �General�

You live for pain and adversity. Prerequisites: Constitution 13+, Diehard, Toughness Benefi t: Whenever you suffer damage, you can gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Strength for one hour. You may benefi t from this feat once per day. Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time adds on additional use per day.

Resist Temptation �General�

You are hardened to sexual advances and magical effects intended to entice you. Benefi t: You gain a +4 resistance bonus on Will saves against spells or spell-like effects that affect the attitude of the victim. You also gain the resistance bonus against Diplomacy checks that have sexual overtones.

Predator’s Eye �General�

You can assess your prey’s personality and weaknesses from a simple negotiation. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4 or higher, Sense Motive 6 ranks, Spot 8 ranks Benefi ts: With a successful Spot check (DC 10 + the opponent’s character level) versus an opponent with whom you have spoken to for at least fi ve minutes, you can gain keen insight into their weaknesses, conferring a one-time +4 insight bonus to any future skill check versus the same opponent. You may choose instead to gain a +2 insight bonus to your next attack against that opponent. This feat is often used by temptresses, fl atterers and kidnappers to seduce their prey.


Transfer �General�

The mention of your name is enough to unsettle those who have heard of you. Prerequisites: Leadership, Reputation 18+ Benefi t: Your followers and those who work for you may carry themselves with greater confi dence because they know who they work for and what kind of person you are. A measure of your own power to intimidate others is transferred to those who work under you. Your followers and cohorts benefi t from your Reputation bonus (see Conan the Roleplaying Game) gaining a circumstance bonus to Intimidate and Gather Information skill checks equal to your Reputation bonus –1, when interacting with anyone other than fellow followers. For example, if you are a dreaded pirate with a Reputation of 30, and you send your followers out to impress some new ‘recruits.’ Your reputation bonus is +4 so your followers, in this instance, get a +3 circumstance bonus to their Intimidation checks.

Scale the Ropes and Walls �General�

You are skilled at combat while climbing. Prerequisites: Climb 14 ranks Benefi t: While you are climbing, defenders lose their +1 bonus to melee attacks from higher ground. Furthermore, you gain concealment whenever you are climbing, conferring a 10% miss chance on all attacks against you.

Sea Legs �General�

Having spent a great length of time at sea, the pitching and rolling of ships is nothing to you and can even be comforting in a way. Whilst others are vulnerable to losing their balance or even falling sick as the ship constantly rises and drops as it skims the waves, you remain rock steady upon the deck, continuing your tasks as if nothing were amiss. Prerequisites: Must have spent at least 3 months at sea Benefi t: Whilst on board a ship, you gain a +2 competence bonus to all Climb, Concentration, Jump and Use Rope checks.

Seducer �General�

You have an uncanny ability to infl uence members of the opposite sex. Prerequisites: Charisma 17+, Perform (acting, poetry or any musical skill) 3 ranks Benefi ts: Whenever you interact with a member of the opposite sex, you receive a +2 bonus to all skill checks where Charisma is the key ability. There is also a 10% chance of the +2 applying to someone of the same sex. Special: You may take this feat a second time and choose the other gender.

Sidewinder �General�

You are adept at striking an opponent who is otherwise occupied. Benefi t: You gain a +2 damage bonus when you fl ank an opponent.

Sneer �General�

You are a fearsome fi gure and not as susceptible to fear as others are. Prerequisites: Intimidate 10 ranks, Charisma 15+ Benefi t: You will stand your ground and face down anything that tries to intimidate you, whether it is natural or supernatural in origin. You receive a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws against Terror or fear effects. Moreover, your level checks to oppose Intimidation by other people apply a +4 insight bonus.

Sorcerous Instructor �Sorcery�

You are a superb guide and instructor in the ways of sorcery. Benefi t: During your action, you designate any sorcerous ally within 30 feet of you to receive a +1 morale bonus on their Magic Attack Roll.

Submissive Demeanour �General�

You possess a demeanour that others fi nd unthreatening or pitiable. Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+ Benefi t: When targeted by spells or effects, you may make a contested Will save with the caster. If you succeed, the caster considers you unworthy of such attention and chooses another target. This has no effect if there is no other target available or against area-effect spells. Special: If you fail the Will save by 5 or more, the sorcerer focuses his entire attention on you the following round. You may not willingly choose to fail this save. The benefi t ends as soon as you take any sort of hostile action, such as attacking or casting spells.

Team Flanking �General�

Skilled in fi ghting as part of a group, you are adept at making devastating fl anking attacks. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6 or higher Benefi t: You gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll whenever fl anking an opponent. The ally helping you fl ank the opponent retains his normal +2 attack bonus unless he also has this feat.

True Submissive �General�

You are a truly submissive soul, unworthy of attention. Prerequisites: Submissive Demeanour Benefi t: Any intelligent creature (those with an Intelligence score of 4 or more) that attempts to directly attack you (even with a targeted spell or spell-like effect) must make an opposed Will save to follow through on the attack. If he fails, the attack is stopped (and the spell is wasted). If the opponent succeeds, he may attack normally and does not have to make another Will save to attack you for 24 hours. Special: The benefi t ends as soon as you attack, make threatening movements (such as casting a spell) or take a move action, although you may still take a 5-foot adjustment.

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