Conan - Shem - Gateway to the South - D20

Page 81

Skills and Feats

Skills, Feats & Manoeuvres Shem is an ancient land with its own traditions and ways of doing things. Some skills are used differently, certain feats are performed more readily and the asshuri are always looking for violent new combat manoeuvres to give them the edge over an opponent. This chapter reveals unique Shemite traditions.

New Uses for Old Skills

Although these skill uses discussed herein can technically be used by anyone, it is recommended they be used in these manners by Shemite characters to maintain a distinctness about the characters, especially the new use for Heal, which depends entirely on the Shemite take on illness and disease (discussed in detail on page 35).

Appraise Appraise does not have to apply only to physical objects but can also apply to intangibles such as trade offers, treaties and political deals. With an Appraise check (DC 20) any hidden clauses or other consequences your character may regret are apparent. With an Appraise check (DC 30) you can get the information as it applies to another character. If you fail, the Games Master can give you inaccurate information. This use of the skill is particularly important for dam-gar, priests and kings.

Heal Heal can be used by Shemite healers to heal Terror, Corruption, magical effects as well as poison and disease (as per the rules in Conan the Roleplaying Game). These healing functions, basically exorcisms, only works on those who believe in the healing powers of the Shemite healers (usually only other Shemites). See page 35 for information regarding Shemite healers.


Shemite Heal Check DCs Task Relieve Terror End Magical Effect Remove 1 point of Corruption

DC 20 Set by caster’s Magical Attack roll 35 + the number of Corruption points the victim has

Intimidate Avoid Leaving Marks: Humans are eternally inventive. Unfortunately, they are just as creative when it comes to inflicting physical and psychological pain, coming up with new ways to torment the body or mind of a creature. It has long been known that a victim who you are trying to interrogate will break much more easily if you rough him up a bit. This not only shows that you are serious and that he is in genuine danger, it provides an incentive to cough up the information you want, as the promise of future beatings hangs over his head if he does not co-operate. The only trouble is that a battered victim can go straight to a sympathetic friend or even to the forces of law and order (presuming the forces of law and order are not the ones doing this), show his bruises and have his tale of woe confirmed. It is much better if a victim can be roughed up without having any evidence of this on his body. For this reason, certain human interrogators have developed a science of inflicting damage that does not leave a mark. Check: The victim of this use of the Intimidate skill must be helpless. An Intimidate check (DC 10 + victim’s Constitution modifier) is made. A Sabatean acolyte has a +2 on this check. If the check is successful, you may inflict damage upon the victim as if you had made an unarmed attack. This damage is nonlethal by default. You may inflict lethal damage if you choose, but this adds 4 to the DC of the check. Damage inflicted in this way does not leave marks upon the body. Retry: If you fail the skill check, you leave a mark. You may, however, make as many skill checks as you like, possibly reducing the victim to unconsciousness or even death.

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