Kordavan Way
The Kordavan Way Conan the Roleplaying Game features a code of honour system, offering a standard of behaviour that Player Characters can attempt to uphold, rewarded with a bonus to morale and Reputation. The rules offer two primary codes of honour: barbaric and civilised, with a note that additional ones might be introduced by the Games Master. This article presents a third code of honour, practised by Zingarans who hold to their old ways, a belief system based on chivalry and noble behaviour. It is similar to the civilised code of honour, though there are many significant differences.
Chivalric Code of Honour
In old Zingara rose a chivalric tradition, borne in the hearts of the noblest of knights, a code of honour that adhered to the most elevated principles and loftiest behaviour. The knights who practised this code of chivalry were held in the highest regard by their peers, and were the gist of countless tales of valour and greatness across the land. Questing knights holding to a chivalric code of honour were once emblems that all was right in the land, and with them rode the hearts and souls of the Zingaran people, common and noble alike. Times changed, however, and principled behaviour was often trumped by brutal, cunning expediency and ruthlessness, and where Zingarans were once viewed as chivalric paragons of knightly virtue, they took on a reputation as untrustworthy opportunists. There is a core of Zingaran nobility and others who still hold true to the old ways, however, and they continue to practice the chivalric code of honour of their forefathers. Chivalric behaviour is a difficult means of life, and therefore ennobling in the eyes of those who practice this code of honour. It is also unapologetically sexist and old-fashioned, hewing closely to an older and more idealised behaviour than is commonly practiced elsewhere in the Hyborian age. A character adhering to the chivalric code of honour gains an additional advantage above and beyond the benefits to morale saves and Reputation. When dealing with civilised allies or even enemies, characters with a chivalric code of honour gain a +1 circumstance bonus while using the following skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information
and Intimidate. The caveat to this is that the character must be behaving in a manner appropriate to the chivalric code of honour to gain the circumstance bonus. Furthermore, characters (player or non-player) who possess no code of honour gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Gather Information and Sense Motive checks against characters with a chivalric code of honour. Requirement: To practise the chivalric code of honour, a character must be Zingaran or have spent a significant amount of time in Zingara living alongside Non-Player Characters who adhere to the old methods of chivalry. At the Games Master’s allowance, a character from another suitable Hyborian nation may also follow this code of honour, though he may be considered odd or old-fashioned by his fellows. In these cases, it is assumed that the character learned chivalric behaviour from hearing stories about it, or through reading ancient tales and legends. A character can adopt a chivalric code of honour given the proper circumstances in the course of play, at the Games Master’s allowance.
Restrictions of the Chivalric Code of Honour
A character with the chivalric code of honour will:
Respect allegiances with other honourable characters, meaning those with a barbaric, civilised or chivalric code of honour.
Refuse significant allegiance with characters who follow no code of honour. This does not mean that he will refuse to associate with them, but means that he will not consider them equals or worthy of partnership in any significant endeavour. If the chivalric character discovers that an ally is without honour, he will take whatever steps are reasonable to disassociate himself with that ally, remaining true to his code of honour all the while.