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MiscellaneousElvish cologne is commonly used by nobles of both elvish and human communities.
The tools used by commoners for their trades The wearer of this cologne receives a +1 and crafts rarely hold any interest for the circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based checks average adventurer. However, the canny for a period of two hours after application. character will always keep a close eye on the There is enough cologne in the bottle for twenty equipment used by the common folk who choose applications. to stay within their safe villages, town and cities, for these devices have been around for centuries Bottle of Cologne: 15 gp, 1⁄2 lb. and have been well perfected. Though adventurers may not always use such tools in the manner they were intended, it is a foolish traveller who does not at least consider the potential uses of these items. Chips These brightly coloured wood chips are extremely useful to anyone who needs to cross any amount of moving water. An experienced observer Abacus (Profession - sailor check DC 15) can easily
A gift from the gods for those who have trouble estimate the exact speed of a current by tossing counting beyond the number of their fingers, a chip into the water. Although any wood chip the abacus is actually quite a powerful tool for will do, these chips are dyed in garish colours so those who need to keep track of multiple sums anyone can spot them easily. simultaneously. The wooden frame with multiple coloured beads grants a +2 equipment bonus to any Chips: 5 sp, 1 lb.
Intelligence check made to solve a mathematical problem – an abacus can aid in finding such solutions but it still requires a modicum of brain power to use it successfully. Contract Seal In some cultures a written contract has three copies: One for the two parties involved and one
Abacus: 4 gp, 0 lb. sealed in some malleable substance (usually lead or clay) and placed in the keeping of a neutral third party. If a contract dispute arises then the Bottle of Cologne neutral third party breaks the seal and examines
A small, metal container with an open top that’s the original contract. Seals are made to be currently sealed with a cork. Removing the cork extraordinarily difficult to break (Open Locks DC reveals a clear, pleasant smelling liquid. The 25). container is labelled ‘nephillia’ – love, in elvish.
The contract seal is the stamp marking the official, sealed document. It is a legitimate instrument of state, marking contracts as valid. As such, contract seals are often stolen or counterfeited by unscrupulous merchants. Marking Pins: 5 gp, 4 lb.
Contract Seal: 500 gp, 0 lb.
A simple device consisting of two stout wooden braces that support a character under the armpits, permitting him to move when one or both legs are useless. For an adventurer stuck in the wilderness, far from the nearest town or city, these items can literally be a lifesaver. A character using crutches with one wounded leg may move at half speed. A character with both legs wounded may move at quarter speed – in both cases, his arms and hands will be used to operate the crutches and so weapons may not be used at the same time. When purchased, it must be specified whether they are for small or medium-sized characters – a character may not use crutches that are the wrong size for him.
Money Belt
A money belt is used to hide coins around an adventurer’s torso, keeping them safe from prying rogues. Up to 20 coins may be safely stored and any attempt of Sleight of Hand to steal them suffers a –10 circumstance penalty.
Money Belt: 5 sp, 0 lb.
Plum line
A plum line is a lead weight suspended on a string. It allows nearly anyone to tell if a particular surface is perfectly straight or slanted at an angle. This gives someone using a plum line a +1 bonus to Profession (mason) skill checks.
Plum line: 1 gp, 1⁄2 lb.
Tool Belt
Crutches: 5 sp, 2 lb.
Marking Pins
This set of three, yard long pins is used to make out perfectly square plots. You connect the three pins with a rope marked at known lengths, then flip the back end of the triangle over to make a square. This method is extremely popular in cultures that develop along riverbanks, as the annual floods tend to remove all traces of existing property markers.
This wide leather belt allows the artisan to store an entire tool kit at his waist. Using a tool belt means that the artisan’s kit is always ready, regardless of the circumstances. Equipping the kit is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Tool Belt: 10 gp, 4 lb.