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Psychic Warrior Powers
Fission. You briefly duplicate yourself. Oak Body. You body becomes living wood. Psyport Divert Teleport. Choose destination for another’s teleport. Etherealness. Travel to the Ethereal Plane with companions. Phase Door. Invisible passage through wood or stone. Plane Shift. Up to eight subjects navel to another plane. Teleport Without Error. As teleport, but no off target arrival. Telep Insanity. Subject is permanently confused. Mass Domination. Many targets subject to your will. Ultrablast. Your mental scream deals 13d4 damage to all within 15 ft.
Clasen Foresight. Psionic senses warn you of impending danger. Hypercognition. You can deduce almost anything. Recall Death. Foe vividly recalls its future death and dies. Metcre Astral Construct VIII. Creates astral construct to fight for you. Mind Store. Store your personality against future need. True Creation. As major creation, but items are permanent. Psykin Improved Clairtangency. You use telekinesis at any distance. Matter Manipulation. You increase or decrease an object's base hardness by 5. Telekinetic Sphere. Mobile force globe protects one subject. Psymet Hypercognition. You can deduce almost anything. Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron. Shadow Body. You become a living shadow (not the creature). Psyport Dream Travel. You travel to other places through dreams. Improved Etherealness. Stay ethereal longer. Teleportation Circle. Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. Temporal Acceleration. Your time frame accelerates for 2 rounds. Telep Mind Blank. Subject immune to mental/emotional effects, scrying, and remote viewing. Mind Seed. Subject slowly becomes you. True Domination. Dominated subjects less likely to defy your will.
Clason Greater Emulation. Manifest any psionic power of 8th level or lower. Metafaculty. Subject cannot hide name or location from you. Metcre Astral Construct IX. Creates astral construct to fight for you. Genesis. You instigate a new demiplane in the Astral Plane. Psykin Detonation. Pummels foe for 17d6 damage. Dissolution. You disintegrate very large objects or creatures. True Telekinesis. Lift or move 500 lb./level at long range. Psymet Affinity Field. Effects that affect you also affect others. Shapechange. You become any creature, change forms once/round. True Metabolism. Regenerate 10 points/round for 1 minute. Psyport Astral Projection. Projects you and friends into Astral Plane. Probability Travel. You and friends physically enter Astral Plane. Temporal Velocity. Your time frame accelerates for 3d4 rounds. Time Regression. Relive the last 1d4+1 rounds. Telep Apopsi. You delete the psionic power of another. Confidante. You and another share a permanent mental bond. Microcosm. Subject explores imaginary world at the expense of the real one. Monster Domination. Controls any creature, but for less time. Psychic Chirurgery. You repair psychic damage and impart knowledge of new powers. Thrall. Subject is your slave forever.
Bolt. You create a short-lived bolt, arrow, or bullet. (Int) Burst. Subject speed improves by 10 ft. for 1 round. (Dex) Catfall. You recover well from a fall. (Dex) Control Shadow. You control a normal shadow like a puppet. (Con) Daze. Creature loses next action. (Cha) Detect Psionics. You detect the presence of psionic activity. (Wis) Distract. Subject's mind wanders, imparting a -1 penalty on some actions. (Cha) Elfsight. You have low-light vision. (Str) Far Punch. Telekinetic punch deals 1 damage. (Con) Float. You buoy a subject in water or other liquid. (Dex) Know Direction. You know which way is north. (Wis) Talons. Your unarmed attacks deal +1 damage. (Str) Valor. You gain a +1 morale bonus on your saving throw. (Str) Verve. You gain 1 temporary hit point. (Str)
Biofeedback. Self-control allows you to take some damage as subdual damage. (Str) Bite of the Wolf. Your bite attack deals 1d8 damage. (Str) Call Weaponry. Never lack for a weapon. (Vex) Combat Precognition. You gain a + 1 insight bonus to AC. (Wis)