3 minute read
Creating Psionic Items
Three times per day, as a standard action, the wielder can trigger an effect similar to dimensional anchor that affects all creatures in a 50-foot radius. The prime power of the Annulus, however, is psionic nullification. Once per year, the wielder can trigger this effect as a special action requiring 10 rounds to complete. The wielder specifies a target or targets within a 100-foot radius, from a specific psionic individual or item to a group of psionic beings that share the same philosophy (such as an illithid outpost). The nullification effect follows 10 full rounds of concentrating on the target and is accompanied by blasts of light, heat, and sound from the Annulus. Nonpsionic creatures and items are unaffected, as are nontargeted beings, but the target—regardless of any protection it may possess—disintegrates with a terrific explosion. Nothing is left but floating dust.
It is relatively easy to nullify a single target or a small group of targets, but a more powerful being (such as a demigod or greater entity) or another major artifact taxes the Annulus to its limits. If used to nullify such a target, the artifact succeeds but is destroyed in the process and cannot be retrieved by any means.
Destruction: The Annulus must be used to nullify a demigod or more powerful being, or another major artifact, as described above.
SPECIAL MATERIALS In addition to psionic items with imbedded powers, some substances have innate special properties. One such material is presented here as an example, but your campaign might well include others of your own design. Ferroplasm: Mined from secret locations in the Astral Plane, this malleable metal holds its shape only in the hands of a psionic being. When an item forged with ferroplasm is unattended or held by a nonpsionic creature, it melts and temporarily loses all special powers. But when wielded by, psionic creature, such an item immediately springs bad into its true shape and regains all abilities. In its proper form, a ferroplasm item glows with a violet light (illuminating a 10foot-radius), unless the item’s owner mentally quenches it. In an area where psionic powers do not function, it collapses as if in the hands of a nonpsionic creature. Ferroplasm adds to the quality of a weapon or suit of armor based on how much of the material is used. Thus, Annulus ferroplasm full plate offers greater protection (as well as a greater cost) than ferroplasm chainmail, and a ferropwm greatsword offers greater offensive capability than a ferroplasm quarterstaff. Weapons fashioned from ferroplasm have a natural enhancement bonus to attack and damage. Armor fashioned from ferroplasm bas a natural enhancement bonus to AC. These bonuses do not stack with other enhancement bonuses. Weapons or armor fashioned from ferroplasm are treated as masterwork items with regard to creation times, but the masterwork quality does not affect the enhancement bonus of weapons or the armor check penalty of armor. Ferroplasm has hardness 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness when in its true form, and a hardness of 5 and 10 hit points per inch of thickness when soft.
Several feats described in chapter 4: Feats grant psionic characters the ability to create psionic items. They have everything needed to recreate any of the items described here. But what if you want to create a completely new item? Nothing is stopping you—go ahead! However, you'll need to price the new item fairly in comparison to others of approximately equal power.
To calculate the costs involved in creating a psionic item, refer to Creating Magic Items in Chapter 8 of the DUNGEON MASTER‘s Guide and in particular Table 8-40 in that book. Although that information deals with magic items, the price formulas presented there are identical to those for psionic items (in fact, the psionic items described here use them). While the required psionic character level can be higher than a spellcaster's level to manifest an equivalent power (such as dimension door), anyone serious about making psionic items has probably taken the Metacreative feat. This ensures that the average psionic Item of a given power level has about the same market value as a magic item of the power level.
Item Enhancement Market Price Bonus Modifier
Light armor Medium armor +1 +1,500 gp +2 4,000 gp
Heavy armor Shield
+3 +8,000 gp +1 +1,500 gp Weapon damage 1d4 or 1d6 +1 +2,500 gp Weapon damage 1d8, 1d10, or 1d12 +2 +7,500 gp